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Three events on Saturday that could turn the political tide


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”A second key event is that leaders of Pheu Thai's red-shirt supporters plan a "closed-doors meeting" on that day to discuss plans for a mass red-shirt rally in Bangkok on April 5.”


  1. Do not beat up our monks, they are Buddha’s messengers. We respect them.
  2. Do not intimidate or harass our children if they oppose you. We love them.
  3. Do not burn our work places. We need to work because we love our families.
  4. Do not form gangs and loot the shops.

"a meeting of the Democrat Party"


  1. Democracy is to be fought for and honoured. Democracy is for ALL. Not just the rich, elite and educated
  2. Do not back PDRC in blocking and harassing voters. This have the RIGHT to vote - RESPECT it
  3. Do not run away from your responsibility to YOUR voters. Thailand does not need a fascist 'council' it needs a reasonable 'opposition' it needs ELECTIONS
  4. Remember that YOU were in power for 3 years. You did NOTHING for REFORMS stop being hypocrites - build up policies people can vote for and let go of your ammart/elitist roots then you may actually WIN

and remember, ballots must be secret and private. CCTV watching you vote is a no-no. Same for having someone watch what you check, or checking your ballot. You cannot have your neighbours forcing you to vote one way. It's totally fine to say "sure I voted for this party/person" and then do the opposite. In fact, if you offer me 500 baht to vote for you and I vote for someone else, too bad for you. All the other usual things about avoiding ballot box stuffing, preventing people from voting etc. It's not useful to only single out one behaviour. Maybe that is the reform that is needed?

not against any of that but as you know even the Dems admit that 'vote buying' is a non-issue and they stated as much

do people get payments? yes on both sides - the people I know take the money and vote for who they want! no one watching, no one filming

anyway, yes, free voting is a must

until the Dems stop being the mouthpiece for the elite they will NEVER win - not because people love PTP but because Thais have woken up to this 'vote for Dems we know best we are educated' and they simply will not tolerate it anymore

where's the REAL opposition party with no affiliations???

Where is the real opposition with no affiliations? Do you think PTP are a real party then? They only have one affiliation.

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Where is the real opposition with no affiliations? Do you think PTP are a real party then? They only have one affiliation.

respectfully you have mis-read

I am asking WHERE is the REAL opposition with NO affiliations to Thasksin or the Ammart (I am saying there isn't one) wai.gif

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The Thais alone can not handle this crisis. Even the 'invisible hands' are divided. Thailand needs help from outside. They have to realise this sooner or later. I guess much later...

I agree... but they have refused outside help and monitors - to have an election run by 'outsiders' maybe just what is needed to ensure all sides respect the outcome

but when asked about Election Monitors:

Suthep: "I don't respect 'farangs'. We

do not have to surrender to them"

Suthep: "I don't respect 'farangs'. We

do not have to surrender to them"

Can you please give me the the source where this comes from (whole article or speech transcript)?

I really want to know, because it can help me to improve my judgement. I am not asking in order to make you wrong.

Thank you very much

When you look at the improvements and beautiful democracy in Libya, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, I would better not let these Farangs improve the Democracy in Thailand.

I would fully understand if Suthep said that. Specially when you look at Ukraine where unelected Nazi groups are complete acceptable over of a real elected President....

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”A second key event is that leaders of Pheu Thai's red-shirt supporters plan a "closed-doors meeting" on that day to discuss plans for a mass red-shirt rally in Bangkok on April 5.”


  1. Do not beat up our monks, they are Buddha’s messengers. We respect them.
  2. Do not intimidate or harass our children if they oppose you. We love them.
  3. Do not burn our work places. We need to work because we love our families.
  4. Do not form gangs and loot the shops.

