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Road Trip- Where the Wind Blows me to...


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Very nice bike and well equipped. Compliments!

Thanks. I have a different setup when I travel solo smile.png

attachicon.gifphoto (21).jpg

Hopefully, some of us here on TVF will get to ride together one day. I'm up for it assuming the following rules are respected:

- no egos

- no reckless driving or overtaking

- no racing

- everyone stays behind the designated leader for that segment of the ride

- no segments shorter than 45 mins and no longer than 1 hr 15 minutes (I need my coffee and cigarette breaks haha)

- cruising speeds on highways between 100 - 140 kmh, slower through twisties and through villages

What do you think?

- no egos

- no reckless driving or overtaking

Make sure to invite the 'I can keep up with a 1000cc superbike on my little 500 twin commuter' gang.


Guess I'll have to pass- I couldn't even keep up with three kids on a Honda Wave smile.png

Haha, you'll be able to keep up easy peasy. Note that I said 100-140 kmh on HIGHWAYS. It is inevitable that most road trips that start from Bangkok has to spend some time on the highways Riding too slowly on the highways is, in my opinion, actually more dangerous. My view is that bikers should always be travelling that little bit faster than the traffic around them (and I don't mean keeping up with the idiotic truck / SUV drivers).

However, once turned off the highway onto rural roads, I tend to drop my speed accordingly. I have personally witnessed an accident to a friend who was not riding excessively fast but did not have sufficient time to react to a scoot that pulled across the road in front of him.

As to not being able to keep up with some kids on a Honda Wave, rest assured that you're not the only one :)

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Very nice bike and well equipped. Compliments!

Thanks. I have a different setup when I travel solo :)

attachicon.gifphoto (21).jpg

Hopefully, some of us here on TVF will get to ride together one day. I'm up for it assuming the following rules are respected:

- no egos

- no reckless driving or overtaking

- no racing

- everyone stays behind the designated leader for that segment of the ride

- no segments shorter than 45 mins and no longer than 1 hr 15 minutes (I need my coffee and cigarette breaks haha)

- cruising speeds on highways between 100 - 140 kmh, slower through twisties and through villages

What do you think?

Now we are talking! Nice set up. I like the color matching side cases.

I can live with these rules too, it's pretty much how I ride anyways.

Sent from a Nuclear Submarine.

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It is inevitable that most road trips that start from Bangkok has to spend some time on the highways Riding too slowly on the highways is, in my opinion, actually more dangerous.

It's like stopping at a zebra crossing here.

Don't do it.

No one is expecteding it. Not the cars behind you, and least of all the pedastrians trying to cross the road. :D

If you're not plowed over you'll be left waiting there while the pedestrians stare at you for 10 seconds without moving with an expression of 'Oh look a farang spastic stopping at one of these things, Lord they're thick'.

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It is inevitable that most road trips that start from Bangkok has to spend some time on the highways Riding too slowly on the highways is, in my opinion, actually more dangerous.

It's like stopping at a zebra crossing here.

Don't do it.

No one is expecteding it. Not the cars behind you, and least of all the pedastrians trying to cross the road.

if anyone even stops .....biggrin.png

If you're not plowed over you'll be left waiting there while the pedestrians stare at you for 10 seconds without moving with an expression of 'Oh look a farang spastic stopping at one of these things, Lord they're thick'.

whether or not there was zebra lines i would be very careful croissing any high speed roads

its not like theres going to be much of an investigtion if a farang gets splattered by a speeding pick up

the bigger behicle has always the right of way ,as someone said on the other thread "you can be in the right and be dead at the same time "

kinda sums up thailands safety record pretty well IMO

Edited by speedtripler
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Very nice bike and well equipped. Compliments!

Thanks. I have a different setup when I travel solo smile.png

attachicon.gifphoto (21).jpg

Hopefully, some of us here on TVF will get to ride together one day. I'm up for it assuming the following rules are respected:

- no egos

- no reckless driving or overtaking

- no racing

- everyone stays behind the designated leader for that segment of the ride

- no segments shorter than 45 mins and no longer than 1 hr 15 minutes (I need my coffee and cigarette breaks haha)

- cruising speeds on highways between 100 - 140 kmh, slower through twisties and through villages

What do you think?

- no egos

- no reckless driving or overtaking

Make sure to invite the 'I can keep up with a 1000cc superbike on my little 500 twin commuter' gang.


With his rules even a 250CC can easily keep up.

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Very nice bike and well equipped. Compliments!

Thanks. I have a different setup when I travel solo :)

attachicon.gifphoto (21).jpg

Hopefully, some of us here on TVF will get to ride together one day. I'm up for it assuming the following rules are respected:

- no egos

- no reckless driving or overtaking

- no racing

- everyone stays behind the designated leader for that segment of the ride

- no segments shorter than 45 mins and no longer than 1 hr 15 minutes (I need my coffee and cigarette breaks haha)

- cruising speeds on highways between 100 - 140 kmh, slower through twisties and through villages

What do you think?

Gweiloman, your ninja1000 is nice man.

Yeah your life your rules but they are too strict if you ask me similar to harley guys'

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Let's get back on topic, which is where the wind blows me to. This reminds me of Oisin Hughes That I may die Roaming.

Great pics and report Lancealot. Why don't you start a sticky on Ride Reports and then the rest of us could report on our rides on the same thread? There's also an app called Greatest Road Motorcycle Rider GPS Road Finder where you can upload and share your routes.

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Very nice bike and well equipped. Compliments!

Thanks. I have a different setup when I travel solo smile.png

attachicon.gifphoto (21).jpg

Hopefully, some of us here on TVF will get to ride together one day. I'm up for it assuming the following rules are respected:

- no egos

- no reckless driving or overtaking

- no racing

- everyone stays behind the designated leader for that segment of the ride

- no segments shorter than 45 mins and no longer than 1 hr 15 minutes (I need my coffee and cigarette breaks haha)

- cruising speeds on highways between 100 - 140 kmh, slower through twisties and through villages

What do you think?

Gweiloman, your ninja1000 is nice man.

Yeah your life your rules but they are too strict if you ask me similar to harley guys'

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

That may be so ll2 but I'm no longer young and invincible like you guys. I've worked hard for a long time to reach this stage where I have all that I need and can have almost all that I want so I want to make sure that I'm alive to enjoy the fruits of my labour (you remember I told you at the track the last time that I want to take a dirt bike and ride all over Turkey including Carpadoccia?).

I will keep my higher speeds to the track where I know that there will be many other folks looking out for me, safer road conditions, quick ambulance response etc. etc. if that's the sort of adrenalin boost I want.

As for street riding, I'm inspired by those RTW riders where the joy is not in the speeds but in the mere fact of riding and meeting other people and seeing other things.

Haha. Totally understand you gweiloman. I am ok for a ride with you and i know what you mean but at least make it 1.5 hour stints

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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G, you are kind.

Yeah, I do need to get an app to record the routes I traveled. I wrote the report from memory and referencing my paper map.

I wasn't aware that members could start their own sticky, I thought that had to come from Moderators? And I hesitate to come across as narcissistic and self praising of my rides. Truth be told, I usually get lost and it takes me five or six days to find my way home, 555! smile.png

I think you can start a new thread entitled Ride Reports or something like that and request the mods to make it a sticky? Then others can also share their ride reports. I'm not sure how this works.

With regards to getting lost, why not get a GPS unit? I have a hopeless sense of direction but somehow with my tomtom GPS plus the Sygic app on my iPad, I almost always end up where I want to go, albeit with a few interesting diversions at times.

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