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Thai rice scheme: Another farmer collapses under burden of debt


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Another farmer collapses under burden of debt

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The wife of the farmer who was found dead at home in Ratchaburi's Pak Tho district on Saturday believes her husband died due to stress over debts and overdue payment for his pledged rice.

Wares Hangklaiphum, 43, said her husband Samran Hangklaiphum, 49, was owed more than Bt500,000 for two batches of pledged rice, but ended up having to borrow Bt100,000 to fund his next crop.

She said this latest loan increased the family's debts to Bt200,000.

Wares said her husband, father of three, was a family man and did not smoke or drink. She said the family was waiting for autopsy results.

-- The Nation 2014-03-25

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The Government will still hail the rice scheme as a great success,

not for the farmers, but for the middle men,corrupt officials,with

their noses in the trough,money that could have been put to much

better use.

regards Worgeordie

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RIP to him. Borrowing to plant the next crop is probably the norm across the country. It has been that way in our family for the past 2 years, so farmers are now in the same cycle as many of their western counterparts, of 'working for the bank.' - But in thailand's case it could have been avoided, and nothing has changed in terms of farmers ability to control the sale of their product. I hope they vote accordingly whenever/if there is another election.

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That bad, bad Govt.

Responsible for people committing suicide due to financial problems.

Good thing we have the PAD-Dem's pointing that out, and showing the rightful cause....And I am very sure they don't do it for political gain.....

They are 'altruism' personified. Especially as it concerns people they like to refer to as 'buffalo's'.

I think you'll find that it was the victim's wife explaining why the death might have occurred.

She's only speculating, it could have been from natural causes.

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That bad, bad Govt.

Responsible for people committing suicide due to financial problems.

Good thing we have the PAD-Dem's pointing that out, and showing the rightful cause....And I am very sure they don't do it for political gain.....

They are 'altruism' personified. Especially as it concerns people they like to refer to as 'buffalo's'.

Some buffaloes actually beat up a monk yesterday! For the rest, anyone calling any person a buffalo is not very intelligent. Whatever side of the spectrum.

Supporting a corrupt and murderous regime neither by the way. This poor farmer took his life, and you turn it in a political yes-no discussion.

I wonder what motivates you in doing so!

yes poor monk, he must have been such a good person as all monks are.

once watched a monk caught on camera and shown having sex with 3 dogs one night and 3 girls the next night,filmed by the locals.

yes poor poor monk, can criminals become monks?

As for the farmer, it's like blaming Suthep for road accidents.

Does things in three's does he?You've got to admire his stamina. I suppose he posed extra so the locals could film him and shout encouragement,......."No,no!! not the great dane,take the terrier first,he's dying for it

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That bad, bad Govt.

Responsible for people committing suicide due to financial problems.

Good thing we have the PAD-Dem's pointing that out, and showing the rightful cause....And I am very sure they don't do it for political gain.....

They are 'altruism' personified. Especially as it concerns people they like to refer to as 'buffalo's'.

I think you'll find that it was the victim's wife explaining why the death might have occurred.

She's only speculating, it could have been from natural causes.

What about a bit of sympathy for the poor family.

Your words show where your true morals lie!

Your post is absolutely disgusting!!

Why is it disgusting? Because unless you're the coroner who's completed the autopsy, then NOBODY knows what the cause of death was!!!! Speculating is all that most people are doing?

What I do feel sympathy for is the family of this man has to pick up his burden, including his debt..

Why do I need to show sympathy for a man who we knew NOTHING about, who may have died from natural causes, should I feel sympathy for all the chidren who die from cot death? from all the victims of RTA's .. And I sure don't need YOU to tell me where my moral compass points

Instead you don't even bother condoning the finger pointing when the cause of death is still to be determined.. Get off your moral High horse!!

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That bad, bad Govt.

Responsible for people committing suicide due to financial problems.

Good thing we have the PAD-Dem's pointing that out, and showing the rightful cause....And I am very sure they don't do it for political gain.....

They are 'altruism' personified. Especially as it concerns people they like to refer to as 'buffalo's'.

How about you try to develop empathy for the family. Counseling might help.

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RIP to this hard-working and honourable gentleman, the world is a far poorer place without him.

My prayers are with his family, I hope that they have many caring friends around them at this terrible time.

you knew him well i take it please less of the dramatics

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I just don't get this, a farmer passes away without a cause of death having been established, and here we have the self righteous preaching about morality?

Whist I do have sympathies for the family, I do not need to be told by ANY forum member whom I should extend my sympathies towards, that is a very private thing.

What I'm personally disgusted at is there is till people here using this poor blokes death as a political statement, and yet you have the gall to call my post disgusting?

How about we await the results of the autopsy before finger pointing... that to me is the more disgusting act, as in jumping to conclusions!!

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That bad, bad Govt.

Responsible for people committing suicide due to financial problems.

Good thing we have the PAD-Dem's pointing that out, and showing the rightful cause....And I am very sure they don't do it for political gain.....

They are 'altruism' personified. Especially as it concerns people they like to refer to as 'buffalo's'.

Do you realy have nothing better to do than turn everything around and blame everything on everybody, except the ptp?

Sorry I have answered my own question, you just follow the ptp guidelines.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

When you follow a man with no moral compass honesty and compassion for others is not on the agenda.

I hope the family finds support through this emotionally trying times.

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Red shirt supporters will turn away from this story, because they don't wish to acknowledge that Pheu Thai's rice scheme policy destroyed the lives of farmers, while the administration's own pockets bulged with graft and corruption, and while the country was taken off the top rice exporting tier. Even officials from within Pheu Thai itself this week have dropped hints that the programme will be discontinued even if they remain in power, in itself a tacit admission of its failure. But for many of their hard-core supporters, the rice scheme was only a blessing for the farmers. Time for them to visit a farm, meet with these families and see how far that argument takes them.

Edited by Scamper
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As much as I hate to say it , the PTP certainly wont be worried in hearing this news, the PTP got the votes , so who cares, the farmers where taken for a ride , so at the next elections, farmers, you had better do the right thing with your vote.

I agree,

But such is they way in the LOS, such a sad set of circumstances.... But that is what happens when they buy votes with promises of riches. Get many requests from family now, Hey can you loan me 200,000 BHT? It is responsibility time Farmers..... You need a better way than the Government....

Remember the Rice Exchange? Just remember, Yingluck is eating duck, on your buck......

Just my thought.... wai2.gifwai2.gifwai2.gif

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Scamper, you dissapoint me, I don't think there's anyone who thinks the scheme was a great idea, and for most parts, they all agree it was a massive mistake, never to be repeated, and a very harsh lesson to be learnt.

However, this poor guy is being turned into a political slanging match, when it's clearly been stated within the article itself that the cause of death has yet to be determined, and you are one of the people here who keep harping on about facts.. the only fact we have here is that the farmer died, he had massive debts.

Nobody here knows anything about this farmer, other than a few comments that his wife made, nobody knows if there were other contributing factors involved either, but hey, these things don't matter, a farmer is dead, he must have killed himself due to the piss poor rice pledging scheme, after all, he's a farmer, it must be true?? Come on people, why keep jumping to conclusion because it suits your political agenda?

That is my point, and I'm being lambasted for not having a moral compass, well to the good folks with these compases, you do realise that farmers have been taking their own lives since well before the rice scheme came into effect, you do realise that there are farmers who are NOT in the scheme who have also taken their own lives, you do realise that many Thais outwith the farming community also take their own lives all through bad debt and being unable to manage it.

I really do feel sadness for his family, but I'd rather wait for a bit more information as to the cause of death, before making judgments.

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