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Do Thais have too narrow safety margins?

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I really believe, most Farangs are too old to adapt.

They would have the same problem in Rome or Paris, out or their depth, I have driven in Rome and Paris, no problem for me, but I was in my late 20's, so it was easy to adapt, Thailand I was 35, again, easy to adapt.

If I was a fossil, it would be difficult.

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Did anybody read this novel? Is there a synopsis version say in 30 words or less. You should run for the US Congress, writing Bills which no one will read.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

No, but now I've had to scroll past it twice.


More food for thought and of Real Thailand: 5 Thais on a motorbike (mom, pop, with baby & two young children); Thai kids as young as 9 driving motorbikes by themselves; drunk Thais driving pickups with 10+ of their friends partying in the open rear bed; drunk Thai bus drivers with no real driving experience driving very fast thru windy roads with many (usually) tourist passengers; 20+ people legally being transported even though hanging off the back of songthaew taxis; going on a tour in the middle of nowhere or 3 hours from the closest clinic with a couple of stoned tour guides who are leading you thru a treacherous forest; walking up a steep stairway of stone or concrete made for people with size 5 feet; recently watered down walkways around banks or business skyscrapers which instantly become slippery paths with no signs placed warning the fellow traveler (same goes for the constant mopping of restrooms in the large shopping centers); Thai dog owners taking no responsibility for their dog's habits or consequences resulting from thus attacks; Ambulances with sirens blazing (possibly someone dying) sitting in traffic waiting like everyone else or traffic police ordering ambulance medics to abandon their dying patient & move the ambulance vehicle as it is causing a traffic jam.....etc., etc., etc....a never ending theme to Thailand's lack of safety to not just their own but to anyone other than rich Thais.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Did anybody read this novel? Is there a synopsis version say in 30 words or less. You should run for the US Congress, writing Bills which no one will read.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

No, but now I've had to scroll past it twice.

It's actually a great story, I recommend to read it if you have 5 mins...

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We know best in the USA, yeah right, 30 thousand + killed every year on the roads and , 1.4 million arrested for DUI.

And you people slag off Thailand ?

It's a joke.

I think if you compared whatever negative statistics you like on an equal basis - per hundred-million driving hours or something, you'd find the US safer than most earlier-developed countries, much less any of the later-developing ones.

  • Like 1

Did anybody read this novel? Is there a synopsis version say in 30 words or less. You should run for the US Congress, writing Bills which no one will read.

And you should learn to edit the quoting function so you don't need to repeat the entire novel just to comment on the post, I'd say even more silly than him since at least he went to the trouble to write the whole darn thing.

Hint - top right little "switch" icon turns on plain-wiki-text mode and you can see the




which should then allow you to safely cut out the irrelevancies.

Of course this should not be done in such a way as to mislead others as to the gist and intention of the original writer, just to get rid of kruft irrelevant to your point.


Did anybody read this novel? Is there a synopsis version say in 30 words or less. You should run for the US Congress, writing Bills which no one will read.

And you should learn to edit the quoting function so you don't need to repeat the entire novel just to comment on the post, I'd say even more silly than him since at least he went to the trouble to write the whole darn thing.

Hint - top right little "switch" icon turns on plain-wiki-text mode and you can see the



which should then allow you to safely cut out the irrelevancies.

Of course this should not be done in such a way as to mislead others as to the gist and intention of the original writer, just to get rid of kruft irrelevant to your point.

To me, really. On the iPad there were no dups but did notice it on the phone devices. Better to know tech & software per item before commenting. As another note, software differs not only between devices even the most minute but also between versions of the same devices.

Sent from my LG-D802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Also to the apparent "wym"sical idiot, the Thai Connect app doesn't have said option. Meaning you are not someone (removed caps)...given you may have been here long & separated from your country for some (long) time. I won't dip down to the levels of technology illiterate, yet arrogant. Simply say since you brought the subject of software functionality up, software differs from one platform to the other, a question of code...and if you don't understand, better you go back to your Cave & not comment of which eludes you.

Sent from my LG-D802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Did anybody read this novel? Is there a synopsis version say in 30 words or less. You should run for the US Congress, writing Bills which no one will read.

And you should learn to edit the quoting function so you don't need to repeat the entire novel just to comment on the post, I'd say even more silly than him since at least he went to the trouble to write the whole darn thing.

