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Some Thai ladies like the idea of having a foreign husband, however the reality of being with one is totally different! not speaking Thai and I assume her English is not that good can make them think gain about it. not flying her to hua hin in a private jet and staying in the presidential suite t the Marriott probably got her thinking that you are not the rich farang she thought you were. They have so many relatives up in Isaan that it is not unprobabal one of them passed away, and they do have to attend the funeral as is custom. Falling off the back of a pickup truck is plausible except for the fact that who's pick up truck was it? and maybe she has lost her memory. Just remember that Thai ladies actually believe all the stories they tell you.. I wouldn't go to her place, but have her meet you in Bangkok and if all good travel there together! if that doesn't work out...kick it to the kerb and wait five minutes for the next lady to show up.

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"She fell off the back of a pickup truck, and banged her head on the road, a couple of days before I lost contact with her.

She showed me a nasty graze on her elbow and said she also hurt her back"

Just wait for her to take contact when she needs help with the hospital bill whistling.gif

Seems like you spend some days with her and don't really know anything, where is her husband, kids, parents?

First trip to Thailand I guess, believe anything they tell you, well good luck with your girl she probably working a bigger fish right now coffee1.gif

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"These girls do what suites them best and don't really care about other's feelings. Thais can be very inconsiderate people ! It's a me me me society. " ttthailand.

very true infortunately..

Thais don't know the meaning of compassion, if you cry when they break up with you they just laugh. Plane simple, don't get emotional involved in Thai girls, most of them just want your money and dump you like some peace of garbage coffee1.gif

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if you feel she's worth it, then follow your guts and go for it.

just take a taxi from the airport to the adress

Its a nice adventure with a nice end if you win the love off your life

At any place in the world, also in Thailand, you'll have the 50/50 rule

Thats more then you can say from the lottery...

again, if you feel for her, then go for her...

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this nice gal pops up every day on TV... i like to chat with her(s)... partytime2.gif.pagespeed.ce.PFycHnSwjt.g


Yeah, she's so fine that the guy in the back on the motor bike is checking her out too lol.

No disrespect to the OP, but I would not go visit her there as she is still considered somewhat a stranger. When you meet someone else you'll see the difference.

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Jeeez, how old are YOU? Don't you know that all these cougars have many other "Sponsors" around. It's their BUSINESS to make money out of every stupid foreigner who lost his heart..... Don't worry, try the next!


I am young and handsome...

Coming to Thailand since 2005

I bet i know more about Thailand and their girls then you...

I came to my latest lady since 3 years now...

Living in a rural area , amongst rural people, living between her family and sharing the same happiness or sadness as they are.

About money ? i don't have any, but i do provide them with my knowledge and my skills...

Every person on the world has a history... accept that and believe in the good people existing everywhere, not only in your world...

So to the OP, if you believe then go for it, absorb the experience whether its a good or a bad one, Thailand = do it, don't talk about it...

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OP - These replies and suggestions on the most part are accurate in my opinion. It is rare that after a 'get to know' trip, every day talks and contact then suddenly no response. No contact. My bet is she has as according to others here, have her other sponsor visiting or been playing the field. Walk away. Walk away fast. Start another friendship. Good luck.

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You're 55, she is 33. You're looking for a last dance at romance and want to be desired by a young woman to feed the aging ego. You believe she really does think you are handsome and great in bed. She, on the other hand, is most likely hedging her bets on a few older guys to find the richest; the one who can pay a sin sot way above her status and take care of her kids, and extended family.

You have done all the romantic stuff but appear more into the girlfriend-boyfriend stuff and reliving your twenties. Things aren't moving quickly enough for her. She is bored of the 'I love yous' and most likely another guy has agreed to marriage or a higher monthly payment.

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It is a very familiar story and i agree mostly wit the others but for your education i think you shouls make the trip and see if it is all BS, if nothing else you will understand the thai a little better, as i said most of what the others have said is true, there are many good thai ladies and many that could use a little help so find a good one and have a good life.

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Man move on!

I can understand that your feelings have grown over time immensely but something is putting doubts in your mind. These are what my mother told me to trust, my instincts. If something feels not quite right then it probably isn't.

Many Thai girls suck you in and when they've really got you, it's now your turn to show your 'love' for her and this is usually in the financial way.

You should ask yourself, if she really felt the same way, would she do this to me???

So many available, nice, genuine girls here, why risk it on a (IMO) 'flaky at best' kind of girl?

Good luck my man.

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I am going to assume her story is real;

I just picked my best mate from the airport (here in OZ with his "wife" - a Thai - and he has lived in Thailand 5+ years, they have a child together + her daughter) ... they got a lift - to the airport, in a ute, 11 of them, they load them up 'legally' ...

your female friend could have fallen out ... surely you have a phone number ... get in contact with a Wat in the UK (Buddha Temple) and ask them to ring number on their phone and you pay ... Thai talks to Thai, the ones living in your country are more attuned to the vagaries of relationships and more likely to get the gist of what is happening ...

your call (if you excuse the pun) ... nothing wrong with being a caring human Mate ... if she is fair dinkum ... you just proved you're a quality bloke, if not, you've still proved it ...

all the best

Edited by Daniel Boon
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Notice how many of us say we have heard this all before? With the leaving you after 2 days of a supposed 8 day trip in Hua Hin I woyuld say she got disinterested with spending any long time with you. Kept e mailing and Skype for awhile just in case nothing better came along , at least good for free trip good meals but then decided nah not worth it. Cold? Cynical? Maybe but common here. She may have had accident but also could have wanted excuse for not contacting you for awhile because she is busy with other online love--doesn/t want phone interuptions.

