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It transpires that my partner has developed a serious YaBa addiction.

Are any treatment programmes available through the state? With or without a prison sentence? Any available in the voluntary sector, eg through particular temples?

My reading to date suggests that any treatment programme has a limited chance of success. Anybody got any specific knowledge?

Obvious first steps have been taken already, eg cutting off money supply from all potential sources.


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Treatment is available but as you suggest favorable outcomes are rare.

Be aware of the danger you place yourself in by arbitrarily removing resource unless you intend illegally detaining your partner money can always be obtained.

Have a look at the pinned Mental Health Resource List at the top of the page.

Be aware that unless your partner wishes to be helped there is little that can be done.


Thanks for that. Yes I'm acutely aware of the potential dangers. We live in a rural community, so money is less easy to source than BKK, but I agree with your concern. I was hoping for some inspiration, but unsurprised by your response.



Should also consider Narcotics Anonymous. May meeting locations in Thailand, google "Narcotics Anonymous Thailand".

But of course your partner has to want to go.

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The above is the premiere treatment center in Thailand and appears to have a good success rate and is well known to most Thai and respected (so that should go a long way if person is Thai).

This is possibly the best place in the world you could send your partner to in such a circumstance.

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The problem is not only the Ya Ba but the reason she is using it. It is often an attempt to self-medicate for depression.

If/when she has been drug free for a while and lucid, try to get her into counselling or to consult a pyschiatrist,preferrably one experienced with substance abuse.

It may be that she is chronically depressed and that the right antidepressent would go a long way in removing the desire to take stimulents. (Only feasible after the drug is completely out of her system,).

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Good Luck my heat (edit Heart) goes out to you.

Maybe some photos of meth heads before and after sourced from the net may also have a positive effect and help to explain why you have taken this drastic step.


The problem is not only the Ya Ba but the reason she is using it. It is often an attempt to self-medicate for depression.

If/when she has been drug free for a while and lucid, try to get her into counselling or to consult a pyschiatrist,preferrably one experienced with substance abuse.

It may be that she is chronically depressed and that the right antidepressent would go a long way in removing the desire to take stimulents. (Only feasible after the drug is completely out of her system,).

100% right, as you always are Sheryl.

People must realize that drug abuse is a mental health and social issue, not a criminal justice issue.

Drug use is a symptom of a problem, and until you can solve that, the abuse will continue.

In my (mostly mis-spent) youth, we called it Speed. And they were right - Speed Kills.


Sorry to hear your problem. P45 is the only way. Save you major problems...

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


I'd worked with many drug addicts in Europe for many years varying from heroin all the way to speed. The biggest problem for your friend might be the accessibility of JaBa in Thailand. And your friend would be the one who has to see all the negative impact of that drug to her, but also to others.

I've seen paranoid guys, trying to cut out bugs, as they thought they were under their skin. JaBa has a lot of caffeine, which is causing headaches when people "come down", another reason to take/smoke/inject another pill.

So, even if she/he would want to stop taking it, the possibility just to come back and act like she/he/d never left, is pretty high. You could try and ask people at the provincial hospital, as especially in the northeast are many users, then tourist destinations like Pattaya, etc....

Places like Sisaket, Surin, Ubon Ratchathani, etc..are full with it, even many guys in small small villages are on their stuff.

There are some competent people, who know how to help, but many times help isn't even wanted. So when ever you suggest that she/he stops taking the drug, you also suggest that you want to take something away she/he likes so much. Such an addiction creates first class liars, thieves, robbers and more.

Another big problem is that those guys who take JaBa, are usually a sort of befriended. Always easy to have access again and even after a year being clean, it can happen that people start over again.

Many people smoke JaBa here, but many start to shoot them, as the "kick" is right in their bloodstream and the dosage will be increased from day to day.

Please see attached links. I'm afraid that your friend has to experience many, and I mean many negative things to stop from alone. There're no physical withdraws, it's all mentally. Once people are used to be on it, they're similar to zombies, when without.

