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Thaksin upset by Yingluck's 'incompetent' aides: Sources


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Ah, that old Shin trait..... "It's not my fault, it's everybody else who is wrong/ incompetent/ backstabbing/ unreliable. I, in the meantime am perfect and do nothing wrong."

Poor Khun_T, set up, misunderstood and wronged all the time!

Wow. LOL. Was that moniker intentional or did I just mispronounce it ? wink.png

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Now wenknow how Mr. Thaksin thinks about his own people: " But the people in Thailand aren't up to my standard"."

When they can read English, maybe they wil start to understand who he is.

I'm not a Thaksin apologist, nor any kind of supporter; far from it. But I saw him in Central some years ago, to all intents and purposes on his own, with no sign of bodyguards or anyone else. Thaksin, approached by an elderly Thai man with what I assumed to be a question, or some matters of concern, got up from his seat and gave the man much more than just the time of day. The body language said it all. As a man of the people, were he able and willing to ignore what's in it for him, he could have proved the best PM Thailand ever had.

Or he has a spitting-image double.

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Poor old Thaksin my sister doesn't listen to me the Thai people don't want me back. Nobody loves me, everybody hates me. Guess I'll go and eat worms


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" But the people in Thailand aren't up to my standard. "

" ... the Democrat Party. They have all the knowledgeable people and academics. "

One has the feeling that only Thaksin could come up with the first quote. But the second is disarmingly honest coming from him ( and perhaps the reason why he felt compelled to bestow a doctorate on Chalerm between drinks ). Indeed, when the opposition have quality people and Pheu Thai doesn't, that's a tremendous problem. Especially when the brains of Pheu Thai doesn't have much to boast of in that department himself. Only Khaosod could get close to a story like this - because they have a direct pipeline into Thaksin Fantasy Land. But the funny thing is that this " confidential " meeting reveals nothing people didn't already know. They already knew Thaksin was running the show. And they already knew that his bank balance was eclipsed only by the size of his ego. But the brush with Thaksin was apparently enough to send his coterie of adoring minions to go back to doing absolutely nothing.

But this time - with feeling.

"Between drinks"?

Are you implying that he stopped?

Nah, he just came up for air.

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Poor old Thaksin my sister doesn't listen to me the Thai people don't want me back. Nobody loves me, everybody hates me. Guess I'll go and eat worms


The political end will eventually come to Thaksin, he will as a result begin to change his life style, but he will not eat worms, funny, funny, he will eat Mediterranean style cuisine in order to remain in good health,

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Yet another "Taksin says" article with no facts that can be checked.

Where in Beijing?

What days last week?

Who were the PT MPs?

But Brucie, and all your usual "likers", this is not a Nation article, it is from your beloved Khaosod...!!

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"The people with good faces don't come out to defend our party, and those who came out don't have good faces,"

Simple eh , its all about FACE a good face is a good person a bad face bad etc etc,

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When is "the Puppeteer" going to be a man & face up to conviction?? Return to Thailand!!

Easy to fire threats from sideline with his cabinet "lackies"; without any accountability.

He may have money, but, he's gutless & Thai's don't see his weaknesses.

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The good people left Thaksin 10 years ago when they realised he was only interested in pursuing greater power and wealth for himself.

And his arrogance remains, his stupid rice mortgage policy will irretrievably damage his credibility and Pheua Thai's, but it's beneath him to apologise, both his vanity and his cowardice know no bounds.

You only have to compare the years of Thaksin govt., with those of Abisit (under Suthep) to realise that Thaksin did far more good for Thailand than ever the elite class could even consider. Those years under the Dems were wasted years for Thailand. Maybe Thaksin should just walk in and do what Suthep is doing...........ignore everything and everybody , and get on with the job of once again building a stronger, better Thailand, something that will never be achieved under the Dems.

Thaksin was in power during a booming global economy. The Democrats were in power during a global economic crash.

A lot of "people" seem to conveniently forget that.

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The aides are incompetent?!?

Hard to find me agreeing with TS but he nailed in the head with the incompetent aids of YL in the likes of Surapong, Chalerm, Tarit...they all should go!

Only to improve her game. No we don't want that. Let them stay...................................... for now!!

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i want to have babies with her

When you wake up tomorrow, please go outside and spend about 10 minutes wandering about your street. If that doesn't solve the problem then I recommend pouring a bag of ice down the back of your shirt and a couple of nice solid, self-inflicted slaps in the face.

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Left : ...those who came out don't have good faces, I hope the Boss didn't mean me....

Right: ...because everyone says my face look like a Hollywood actor.

whistling.gif whistling.gif

Edited by Kna
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The good people left Thaksin 10 years ago when they realised he was only interested in pursuing greater power and wealth for himself.

And his arrogance remains, his stupid rice mortgage policy will irretrievably damage his credibility and Pheua Thai's, but it's beneath him to apologise, both his vanity and his cowardice know no bounds.

You only have to compare the years of Thaksin govt., with those of Abisit (under Suthep) to realise that Thaksin did far more good for Thailand than ever the elite class could even consider. Those years under the Dems were wasted years for Thailand. Maybe Thaksin should just walk in and do what Suthep is doing...........ignore everything and everybody , and get on with the job of once again building a stronger, better Thailand, something that will never be achieved under the Dems.

Thaksin was in power during a booming global economy. The Democrats were in power during a global economic crash.

A lot of "people" seem to conveniently forget that.

I haven't as I have read Abhisit's book - The Simple Truth in which he describes what a genius Korn was in guiding the economy through difficult times and turning growth around 10%.

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i want to have babies with her

Go on, say it " I love you my President."

I believe you love is to be unrequited.


The mixture of your cells and her cells could never produce anything that could contribute to society,

I am replying to your off topic post, that tells me you are looking for some sort of relief.

On topic If Thaksin has been giving guidance to the Y/PTP admin over near 3 years, I would think he is the one that is incompetent.

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@crushdepth - Every man to his fantasy. I mean you and couple of others have a thing for Suthep. I mean who are we to judge other people's, shall we say taste? Though you have to agree that Yingluck is probably more approachable.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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@crushdepth - Every man to his fantasy. I mean you and couple of others have a thing for Suthep. I mean who are we to judge other people's, shall we say taste? Though you have to agree that Yingluck is probably more approachable.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Wouldn't touch it with a barge pole, either of em.

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"The people with good faces don't come out to defend our party, and those who came out don't have good faces," Mr. Thaksin allegedly complained to the MPs, "Unlike the Democrat Party. They have all the knowledgeable people and academics".

no shlt, Sherlock? cheesy.gif

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"Former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra is upset by his sister's refusal to employ political experts he has arranged for her, according to well-placed sources"

Just shows what many think - he still has involvement by her refusal to employ experts arranged for her by him.

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If your henchmen are not in the inner circle Thaksin how can you easily obscond more Thai funds. Do you not think Yingluck is doing a good job buying votes with the Thai peoples' money. " Free " health care and "rice buying " are just two examples of buying votes but where does the money come from ? Why, it is the Thai people. Surprise !!

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