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Pet Hates on Thai Visa Forums


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'showbags' (post #2) ... this is human 'pet hates' ...

not your dog's pet hates ...

and running off with one of your thongs, well that's more a fetish ...

let's get a ruling from 'thailiketoo' ... he appears to have adopted the role of an adjudicator ...

That's what the quote function is for. If you have a problem with anything I have written quote it instead of name calling for some supposed wrong in your mind.
I thought he was showing respectful deference. I'm always worried by people who take offense where none was offered. Are you a Scouser? Are we in danger of finding this thread up on bricks?
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'showbags' (post #2) ... this is human 'pet hates' ...

not your dog's pet hates ...

and running off with one of your thongs, well that's more a fetish ...

let's get a ruling from 'thailiketoo' ... he appears to have adopted the role of an adjudicator ...

That's what the quote function is for. If you have a problem with anything I have written quote it instead of name calling for some supposed wrong in your mind.
I thought he was showing respectful deference. I'm always worried by people who take offense where none was offered. Are you a Scouser? Are we in danger of finding this thread up on bricks?
what do you mean are you a scouser!

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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It was a reference to the prejudice that Scousers are responsible for making off with things despite possession being only 90% of the law - particularly car wheels.

I hope the explanation was helpful.


sound lad.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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what do you mean are you a scouser!

Nickname for people from around Liverpool.

You've probably heard of the soccer team?

It's also a town somewhere in Britain. These regional "insider" things seem to be important to the Brits.

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what do you mean are you a scouser!

Nickname for people from around Liverpool.

You've probably heard of the soccer team?

It's also a town somewhere in Britain. These regional "insider" things seem to be important to the Brits.

(. . . . . . . . a great percentage of whom continue to post their political views and their considered opinions regarding ALL things Thai from the local Fox & Ferkin in beautiful downtown B'roke-as-Fork on D'ole.)

" .,. . . . . . . . . was that a comment or question about sport ? . . . . . . . . . . sport bores the arse off me"

British actor Bob Hoskins in a BBC interview some years back.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

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British actor Bob Hoskins in a BBC interview some years back.

Brilliant, Mona Lisa was pretty realistic, at least compared to say Pretty Woman 8-). Brazil, loved him in Mermaids with Cher too. . .

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My dog is 3yo and still steals one of my thongs and runs of into the garden with it every night...sometimes demolishing it.

Mine is actually very sick and very old...cancer...heartbreaking to watch him.....

How sad, i love animals, but when something happens, i vow never to have another one, as its heartbreaking to see them go...

once again, sorry to hear about your anquish...

And precisely why you should have a companion critter. You care.

Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole. ~Roger Caras

This leads to my grumble: The abject cruelty of too many on TVF, of those who turn a blind eye at the torment and painful lives of Thailand's critters or take delight in sharing how they killed a neighbor's dog or cat. (And my comment is not about the people above, so no offense intended.)

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what do you mean are you a scouser!

Nickname for people from around Liverpool.

You've probably heard of the soccer team?

It's also a town somewhere in Britain. These regional "insider" things seem to be important to the Brits.

yeah av heard of Everton.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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I hate the way members just go onto unrelated stuff like the Doggie stories above. Even worse is to notice same serial posters on every topic playing intellectual pin pong with their cyber mates. Some have 4000 posts in two months. Who lives like this?

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I hate the way members just go onto unrelated stuff like the Doggie stories above. Even worse is to notice same serial posters on every topic playing intellectual pin pong with their cyber mates. Some have 4000 posts in two months. Who lives like this?

how do you live, having ping pongs fired at you in a bar?

Sent from my HTC One mini using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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My pet hate is.. when you rant about something or comment on something, you get the usual


It seems impossible to vent your opinion without one of these comments..

This world is full of simple minded people who like Tiny George II (George Bush) think everything has to be either black or white. There is no room for nuance with these bumble brains. They do not process thoughts like the rest of the intelligent population. They just react, and feel their position is usually the right one. We must simply ignore them. Their opinion has no credence. Who cares? Certainly not I. Hopefully not you. Let them be, and ignore their ignorant comments.

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My pet hate is.. when you rant about something or comment on something, you get the usual


It seems impossible to vent your opinion without one of these comments..

This world is full of simple minded people who like Tiny George II (George Bush) think everything has to be either black or white. There is no room for nuance with these bumble brains. They do not process thoughts like the rest of the intelligent population. They just react, and feel their position is usually the right one. We must simply ignore them. Their opinion has no credence. Who cares? Certainly not I. Hopefully not you. Let them be, and ignore their ignorant comments.

Some things are black and white. Your name calling is black and white. Anuban right? If you had a clue you would not refer to an American who has been out of office for 6 years. Grow up. Get current. Try to respond to the post instead of anti American rhetoric that has been out of style and out of date by 6 years. bah.gif

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Lanng khao... Is your attempt at humour ?

Yes I've been to walking street. Do you have any other lame questions. Contribute to OP or nick off.

just one more question and il be brief, do you suffer from mental health?

Sent from my HTC One mini using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I say this. And maybe mods should find a way,,dunno what..not my job!!to stop repetitive posts from people who either have neither the brains nor the time to read what has been already posted... Smile Smile

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Hate it when reasonable threads degenerate into people attacking each other, especially when it's done with a level of sophistication reminiscent of recess at a kindergarten.

Back home of course, Thai kids don't bicker like that.

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