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Pheu Thai seeks UN chief's help against 'anti-democratic' forces


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Reminds me of the time Thaksin wrote a letter to the American government (during the time he was in power and here) explaining the reasons for the unrest and ensuring the American people that Thailand was still a staunch ally. He received an embarrassing standard non committal reply and had to be forced to disclose the letter he had written and the reply to parliament.

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Well it's official. The Pheu Thai party ( aka Thaksin ) has gone mad. Completely off the rails. What can you say about a letter that assumes up is down and north is south ? But at least the madness is down on paper, and will undoubtedly be followed-up with other letters from saner sources. Let's count the madness. Pheu Thai has now complained to the UN about a conspiracy that extends to the Constitutional Court and the independent agencies. Can you imagine any American political party writing to the UN about the U.S. Supreme Court ? Pheu Thai wants to box poor Mr. Moon into condemning the Constitutional Court and the checks and balances of the legal system. Good luck - and by the way, tickets to Mars are already on sale. Mr. Moon is savvy enough not to jettison off the diplomatic trampoline so recklessly and get ensnared in the woes of an administration that has itself committed the most grievous offences against the constitution and is under impeachment investigation for those very offences. Mr. Moon is well aware that the Pheu Thai administration itself tried to ram through a bill that would grant amnesty to a billionaire convicted of corruption, as well as over 25,000 other people found guilty of corruption, and that they were so desperate to do so that they passed it in the middle of the night. He is also aware that that is what started the justifiable uproar in the country that have led to today's events. He is also aware of the unconscionable practices of Pheu Thai MPs to vote multiple times in parliament, thus making a mockery of the parliamentary system. Mr. Moon is also well aware that the Pheu Thai administration tried to rewrite the charter through unconstitutional means. Mr. Moon is well aware that the Pheu Thai administration has committed the most brazen and unconstitutional practices, and has couched their administrating will graft and corruption. Mr. Moon is also well aware of what the letter didn't contain. He is aware that the pro-Pheu Thai UDD have advocated secession, violence, want to neuter the independent agencies, impeach Constitutional Court judges and appoint new ones. And he is also aware of two Pheu Thai cabinet ministers who endorsed the UDD platform. Mr. Moon is also aware of the grenade attacks against the protesters, and is aware that Pheu Thai did nothing to deter them or even pretend to. Pheu Thai has now decided, however, to extend their shame. Not only is the country ashamed of them, but the international community is as well. Shame well earned.

Edited by Scamper
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The UN should have little handouts like they do in doctors surgeries and just pass them out for people to read first before seeking UN attention

The UN's ultimate guide to democracy

The UN guide - How to be a good Government

10 Easy Steps to Beating Corruption

Working inside the Boundaries - Law and Justice

Power Hungry - The Does and Don'ts to avoid abuse of power

How to represent all of the people - Equality

Who's money is it anyway - UN Guide to spending Tax Payers Money

When is a Coup not a Coup

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Mr. Ban is no fool and has his own sources for what is happening in Thailand. This letter follows one, in a similar vein, from Foreign Minister Surapong; against the advice of ALL career diplomats. The Thaksin puppet government is coming across as whiny and desperate. The comments in this last letter are so ridiculous that I am embarrassed for them (since they, themselves, are incapable of embarrassment). Maybe the purpose of this letter was to encourage members of the PTP who's morale is slipping, what with all the court cases filed and pending against them.

Well Mr. Ban just supported the coup in Ukraine....So it shows clearly that he supports what America is tell him to support.

Does that mean America supports Suthep? I have no idea what the US government's goals or intentions are so, since you seem to know, I'm asking you.