Hint - top right little "switch" icon turns on plain-wiki-text mode and you can see the



which should then allow you to safely cut out the irrelevancies.

Of course this should not be done in such a way as to mislead others as to the gist and intention of the original writer, just to get rid of kruft irrelevant to your point.

Given the last topic...removing the edge as Americans would call it.

Need to take a look at the mobile versions to ThaiVisa Connect. The options per thread are limited. Though limited, much prefer the mobile App over the browser.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


Yesterday I was walking through the market and noticed a Thai approaching. I stopped moving, knowing he was going to walk right into me whether I kept going or not. Sure enough, when he got to me, he bumped me with his left shoulder. He had a bunch of coin in his hand, which went flying and rolling in the dirt on impact. He stopped abruptly and gave me a dirty look, as if to say, "Watched where you're going!" Only I wasn't going. I was just standing there, like a post, and he ran into me. I didn't flinch. I just stood there and looked at him, blank-faced, like the Thai do. He picked up his change and walked on.

My wife loves to give me lectures on how loud I am. I have a big voice and it offends her for some reason. She says I talk excitedly and it offends others, and that I should take care in social situations. I'm always getting a nudge under the table and/or getting a dirty look from her pretty much whenever I open my mouth. The truth is, it doesn't offend anyone but her, of course. I get along famously with just about everyone I meet. In fact, most people laugh a lot when they talk to me, and suggest that I should be a comedian. I am well-liked. My wife hates that. She is a very jealous and sneaky Thai. She openly admits that. She is also a very flamboyant, excited, loud speaker, as I am from time to time. She likes to try to put the governor on me, not because I am offending anyone, but because she perceives my good time as an attempt at stealing her thunder and drawing all the attention away from her and onto me.

He sister is even worse than she is. Every bit the social idiot, Sister hides away from people. She thinks everyone, save her and her nephew, my step-son, are a bunch of scumbags. She won't even step out with us to walk the streets at the fair and see a FREE show (she's chincy and cheap, too, save when it comes to her nephew), for everyone is dirt. I get a tremendous kick out of sitting at a table with her and watching her freak out as I do everything she hates, i.e., talking loud, banging glasses on the table and scratching silverware on my plate, looking at my smart phone and telling other at the table, "Look! Look! At this funny picture! HA! HA! HA!" She cringes, turns beet red, and walk off in a huff. I chuckle. I'm not married to her, so I really don't care what her higness thinnks of me.

She owns a little cafe, and she is so cheap that when she had it built, she had all the wall outlets mounted on the wall at the ceiling instead of the floor. When I saw this, I didn't understand it, I had never seen it before. I asked my wife, "Why did she mount all the outlets at ceiling height?" My wife explained to me that she didn't want her customers plugging in their smart phones and laptops and mooching electricity off of her. OMG! I just about died laughing.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Today, I was in a bar in Pattaya, nearly every Farang that was there was drunk by 18.00 Hours, and nearly every Farang had a car or a Motorcycle, guess what?

They drove home !

I got a Motorcycle Taxi.

But we can't have that on ThaiVisa can we, Farangs can't feel superior when faced with reality.

Boo for Thais, Hooray for Farangs, whatever Thais do is wrong, whatever farangs do is right.

The fact that they drive pizzed outta their heads does not matter, it's when the Thais do it, that's what matters.

Nobody should be driving pissed.

Innocents are killed because of them...foreign or thai.

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TiT silly foreigners nothing is so important that you should have to hurry, just relax and go with the flow.

You supposedly live in Thailand long time and say something as stupid as this ??


Safety ? Thais are not playing with a full deck. They are by far some of the most ignorant reckless drivers in the world. Dont try to superimpose cultural space perceptions here

Maybe a psychologist can comment here :In my opinion mixed with the above,Thais are an angry lot of people and its a bottled up anger that they release on the roads. If any agree on this then the question is why are they angry, what is their problem ?

  • Like 2

Safety ? Thais are not playing with a full deck. They are by far some of the most ignorant reckless drivers in the world. Dont try to superimpose cultural space perceptions here

Maybe a psychologist can comment here :In my opinion mixed with the above,Thais are an angry lot of people and its a bottled up anger that they release on the roads. If any agree on this then the question is why are they angry, what is their problem ?

Totally agree...in fact mention this underlying aggression to others recently.

