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Dating a younger Thai girl - or why I love Thailand.


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Have you ever noticed how the super cute lesbians always pick the ugly tom boys? Same thing. Cute lesbian girl picks ugly tomboy partner. Why? Because looks are way down on the list of female priorities. Does my partner drink, gamble or beat me?

There was me thinking it was Ugly Tom prepared to pay hard cash.

The cute ones aren't lesbians, they are employees.

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I am getting closer to 40 and will not touch anyone under 28, simply because i find females over that age are more clued about life, men and their personal feelings.

I am getting closer to 60 and will not touch anyone OVER 28, for exactly the same reasons.


Funny stuff, but i agree more with whosyourdaddy... So much maintenance and drama with younger girls

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Oh God, mate. Seriously??!! That's a weak argument . . . even coming from you.

Right up there with the "It's true, darling; size doesn't matter" some men have heard all their lives.

You won't see any girl anywhere in the world with a pin-up picture of John Goodman on her wall.

Saying that most women don't appreciate and desire men with good looks and/or well-kept bodies just proves just how deluded you truly are.

It is not important to women how men look and that is why there are not thousands of women's magazines with photos of men.


You are so detached from reality it blows my mind.

Edited by Metapod
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I am getting closer to 40 and will not touch anyone under 28, simply because i find females over that age are more clued about life, men and their personal feelings.

I am getting closer to 60 and will not touch anyone OVER 28, for exactly the same reasons.


Funny stuff, but i agree more with whosyourdaddy... So much maintenance and drama with younger girls

How much drama do you manage to fit in an hour?

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I belong to a health club with a swimming pool and weight room the latter having lots of guys with great physiques. I swim a metric mile 1600m in about 40 minutes only stopping for drinks of water. I once asked (Thai conversation) one of the guys working there how far those muscle guys could swim without running out of breath. He said that most of them probably couldn't make to the end of the pool.

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Oh God, mate. Seriously??!! That's a weak argument . . . even coming from you.

Right up there with the "It's true, darling; size doesn't matter" some men have heard all their lives.

You won't see any girl anywhere in the world with a pin-up picture of John Goodman on her wall.

Saying that most women don't appreciate and desire men with good looks and/or well-kept bodies just proves just how deluded you truly are.

It is not important to women how men look and that is why there are not thousands of women's magazines with photos of men.


You are so detached from reality it blows my mind.

Flame? Awww. Cat got your tongue? So you tell me why there are thousands upon thousands of magazines and billion dollar industries that promote men looking at women without clothes on and almost none promoting men without clothes on for women?

I didn't flame you. I made no comment about you at all. I only asked a civil question.

Edited by thailiketoo
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Oh God, mate. Seriously??!! That's a weak argument . . . even coming from you.

Right up there with the "It's true, darling; size doesn't matter" some men have heard all their lives.

You won't see any girl anywhere in the world with a pin-up picture of John Goodman on her wall.

Saying that most women don't appreciate and desire men with good looks and/or well-kept bodies just proves just how deluded you truly are.

It is not important to women how men look and that is why there are not thousands of women's magazines with photos of men.


You are so detached from reality it blows my mind.

Indeed but sadly, this is the prevailing "wisdom" among the forum membership and hints clearly at why so many are here looking for Ms. Right after a lifetime of train wrecks.

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Oh God, mate. Seriously??!! That's a weak argument . . . even coming from you.

Right up there with the "It's true, darling; size doesn't matter" some men have heard all their lives.

You won't see any girl anywhere in the world with a pin-up picture of John Goodman on her wall.

Saying that most women don't appreciate and desire men with good looks and/or well-kept bodies just proves just how deluded you truly are.

It is not important to women how men look and that is why there are not thousands of women's magazines with photos of men.


You are so detached from reality it blows my mind.

Indeed but sadly, this is the prevailing "wisdom" among the forum membership and hints clearly at why so many are here looking for Ms. Right after a lifetime of train wrecks.

Can't think of a rebuttal? Only the implication that you have wisdom and others don't?

