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Hip/Femur replacement surgery


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I suspect by femur he refers to the head of the femur which is replaced in a total hip replacement.

Definitely need to be sure a total replacement is indicated, and also that a resurfacing would not be suitable instead.

Plenty of good docs for hip replacement in Bkk but depending on what you mean by "reasonable", the cost aspect will be a problem. This is an expensive procedure.

You are looking at 400-550K baht at the larger international private hospitals. Let me know if that is feasible for you and I will suggest some surgeons.

Would be less (but I think still >300K) at a non-profit such as St Louis. Email or call them for their estimated cost. Dr. Aree there is very well qualified - trained in the US at Baylor http://www.saintlouis.or.th/clinic/doctor.php?dr_id=903

Your best bet price wise is a government military hospital or the police hospital, though you would not be able to choose your surgeon at these and there would be a lot of initial red tape and likely a wait period. Price likely in the approximate range of 150- 200 K at these.

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Thank you Sheryl for your reply and yes I was referring to the head of the femur. I have recent x rays and report from the orthopaedic doctor who informed me that I would need the operation.

Mobility ((having to use a wheelchair) and excruciating pain from a clunking hip is an indication that all is not well.

I would appreciate your suggestions as to some surgeons and hospitals in the price range you mentioned for St Louis hospital.

Thank you again

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  • 1 month later...

I need hip surgery (osteoarthritus). Yesterday quoted 500-550 k at Bumrumgrad.

If insurance pays then will go with them. If they conclude it is pre existing then I will have to use group insurance

which covers about 330k. In that case I have been looking for alternatives at around the 330k.

St Louis about 280-320k, Siriraj Private about 300-350k. Does anyone have experience of hip replacement at these places.

Any other hospitals in this range and/ or well qualified respected surgeons in this field? Any info appreciated.

Will opt for total hip as have resurfacing on other side and feel there is more evidence of total hip lasting longer

20+ years.

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Siriraj is tops as a hopsital. But the real issue is the doctor.

Dr. Aree at St Louis appears to be well qualified.

Many well qualified orthos at Siriraj as well but harder to get names and CVs,.

ou want someone who specializes in THR, has done a large number of the procedures, and completed a relevant residency or fellowship in a Western country.

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Yes I have an appointment with Dr. Aree in 2 weeks at St louis. But would like a second option just in case.

Will tey to find out if Siriraj or other has a THR specialist with experience.

Yes, they do. At Siriraj try this one http://www.siphhospital.com/ortho/index.php/centers/doctor/29

There are others, if you read Thai or have someone who can helpo you do so p you can find it here http://www.siphhospital.com/ortho/index.php/

Note that costs will differ greatly depending on whether done in the Siriraj public hospital or their private wing.

the referenced sites are for their private channel. Possibly you could do consultations through it but the actual surgery in the public hospital (not sure, have to ask - I mean, definitely you can do the surgery in the public wing, just not certain you can do it there as a private patient of a specific doctor rather than under the general care of the team, many of them interns/residents. So ask about this.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes I have an appointment with Dr. Aree in 2 weeks at St louis. But would like a second option just in case.

Will tey to find out if Siriraj or other has a THR specialist with experience.

Yes, they do. At Siriraj try this one http://www.siphhospital.com/ortho/index.php/centers/doctor/29

There are others, if you read Thai or have someone who can helpo you do so p you can find it here http://www.siphhospital.com/ortho/index.php/

Note that costs will differ greatly depending on whether done in the Siriraj public hospital or their private wing.

the referenced sites are for their private channel. Possibly you could do consultations through it but the actual surgery in the public hospital (not sure, have to ask - I mean, definitely you can do the surgery in the public wing, just not certain you can do it there as a private patient of a specific doctor rather than under the general care of the team, many of them interns/residents. So ask about th

Thank you for that very useful information. I will look into those options.

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Might want to consider Assoc. Prof. Pacharapol Udomkiat too. Seen him on TV and in newspapers talking about hip and knee replacement a few times.

http://www.siphhospital.com/ortho/index.php/centers/doctor/19. He's available from 12.00-15.00 Mon and 13.00-16.00 Sat.

