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Yingluck bursts into tears again in Khon Kaen province


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In my opinion I feel yingluck has a debilitating mental illness, but I will get onto that later. This reaction by her shows why her interviews have to be in a controlled setting, with prescreened questions and scripted responses. Under those circumstances she is able to portray a leader in control, a leader that has a strong grasp of what is going on, a leader that is holding the country together. This is what the PTP want the population and the world to see. The perception that she in in control, the perception that she is strong, the perception that she has the quintessential traits of a good leader are imperative to ensure the PTP have put her in the role because of her leadership and not because of her last name.

The reality however could not be further from the truth. When a leader shows no leadership ability, no confidence and is unable to keep her emotions in check then this is a stark wake up call of a women out of her depth and reflects the ineptness of the PTP and its encouragement of nepotism and cronyism over abilities and skills in rewarding government positions to PTP ministers. (13th century water king and behead me promises)

These are not crocodile tears. It is of my opinion that she has a mental disorder called emotional dysregulation. It refers to the inability of someone to be able to control or regulate their emotional responses to provocative stimuli. When a criticism, an emotionally charged question or a perceived abandonment (her acceptance that the majority want her to step down) is presented to a person with emotional dysregulation they react in an emotionally exaggerated manner to these environmental and interpersonal challenges by overreacting: one of which is crying.

Firstly, I am sure it is appreciated by many in Thailand that through these tears she has accepted that the majority no longer care for this inept puppet, but secondly and most importantly I feel it shows that she has a serious mental illness that needs immediate attention. For instance a sane person does not look at tomatoes in the north the day after a terrorist attack though condemning it on FB. A sane person does not look at the water level in a river and then tell people to do their job efficiently while the country is on the brink of civil war.

I pity the poor women now. She has lost her majority, she is forced to push through unconstitutional bills that her big brother made her push. She has chaired a failed rice scheme and through her lack of attendance to the meetings shows that she really does not understand what to do, how to act or what the position entails I hope she is able to get professional help and can find a job that is more suited to her skill set.

I will help you yingluck. I need a new house maid? Can ya handle that without crying?

When a criticism, an emotionally charged question or a perceived abandonment (her acceptance that the majority want her to step down) is presented to a person with emotional dysregulation they react in an emotionally exaggerated manner to these environmental and interpersonal challenges by overreacting: one of which is crying.

I call it lakorn syndrome,

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I honestly believe if all Shins and their cronies all disappeared from Thailand the country could actually be repaired. As long as they are here this hatred will continue forever.

If it was not the Shinawatra's, then it would be other corrupt politicians and their families that would do the same. So, the hate would still be there, just directed at someone else. Corruption is too embedded in Thai culture.

Where have you been. Have you had your head in the sand.

The anti government protestors are calling for a reform in the government to prevent that. There are 101 less corrupt countries in the world so it is obvious even to a red shirt (well maybe) that it can be done. Yingluck is not only fighting to hang on to power for the Shinawatra clan she is fighting to maintain a system that allows it.

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its just really really embarrassing

Almost as embarrassing as the glee with which it has been seized upon on this forum, and the relish with which people are queuing up to suggest, no demand, that she gives up.

She was elected, may well have been elected again, (the reluctance to complete the election suggests to me that the establishment realise that is the case), and faces threats to her physical safety and some pretty foul abuse.

I'm not surprised that she cries.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Well your post might make sense if she was in the South.

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I do not think that that sort of questioning is reasonable, the Shinawatra family are an established good family and I have no argument with any of them and I do not wish to see them kicked out of Thailand, the current caretaker P.M. Yingluck is way in over her head, taken for granted by not only her ministers but also her brother and should never have consented to such a stupid idea,, Yingluck' duty is to herself and her family first , to do the dirty work for her brother was a big mistake , Yingluck must make a call , if the present circumstances are not to her liking she must decide, her brother or Thailand, she can never have both, Thaskin has not only screwed Thailand big time he has done other damage as well within the family unit.

And almost all of the Shinawatra family are deep, very deep into corruption. (Maybe excluding Yinglucks son).

But give him time, plenty of first rate role models to show him how as he gets a bit older.

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Yingluck bursts into tears again in Khon Kaen province

Some bloody nerve, as if she has any right to cry. The taxpayers should cry, the farmers have a right to cry, the people who get flooded out every year can cry and the families of the people who were crippled, maimed and killed by grenades and automatic weapons, have every right to cry. This rich woman, who is losing nothing but free shopping excursions has no right. Looking for sympathy, find it in the dictionary.