Inability top do simple things, then the knowledge that they only have to take some and they're functioning again. Whatever you'll do, I wish you best of luck. Please see:-wai2.gif




Naltrexone seems to be just in the beginning of a blind study, some specialists might know more about it. Good luck.-wai2.gif


As hard as it is,,, unless you're willing to put up with a, LIFETIME, of pain, suffering,, DANGER,,, get them help,, CUT THEM LOOSE!,,, I had a younger,, female friend in the states,, loved her to death as a friend,,, she got in with the, "wrong" crowd,,,, got into heroin,,,, things happen, people grow apart,, I married,, had 2 great kids,,, stayed,, somewhat in touch with her,, got her into a treatment facility,,, all's good,, 4 years completely sober,,, fell back in with the wrong crowd,,, reached out to me,,, AGAIN,, I helped,,, even with the approval of the wife,,, even stayed in our home several times,,, THE final straw?,,, her staying there,, and some coked out dealer,, "friend" showed up in,, MY HOME,, while,, MY FAMILY slept,,, an argument,,, and 12 gauge shotgun later,,, was LAST time I saw her,,, Ya,,, watch a Hollywood movie about that kinda sheet,, looks, "kool" and all,,, what they,,DON'T SHOW YOU?,,,, the shooter, (me),, with a bucket and mop,,, cleaning up,, blood/brains,, while the wife tries to usher them off to school,, as if NOTHING happened,,,, seriously,,, CUT ALL CONTACT!!!

  • Like 1

An excellent place yes, but it is not possible to "send" anyone there. They have to voluntarily choose to go.

Re prior poster who recommended breaking from your partner, I have to agree that unless s/he chooses to seek help, this is what you should do. Things are going to get very hairy and unpleasant otherwise, maybe even dangerous. You can always leave the door open for reconciliation later if your partner agrees to get help getting off the drug but unless/until then, you really are best advised to put some physical and emotional distance between you.

I have to agree with Sheryl, anyone on Yaba can be dangerous to all around them. Makes no difference if boy or girl, even if small in body they can

and will do damage.

If your friend does not want to come off this drug then you have no choice but to go on your way. If there is a desire to get clean then by all means

give support BUT take care.


As hard as it is,,, unless you're willing to put up with a, LIFETIME, of pain, suffering,, DANGER,,, get them help,, CUT THEM LOOSE!,,, I had a younger,, female friend in the states,, loved her to death as a friend,,, she got in with the, "wrong" crowd,,,, got into heroin,,,, things happen, people grow apart,, I married,, had 2 great kids,,, stayed,, somewhat in touch with her,, got her into a treatment facility,,, all's good,, 4 years completely sober,,, fell back in with the wrong crowd,,, reached out to me,,, AGAIN,, I helped,,, even with the approval of the wife,,, even stayed in our home several times,,, THE final straw?,,, her staying there,, and some coked out dealer,, "friend" showed up in,, MY HOME,, while,, MY FAMILY slept,,, an argument,,, and 12 gauge shotgun later,,, was LAST time I saw her,, being hauled off to jail,,, Ya,,, watch a Hollywood movie about that kinda sheet,, looks, "kool" and all,,, jacking the slide on a pump shotgun,,, what they,,DON'T SHOW YOU?,,,, the shooter, (me),, with a bucket and mop,,, cleaning up,, blood/brains,, while the wife tries to usher my kids off to school,, as if NOTHING happened,,,, that house/home/my LIFE,, will, NEVER, EVER, EVER! be the same,,,,,seriously,,, CUT ALL CONTACT!!!


The problem is not only the Ya Ba but the reason she is using it. It is often an attempt to self-medicate for depression.

Very true and the more one takes it, the more depressed they become when they come down. IMO, the user has to realize themselves that the drug causes more problems than it solves and go somewhere that they don't have any access to it until they normalize.

I had a lot of experience with meth and meth "addicts" when I was much younger and agree that the OP is going to have a very difficult time trying to help this person.

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I had a live-in GF who gathered every day with her friends in the apartment building. They smoked ganja mixed with speed and gambled and of course she lost. After a couple of months of this I put her belongings outside the door. She beat on the door until I opened it and then stabbed me 3 times in the stomach with a butcher knife. Drugged women so some crazy things. Watch your ass if you break up.



The above is the premiere treatment center in Thailand and appears to have a good success rate and is well known to most Thai and respected (so that should go a long way if person is Thai).

I know that this wat has a good reputation for treatment of drug addiction, but I have never found any evidence that the method is genuinely effective. Do they keep and report statistics on recidivism? Is there any scientific basis for their claims? Frankly, it sounds like fake wisdom of the monks to me.


