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Just tossed GF #4 out in a month


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"so many other men are willing to offer her up to 20,000 a day for sex (I've seen the texts)"

From her mates, the oldest trick in the book and you bought it. laugh.png

Ah no….it was guys from internet dating sites. You want to know what they looked like? I saw their profiles…..mid 50s, officer manager type of look, actually pretty normal which surprised me as why would they have to offer that kind of money? You could see a guy in a wheelchair or disfigured having to ante in 20K but not a normal looking older guy.

Its possible the offers werent real. A hooker would go for the cash. She should know better than i.

If she offered to be yours for 30k a month she probably wasnt in demand like you say.

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"so many other men are willing to offer her up to 20,000 a day for sex (I've seen the texts)"

From her mates, the oldest trick in the book and you bought it. laugh.png

Ah no….it was guys from internet dating sites. You want to know what they looked like? I saw their profiles…..mid 50s, officer manager type of look, actually pretty normal which surprised me as why would they have to offer that kind of money? You could see a guy in a wheelchair or disfigured having to ante in 20K but not a normal looking older guy.

Why would anyone pay 20k in Thailand? Even if you where 80 and 150 kg?

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The OP tossed out 4 girls in a month, so I guess that makes him a tosser by profession. (Sorry, couldn`t resist it).

Over the years attitudes towards relationships have changed dramatically in Thailand.

I have been with my Thai wife over 30 years; both in our 50s now and the ways of thinking were completely different in the days when we first met.

These days I just don`t feel that Thai women make good wife/girlfriend partners anymore and best not to become too deeply involved with them.

Down my way there is a Thai family. The guy has a very attractive daughter in her late 30s. She is not and has never been a bar girl but has her own business as an exporter of antique goods. All sounds good and would appear as an ideal catch for any discerning farang. But this woman is something like the black widow spider. Over the years she has had a string of profiles on dating websites. She always aims for farang guys in they’re 50s and early 60s because she believes that guys in this age group are more likely to have money and be more desperate for a younger female companion. After the first couple of dates she invites the farangs to meet her family, than the process for extracting these men of a lot of money begins, with stories that she requires money for her ailing business, the father needs a stomach operation and so on. Within the last 2 years the parents have had a new home built, new vehicles purchased and so on with the monies obtained by scamming these farangs. It is well known by the locals how this family have acquired their newfound wealth. There was one particular German man that we know gave this woman almost 1.5 million baht before she dumped him. My wife and I have said; one day this woman is going to choose the wrong victim and end up dead.

Many of the Thai women can now be compared with their counterparts in the West, where basically all they want is a child and to accumulate wealth for a comfortable life later on without a male partner. I am not in anyway intentionally denigrating Thai women, my point is that it`s a sign of the times and whatever you do, has to be done at your own risk and discretion, or in other words, tread carefully out there, it can be dangerous world where you stand to lose everything, even your life in some cases.


Today a woman/girl from about any other country in SE. Asia is better if you are looking for a serious relationship or a wife.

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The new (as of 14 MAR 2014) ThaiVisa Forum rule #2 states that you cannot post "material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false". That doesn't mean that anything you post has to be true.

My worst fear has been realized, Crab is now a mod., is there no escape in this cruel world.

Relax. Not so. Just my way of saying what ever is posted might be total fantasy.

I hope he comes back to tell us that the next thai girl he played,

came back and watched as

he was gang raped by lady boys

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To the OP:

I think what you completely misunderstand about relationships is that (no matter where in the world), you will as the man be expected to bring something to the relationship - including money. Very few married men in this world lay on the sofa all day, while their wife ensures the entire family income. So you should expect any woman to want a man that can take care of the family, also financially.

You should really not feel sorry for the girl. She will no doubt at some point get what she wants and find someone that happily will fulfill her expectations. You on the other hand should worry about yourself. Because obviously, you are not able to find a girl that does not think about money, when they are with you.

Maybe you should try looking more at the girls personality, than being only focused on her looks. Beauty and good looks often disappears with age - personality does not!

Edited by khunpa
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WHo said anything about sex on the first date? 6 weeks from when we met until we slept together. No hint of "take care" or me expected to pay for her at anytime up until we slept together. Just looking for a normal girl with a normal job who loves sex, is hot and willing to pay her own way in life. Is that really too much to ask in a city of 12 million people? Thai guys get it all the time, even the unemployed losers. What makes me so different to them except for the colour of my skin?

