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Police rescue 31 girls in 'sting' operation

Lite Beer

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I my self prefer a lady for sex without the hassle of fighting, jealousy, who will do want I enjoy and not hold me ransom when mad by cutting me off. But also I want times to myself to go out do as I please too. Not a sex manic but do enjoy sex without the hassle. Besides 99% of men hate being stuck with one woman all the time. If you say no your lying. As a man I look at other who are beautiful not ashamed of it either. Make it legal and safer for the ladies Yes I said ladies for they are ladies and should be treated as such. I know a few ladies in this trade and have at times employed there services time to time. Sometimes I paid for others I didn't but wasn't asked to pay because They enjoyed being with me after all there are human and have feelings too. So you see them maybe hold open the door for them might be surprised. But forced and underage I don't want freelance who choose it as a line of work and are clean and STD free not an issue PIMPS and MAMASANS give them prision time.

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Tip of the iceberg... If authorities would really want to fight against prostitution, they would start to clean all entertainment venues, starting by ALL massage parlors on Ratchada, Nana Plaza and Cowboy and so on... This Chacherngsao operation is probably the result of the owner not paying enough money to the police. CORRUPTION is the CANCER of the Thai Society. Police = Mafia. They control all and nothing will never change unless there is a deep and final cleaning of the Police, main root cause of the rapid downfall of this country which is no more State and no more Authority, other than money and corruption. This country is a total ANARCHY. I am just reminding facts that are very well known, but it reaches such an indecent level of hypocrisy that the whole country is now DOOMED.

"Tip of the iceberg... If authorities would really want to fight against prostitution, they would start to clean all entertainment venues, starting by ALL massage parlors on Ratchada, Nana Plaza and Cowboy and so on..."

You've got hold of the wrong end of the stick, this police operation was targeting human trafficking not girls who choose to provide perfectly legal massage services of their own volition. Also you need to do a bit of checking into your broad brush assertion that "ALL" massage parlours need cleaning up.

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If every pimp, john and hooker was arrested in Thailand, there would be 25 million people in jail.

Most Thai men are either johns or pimps. It is almost a right of passage for young Thai men to have sex with hookers.

Brothels and massage parlors are the size of five star hotels and are on every street corner. 1/10 women who walk in the shopping malls have had sex for money at one point in their lives.

Thailand is the sex capital of the world for good reason - young, poor good looking girls and horny unethical men.

Expatriates love to criticize prostitution and lash out against young girls having sex for money - yet they are the most frequent customers at massage parlors and short time hotels.

What a bunch of BS and hypocrisy.

"What a bunch of BS".

You said it. Doubtless you can back up your assertions.

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They should perhaps start arresting the customers of prostitutes, both Thai and falang to cut down the demand. It's always the girls that get arrested never the sex tourists, adulterers and Thais. It is illegal after all.

they would never do it, the second a tourist was arrested for paying a prostitute for sex everything would change. If it became a clampdown then potentially Pattaya would lose its appeal to all those people that go there for that reason alone and there are for sure many.

It all boils down to the same thing, money. At one end of the beach road is Walking street and at the other end the police station so just a few minutes away. Just last week the Police Chief said he was expanding the station with his own money! I have never heard of anything like this before, anywhere, totally absurd. The question of why? where did he get the money? and whats in it for him? have not even been asked. Of course there is no proof of anything but do we all really believe that the police chief is using what is probably 6 years of his salary out of the good of his heart? Of course not, it is much more likely a commercial decision and ironically the money may have even come from the sources that they are paid to stop.

I love certain things about Thailand but the corruption and disgusting things that openly go and seem to be getting worse. Unless the corruption is tackled and the trafficking, prostitution, brown envelopes etc stop then I can't see anything but doom for Thailand.

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"Lured" into prostitution? So these girls don't have the option to leave if they so desire? Are they being forced to dance at gunpoint or something?

In the reported case and similar ones, no, they don't have that choice. That's the bloody point.

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clap2.gif Some good healthy pragmatism that flips the bird at lots of righteous jabber (and some badly needed humor).

The last thing a report on human trafficking needs is a self-congratulated comment that humour is appropriate.

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Anything is justified as long as no innocent person is hurt in any way. If you want to obey every law and regulation people in authority make up, then why do you bother to get out of bed in the morning?

Prostitution is a victimless crime if everyone taking part is sensible. If anyone is forced into it in any way,or forced into doing something they do not want to do, then that is a completely different story.

