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claiming benefits if I take my Thai children to the UK


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Have you been paying National Insurance while you have been away? If not, answer is probably no. You may be able to get child tax credits though - may. You would be able to get family allowance though as they are British citizens (once you are at home). Think you would need a job of finances though really - can family over there help during the day?

No, I haven't been paying contributions, but am looking into it for topping up my pension. I don't really want to claim as I've never claimed before, but my wife was intrigued to see what freebies the UK offers that seems to attract people from all around the world. I can probably leave the kids with family and work. But thanks for your helpful friendly advice. Unlike other people on this forum.

Ask NOT what your country can do you for you..... J.F. Kennedy..

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A question for you. kindly explain what the British tax payer should fund a jolly for the three of you?, suggest if you can't afford it, don't buy it !

Because he is more deserving than the majority of the immigrants the government fund up to the hilt.

He and his kids are British citizens!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

You can claim everything.
Best to return to the same area you were living in the UK.
1. Claim you had to return due to not enough money for a Thai VISA to remain in Thailand.
2. Tell them your wife was unable to return with you as you couldn't meet the financial requirements for her UK VISA.
It is essential you make those two claims as often and as loudly as possible.

So essentially you have been made a single parent family by British Immigration.
Your local authority will understand and be very sympathetic to you plight.
Emergency housing will be provided immediately, you will be put on the emergency list for long term housing (queue jump).
With two children you will be provided with two bedroom accommodation.
No NI payments or anything else required.
Remember, everything is for the benefit of the two children, you will get a free ride along with them.
You and your two children are victims of UK immigration.

Single man gets nothing.
Single parent family gets the lot.

Oh, as a single parent family with two children you are entitled to a minimum income of 15K/year + childcare costs.
This is as long as you can show employment of 16hrs a week, even if that is self-employment earning almost nothing.
Child credit will top you up to 15k/year + childcare costs.

I filled in the questionnaire for you, assuming you earned 5,000GBP as a teacher last year.
And were self employed working 16hrs a week.
You would get paid 677GBP/month. (+childcare +housing, plus a few other odds and ends)

Good luck!


This relies on him leaving his Thai wife in Thailand!

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You have not made it clear whether your wife would accompany you. If she were to she would need a settlement visa as you are talking about a 1 year stay.

If once there you register for work, you would likely be eligible for benefit until work was found for you.

You would be eligible for child tax credits (circa £5000 a year with an income below £20,000 or thereabouts), and could also apply for weekly child benefit.

Once you return to the UK, the benefits, credits etc all cease.

To all the neersayers -there is no reason why Marty should not claim benefits. He has no doubt previously paid his taxes and national insurance, and these benefits are available to all British subjects in the UK, even those that have never done a days work!

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You have not made it clear whether your wife would accompany you. If she were to she would need a settlement visa as you are talking about a 1 year stay.

If once there you register for work, you would likely be eligible for benefit until work was found for you.

You would be eligible for child tax credits (circa £5000 a year with an income below £20,000 or thereabouts), and could also apply for weekly child benefit.

Once you return to the UK, the benefits, credits etc all cease.

To all the neersayers -there is no reason why Marty should not claim benefits. He has no doubt previously paid his taxes and national insurance, and these benefits are available to all British subjects in the UK, even those that have never done a days work!

There is no reason why Marty shouldn't get a job and fund his own jolly

These benefits are suppose to be available to people in need, not for funding a cultural exchange trip for his kids

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You have not made it clear whether your wife would accompany you. If she were to she would need a settlement visa as you are talking about a 1 year stay.

If once there you register for work, you would likely be eligible for benefit until work was found for you.

You would be eligible for child tax credits (circa £5000 a year with an income below £20,000 or thereabouts), and could also apply for weekly child benefit.

Once you return to the UK, the benefits, credits etc all cease.

To all the neersayers -there is no reason why Marty should not claim benefits. He has no doubt previously paid his taxes and national insurance, and these benefits are available to all British subjects in the UK, even those that have never done a days work!

There is no reason why Marty shouldn't get a job and fund his own jolly

These benefits are suppose to be available to people in need, not for funding a cultural exchange trip for his kids

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You can claim everything.

Best to return to the same area you were living in the UK.

1. Claim you had to return due to not enough money for a Thai VISA to remain in Thailand.

2. Tell them your wife was unable to return with you as you couldn't meet the financial requirements for her UK VISA.

It is essential you make those two claims as often and as loudly as possible.

So essentially you have been made a single parent family by British Immigration.

Your local authority will understand and be very sympathetic to you plight.

Emergency housing will be provided immediately, you will be put on the emergency list for long term housing (queue jump).

With two children you will be provided with two bedroom accommodation.

No NI payments or anything else required.

Remember, everything is for the benefit of the two children, you will get a free ride along with them.

You and your two children are victims of UK immigration.

Single man gets nothing.

Single parent family gets the lot.

Oh, as a single parent family with two children you are entitled to a minimum income of 15K/year + childcare costs.

This is as long as you can show employment of 16hrs a week, even if that is self-employment earning almost nothing.