Thai's are the preferred partner, all things being equal.

Others are also rans, but get a prize often the booby.biggrin.png (as opposed to boobs)

Why would a hard working, good looking Thai girl choose to date an unemployed Thai man rather than a farang with money who dresses well, can speak Thai and takes care of himself (albeit 15 years older than the Thai guy). I don't see the logic.

Why would she have to date an unemployed man? Are you saying that the kind of girls you date are simply not good enough for anybody else apart from 'unemployed losers'?

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She figured you were not man enough to waste any more time on if you were not paying???

Sounds like she tossed you, rather then the other way around.whistling.gif


you hit it

we also didnt get the review of his "performance" from the girl,

perhaps he will share her internet page, so we can canvas her regarding his qualifications to have a girl for more than 1,000 baht a day?

surely, if he was worth it, he would have a much better pool to swim in?

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Whatever you want to define it as, not a black and white category, tons of grey areas especially here.

Long as you don't claim there's anything wrong with it, each of our choices what we want to do with our own bodies, long as we're not hurting others.

Scammers are far worse IMO than a decent honest sex workers.

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Why would anyone who lives and works in Bangkok, considers themselves half a catch and speaks the local lingo resort to internet dating (the last resort of the truly desperate) in the first place? .

Unless in reality they KNOW aren't much of a catch?

But using internet dating as a gauge to these girls morals and social standing? I reckon that these websites have a high percentage of those that are one-step up from bars and massage shops and one-step down from past their sell-by date, ie. all quite desperate.

Now I know there are those (probably posted already) that they have forged a successful relationship and even a great marriage out of an internet date and I say to them well done. But the OP is just trawling for bedmates, not a wife. Does he state in his online profile or on the first date that getting the leg-over is essential? I mean he accuses these 'girlfreinds' of deceptive advertising after all.

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"so many other men are willing to offer her up to 20,000 a day for sex (I've seen the texts)"

From her mates, the oldest trick in the book and you bought it. laugh.png

Ah no….it was guys from internet dating sites. You want to know what they looked like? I saw their profiles…..mid 50s, officer manager type of look, actually pretty normal which surprised me as why would they have to offer that kind of money? You could see a guy in a wheelchair or disfigured having to ante in 20K but not a normal looking older guy.

A little clue for when you get a few years older. We do not pay them for the sex. We pay them to split and take all that bullshit with em after we bust that nut. I am sure you will figure it out in due course. 20 k is a bit steep but if you have extra cash you spend it as you wish. I am 52 and I usually get away with 500 to 2000 baht. Not fat and I try to be very nice all the way through. Including walking them out and putting them on the motorbike taxi.....

Edited by djvolak
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"so many other men are willing to offer her up to 20,000 a day for sex (I've seen the texts)"

From her mates, the oldest trick in the book and you bought it. laugh.png

Ah no….it was guys from internet dating sites. You want to know what they looked like? I saw their profiles…..mid 50s, officer manager type of look, actually pretty normal which surprised me as why would they have to offer that kind of money? You could see a guy in a wheelchair or disfigured having to ante in 20K but not a normal looking older guy.

A little clue for when you get a few years older. We do not pay them for the sex. We pay them to split and take all that bullshit with em after we bust that nut. I am sure you will figure it out in due course. 20 k is a bit steep but if you have extra cash you spend it as you wish. I am 52 and I usually get away with 500 to 2000 baht. Not fat and I try to be very nice all the way through. Including walking them out and putting them on the motorbike taxi.....

Pretty much sums up the advice I got from my Thailand sponsor,

but, not so sure what you get for 500 baht starting range with 2,000 baht as your max?

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Funny I just read on a Thai forum how this girl just had sex with a foreigner she had met recently and because he was so bad in bed she rolled over and told him that she wanted 30k baht a month to stay with him so she could support her real lover who was incredible but poor.

Perhaps if the OP spent more time actually respecting women and treating them well instead of just trying to get his nutoff, he might actually find a relationship.

OP is clearly a troll or just another desperate man looking for love in all the wrong places.

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Of course they are Pro's.

Every girl/woman that want to exchange money for sex is a pro

My grandmother always said no one will buy the cow if the milk is free. Was she a pro?

If she sold sex for money, she was a pro.

But why ask me about your grandmother?

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