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Tip of the iceberg... If authorities would really want to fight against prostitution, they would start to clean all entertainment venues, starting by ALL massage parlors on Ratchada, Nana Plaza and Cowboy and so on... This Chacherngsao operation is probably the result of the owner not paying enough money to the police. CORRUPTION is the CANCER of the Thai Society. Police = Mafia. They control all and nothing will never change unless there is a deep and final cleaning of the Police, main root cause of the rapid downfall of this country which is no more State and no more Authority, other than money and corruption. This country is a total ANARCHY. I am just reminding facts that are very well known, but it reaches such an indecent level of hypocrisy that the whole country is now DOOMED.

How would they 'start to clean' Pattaya then?


send in all the Red shirts

my friend tells me pattaya is empty of Farlang and a high quanty of girls have gone home

Red shirt and Falang just not mix

A ludicrous statement. Red shirts and farangs mix as well as any other Thai and farang.

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Absolute garbage, if there was no prostitution, think of all the rapes that would happen. I have never used prostitutes, but what a person does with their own bodies is entirely their business and no one elses. Just one very important thing, no one must get hurt or forced to do anything they do not want to do.

Either the daftest post so far or a very honest confession.

You suggest that if there were no prostitutes rape would be rife. Then you claim never to have used a prostitute's services surely making you very susceptible to being a rapist, by your logic?

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Tip of the iceberg... If authorities would really want to fight against prostitution, they would start to clean all entertainment venues, starting by ALL massage parlors on Ratchada, Nana Plaza and Cowboy and so on... This Chacherngsao operation is probably the result of the owner not paying enough money to the police. CORRUPTION is the CANCER of the Thai Society. Police = Mafia. They control all and nothing will never change unless there is a deep and final cleaning of the Police, main root cause of the rapid downfall of this country which is no more State and no more Authority, other than money and corruption. This country is a total ANARCHY. I am just reminding facts that are very well known, but it reaches such an indecent level of hypocrisy that the whole country is now DOOMED.

Honest people are doomed, but this is a "Paradise" for thugs and it's attracting more and more who get more and more money, invest in nice properties, and the window dressing has been funded by girls like this in just one of the rungs on the ladder up to the " top" of the future security of this corrupt society. Thailand is in the midst of endless development funded by poor people like these girls, in one sense or another.

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in sukhumvit, i've had many tuk tuk drivers come up to me with a little sheet with loads of naked chick on them. the tuk tuk driver drive would say " you want you want?" i always say no because i don't trust them.

It makes me wonder. are these places a brothel? I mean, these drivers would probably take me somewhere else and rob me.

They'll just take you to a massage parlour or similar place that they tout for where none of the girls pictured will be working and you will be charged 500 baht extra that covers the cost of the tuk-tuk drivers commission.

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Tip of the iceberg... If authorities would really want to fight against prostitution, they would start to clean all entertainment venues, starting by ALL massage parlors on Ratchada, Nana Plaza and Cowboy and so on... This Chacherngsao operation is probably the result of the owner not paying enough money to the police. CORRUPTION is the CANCER of the Thai Society. Police = Mafia. They control all and nothing will never change unless there is a deep and final cleaning of the Police, main root cause of the rapid downfall of this country which is no more State and no more Authority, other than money and corruption. This country is a total ANARCHY. I am just reminding facts that are very well known, but it reaches such an indecent level of hypocrisy that the whole country is now DOOMED.

How would they 'start to clean' Pattaya then?

It would be very interesting to see how Thailand would try to eradicate the 2nd oldest profession in the world, especially with the high demand from tourist and others living here.

There is a distinction to be made between those who "choose" to sell their services and those that are "forced" to sell services. A case can also be made that due to economic disadvantages some lower class people are forced into the choice of selling their services, and there are many that like their choice and are willing and happy participants. There is no doubt that those that are forced due to threats, withheld passports, loans which could never be repaid, etc. should be assisted in anyway possible, and those holding such people in forced captivity should be put away for a long time. However, those who volunteer for such profession are not in this category and nobody in Thailand will be doing anything about eradicating it for a long time, if ever, in spite of it being technically illegal.

One can go to virtually every country and find sex services offered for a price, including the EU, North America and the Middle East, in addition to Asia. Try to eradicate it in these countries as well and see how much success will be achieved.

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Tip of the iceberg... If authorities would really want to fight against prostitution, they would start to clean all entertainment venues, starting by ALL massage parlors on Ratchada, Nana Plaza and Cowboy and so on... This Chacherngsao operation is probably the result of the owner not paying enough money to the police. CORRUPTION is the CANCER of the Thai Society. Police = Mafia. They control all and nothing will never change unless there is a deep and final cleaning of the Police, main root cause of the rapid downfall of this country which is no more State and no more Authority, other than money and corruption. This country is a total ANARCHY. I am just reminding facts that are very well known, but it reaches such an indecent level of hypocrisy that the whole country is now DOOMED.