Child credit will top you up to 15k/year + childcare costs.


I filled in the questionnaire for you, assuming you earned 5,000GBP as a teacher last year.

And were self employed working 16hrs a week.

You would get paid 677GBP/month. (+childcare +housing, plus a few other odds and ends)

Good luck!

You seem to know a lot about it ???

One suspects he has plenty of experience in the system

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You have not made it clear whether your wife would accompany you. If she were to she would need a settlement visa as you are talking about a 1 year stay.

If once there you register for work, you would likely be eligible for benefit until work was found for you.

You would be eligible for child tax credits (circa £5000 a year with an income below £20,000 or thereabouts), and could also apply for weekly child benefit.

Once you return to the UK, the benefits, credits etc all cease.

To all the neersayers -there is no reason why Marty should not claim benefits. He has no doubt previously paid his taxes and national insurance, and these benefits are available to all British subjects in the UK, even those that have never done a days work!

There is no reason why Marty shouldn't get a job and fund his own jolly

These benefits are suppose to be available to people in need, not for funding a cultural exchange trip for his kids

Every British citizen with children -living in the UK - is entitled to Child Tax Credits and Child Benefit. Only the high income earners will not benefit from Child Tax Credits.. It is Marty's right to claim and receive them. If he is looking for work, he will get further benefits. if not, then he won't! It is the same for everyone.

Blame the government, not the people receiving these benefits, for being far to lax in what they provide! Whilst these benefits are still available -grab them!

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You can claim everything.

Best to return to the same area you were living in the UK.

1. Claim you had to return due to not enough money for a Thai VISA to remain in Thailand.

2. Tell them your wife was unable to return with you as you couldn't meet the financial requirements for her UK VISA.

It is essential you make those two claims as often and as loudly as possible.

So essentially you have been made a single parent family by British Immigration.

Your local authority will understand and be very sympathetic to you plight.

Emergency housing will be provided immediately, you will be put on the emergency list for long term housing (queue jump).

With two children you will be provided with two bedroom accommodation.

No NI payments or anything else required.

Remember, everything is for the benefit of the two children, you will get a free ride along with them.

You and your two children are victims of UK immigration.

Single man gets nothing.

Single parent family gets the lot.

Oh, as a single parent family with two children you are entitled to a minimum income of 15K/year + childcare costs.

This is as long as you can show employment of 16hrs a week, even if that is self-employment earning almost nothing.

Child credit will top you up to 15k/year + childcare costs.


I filled in the questionnaire for you, assuming you earned 5,000GBP as a teacher last year.

And were self employed working 16hrs a week.

You would get paid 677GBP/month. (+childcare +housing, plus a few other odds and ends)

Good luck!

I just filled in that.

I'm entitled to nothing.


I need to rent a couple of kids and try again.

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You choose to come and live in Thailand and avoid all your social responsibilities in your home country and then want to claim (FREEBIES) for a holiday. At 50yrs old and having two young children you should be more financially secure!

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I believe it isnt that simple with the changes that took effect a few years ago. Your kids as UK citezens can go with you but in order for your wife to obtain anything but a tourist visa requires you to have at least 63K Sterling in savings or employment paying 18.5K a year...

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Simple answer, no. you will fail the test as you have been living overseas.

You may be able to claim JSA but you will have to be actively looking for a job to get it, about 70 quid a week & you can get child benefit for the 2 kids, 82 a month for the first & approx 65 for the 2nd.

Thanks for your help Boo. I think I will end the discussion there, as people on this forum speak as if I'm a benefit scrounger although I had paid tax and national insurance for over 30 years and had never claimed a penny in my life. All I wanted to know is what my options were so thanks for your help.

This is going to be very controversial, but I think that anyone in full time employment should not get any child benefit. You want to have children, then fine, but they are yours, and it is your responsibility to bring them up, pay for their needs, not the taxpayers.

Well said Possum. I agree entirely.

But until an end is put to all the welfare waste, it is an entitlement and everyone should claim it. If you don't others will!

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To qualify for free NHS treatment you need to re-establish residence in the UK for 6 months. The NHS will treat you anyway in that period but they are entitled to bill you for the treatment at full price.

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I have been reading your posts Nick and I do see where you are coming from. The MPs are fiddling their expenses left right and centre. They are also working as lawyers, company directors while getting their full salary as an MP, supposedly looking after their constituents.

What about the UK government paying overseas aid with the taxpayers money, and if you read the pensions forum on Thaivisa, you will find that UK OAPs do not get their annual state pension increases, even though they have paid taxes and NI all their working life, and they still pay child benefit to people in full employment.

If ever any country sucks, it's the UK.

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But until an end is put to all the welfare waste, it is an entitlement and everyone should claim it. If you don't others will!

Morally reprehensible. The so called waste is benefits being handed out because people make fraudulent claims.

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You have not made it clear whether your wife would accompany you. If she were to she would need a settlement visa as you are talking about a 1 year stay.

If once there you register for work, you would likely be eligible for benefit until work was found for you.