A lot of good posts on here. I wish you all luck. By that I mean all of your family support, yourself, your partner and you and your partners friends. Cutting someone loose is last resort and it will probably affect you worse than your partner in the long run so hang in there and be there when your partner needs you. Till the user is ready to make those changes you are going to have a fight on your hands. You both need to be strong. You mentioned a month till rock bottom? Ha! Wishful thinking. Rock bottom varies with each of us. Mine was a long long haul. Once I was finally in jail for the last time it probably took 7 months just to start thinking clearly. I was still going over how I was going to be better at cooking dope when I got out and had all these great ideas on how I was going to be the biggest and best and richest meth cook in the world. Walter White times 10. Yep that was me. In my mind.... Once I got to prison and started doing my time, and started thinking clearly, I realized that I had made it to bottom. 4th time in prison and all pretty much directly related to Drugs and Alcohol. I realized that I did not like 98% of the people around me. I realized that my parents had raised me way better than I had turned out and I realized that changes needed to be made. 2 years in on a 5 year term I saw a thing on Discovery about underwater welding. I looked up and severa of my neighbors were also watching so I told em, hey when I get out I'm gonna be an underwater welder. They all laughed and said no way Dave, You'll be right back to robbing banks and cooking dope as soon as you get out. If that's how others saw me I knew I needed to change my life completely or they would be right. Started paperwork to transfer my parole to Washington State from Arizona where I was doing the time. When I got out I moved to Washington and got a job my 5th day out of prison cutting stone for a guy from my Mom's church. Signed up for some college welding classes but they messed my paperwork so I was not able to start. I told the guys in the stone shop this and one of them told me about the Dive School in Seattle that teaches all of it welding too. Signed up for dive school, got 100% on my underwater welding test and sent the results to my neighbors from prison who laughed. Got a job in the Saturation diving industry in 2005 and have made 6 figures every year since. Sorry turned out longer than I wanted. I wanted to make changes. My family never gave up on me no matter how bad I got. They let me know they were not happy and let me know when I was ready to live right they were there to help and did so. Quit drinking in 2003, Quit all drugs in 1999. Do not be suprised if your partner gets sober then relapses. Keep an eye out for it and who is around when the relapse happens and keep your partner away from anyone who is iffy. If the dope is there in your village then you have a bigger problem. Who ever your partner was getting the dope from will not want to give up that business. Keep an eye out. You will know who it is eventually. Keep your partner away from that FRIEND. I did every traetment offered in every prison yard I was at. Going to meetings just makes me think about doing dope. Just my opinion but I do not now go to meetings unless someone asks me to speak. I was asked to go do meetings for some kids who were living in a sort of prison in Arizona. They lived there but got to go to work. Transitional place between Juvie and home. I went with 2 other older guys and they spoke first. I watched and none of those kids was listening to a word. None of them wanted to be there so I adjusted what i was going to say and I got 90%. First thing I told em was I did not believe in forced meetings. I told em I knew where they were coming from as I had just got out myself and if a person does not want to go to meetings that person will get nothing out of being at one. They were all listening to me at this point. I asked a mexican kid, what do you want to do with your life? He said he did not know. I asked him why didn't he know? Had not thought about it. I asked him did he want to spend it locked up and he said no real fast. Black kid? same answers. Ok then what do you guys have to do to make sure you do not go back to prison? That mexican kid suprised me. He said get a job. I said good answer but not the whole answer. Get educated. Learn a trade. something you like to do. Something you can be happy doing every day for the next 20 to 30 years. Then you prove all the people who said your won't amount to anything wrong. I ran things at them that no one else had bothered to share with them and I hope to God I saved someone from going back. If it was one I am blessed if it was more so much better. They all, each and every one of those kids thanked me for coming and asked if I was coming back. It was a good day. Being able to give back what was given to me. I hope your partner figures out that changes need to be made and that there is support there if and when it is needed because it will be needed. Good luck and much light for your path.