Tell me, have you bought a place here or just renting?

What is the point? I will never buy a place if I cannot put MY name on it.

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Absolute garbage, if there was no prostitution, think of all the rapes that would happen. I have never used prostitutes, but what a person does with their own bodies is entirely their business and no one elses. Just one very important thing, no one must get hurt or forced to do anything they do not want to do.

Either the daftest post so far or a very honest confession.

You suggest that if there were no prostitutes rape would be rife. Then you claim never to have used a prostitute's services surely making you very susceptible to being a rapist, by your logic?

This may sound controversal, but most people who use prostitutes, do so because they cannot get sex with attractive girls any other way, maybe they are overweight, or unattractive, or have personality problems. Without being bigheaded, none of those applies to me. I have never had any problems attracting women, so I am hardly going to rape anyone.

I strongly believe that prostitutes prevent a lot of rapes, of course, feel free to differ from my opinion.

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Tip of the iceberg... If authorities would really want to fight against prostitution, they would start to clean all entertainment venues, starting by ALL massage parlors on Ratchada, Nana Plaza and Cowboy and so on... This Chacherngsao operation is probably the result of the owner not paying enough money to the police. CORRUPTION is the CANCER of the Thai Society. Police = Mafia. They control all and nothing will never change unless there is a deep and final cleaning of the Police, main root cause of the rapid downfall of this country which is no more State and no more Authority, other than money and corruption. This country is a total ANARCHY. I am just reminding facts that are very well known, but it reaches such an indecent level of hypocrisy that the whole country is now DOOMED.

"Tip of the iceberg... If authorities would really want to fight against prostitution, they would start to clean all entertainment venues, starting by ALL massage parlors on Ratchada, Nana Plaza and Cowboy and so on..."

You've got hold of the wrong end of the stick, this police operation was targeting human trafficking not girls who choose to provide perfectly legal massage services of their own volition. Also you need to do a bit of checking into your broad brush assertion that "ALL" massage parlours need cleaning up.

I can understand that Police targets human trafficking, but volunteer or not, prostitution in Thailand (call it the way you want) is a huge Industry enabled and promoted by corruption and wide hypocrisy. And this is a MAJOR source of Tourism for the country. Against please spare me the usual hypocrisy: Thailand would not be so popular without the Prostitution. We can elaborate for ages about offer and demand but the point here is that the country is living - like for many things else - on huge hypocrisy. Police fighting against Human Trafficking in Thailand!?!?!? This is a joke, they do not give a s...t. Let's talk about all illegal immigrants, Cambodian slaves on Thai fishing boats, Burmese cheap labors working on hiso shopping malls in central Bangkok and so and so on....

About "All" massage parlors. of course I am not talking about all traditional legit Thai massages.

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surely there are good police ...

Step 1 would be to search and close all the brothels OWNED by (Thai) coppers. I know more then 35 locations with forced prostitutes inside where the owner wears an uniform during the day.

Btw, my previous nanny was sold by her Korat mother for 5,000 Thb. to a prostitute bar in Cowboi. But she made it out and takes care of children now. All the female smiles in Cowboi, most of them are on strangling contracts and no way they can walk off.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Tip of the iceberg... If authorities would really want to fight against prostitution, they would start to clean all entertainment venues, starting by ALL massage parlors on Ratchada, Nana Plaza and Cowboy and so on... This Chacherngsao operation is probably the result of the owner not paying enough money to the police. CORRUPTION is the CANCER of the Thai Society. Police = Mafia. They control all and nothing will never change unless there is a deep and final cleaning of the Police, main root cause of the rapid downfall of this country which is no more State and no more Authority, other than money and corruption. This country is a total ANARCHY. I am just reminding facts that are very well known, but it reaches such an indecent level of hypocrisy that the whole country is now DOOMED.

Tell me, have you bought a place here or just renting?

I hope he has bought one..................coffee1.gif

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this topic has nothing to do with pattaya which is JUST disneyland for oversized farang adults. just go to to any LOWKLEY rural shithole (nearby a major road through thailand) and u'll see all this kinda shit. drugs, guns, whores, cops, etc. the WILD WEST. price: up to u. condom: up to u. age: up to u.

thing is most farang don't get there since they think there is no action there.................. if only they'd knew! pattaya and phuket are a joke compared to the real deal here. big bottle of LEO in these places: 100THB. no farang-thai chit-chat such as tingtong, bababobo, pomlakhum... the only talk u'll get here is about the BAHT. tossers..........................................................