You would be eligible for child tax credits (circa £5000 a year with an income below £20,000 or thereabouts), and could also apply for weekly child benefit.

Once you return to the UK, the benefits, credits etc all cease.

To all the neersayers -there is no reason why Marty should not claim benefits. He has no doubt previously paid his taxes and national insurance, and these benefits are available to all British subjects in the UK, even those that have never done a days work!

There is no reason why Marty shouldn't get a job and fund his own jolly

These benefits are suppose to be available to people in need, not for funding a cultural exchange trip for his kids

You do not Marty but believe me He is too Good to Work

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But until an end is put to all the welfare waste, it is an entitlement and everyone should claim it. If you don't others will!

Morally reprehensible. The so called waste is benefits being handed out because people make fraudulent claims.

What about the people who run the UK? The MPs, do they not make fraudulent claims? Have some not been jailed for it? What's for the goose is for the gander.

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But until an end is put to all the welfare waste, it is an entitlement and everyone should claim it. If you don't others will!

Morally reprehensible. The so called waste is benefits being handed out because people make fraudulent claims.

What about the people who run the UK? The MPs, do they not make fraudulent claims? Have some not been jailed for it? What's for the goose is for the gander.

So because some people do it, it makes it right?

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But until an end is put to all the welfare waste, it is an entitlement and everyone should claim it. If you don't others will!

Morally reprehensible. The so called waste is benefits being handed out because people make fraudulent claims.

What about the people who run the UK? The MPs, do they not make fraudulent claims? Have some not been jailed for it? What's for the goose is for the gander.

So because some people do it, it makes it right?

Yes it does, read my last sentence.

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So because some people do it, it makes it right?

Yes it does, read my last sentence.

In order not to be a hypocrite you would have to agree with the following. Some people blow themselves up on a bus full of school kids so if you did it, it would be right.

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Have you been paying National Insurance while you have been away? If not, answer is probably no. You may be able to get child tax credits though - may. You would be able to get family allowance though as they are British citizens (once you are at home). Think you would need a job of finances though really - can family over there help during the day?

No, I haven't been paying contributions, but am looking into it for topping up my pension. I don't really want to claim as I've never claimed before, but my wife was intrigued to see what freebies the UK offers that seems to attract people from all around the world. I can probably leave the kids with family and work. But thanks for your helpful friendly advice. Unlike other people on this forum.

Er they are not freebies contrary to what your wife thinks someone is paying for those "freebies" via their income taxes / fuel taxes attitudes like this is the exact reason the country is in the mess its in full of people with their hands out wanting something for nothing

These so called freebies do ruin the social system in the UK (and in some other countries). What it means is that the people who really deserve assistance (elderly, sick etc) get their assistance reduced as there is a limit to what can be paid overall. It is high noon that the whole system should be looked at and revised/corrected, before it collapses and completely ruins the social fabric of the society.

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Notmyself, there is a big difference, anyone blowing up a bus is not running the country. They have not done me any harm personally, but I despise that type of people if you could call them that. The people running the country have taken unfair payments from me throughout my life, so I am entitled to get it back if I can. ie, when I become a pensioner, I will not got my annual increases even though I have paid for them all my life, just because I live in Thailand.

That is nothing to do with people blowing up buses.

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Have you been paying National Insurance while you have been away? If not, answer is probably no. You may be able to get child tax credits though - may. You would be able to get family allowance though as they are British citizens (once you are at home). Think you would need a job of finances though really - can family over there help during the day?

I would suggest you don't even try to claim anything, the UK Gov is clamping down big time, the process is now complicated to say the least and they have things in place to make sure you are looking for work, you have to attend courses and meetings of many types. basicly you need to be destitute, desperate and hungry before they will help you and even then its only subsistence pay. It doesn't matter if you have been paying NI or not.

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Notmyself, there is a big difference, anyone blowing up a bus is not running the country. They have not done me any harm personally, but I despise that type of people if you could call them that. The people running the country have taken unfair payments from me throughout my life, so I am entitled to get it back if I can. ie, when I become a pensioner, I will not got my annual increases even though I have paid for them all my life, just because I live in Thailand.

That is nothing to do with people blowing up buses.

The logic of what is good for the goose is good for the gander is identical.

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Hi all,

My Thai wife would like me to take my two boys to the UK for a year so they can experience the English language and culture. Can anyone tell me if I would be able to claim benefits while I'm there. I am a 53 year old British citizen. My one year old and two year old boys have both been registered as British citizens. The eldest has just returned from a holiday there with me. I am working here in Korat as a teacher and can quite easily take a year off and return to my school here in Thailand. I'm not sure if I would be able to work in the UK as I will have to look after the boys, so will need some support to live on.

Any help will be appreciated.

you should be ashamed asking such a question.going to a country to claim benefits with no intention of staying there permanently.These are the actions that the Uk tax payers then begin to question the need of " financial benefits"

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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the uk government decides which people they will give money by making out sets of rules.if you can fit yourself into the set of rules you can make a claim. this is not fraud this is your entitlement. if people don't claim benefits governments won't reduce taxation. other people's claims cost you nothing so what's your problem?

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