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I belong to a health club with a swimming pool and weight room the latter having lots of guys with great physiques. I swim a metric mile 1600m in about 40 minutes only stopping for drinks of water. I once asked (Thai conversation) one of the guys working there how far those muscle guys could swim without running out of breath. He said that most of them probably couldn't make to the end of the pool.

I hiked 90Km last week.

Too cheap to pay for a health club.

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You won't see any girl anywhere in the world with a pin-up picture of John Goodman on her wall.

Maybe not, but I bet that John Goodman has no trouble getting dates with young, attractive women. Something about being wealthy and famous attracts them.

Thanks for proving his point.

All it proves is that men with money can get young, attractive women. Is that a secret? As far as young Western guys in Thailand go, if they were so amazingly handsome and charming, they would be cleaning up back home and would not have to be over here bottom feeding with the rest of us. tongue.png

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Can't think of a rebuttal? Only the implication that you have wisdom and others don't?

Rebuttal?? No need. Your argument - if that's what it was - has already been obliterated

The sheer stupidity of saying that it's not important to women how men look was pretty much the clincher.

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Oh God, mate. Seriously??!! That's a weak argument . . . even coming from you.

Right up there with the "It's true, darling; size doesn't matter" some men have heard all their lives.

You won't see any girl anywhere in the world with a pin-up picture of John Goodman on her wall.

Saying that most women don't appreciate and desire men with good looks and/or well-kept bodies just proves just how deluded you truly are.

It is not important to women how men look and that is why there are not thousands of women's magazines with photos of men.


You are so detached from reality it blows my mind.

Flame? Awww. Cat got your tongue? So you tell me why there are thousands upon thousands of magazines and billion dollar industries that promote men looking at women without clothes on and almost none promoting men without clothes on for women?

I didn't flame you. I made no comment about you at all. I only asked a civil question.

Flame? Really?

Never heard of Adam Levine? Twilight? Justin Bieber? Any other prominent young male media star? What do they all have in common? What is the demographic of their audience?

Are you really this stupid? (thats a flame)


Why don't you join us back in the real world?

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Hate to break it to you, but most people who see you 2 together will think she's a prostitue. It's the image thailand has of old men with young girls.

Actually, most Thai people think that any Thai woman with a farang is a prostitute (or was one before she met you) - young and beautiful or old and ugly - so why worry about it? Go for the young, hot one if that is what rings your bell.

I'm with you. Who cares what other people you never say hello to think about what you do?

I don't mind to admit that i'm a bit fat and i'm older now but only 50. when I was a kid I thought 40 was old but now i'm 50 I don't feel very old.

In Australia I cant get a woman who is young or even a woman who looks much good at all. I got my own house, own business, good car and I'm not a bad bloke but no women here will hardly look at me. Maybe some who are fatter even than me and I'm 110 kilo

First time I came to thailand I couldn't beleve all these guys my age and older than me with their hot young girlfriend. Really I thought I was dreaming

Now I have a girlfriend for 2 years and she is 30 and smoking hot. I stay in Thailand for 6 months sometime and I'm happy whenever I go there.

Just be happy and forget about all those people who are jealous

Another deluSional case.

So what does your gf do the 6 months you not there?

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The old delusional men who say women do not objectify guys have no idea at all.

You should see the stuff 18-21 year old girls are spamming on my facebook everyday. They even take photos of random guys at the beach and guys walking around the street then drool over it with their friends.

Why do you think Twilight is so popular? What about Adam Levine?

Of cause no one has ever objectified you, so of cause this doesn't exist in your alternate reality of life..

So true. You hit the sweet spot. Most Thailand (s)expats won't like what you're saying, so expect a hell barrage from them lol.

Humans are optical beings, regardless of being female or male. We make sense of the things we see, because that is the most logical, feelings counts too, but that can be played by other factors.

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The average young Thai bird would always choose the old, short, fat balding guy who can provide reasonable financial security (and love him for that) over the Brad Pitt lookalike with no coin.

Stop being an idiot.