Maybe just before you come over e mail her you found a Thai guy online who is willing to bring you to her address but that if she has found someone else just reply" goodbye" and you will not waste the time ---her and yours to go there,see what happens. I also agree going alone to a rural area, not speaking Thai and they knowing you are carring cash credit cards for trip is not a good idea.

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Jeeez, how old are YOU? Don't you know that all these cougars have many other "Sponsors" around. It's their BUSINESS to make money out of every stupid foreigner who lost his heart..... Don't worry, try the next!


I am young and handsome...

Coming to Thailand since 2005

I bet i know more about Thailand and their girls then you...

I came to my latest lady since 3 years now...

Living in a rural area , amongst rural people, living between her family and sharing the same happiness or sadness as they are.

About money ? i don't have any, but i do provide them with my knowledge and my skills...

Every person on the world has a history... accept that and believe in the good people existing everywhere, not only in your world...

So to the OP, if you believe then go for it, absorb the experience whether its a good or a bad one, Thailand = do it, don't talk about it...

What kovaltech has forgotten to mention is the number of times he got screwed over or disappointed by people before he found his rural bliss.

Live in the real world OP. The chances are overwhelmingly in the favor of something fishy going on rather than her not her being unable to contact you from a hospital bed. Listen to the advice you've been given. She probably wasn't impressed with a bus trip the Hua Hin or the standard of the hotel and decided to bail. The silent treatment is her way of saving your feelings and avoiding conflict. Move on.

Edited by saroq
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Perhaps you should bang your headxwub.png.pagespeed.ic.auE7ON7hrr.png Like the Archers radio series in UK. 'This is an everyday story of country folk'. This has happened a thousand times in the LOS, Or LOHF (Land of hoodwinked farangs) Walk away and put it down to another mystery of the orient. For the seasoned here, it's not a mysterycoffee1.gif

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Seems you are a good guy and I wish you good luck. I am living in Thailand and I am married with a goood woman since 2005. I agree with most of the posters here.

There is a high likelihood that she is not honest. But it cannot be excluded that she is and something happened to her. Difficult to find out from what you know.

In this thread the subject of money has been mentioned only randomly. Money is a big indicator evaluating sincerity of Thai women.

Did she ask for money? Are you paying her monthly? Did she ask for more? Did she ask for gifts or money needed for some emergency situation? Are you telling her you don't have much money? Be also prepared that she is planning to ask you for a large sum for paying the "hospital bill". In this case find some Thai person (maybe a wive of one of the posters here) who can find out the truth.

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If you can't let it go without finding the truth, see how much a private investigator will cost you and if that's cheaper than going there just pay one to find out if she really is ill or just moved on.

At least you'll be able to avoid the hassle of going into the unknown and can start planning ahead for your next visit.

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It just came to my mind that some years ago I read a book about understanding Thai women and their behaviour. If you are interested in this or maybe other Thai women I highly recommend this to you. The title is Thailand Fever.

Usually you have to be careful with women in bars and women from Isan. (I am not saying some of them might be sincere, too)

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She must of received a higher bid....

a few gals i met on the internet never even said goodbye....heard it second hand.

Mine went to Sweden! She yanked my heartstrings out, but that was it. Turned out she was engaged to the Swede....sloppy seconds for him. My wallet is intact, my heartstrings tied back in place, and I am much the better for the parting.

Thank Goodness....Sorry for the swede though.

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Find a good map of Thailand and fine this village. Then find a major center and the hospital telephone number on the Internet. They speak English at hospitals. If money is no option hire a Private Eye. There are many on the Internet and I am sure someone here knows of a trustworthy one. As suggested go on this trip but as a single. Her lost contact to you could very well be her way of saying good-bye.

Above all else don't go there as you may be disappointed in what you may find. As David pointed out a Sponsor and a angry Thai Lady could be what you find and two very surprised Farangs. If she is in the hospital she can get word to you by cell phone. If she is unconscious or dead there is not much you can do about it by showing up there.

Her disappearance over Christmas could have been a dead relative. Did she ask you to come along? Why not? Is there no hotel you could have stayed close by? So if not, and she did not ask, I would be suspicious. It could be that she is hiding something she does not want you to know about. Like Juggling to Farangs who showed up at the same time.

I do know how you feel as one time many years ago this happened to me. It was my Fiancee then, if you can believe. She just totally disappeared with no word or what seemed like to me, no good reason. She also lived in a country where I did not speak the local language.

This almost drove me crazy for years not knowing and trying to find logic in all this. But my story turned out to be a happy one in the end. We met up years later and all was explained. She just lost contact with me as she move to London. Today we are still very good friends. But that is not always the case.

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It is hard to believe that most of the people on TV actually bother to get out of bed after all yo get back in at night. Such negativity is unbelievable.

Anyway, why not send a message every day and see what comes back. Tell her you will be in Thailand on (what ever date you arrive) and that you will be at the hotel she told you about.

Once there if you have her full address, the people at the hotel with help you find it. Then you can find out what has happened. If she fell of the back of a truck she may well be in hospital but it will be a lot easier to find out when you are there.

If, and I don't want to be down on this, she does have someone else then best thing is to move on and it it down to experience. From what you say I think there is a reasonable explanation - dont listen to all the negative comments those people need to get a life

Good luck and I hope everything turns out good for you

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