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Well it's official. The Pheu Thai party ( aka Thaksin ) has gone mad. Completely off the rails. What can you say about a letter that assumes up is down and north is south ? But at least the madness is down on paper, and will undoubtedly be followed-up with other letters from saner sources. Let's count the madness. Pheu Thai has now complained to the UN about a conspiracy that extends to the Constitutional Court and the independent agencies. Can you imagine any American political party writing to the UN about the U.S. Supreme Court ? Pheu Thai wants to box poor Mr. Moon into condemning the Constitutional Court and the checks and balances of the legal system. Good luck - and by the way, tickets to Mars are already on sale. Mr. Moon is savvy enough not to jettison off the diplomatic trampoline so recklessly and get ensnared in the woes of an administration that has itself committed the most grievous offences against the constitution and is under impeachment investigation for those very offences. Mr. Moon is well aware that the Pheu Thai administration itself tried to ram through a bill that would grant amnesty to a billionaire convicted of corruption, as well as over 25,000 other people found guilty of corruption, and that they were so desperate to do so that they passed it in the middle of the night. He is also aware that that is what started the justifiable uproar in the country that have led to today's events. He is also aware of the unconscionable practices of Pheu Thai MPs to vote multiple times in parliament, thus making a mockery of the parliamentary system. Mr. Moon is also well aware that the Pheu Thai administration tried to rewrite the charter through unconstitutional means. Mr. Moon is well aware that the Pheu Thai administration has committed the most brazen and unconstitutional practices, and has couched their administrating will graft and corruption. Mr. Moon is also well aware of what the letter didn't contain. He is aware that the pro-Pheu Thai UDD have advocated secession, violence, want to neuter the independent agencies, impeach Constitutional Court judges and appoint new ones. And he is also aware of two Pheu Thai cabinet ministers who endorsed the UDD platform. Mr. Moon is also aware of the grenade attacks against the protesters, and is aware that Pheu Thai did nothing to deter them or even pretend to. Pheu Thai has now decided, however, to extend their shame. Not only is the country ashamed of them, but the international community is as well. Shame well earned.

There is nothing like the smell of panic to go with the morning coffe.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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As an ex-pat who has lived in Thailand for 12 years I think I am a qualified observer.

This is simply a fight by the conservative elite class against the poor. They just can't stand that their taxes are used to help the general populace.

To appoint a PM instead of electing one is indeed undemocratic. It cannot be described any other way.

I do not have a great love for Thaksin or his sister. They have definitely lined their pockets but look around the world. That is what all politicians do.

I do not condone that, I just point out that no matter who is in the seats of power do it.

If you consider that providing health care, infrastructure support etc. buying an election that is a good way to buy an election.

In Boston many years ago their was a $1,000,000 cheque written to construct a garage under the Boston Commons. The cheque was cashed but nobody knew what happened to the funds. Now, when a cheque is cashed, there is a paper trail but no-one ever was accused let alone indicted.

Again, all I am pointing out that corruption exists and an appointed privy council will be, I guarantee, no different.

So get on with elections and let democracy run its' course.

Another anoymous statement by someone purporting himself to be a "qualified" sage on all things political. I wonder what his usual avatar is?

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Here's an idea, why dosen't someone seek the UN chief'd help in sitting down these moronic lame brained politicians and explain to them that they are still acting like the spoilt Thai male child brat, they do not have the intelligence for the position and that in a real world critisism is part of the job, saving face is something pimply teens are about.

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Can anyone remind me who once said "The UN is not my father".

Yes it was Thaksin back in....................oh yes, 2003. In reply to the UNHCR who said they would send officials to observe Thai police conduct during the "war on drugs". The rest of that soundbite is

"I am not worried about any UN visit to Thailand on this issue. A UN envoy can come any time to make observations"

Totally rivetting and absolutely damning whistling.gif , I'm sure, but relevance to this topic - a big fat round zero.

But feel free to wheel this old saying out every time there is a mention of the PTP and the UN in one sentence - I look forward to the many varied ways this soundbite can be used to imply............well something, anyway. coffee1.gif

This sound bite is being wheeled out because at that time (march 2003) thaksin did say the un is not his father and now thaksin through ptp is asking the un for help.

In one case he says he will not listen to the Un but now wants the protesters to listen to the UN. Only if the Un comes on on their side of course. If the Un berates ptp then the UN is not my father will be most likely be dragged out again by thaksin.

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I like is word

the conservatives and their anti-democracy conspirators

but people demonstrated against a corrupt government. Sorry for PT but the world know about the big scandal of rice scheme. UN know that YL has been warn about the risk of this scheme, and not do anything to stop the problem. Foreign government not only base their analysis of Thailand situation with Surapong conference, they use other channel to make their own opinion for this. Their not interfere in this case... UN and WESTERN country not support corrupt government

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I'm not sure that these people would really want to hear what Ban Ki-moon has to say about PTP - he's not that stupid or ill informed - the fact that he says nothing should be loud and clear but I very much doubt that the people involved would grasp the concept of international politics where silence or neutrality is actually condemnation

He hasn't said anything about the PTP. That is because he already knows that the problem is the PDRC

While he recognizes the complexity of the situation and that some chose not to participate in the election, the Secretary-General is concerned that a number of Thai people were not able to exercise their right to vote,” said a note to correspondents issued by Mr. Ban’s spokesperson last evening.