Well your second post is a completely different outlook to your first one. Like I said, I have no problem if both people are happy and doing what they want to do. The part that rustles my jimmies is when people get on their soapbox and delude themselves and try to convince others to enter their faux-reality.

Your first post was delusional because parroted the same stuff as the other guy. Then you labelled the others like me who are speaking the hard truth to him as "jealous", when I can promise you, I am anything but that.

I'm young but hardly naive. Just calling it how it is.

Okay so you are not jealous then why the hate? You just seem angry if someone older is happy with their life. I had plenty of good looking birds when I was in my twenties and sometimes i was happy and sometimes not. Ill tell you this though, I always paid back then too and I reckon it cost me more for the women my age back then than it costs me now. But i dont want to get hung up about the costs because that isnt the thing this is about. Sure there are fools out there who lose everything they have but that happens everywhere.

I say to any guy who is my age (50) or 40 or 60 or 70 you should go for it and get yourelf a younger woman. I laugh more now than I did for ten years and I am relaxed and happy and enjoy my life.

Sure I cant get a younger woman, even 30 years of age back in Australia but I can in thailand and I just dont see anything wrong with it. I dont hold a gun to her head you know mate.

My head is screwed on nice and even and my head is clear so nothing delusional about what i wrote in any post, just that you are seeing it how you want to.

You might be able to get a younger woman back home if you maybe lost some weight, changed your attitude towards women and, in doing so, brought a better overall package to the table.

I realise everyone's different but when I see old, fat, bald guys with much younger, small, slim Thai birds, I wonder what kind of person the man must be to not give a monkey's that the girl almost certainly finds his physique revolting.

Maybe I'm in a minority - I'm sure I'm not - but sex is a two-way thing (unless you're in a three or foursome) and the best mutual sex - in the context of the fairly disposable relationships that often occur between farangs and Thais - usually happens when both are genuinely, physically attracted to each other. I get a kick out of knowing the girl I'm with is aroused by my physique so I take care of myself.

Can the typical small, slim Thai girl say - hand on heart - that she doesn't feel like throwing up every time her 110+ kg walrus climbs aboard and is sweating like a turkey at Thanksgiving within three thrusts?

Doesn't she just endure the torture for the money?

my dear mother used to say that any woman who does it for the money earns every penny.

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You won't see any girl anywhere in the world with a pin-up picture of John Goodman on her wall.

Maybe not, but I bet that John Goodman has no trouble getting dates with young, attractive women. Something about being wealthy and famous attracts them.

Thanks for proving his point.

All it proves is that men with money can get young, attractive women. Is that a secret? As far as young Western guys in Thailand go, if they were so amazingly handsome and charming, they would be cleaning up back home and would not have to be over here bottom feeding with the rest of us. tongue.png

You realize you are affirming HardenSoul's and my point here? lol.

On the topic of young guys. You got beta males and losers at every age group.

Majority of young guys are getting play back home and here, probably a lot more here as you know Thailand is an easy place to play around. As for bottom feeding? lol.. I know a lot of the girls I hang with or have picked up would not even entertain the thought of some obese foreigner the age of their dad. We didn't have to move here to get laid like you. Sorry to burst your bubble.

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Actually, what is unrealistic about the OP, is Thai men don't fit into the 'attractive' mold for most western women.

Too small in both body and penis.

That's why most female romance tourists travel to the Caribbean, Gambia, Seychelles, etc.

Sorry guys, this post was supposed to be in LaraCs thread........

Dunno what went wrong.

Edited by FiftyTwo
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To some of the younger guys on here: When I first started traveling to PRChina 25+ years ago, there was no internet, no cell phone, no ATMs -- everything I did had to be by telex and I carried with me a short wave radio else California could've tumbled into the sea and I would n't know about it.

So the ease with which some come here today or go back and forth to home country, manage their finances while in Thailand, et al is a pretty recent thing. When I first started learning Chinese pre-Nixon's trip to China it was considered a classical language with no practical reason to learn it.