Great,, GREAT FOR YOU!,,, honestly,, I mean that,,, until,,, a strange drugged IDIOT,,, enters your home,, with wife/kids asleep,,,,,


A lot of good posts on here. I wish you all luck. By that I mean all of your family support, yourself, your partner and you and your partners friends. Cutting someone loose is last resort and it will probably affect you worse than your partner in the long run so hang in there and be there when your partner needs you. Till the user is ready to make those changes you are going to have a fight on your hands. You both need to be strong. You mentioned a month till rock bottom? Ha! Wishful thinking. Rock bottom varies with each of us. Mine was a long long haul. Once I was finally in jail for the last time it probably took 7 months just to start thinking clearly. I was still going over how I was going to be better at cooking dope when I got out and had all these great ideas on how I was going to be the biggest and best and richest meth cook in the world. Walter White times 10. Yep that was me. In my mind.... Once I got to prison and started doing my time, and started thinking clearly, I realized that I had made it to bottom. 4th time in prison and all pretty much directly related to Drugs and Alcohol. I realized that I did not like 98% of the people around me. I realized that my parents had raised me way better than I had turned out and I realized that changes needed to be made. 2 years in on a 5 year term I saw a thing on Discovery about underwater welding. I looked up and severa of my neighbors were also watching so I told em, hey when I get out I'm gonna be an underwater welder. They all laughed and said no way Dave, You'll be right back to robbing banks and cooking dope as soon as you get out. If that's how others saw me I knew I needed to change my life completely or they would be right. Started paperwork to transfer my parole to Washington State from Arizona where I was doing the time. When I got out I moved to Washington and got a job my 5th day out of prison cutting stone for a guy from my Mom's church. Signed up for some college welding classes but they messed my paperwork so I was not able to start. I told the guys in the stone shop this and one of them told me about the Dive School in Seattle that teaches all of it welding too. Signed up for dive school, got 100% on my underwater welding test and sent the results to my neighbors from prison who laughed. Got a job in the Saturation diving industry in 2005 and have made 6 figures every year since. Sorry turned out longer than I wanted. I wanted to make changes. My family never gave up on me no matter how bad I got. They let me know they were not happy and let me know when I was ready to live right they were there to help and did so. Quit drinking in 2003, Quit all drugs in 1999. Do not be suprised if your partner gets sober then relapses. Keep an eye out for it and who is around when the relapse happens and keep your partner away from anyone who is iffy. If the dope is there in your village then you have a bigger problem. Who ever your partner was getting the dope from will not want to give up that business. Keep an eye out. You will know who it is eventually. Keep your partner away from that FRIEND. I did every traetment offered in every prison yard I was at. Going to meetings just makes me think about doing dope. Just my opinion but I do not now go to meetings unless someone asks me to speak. I was asked to go do meetings for some kids who were living in a sort of prison in Arizona. They lived there but got to go to work. Transitional place between Juvie and home. I went with 2 other older guys and they spoke first. I watched and none of those kids was listening to a word. None of them wanted to be there so I adjusted what i was going to say and I got 90%. First thing I told em was I did not believe in forced meetings. I told em I knew where they were coming from as I had just got out myself and if a person does not want to go to meetings that person will get nothing out of being at one. They were all listening to me at this point. I asked a mexican kid, what do you want to do with your life? He said he did not know. I asked him why didn't he know? Had not thought about it. I asked him did he want to spend it locked up and he said no real fast. Black kid? same answers. Ok then what do you guys have to do to make sure you do not go back to prison? That mexican kid suprised me. He said get a job. I said good answer but not the whole answer. Get educated. Learn a trade. something you like to do. Something you can be happy doing every day for the next 20 to 30 years. Then you prove all the people who said your won't amount to anything wrong. I ran things at them that no one else had bothered to share with them and I hope to God I saved someone from going back. If it was one I am blessed if it was more so much better. They all, each and every one of those kids thanked me for coming and asked if I was coming back. It was a good day. Being able to give back what was given to me. I hope your partner figures out that changes need to be made and that there is support there if and when it is needed because it will be needed. Good luck and much light for your path.

Thanks a lot for sharing a part of your life. Very similar to many addicts I helped back in Europe. In the end, it has to come from the addict self that there has to be an end.

And once you have to go to jail, life gets even worse when you come out. Had lost some good friends through heroin and will never forget that part.

Life's too short.No need to run on meth. Cheers


excuse my ignorance what is "YABBA" exactly , i have heard many reports but they seem to conflict, is it, cocaine - etc, or isit a common term for any drugs "weed" etc thanks

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