Why ?.... insecurity and behind the wheel they are somewhat anonymous, so can save face and do what they want while hiding...

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Safety ? Thais are not playing with a full deck. They are by far some of the most ignorant reckless drivers in the world. Dont try to superimpose cultural space perceptions here

Maybe a psychologist can comment here :In my opinion mixed with the above,Thais are an angry lot of people and its a bottled up anger that they release on the roads. If any agree on this then the question is why are they angry, what is their problem ?

From my experience, it is not that Thais are an angry lot per se, but they become angry when they are challenged in any way, when they are second-guessed in any way, when they are asked to make good on a promise they had made, or something or other to that effect. They do not like it when any inconvenience disturbs their serenity. They do not like it when things don't go their way. They become unreasonable when someone betters them, or has a better idea than them--they still want to do it their way.

Ummmmmm... er....... on second thought--Thais just might be an angry lot per se, after all. I did a ton of training in working and solving the problem of my own anger. I know what anger looks like when I see it. I can smell it coming from the other side of the world.

Perhaps that is why I was, and let me reiterate, was, so bloody attracted to them when I was younger. Like attracts like. Angry people attract other angry people. Jealous people attract other jealous people. And so on.

Well, now that I am, for the biggest part of me, no longer an angry person per se, though still one who is quite capable of and about anger (we all are), I can have a great time writing and talking about my Thai friends who are obviously quite angry with the world and just about everything in it.

On the other hand, my best friend, other than my angry, jealous, sneaky wife, is a Thai guy who never gets angry about anything. I've known him for twelve years, and he is simply the most pleasant person I have ever met in my life. He is real, honest, generous, a hard worker, a smart worker, and he never ever gets himself into these jams that I see so many other Thai getting themselves into. He never brags about himself, looks down on anyone else, and is never heard to make a complaint. If he does have a complaint, you can rest assured it's a legitimate one, and he will always find a constructive solution to deal with the problem. While getting angry is certainly an option, he will never choose it.

So, not all Thai are angry; just most of them. ;-)

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There does seem to be a general lack of safety consciousness in Thailand. Occupational safety, road safety, etc. In my country it was something we were taught from a young age; in school, in church, on the job, etc. Our school invited the highway police to come every year and to deliver a lecture on highway safety + tell / show about horrific accident scenes. When I worked for an industrial company every department was required to have monthly safety meetings and report on safety matters. We also had annual safety audits and unannounced safety inspections. Violations received upper management attention until rectified.

I doubt those things exist here. I've seen more than a few high rise building fire escape stairwells that are used as 'storage areas' or a place to keep the garbage cans. Have seen many that would never receive a 'pass' from the building inspector to open for business in the first place where I come from.


Yes, if you call zero too little. I am often amazed them I am driving along, and someone cuts right out in front of me. I often look in the rear view mirror, and see there was nobody behind me for some distance. Which means this goombah just risked the lives of himself, his family, and me. What for? To save two seconds which is how long it would have taken him to wait until I passed, and he had a clear road to enter upon. Why did he choose to act so recklessly? Did he choose at all? Did he consider his options? Or, was he simply thinking I have to get this vehicle onto the road, and it does not matter if there is oncoming traffic? How often I see drivers not even looking to see if anyone is coming. Do you call this a safety margin? Not where I come from. Also, when in the he mountains the other day, I saw people passing me on curves, with zero visibility of oncoming traffic. Going up hills, around completely blind curves. How risky is that? Would you drive like that? Why take this kind of a risk? Mindlessness is one reason that comes to mind. Many drivers here have a shocking lack of skill. It is a very dangerous place to drive. And since the toy police do little to discourage reckless behavior the trend continues.


Chaiyaphum, Thailand

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


This entire question of yours is wrong on many counts, the most obvious one being the fact that your safety is your responsibility. You have to look out for yourself. It is quite dangerous to assume that others are going to look out for you. They’re not. That being said, to answer your question, yes, the Thai do have “narrow safety margins”.

“Too narrow safety margins” indeed.

Did anybody read this novel? Is there a synopsis version say in 30 words or less. You should run for the US Congress, writing Bills which no one will read.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Yes I did, and i enjoyed it . I hope razer64 can keep us informed about this boy.