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To some of the younger guys on here: When I first started traveling to PRChina 25+ years ago, there was no internet, no cell phone, no ATMs -- everything I did had to be by telex and I carried with me a short wave radio else California could've tumbled into the sea and I would n't know about it.

So the ease with which some come here today or go back and forth to home country, manage their finances while in Thailand, et al is a pretty recent thing. When I first started learning Chinese pre-Nixon's trip to China it was considered a classical language with no practical reason to learn it.

"back in my day we had to walk 20km up hill to get to school"

Your post is irrelevant to the topic?

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To some of the younger guys on here: When I first started traveling to PRChina 25+ years ago, there was no internet, no cell phone, no ATMs -- everything I did had to be by telex and I carried with me a short wave radio else California could've tumbled into the sea and I would n't know about it.

So the ease with which some come here today or go back and forth to home country, manage their finances while in Thailand, et al is a pretty recent thing. When I first started learning Chinese pre-Nixon's trip to China it was considered a classical language with no practical reason to learn it.

"back in my day we had to walk 20km up hill to get to school"

Your post is irrelevant to the topic?

It is relevant to your comment 'Majority of young guys are getting play back home and here, probably a lot more here as you know Thailand is an easy place to play around.' You couldn't until recently be back home and here and Thailand was not until recently an easy place to play around --if you wanted to play around in Thailand you had to pretty much cut yourself off from the rest of the world.

Edited by JLCrab
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To some of the younger guys on here: When I first started traveling to PRChina 25+ years ago, there was no internet, no cell phone, no ATMs -- everything I did had to be by telex and I carried with me a short wave radio else California could've tumbled into the sea and I would n't know about it.

So the ease with which some come here today or go back and forth to home country, manage their finances while in Thailand, et al is a pretty recent thing. When I first started learning Chinese pre-Nixon's trip to China it was considered a classical language with no practical reason to learn it.

"back in my day we had to walk 20km up hill to get to school"

Your post is irrelevant to the topic?

It is relevant to your comment 'Majority of young guys are getting play back home and here, probably a lot more here as you know Thailand is an easy place to play around.' You couldn't until recently be back home and here and Thailand was not until recently an easy place to play around --if you wanted to play around in Thailand you had to pretty much cut yourself off from the rest of the world.

Again, this has no relevance on the topic.

Are you suffering from dementia or attempting to derail the thread?

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Can't think of a rebuttal? Only the implication that you have wisdom and others don't?

Rebuttal?? No need. Your argument - if that's what it was - has already been obliterated

The sheer stupidity of saying that it's not important to women how men look was pretty much the clincher.

I asked one simple question. So you tell me why there are thousands upon thousands of magazines and billion dollar industries that promote men looking at women without clothes on and almost none promoting men without clothes on for women?

No one has answered that simple question.

No one has countered the idea that women are more sensitive to non visual or emotional stimulation than men.

I think the only answer you can come up with is a flame like, "The sheer stupidity of saying that it's not important to women how men look was pretty much the clincher."

Attacking me although the norm is certainly not an answer to what I wrote.

One simple question that's all. Why there are thousands upon thousands of magazines and billion dollar industries that promote men looking at women without clothes on and almost none promoting men without clothes on for women?

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Can't think of a rebuttal? Only the implication that you have wisdom and others don't?

Rebuttal?? No need. Your argument - if that's what it was - has already been obliterated

The sheer stupidity of saying that it's not important to women how men look was pretty much the clincher.

I asked one simple question. So you tell me why there are thousands upon thousands of magazines and billion dollar industries that promote men looking at women without clothes on and almost none promoting men without clothes on for women?

No one has answered that simple question.

No one has countered the idea that women are more sensitive to non visual or emotional stimulation than men.

I think the only answer you can come up with is a flame like, "The sheer stupidity of saying that it's not important to women how men look was pretty much the clincher."

Attacking me although the norm is certainly not an answer to what I wrote.

One simple question that's all. Why there are thousands upon thousands of magazines and billion dollar industries that promote men looking at women without clothes on and almost none promoting men without clothes on for women?