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I honestly believe if all Shins and their cronies all disappeared from Thailand the country could actually be repaired. As long as they are here this hatred will continue forever.

I don't suppose you have thought beyond that simple thought, have you?

Just assuming in a civilized country, that you could actually banish an entire family from their homeland, because you it's a family you don't "like, hate even". Do you not think there may be repercussions from those supporters left behind? When they see their choice of government taken away from them again, what do you think they are going to do?

It may be an easy way to get likes on this forum, but as a sound political thought it's just chewing gum for the brain.

I don't think it's the family that are the problem. It's Thaksin himself and his perceived influence. Yingluck didn't come up with the policies. Thaksin thinks Pheu Thai acts. She was never a politician so you have to ask why her instead of one of the other party members.

The rest may be corrupt in the way that a lot are here but it's Thaksin that's the real problem. A lot of people talk about the Democrats not excepting election results and not wanting democracy but they forget that the PTP won the election in 2011 and parliament had sat with just the usual arguments until November last year. And what brought about the change? Yes it was Thaksin again and his amnesty. That even upset the government supporters as it was tied in with an amnesty fro Abhisit and Suthep. The government promised justice for those killed but Thaksin's amnesty was more important. It seems unlikely that they could be found guilty on the evidence I've seen but it's convenient to push the fact that they are to deflect from the army and any calls to investigate them.

Thaksin has upset his supporters before with his video phone in which centred entirely on him and nobody else.

I don't know if his removal from the politics in this country would be the whole answer but without him we would at least have a proper PM and maybe a rice scheme that was affordable in the long term and hopefully people in positions for reasons other than they're part of the family.

OK, the amnesty. It was a travesty that the original bill was distorted so blatantly to serve thaksin. People went on to the streets to demonstrate. If it was all just about the amnesty the demonstrations should have stopped the moment the amnesty bill was canned by the senate.

But that isn't what this is about. The old elites want a status quo and suthep is their puppet and to a certain extent the dems (or at least their legal wing) and the courts, to achieve it - and don't give me your line that the courts are finding against the dems as well so they're all above board and non biased. If Thaksin was got rid of, the old elite wouldn't stop there. they have too much to lose and with certain events in the future to come they are getting all their pegs in a row.

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Yingluck bursts into tears again in Khon Kaen province

Some bloody nerve, as if she has any right to cry. The taxpayers should cry, the farmers have a right to cry, the people who get flooded out every year can cry and the families of the people who were crippled, maimed and killed by grenades and automatic weapons, have every right to cry. This rich woman, who is losing nothing but free shopping excursions has no right. Looking for sympathy, find it in the dictionary.

attachicon.gifthatcher.jpg attachicon.gifyingtong.jpg

"Oh for heaven's sake woman, pull yourself together"

Margaret Thatcher was hated by half the UK but she didn't complain or cry. Neither did Indira Ghandi, Sirimavo Bandanaike, Golda Meir, Benazir Bhutto or the 51 other female Prime Ministers across the world. They just got on with it.

Correct, the difference being they didn't have Thaksins hand up their skirt manipulating the mannequin dummy.

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I honestly believe if all Shins and their cronies all disappeared from Thailand the country could actually be repaired. As long as they are here this hatred will continue forever.

I honestly believe if all Shins yellows and their cronies all disappeared from Thailand the country could actually be repaired. As long as they are here this hatred will continue forever.

That must have really taken some thought - or did you find it in the Shinawatra manifesto.

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The Defence Minister is crying again it's not good for the soldiers' morale.s

On her Facebook page, Ms Yingluck posted the following message: “In the capacity as the defence minister or as a soldier who has to perform his duty to the last minute, the soldier must die in the battlefield. Today in my capacity as the defender of democracy, I prefer to die in the battlefield of democracy rather than letting somebody else to destroy our democracy.”

I think Ms. Yingluck needs a bit more instructions and training in her role as defence minster/soldier before she takes to the battlefield. The drill instructor in the clip below would be a good place to start.


YL would be hysterical, hyper-ventilate and pass out.

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its just really really embarrassing

Almost as embarrassing as the glee with which it has been seized upon on this forum, and the relish with which people are queuing up to suggest, no demand, that she gives up.

She was elected, may well have been elected again, (the reluctance to complete the election suggests to me that the establishment realise that is the case), and faces threats to her physical safety and some pretty foul abuse.

I'm not surprised that she cries.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

she's is a pathetic excuse for a PM How anyone can have an onz of admiration for her is beyond belief but then she's just a puppet

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"She said that as she had earlier said they were exploiting laws in their hands by pursuing and hunting her daily, how peace could then be restored in this country.".

