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Food preservatives, additives and other off putting things.


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I don't like additives or preservatives but when the EU and USA actually finally ban a substance you can be pretty sure it must be toxic. Formalin is a proven cause of cancer if eaten or handled. Its incredible that people on this forum are almost defending its use. Where do you draw the line .. I can imagine some of defending arsenic in your food, after all you don't live forever

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masuk, on 25 Mar 2014 - 17:27, said:
Rorri, on 25 Mar 2014 - 16:16, said:
thailiketoo, on 24 Mar 2014 - 19:16, said:thailiketoo, on 24 Mar 2014 - 19:16, said:

The proof food additives ARE as bad as we feared.

I'm changing my travel plans today.

What surprised me is that a US company "Campbell's, have, in the west, removed, many years ago, MSG, but it is still put in their products here in Thailand. I guess the health of consumers is not a priority only when public opinion places pressure on them.

I bought some cans of Campbell's soup in Chiang Mai a year, back, but the taste was so totally salty, it reminded me of some Asian food which had a large amout of MSG added. I had no way of knowing if this was the case, but I wrote to Campbells asking why their product was almost inedible.

Guess what? I didn't get a reply.

Just goes to show my comment could be correct. :)

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With ALL the crap in food, added to food, and grown with the food, its a wonder it tastes OK and most people all around me all look and seem pretty healthy.

I dont know about villa but i bought some organic labeled apples at central once and i could tell they were waxed and had who knows what else, so labeling and expiration dates can be a joke here IMHO.

Refer to George Carlin's take on all the poisons: more more more, give me more, and make me stronger.

I recently noticed ribotides as an additive on one food label, googled it.

Then there is all the stuff we don't know about. GMO? Monsanto, and on and on

Grow your own? Probably will be a bigger and bigger trend urban and otherwise.

Oh i was told by some thais to avoid green string beans, they are given the highest doses of chemicals in the growing process.

Also don't eat too much water melon?

Best of health!!!!

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