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All blabla and "knowledge" about prostitution is irrelevant here. If the story is true then this is human trafficking, the fact that 30 girls are foreign shows a good deal of it: foreigners have passports, that can be taken and prevent the girls to leave/flee. It is also not prostitution as it is against their will, it is sexual abuse or even rape. So please be content that at least one brothel (aka karaoke joint) is "stinged" and the 31 girls can go home. If their families have received lots of money there is a possibility that the pimp(s) come back and the same story starts again. That's why those pimps have to be thrown in jail for a long time, they ruin young lives!

This bar is a typical example of the dark side of Thailand, the brothels for Thais. No farang gets in, only Thais. The girls are often underage, and it is known that most underage abuse is done by Thai men, not farang, as so many times is rumoured. Forced sex is rape, that is a crime, unfortunately many law enforcers are part of it or paid for keeping their eyes closed. It will never disappear I'm afraid, a sad part of Thailand.

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this TV site is dominated / ruled by wanna-be [GERIATRIC] guys who think they LIVE THE LIFE whereas they are just a walking wallet... they were slaves for 30+ years in the west and came here for 2nd life of pseudo-hedonism/pseudo-freedom....... LOL..... u can scr666w in Thailand for peanuts but then u REALLY have to live the life (no guilt, no mercy, no pictures, no postcards) and not the farang-life u're living.................................... problem is most farang here have no idea about living the life because they are STILL slaves......................... talk the talk, walk the walk.... 2 different worlds.........................clowns.

and yes this topic pisses me off because it proves once again how mongoloid most farang here are when it comes to REALITY in thailand.

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Well said, most girls here do it to provide for their families as there is no alternative job opportunity. Most have young children abandoned by a thai low life husband who has done a runner with a younger model.

Sorry to burst your bubble but that simply is not true, though it is the myth that the left wing do gooders would have you believe and spoon feed you to sate your desire.

There is almost full employment in Thailand. Uneducated girls (bottom end if you will) can get jobs in factories for 6k to 10k a month. But the hours are long, it is tedious and mae sanook.

I'll repeat that, it is mae sanook.

iphones, ipads, fancy clothes, boozing, partying and gambling do not pay for themselves, nor can they be bought with a factory slave's salary. This is why most girls go in to prostitution in the western ghettos. Even in Thai and Thai prostitution, it is not so much the lack of work but the laziness of the girl refusing it.

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I've had brothel managers from two different places tell me; As soon as a 'new girl' shows up, chief of police wants to know right away - so he can be first to de-flower them. I'll let you guess whether he pays a fee. Next in line, Police and Army brass. Then, a week later, she's available for regular clients, but shopped out as 'a virgin' for the next 10 customers, who are charged accordingly.

Yeah, heard and seen much the same up country. Sometimes the girls know, sometimes they don't. Sort of initiation I guess. Still, the choice to go and be a prostitute was hers, not indentured, though that does exist I agree.

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All blabla and "knowledge" about prostitution is irrelevant here. If the story is true then this is human trafficking, the fact that 30 girls are foreign shows a good deal of it: foreigners have passports, that can be taken and prevent the girls to leave/flee. It is also not prostitution as it is against their will, it is sexual abuse or even rape. So please be content that at least one brothel (aka karaoke joint) is "stinged" and the 31 girls can go home. If their families have received lots of money there is a possibility that the pimp(s) come back and the same story starts again. That's why those pimps have to be thrown in jail for a long time, they ruin young lives!

This bar is a typical example of the dark side of Thailand, the brothels for Thais. No farang gets in, only Thais. The girls are often underage, and it is known that most underage abuse is done by Thai men, not farang, as so many times is rumoured. Forced sex is rape, that is a crime, unfortunately many law enforcers are part of it or paid for keeping their eyes closed. It will never disappear I'm afraid, a sad part of Thailand.

u're VERY naive joel............ money talks: farang, thai, khaek, negro, ............ all invited. the only things is: did u GET/UNDERSTAND the invitation... just go and check it out. and don't talk sh**t on TV, home of &lt;deleted&gt; and wanna-be's.

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All the female smiles in Cowboi, most of them are on strangling contracts and no way they can walk off.

What a load of BS.rolleyes.gif I am suspicious of the rest of your post too, although such places do exist.

+1 That's simply not true.

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