I think it's easier than that.

Women don't care all that much about sex, Men do.

Nothing to do with visualizing.

Yeh, there's a few women with manly sex drives, but not enough to make money from printing magazines for them.

After a couple of years marriage and a few babies, they just don't want it much anymore.

Edited by FiftyTwo
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Can't think of a rebuttal? Only the implication that you have wisdom and others don't?

Rebuttal?? No need. Your argument - if that's what it was - has already been obliterated

The sheer stupidity of saying that it's not important to women how men look was pretty much the clincher.

I asked one simple question. So you tell me why there are thousands upon thousands of magazines and billion dollar industries that promote men looking at women without clothes on and almost none promoting men without clothes on for women?

No one has answered that simple question.

No one has countered the idea that women are more sensitive to non visual or emotional stimulation than men.

I think the only answer you can come up with is a flame like, "The sheer stupidity of saying that it's not important to women how men look was pretty much the clincher."

Attacking me although the norm is certainly not an answer to what I wrote.

One simple question that's all. Why there are thousands upon thousands of magazines and billion dollar industries that promote men looking at women without clothes on and almost none promoting men without clothes on for women?

I think it's easier than that.

Women don't care all that much about sex, Men do.

Nothing to do with visualizing.

Yeh, there's a few women with manly sex drives, but not enough to make money from printing magazines for them.

After a couple of years marriage and a few babies, they just don't want it much anymore.

I think this ones all you. Women care about sex as much as a man, and from any country or any age.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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I asked one simple question. So you tell me why there are thousands upon thousands of magazines and billion dollar industries that promote men looking at women without clothes on and almost none promoting men without clothes on for women?

No one has answered that simple question.

No one has countered the idea that women are more sensitive to non visual or emotional stimulation than men.

I think the only answer you can come up with is a flame like, "The sheer stupidity of saying that it's not important to women how men look was pretty much the clincher."

Attacking me although the norm is certainly not an answer to what I wrote.

One simple question that's all. Why there are thousands upon thousands of magazines and billion dollar industries that promote men looking at women without clothes on and almost none promoting men without clothes on for women?

A flame, you say??!! Whether or not it was a flame (I doubt it) is besides the point. What I said is true. It was a particularly stupid comment.

In answer to your question, men are more aggressively tuned to the pursuit of sex than women.

For the most part, society grooms women to be passive about sex. Even if they're highly-sexed, they're taught to keep it under wraps until in the privacy of the boudoir.

Even today, women who display overt sexuality aggression are generally denigrated by both men (except their partners, of course) and other women so, consequently, there are fewer publications of the sort you describe.

Let me pose a question for you: If, as you foolishly suggest, women don't care how men look, why aren't all the fat, bald, ropey old dullards back in the West smashing the arse out of all the premium totty?

@ FiftyTwo

Women are at their sexual peak far later than men are so, yes, they do want sex a lot when they get older even if they have kids.

Your experience is not necessarily the norm, buddy.

You just got a dud.

Edited by HardenedSoul
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To some of the younger guys on here: When I first started traveling to PRChina 25+ years ago, there was no internet, no cell phone, no ATMs -- everything I did had to be by telex and I carried with me a short wave radio else California could've tumbled into the sea and I would n't know about it.

So the ease with which some come here today or go back and forth to home country, manage their finances while in Thailand, et al is a pretty recent thing. When I first started learning Chinese pre-Nixon's trip to China it was considered a classical language with no practical reason to learn it.

"back in my day we had to walk 20km up hill to get to school"

Your post is irrelevant to the topic?

It is relevant to your comment 'Majority of young guys are getting play back home and here, probably a lot more here as you know Thailand is an easy place to play around.' You couldn't until recently be back home and here and Thailand was not until recently an easy place to play around --if you wanted to play around in Thailand you had to pretty much cut yourself off from the rest of the world.
I have been travelling between Europe and Thailand for 30+ years without problem. And didn't have to cut myself off from the rest of the world.

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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