Noting that the UN chief is closely following the developments in Thailand, the note reiterated Mr. Ban’s call for political differences to be solved through dialogue and in the best interest of the Thai people.

Any action that undermines democratic processes and hinder the democratic right of the Thai people cannot be condoned,” said the note, adding that the Secretary-General encourages all Thais and political leaders in particular to move towards a political solution based on dialogue, compromise and respect for democratic principles.


I like the "Any action that undermines democratic processes and hinder the democratic right of the Thai people cannot be condoned,"

Maybe Mr. Moon also knows about the undemocratic push for a Blanket Amnesty Bill which caused the eruption of democratic anti-government protests?

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Can anyone remind me who once said "The UN is not my father".

Yes it was Thaksin back in....................oh yes, 2003. In reply to the UNHCR who said they would send officials to observe Thai police conduct during the "war on drugs". The rest of that soundbite is

"I am not worried about any UN visit to Thailand on this issue. A UN envoy can come any time to make observations"

Totally rivetting and absolutely damning whistling.gif , I'm sure, but relevance to this topic - a big fat round zero.

But feel free to wheel this old saying out every time there is a mention of the PTP and the UN in one sentence - I look forward to the many varied ways this soundbite can be used to imply............well something, anyway. coffee1.gif

Totally agree, my dear Fabs. The topic is not Thaksin but only the "Thaksin thinks" Pheu Thai party.

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This is just the PTP (anonymously?) recycling what Surapong tried and failed to do (& got a decent kick in the balls).

Last year PTP invited Kofi Annan (who didn't come), Tony Blair (who came), Marti Ahtisaari (who came) and others who didn't come) - to a 'reconciliation' conference. Speeches were made, some warning that majority rule doesn't have to trample over the rights of the minority.

Result: nothing. Meaning it was just a meaningless PR talk-fest. I'm sure that the UN is aware of the 'conference' and knows very well that any advice in favour of PTP will be accepted and any against will be ignored. As already mentioned, Mr Ban has far more important problems to try to solve.

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As an ex-pat who has lived in Thailand for 12 years I think I am a qualified observer.

This is simply a fight by the conservative elite class against the poor. They just can't stand that their taxes are used to help the general populace.

To appoint a PM instead of electing one is indeed undemocratic. It cannot be described any other way.

I do not have a great love for Thaksin or his sister. They have definitely lined their pockets but look around the world. That is what all politicians do.

I do not condone that, I just point out that no matter who is in the seats of power do it.

If you consider that providing health care, infrastructure support etc. buying an election that is a good way to buy an election.

In Boston many years ago their was a $1,000,000 cheque written to construct a garage under the Boston Commons. The cheque was cashed but nobody knew what happened to the funds. Now, when a cheque is cashed, there is a paper trail but no-one ever was accused let alone indicted.

Again, all I am pointing out that corruption exists and an appointed privy council will be, I guarantee, no different.

So get on with elections and let democracy run its' course.

A lot of assumptions, my dear 12-yr expat.


from a Dutch uncle who works and lives in Bangkok since 1994

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To: The Honourable Ban Ki Moon. Sec Gen. UN

From: Pheu Thai, Shin Family and all Red Shirt Friends.

Dear Mr Ban Ki Moon,

please could you help us with our special Pheu Thai Problem.

We won the election, mostly thanks to the ineptitude of the Democrats and to the great wisdom of our True Leader, who alas is a criminal fugitive in Dubai, who in his dazzling brilliance thought up the idea to exchange huge sums for Rice - in exchange for Votes.

Mr Ban Ki Moon it worked. The peasant rice famers gave us our needed votes and we were able to elect our Dear And Revered True Leader, Taksin Shinawatra in the form of his sister, Yingluck.

Now our biggest problem is that we never actually had the money to pay many times the market price for the rice. Most of the rice left now (some has been sold to defray OUR expenses and those of our beloved Red shirt PTP members of Parliament) is black with mould.

Please could you send a couple of trillion baht, as a gift, so that our Party can restore order to the country by having enough to buy the next election.

Please also, could you make a comment on TV that the monk our Red shirts beat up was just asking for it.