He also has private hours at bumrungrad: http://www.bumrungrad.com/doctors/Pacharapol-Udomkiat and Vichaiyut hospital www.vichaiyut.co.th (Rama 6 near Ramathibodi Hospital). The latter is a very good private hospital, well renowned among Bangkokians, and has a similar price range to St. Louis.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I will be having my THR as soon as possible and am looking at Bumrungrad at moment.

It is very difficult to find out how experienced the surgeons are. Does anyone have experience of THR here and the surgeons?

If you see a particular surgeon on a number of occasions, is it him that carries out the surgery. Or does he/she do it as part of a team with another experienced surgeon?

I would appreciate any information.

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I had THR on my right side Oct 2012 at Vejthani hospital in Bangkok by Dr Paiboon.

Up and walking unaided in four weeks. When I need my left one done I'll be going back to him

Good hospital, state of the art surguries, excellent staff and post op care.

All in price on 500K baht, with a ceramic head joint.

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Not in Bangkok but in Pattaya area I can recommend Dr. Phanyarith. He bolted my leg back together and is an orthopedical surgeon specialized in knee and hip replacements. He works at the Ao Udom Hospital in Laem Chabang but freelances in pretty much every private hospital in the area.

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I will be having my THR as soon as possible and am looking at Bumrungrad at moment.

It is very difficult to find out how experienced the surgeons are. Does anyone have experience of THR here and the surgeons?

If you see a particular surgeon on a number of occasions, is it him that carries out the surgery. Or does he/she do it as part of a team with another experienced surgeon?

I would appreciate any information.

As a private patient, the surgeon you select will (or at least certainly should -- I have not found this to be a problem) perform the operation himself, though of course he will have assistants.

In terms of experience, if a doctor has done a residency or fellowship specifically in arthroplasty/joint replacement, he will have done many cases. Those who hold faculty appointments at a major medical school will also have considerable clinical experience.

You should not hesitate to ask a surgeon you are considering how many such procedures he has performed, as well as to ask about his complication rate, success rate etc. Any doctor who does not respond readily to such questions, omit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There has been a lot of stress in this thread on finding the best Doctor but no mention of determining which products the Doctor will implant. In the news over the last two years have been stories about certain brands of artificial replacement joints being defective and needing to be replaced with less than five years use. It would seem to me that finding out which devices a particular Doctor would use for your surgery would be just as important as the Dr. themself.

Is there any kind of international registry or data base that tracks medical devices such as these and reports of failure rates and re-calls? I would hate to spend US $25,000 to $50,000 and then have the device fail.

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  • 4 months later...

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There has been a lot of stress in this thread on finding the best Doctor but no mention of determining which products the Doctor will implant. In the news over the last two years have been stories about certain brands of artificial replacement joints being defective and needing to be replaced with less than five years use. It would seem to me that finding out which devices a particular Doctor would use for your surgery would be just as important as the Dr. themself.

Is there any kind of international registry or data base that tracks medical devices such as these and reports of failure rates and re-calls? I would hate to spend US $25,000 to $50,000 and then have the device fail.

I have had my other hip done with a recalled resurfaced hip by Johnson Johnson 5 years ago. Therefore over the past 5 years

have researched different devises and methods. That really is the easy part and then the diffucult part is choosing /getting information on surgeons and prices accoding to how much one can pay or insurance.

During my 18 years living in Thailand I have visited lots of the hospitals in Bangkok. For minor ailments/ outpatients little difference. But for operations it is important to get the right surgeon as long as the hopital have the facilities necessary to do the operation it does not matter where you go unless you are looking for 5 star treatment /facilities. Having seen several surgeons ober the past 7 years for my right and left hips I was very happy to choose Dr. Somyut at Bumrungrad/Bkk Hosp.

I came home Sunday evening after 5 days in Bumrungrad hosp having had ceramic total hip. I went for the sugeon who imstilled me with confidence due his professionalism and caring attitude over the past 4 years dealing with both my hips.

However all has gone so far (fingers crossed) had spinal block/ sedation which was much better than general anaesthetic, for recovery and how i felt after waking up. (past 3 operations had general anaesthetic)

Wound is only about 3-4 inches whereas resurfacing double that.

Hospital service nursing staff cleanliness were immaculate

Anyway, I was lucky and insurance paid everyhing so decision was easy!

Feeling good at home hamstring tight and painful when i move or walk. Lot of bruising around the site but i think this is

nomal. So far so good lol

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