So because Ms. Yingluck says so and because hunting Ms. Yingluck daily we will have no peace in Thailand? Somehow I wonder if Ms. Yingluck doesn't overestimate her value in all this.

Thaksin is Democracy, Yingluck is Peace, Potjman is 30% Kickbacks... the clan is like a blipping Greek pantheon.

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also in a situation like this I prefer a PM that shows some empathy and sprays tears instead of bullets everytime she get upset.

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. She sheds tears only for herself.

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Thailands PM cries more than my 3 year old toddler.

Turning on the tears is natural for Thai women

They can do so with such upsetyou would never see the laughter behind the tears

After 6 years of marraige I have seen it all 100 times

and for the farang wh think she sexy

my thai wife is 5 times better looking

and 5 times more a Jezebel

Becareful of what you wish for, Thai women are like icebergs you only see whats on the surface and what they want you to see

I also have a 5 year old daughter I love 1000%

But she has Thai blood in her and she knows how to get daddy on side with her tears

Correction. Chinese, not Thai blood in her veins.

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The Defence Minister is crying again it's not good for the soldiers' morale.s

It seems to be contagious

She is crying because of her family and herself.

He is crying because of somebody else getting hurt and killed.

I might be wrong, but I think the only tears coming from her eyes is when she herself and her family is talked bad about, but I never saw her tears, when people get shut or bombed on either side.

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I honestly believe if all Shins and their cronies all disappeared from Thailand the country could actually be repaired. As long as they are here this hatred will continue forever.

No you have to learn and understand that in the south and Bangkok she is demonised whereas in the North and North East she and her family are revered.

The majority half of Thailand want a liberal democracy and the minority half want a feudal dynasty.

Clearly you prefer the latter.

In Chonburi province, Kamnan Poh is revered. You know the guy who gave the order to murder people with the only purpose to get more power, and is convicted for that.

You think he is revered because he's such a good man ?

Oh my goodie, I know recall that his son is part of this government.

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If the entire Shinawatra family dropped dead today, nothing would change. Blaming everything on Thaksin is nothing more than a straw man that diverts attention from the real issue. Thaksin was extremely wealthy well before he ever entered politics and was no more corrupt than any other Thai politician. The real issue is that the elites determined that the wrong pigs were at the trough and elections only serve to perpetuate that condition. They will do whatever it takes to push out all rival pigs so they can return to gorging themselves in the manner to which they have always been accustomed.

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Mme Yingluck weeps publicly from time to time.

Why is that so shameful ?

The woman is human. And judgements from foreigners regarding her tears during the floods, her misty eyes when an entire roomful of HOSTILE media presstitutes gang-quiz the PM as WHEN her family will leave Thailand. And then when they smell a little blood they close in and press harder.

Try it sometime all you heroes. (And for chrissakes SPARE me the barstool wisdom about heat and kitchens. . . . . . . And that jack-@$$ed pot/kettle jib bearish as well.

BTW: How many of you boys tear up from time to time ?

C'mon, now. Be honest wit' ch' own se'f.

How many of you rough tough, (jes can't git eenuff) hard boys just crumple up into a lachrymose fit from time to time.

How many if you are hooked up with women who do this ?


Hell yeah. And yes, I am perfectly content to admit that I very occasionally tear up during the odd news broadcast.

We are human.

And here's a thought. No matter WHAT a Thai woman's politics are, there is a measure of sympathy for any, ANY woman who gets bullied routinely by packs of men.

Making this woman cry, MOB attacks on young LONE women in Bkk shopping malls is quietly pulling more civilized centrist women OUT of these chest-beating ooga-booga MOB rallies.

The gov't spokeswoman who was chased by these "guards" . . . . . . As news of her having been sited near MBK spread, the mob charged this LONE female. It looked to me and everyone who saw it like a bloody feeding.

You foreign men, (yeah, foreign passport holders like ME) . . . . . . you foreign men who DELIGHT and GLOAT in woman's fear are an embarrassment to the rest of us.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

Edited by Donnie Brasco
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If I was a Multi Millionaire or a Billionaire, I don't think I'd go into politics.

Must take a certain breed of person I guess, take ThaiVisa for example, you all have an awful lot to say about the politics in Thailand, but have you ever stood for office in your home countries, have you ever tried to sort out the mess your own country is in, or is it only Thailand that you could sort out in 3 minutes with a 2 minute tea break in between ?

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