If you would also be so kind as to arrange a photo shoot with Taksin Shinawatra - we promise you the rewards would be greater than those of your predecessor, Mr Annan.

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Mr. Ban is no fool and has his own sources for what is happening in Thailand. This letter follows one, in a similar vein, from Foreign Minister Surapong; against the advice of ALL career diplomats. The Thaksin puppet government is coming across as whiny and desperate. The comments in this last letter are so ridiculous that I am embarrassed for them (since they, themselves, are incapable of embarrassment). Maybe the purpose of this letter was to encourage members of the PTP who's morale is slipping, what with all the court cases filed and pending against them.

Well Mr. Ban just supported the coup in Ukraine....So it shows clearly that he supports what America is tell him to support.

Does that mean America supports Suthep? I have no idea what the US government's goals or intentions are so, since you seem to know, I'm asking you.

I think they support who promise a bigger part of the cake for chevron....Or some other benefit.

Or they might support both sides.

It was told by the protesters that the ambassador is friend with Potjaman. And on the other hand there were rumors that Washington told her to keep the fingers out of it.

Hard to tell what are empty rumors and what is true.

There is also some nasty stuff on wikileaks.....but now very outdated. Not relevant for these problems.

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Can anyone remind me who once said "The UN is not my father".

The Secretary General is accepted by most as the de facto Father of all Nations on Earth. President Franklin D. Roosevelt regarded the UN The Secretary General's function as 'The Moderator of the World's Nations'.

Ban Ki Moon, UN Secretary General is widely regarded as the Most Trustworthy and effective UN Secretary General since the end of the second World War.

Edited by indyuk
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I'm not sure that these people would really want to hear what Ban Ki-moon has to say about PTP - he's not that stupid or ill informed - the fact that he says nothing should be loud and clear but I very much doubt that the people involved would grasp the concept of international politics where silence or neutrality is actually condemnation

He hasn't said anything about the PTP. That is because he already knows that the problem is the PDRC

While he recognizes the complexity of the situation and that some chose not to participate in the election, the Secretary-General is concerned that a number of Thai people were not able to exercise their right to vote,” said a note to correspondents issued by Mr. Ban’s spokesperson last evening.

Noting that the UN chief is closely following the developments in Thailand, the note reiterated Mr. Ban’s call for political differences to be solved through dialogue and in the best interest of the Thai people.

Any action that undermines democratic processes and hinder the democratic right of the Thai people cannot be condoned,” said the note, adding that the Secretary-General encourages all Thais and political leaders in particular to move towards a political solution based on dialogue, compromise and respect for democratic principles.


Hey fab4 ........... your going for the joke of the month............you win!

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Can anyone remind me who once said "The UN is not my father".

The Secretary General is accepted by most as the de facto Father of all Nations on Earth. President Franklin D. Roosevelt regarded the UN The Secretary General's function as 'The Moderator of the World's Nations'.

Ban Ki Moon, UN Secretary General is widely regarded as the Most Trustworthy and effective UN Secretary General since the end of the second World War.

Well, luckily Thaksin was not referring to Mr. Moon in 2004

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Can anyone remind me who once said "The UN is not my father".

The Secretary General is accepted by most as the de facto Father of all Nations on Earth. President Franklin D. Roosevelt regarded the UN The Secretary General's function as 'The Moderator of the World's Nations'.

Ban Ki Moon, UN Secretary General is widely regarded as the Most Trustworthy and effective UN Secretary General since the end of the second World War.

Well, luckily Thaksin was not referring to Mr. Moon in 2004

2003, rubl, 2003

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Mr. Ban is no fool and has his own sources for what is happening in Thailand. This letter follows one, in a similar vein, from Foreign Minister Surapong; against the advice of ALL career diplomats. The Thaksin puppet government is coming across as whiny and desperate. The comments in this last letter are so ridiculous that I am embarrassed for them (since they, themselves, are incapable of embarrassment). Maybe the purpose of this letter was to encourage members of the PTP who's morale is slipping, what with all the court cases filed and pending against them.

Well Mr. Ban just supported the coup in Ukraine....So it shows clearly that he supports what America is tell him to support.

Is it the Russian military coup in Ukraine you are referring to? I must have missed that.

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Mr Ban, please help me, I am a member of an undemocratic government.

