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Jatuporn, Redshirts promise uprising against coup, appointed PM


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All the participants on the national political stage have essentially boxed themselves in by their own rhetoric. They haven't allowed themselves the slightest wiggle room. No wonder there is a stalemate. They have all played brilliantly to their bases, but in so doing have adopted stances that leave not one inch for compromise. Strangely enough, Thida's words have become potentially more dangerous than even Jatuporn's. While the Khaosod " reporters " are asking the obvious question to him - when do the reds descend on Bangkok - Thida is reaffirming her view that the NACC is acting out of personal spite. Thida's view is that the rice scheme investigation is a farce. It is that kind of mentality that will actually answer Khoasod's question to Jatuporn. Jatuporn talks about a coup or an interim prime minister as being the button, so to speak. But what will really infuriate the UDD is an " unfavourable " ruling from the NACC - because they don't even recognize the NACC as being a legitimate arm of the law. It is that belief that will likely activate the UDD. There are two agendas - at the very least - going on between Thaksin, Pheu Thai, and the UDD. Thaksin wants another election. He wants back in the game. But the UDD want to go much further than that. While the PDRC want to strengthen the independent agencies - give them more teeth to tackle corruption - the UDD actually wants to do away with the independent agencies altogether. From the PDRC's perspective as well as from the Democratic party's perspective - an election wouldn't just re-install Thaksin's perpetual influence. It would bring about " reform " that would be focused on undoing checks and balances, rather than strengthening them. Therefore, concurrently, although there is a great, great chasm between the position of Thaksin and the PDRC, the UDD and the PDRC by contrast live in two completely different solar systems. For many on the side of Pheu Thai, an election at this juncture without reform would solve everything. But for others, it would signal a continual and inexorable slide and erosion of the judicial system itself.

There are many who appear to carry the opinion that the current 'checks and balances' team do not support the choice of the people or the work of the government, but rather hamper progression.

So perhaps there is common ground, reform, and maybe Team Thaksin has been a little ambitious, but that should not bring about the immediate dismissal of the adjustments required to move Thailand forward, allow elected governments to make decisions and stand or fall by performance and the will of the people.

"Erosion of the judicial system itself" well yes in the current form major surgery could well be required, certainly a dilution of the restraining 'Legal interpretation' and impact on everyday government strategy, because currently too many entities are hell bent on faciitating their own survival than working for the benefit of the country as whole.

Thaksin bad we are good......did not get Abhisit and Suthep elected, Perhaps the Thai people are a little more aware of the history of goverments being allowed to govern in Thailand, perhaps what you see as checks and balances they experience the results every day and have done for decades, guess what, for all these 'checks and balances' people on this forum hold so high and we get rammed down our throats ad nausem, if they are so bloody good why is Thailand lagging so far behind?.....Unless of course......

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Yes, well this all sounds very interesting but what it boils down to is who has and who hasn't got their snouts in the trough, its been that way for over 100years in Thailand and its not going to change in anyone on this forums lifetime let alone a couple of months, I'm sure that there are some well intentioned people who would like to change this situation ,good luck with that. wai2.gif.pagespeed.ce.goigDuXn4X.gif

Edited by harada
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