This entire question of yours is wrong on many counts, the most obvious one being the fact that your safety is your responsibility. You have to look out for yourself. It is quite dangerous to assume that others are going to look out for you. They’re not. That being said, to answer your question, yes, the Thai do have “narrow safety margins”.

“Too narrow safety margins” indeed.

Did anybody read this novel? Is there a synopsis version say in 30 words or less. You should run for the US Congress, writing Bills which no one will read.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Yes I did, and i enjoyed it . I hope razer64 can keep us informed about this boy.

Fer sure, fer sure. Lots more stories about family, the boy, Thailand in general, and more to come. Glad to see there are plenty of cool people on this board who can read more than one or two words in a sitting and enjoy it. I enjoy writing these stories as much as others have expressed their joy in reading them. My only regret is that I do not always have time to edit as well as I'd like, but we're having fun anyway! I love this country and I love the people in it. If I didn't, I wouldn't bother to say word! Thanks, Everyone, for your fine comments, replies, and posts! Keep up the good work! And stay safe out there--wherever you might be!


but again why the huge font?

For the sight-impaired, just hit Ctrl-Plus to see EVERYTHING larger. Ctrl-Minus to shrink it down, Ctrl-Zero to set it back to what the site intended.


but again why the huge font?

For the sight-impaired, just hit Ctrl-Plus to see EVERYTHING larger. Ctrl-Minus to shrink it down, Ctrl-Zero to set it back to what the site intended.

I like to type in a huge font. Makes my writing and editing much easier. But sometimes I forget to change it back before posting. Is this better?


When cycling down Onnuch Road on Satirday I was taken out by a Yamaha Fino, which was so close when it was passing that its mirror caught my handle bars. What was maddening was the fact that it is a three lane road and there was loads of space for him to pass. Fled the scene too did the young buggers. To cap it all my bike was run over by a pick up turning into Onnuch that did not see my lying in the road in front of him.

Many times I have had motorbikes passing me at highspeed with barely 6 inches separating us. But I will not be cowed. When my bike is repaired I shall return to the streets of Bangkok. Could be quite a wait though the damage was pretty severe. laugh.png


I actually think a lot of it is based purely on the fact that they cannot do more than one thing at a time, ie, not capable of multi tasking. I know with my wife, if I interupt her while she is doing something she loses the plot, driving she will totally miss the turn she should make or narrowly miss a car because I have disturbed her concentration by talking to her. Most thais seem to suffer this, they concentrate on one task and cannot think of anything else or they stuff up. Walking, riding, driving, they can only see where they are going anything else is just blocked out, be it looking for other cars before turning/pulling out etc, it just does not compute. When walking they watch where they are going and not anyone else that is around them, they are blocked out and this is why they continually hit each other, if they stop to think about what is happening around them they will get turned around and have to try to sort out what they were doing before it happened. All you need do is watch perople to see it, they concentrate purely on one thing at a time and everything else is simply out of focus to them.

Why is your wife driving you around. cheesy.gif

Be a man and take the wheel. whistling.gif


but again why the huge font?

For the sight-impaired, just hit Ctrl-Plus to see EVERYTHING larger. Ctrl-Minus to shrink it down, Ctrl-Zero to set it back to what the site intended.

I like to type in a huge font. Makes my writing and editing much easier. But sometimes I forget to change it back before posting. Is this better?

yes, as I assume you can see

the above shortcuts should save you the trouble



i agree anger management issues are common here... it's funny, a lot of Thais don't care about much... going about their day peacefully, just eating and eating (like a dairy cow) but the anger is building and building until a flash-point (which may seem trivial) and then they go crazy (like a raging bull)

i think the normal farang way of keeping anger under control by constant moaning is better!

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I really believe, most Farangs are too old to adapt.

They would have the same problem in Rome or Paris, out or their depth, I have driven in Rome and Paris, no problem for me, but I was in my late 20's, so it was easy to adapt, Thailand I was 35, again, easy to adapt.

If I was a fossil, it would be difficult.

It's not about age, it's about basic, common sense.


Personally I do not have too much of a problem with driving on Thai roads. This may have something to do with the driving in the country I used to work in. If you want to see an example of what we hat to put up with on the road there check out YouTube for Saudi drift. WARNING you will need a strong stomach for some of it!

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Just compare deaths by motor Vehicles at 65 million and do the math what country is worse to answer your own question.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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