You see I got this job because I am the relative of the real boss, Taksin, remember, 'Thaksin thinks, Pheua Thai does'

Patronage and cronyism are crucial factors in our party, prospective and current Ministers fly immediately to see our great leader wherever he is.

You can see by our record of abysmal failure with the rice scheme, ( secret deals, no prices revealed),tablets, flood prevention, 2 trillion baht loan,( designed as off budget so it can't be checked) that we are sincerely opposed to any checks and balances, cornerstones of democracy.

Now we intend to clip the powers of any independent agency,

Mr Ban, please come to Thailand, preferably with some UN peacekeepers and put us, a truly awful government out of our misery,

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Well it's official. The Pheu Thai party ( aka Thaksin ) has gone mad. Completely off the rails. What can you say about a letter that assumes up is down and north is south ? But at least the madness is down on paper, and will undoubtedly be followed-up with other letters from saner sources. Let's count the madness. Pheu Thai has now complained to the UN about a conspiracy that extends to the Constitutional Court and the independent agencies. Can you imagine any American political party writing to the UN about the U.S. Supreme Court ? Pheu Thai wants to box poor Mr. Moon into condemning the Constitutional Court and the checks and balances of the legal system. Good luck - and by the way, tickets to Mars are already on sale. Mr. Moon is savvy enough not to jettison off the diplomatic trampoline so recklessly and get ensnared in the woes of an administration that has itself committed the most grievous offences against the constitution and is under impeachment investigation for those very offences. Mr. Moon is well aware that the Pheu Thai administration itself tried to ram through a bill that would grant amnesty to a billionaire convicted of corruption, as well as over 25,000 other people found guilty of corruption, and that they were so desperate to do so that they passed it in the middle of the night. He is also aware that that is what started the justifiable uproar in the country that have led to today's events. He is also aware of the unconscionable practices of Pheu Thai MPs to vote multiple times in parliament, thus making a mockery of the parliamentary system. Mr. Moon is also well aware that the Pheu Thai administration tried to rewrite the charter through unconstitutional means. Mr. Moon is well aware that the Pheu Thai administration has committed the most brazen and unconstitutional practices, and has couched their administrating will graft and corruption. Mr. Moon is also well aware of what the letter didn't contain. He is aware that the pro-Pheu Thai UDD have advocated secession, violence, want to neuter the independent agencies, impeach Constitutional Court judges and appoint new ones. And he is also aware of two Pheu Thai cabinet ministers who endorsed the UDD platform. Mr. Moon is also aware of the grenade attacks against the protesters, and is aware that Pheu Thai did nothing to deter them or even pretend to. Pheu Thai has now decided, however, to extend their shame. Not only is the country ashamed of them, but the international community is as well. Shame well earned.

Who is Mr Moon? It sounds like you bought some tickets to Mars from this Mr Moon, a one way trip perhaps. Or are you talking about the Man in the Moon.

Ban Ki-Moon is the 8th secretary general of the United Nations. And you presume a lot of one-sidedness at the UN Secretariat to the benefit of anti-democracy feudalists in Thailand that are persona non grata in at least 40 democracies that are members of the UN.

The UN and the world of democratic nations know the 2007 constitution was written by an exclusive body incestuously appointed by the coup d'état military rulers and was imposed on the country's population by the diktat of the military rulers. The 2007 constitution was written and imposed unconstitutionally by an unconstitutional body appointed by extra-constitutional military rulers that seized government power under martial law in a military mutiny coup d'état. You seem not to have acquired the knowledge yet, so let me advise you a coup d'état is a serious violation of civil society, civil government authority and of constitutionalism anywhere, anytime.

The current Constitution Court was written into the unconstitutional and extra-constitutional 2007 constitution by the illegitimate coup government rulers and imposed on the country by their military diktat. The world of nations knows this and the Thai people know this. You have a lot of catching up to do so hop to it.

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Another request for help from foreigners.

Just what is this country coming to ?

Maybe to its senses, it spent enough time using them as an excuse for all its woes, it could do worse than seek outside to help with a solution.

Of course that would probably involve respecting an election and results which im sure would not go down too well with some here or in the banana split camp

Edited by englishoak
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The letter, in which the party's name is misspelled as "Phue Thai"

Just about sums up the level of professionalism, if one can't even spell their own name correctly.

There is no such thing as a "correct" transliteration of Thai. For example, Esan, Isaan, etc. I'm sure he can spell it properly in Thai script.
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