"a meeting of the Democrat Party"


  1. Democracy is to be fought for and honoured. Democracy is for ALL. Not just the rich, elite and educated
  2. Do not back PDRC in blocking and harassing voters. This have the RIGHT to vote - RESPECT it
  3. Do not run away from your responsibility to YOUR voters. Thailand does not need a fascist 'council' it needs a reasonable 'opposition' it needs ELECTIONS
  4. Remember that YOU were in power for 3 years. You did NOTHING for REFORMS stop being hypocrites - build up policies people can vote for and let go of your ammart/elitist roots then you may actually WIN

and remember, ballots must be secret and private. CCTV watching you vote is a no-no. Same for having someone watch what you check, or checking your ballot. You cannot have your neighbours forcing you to vote one way. It's totally fine to say "sure I voted for this party/person" and then do the opposite. In fact, if you offer me 500 baht to vote for you and I vote for someone else, too bad for you. All the other usual things about avoiding ballot box stuffing, preventing people from voting etc. It's not useful to only single out one behaviour. Maybe that is the reform that is needed?

If nothing else is changed that is the one most important item to be corrected. People who have two Thai friends will tell you there Thai friends don't have that happen to them. But get into the smaller villages where the head man has sold the villages votes and has some one standing there to watch and make sure you vote as you are told. Or the handling of the ballot box's that make it easy to switch votes.

Yes there are a lot of people in Thailand who have their head where the sun doesn't shine or just pretend to have it there so they can say the system is a good one. It is not.

The only thing that will end the political crises is to have Suthep get his way and have a reform of the government. Some of it such as the election process must be done before the next election. Some of it can not be done until there is a legislature but it must all be done.

To not do it ends nothing it just puts it off for another day. It will not go away. What the Democrats do is important. If there is no election reform and they with draw from the election Thailand will just face another corrupt government with no opposition. If they do run they will be in a position to influence the legislature as the people will not stand for the high handed method of forcing their will on to the people with out listing to other alternatives.

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Where is the real opposition with no affiliations? Do you think PTP are a real party then? They only have one affiliation.

respectfully you have mis-read

I am asking WHERE is the REAL opposition with NO affiliations to Thasksin or the Ammart (I am saying there isn't one) wai.gif

Chuvit? crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

The second problem it the complete lack of ideology.

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"a meeting of the Democrat Party"


  1. Democracy is to be fought for and honoured. Democracy is for ALL. Not just the rich, elite and educated
  2. Do not back PDRC in blocking and harassing voters. This have the RIGHT to vote - RESPECT it
  3. Do not run away from your responsibility to YOUR voters. Thailand does not need a fascist 'council' it needs a reasonable 'opposition' it needs ELECTIONS
  4. Remember that YOU were in power for 3 years. You did NOTHING for REFORMS stop being hypocrites - build up policies people can vote for and let go of your ammart/elitist roots then you may actually WIN

and remember, ballots must be secret and private. CCTV watching you vote is a no-no. Same for having someone watch what you check, or checking your ballot. You cannot have your neighbours forcing you to vote one way. It's totally fine to say "sure I voted for this party/person" and then do the opposite. In fact, if you offer me 500 baht to vote for you and I vote for someone else, too bad for you. All the other usual things about avoiding ballot box stuffing, preventing people from voting etc. It's not useful to only single out one behaviour. Maybe that is the reform that is needed?

Maybe you should read the ANFREL report on the 2011 Election. Don't fall for abhisits it's not a free and fair election bleating. Here's Alongkorn Ponlaboot ( Deputy Democrat Party Leader) in May 2013

"Recently, if we are speak directly, they [Puea Thai] use little money. I am not saying we [the Democrats] use more money than them [Puea Thai]. [host interprets with statement "they are using less money"]. It has become inverted [host interprets and says "They don't need to use so much money?"] I say if it is like that then don’t say we lost because of money” For the last election, it may be because we actually used more than them. Therefore, don’t talk about this issue anymore" http://asiancorrespondent.com/116697/vote-buying-thaksin-and-the-democrats/
Edited by fab4
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These articles from The Nation are starting to make me nauseous.

me too but the 'other' much more reasonable and respected rag won't allow TVF to quote etc. so not TVF's fault but the result is yellow bias everyday. Personally I would not take The Nation if it were free.

Yet you really enjoy commenting on it's articles.

no choice... that's the point oh wise one

A chance to see what is really going on from another view point. You defend the PTP yet you give no examples of what they have done for the good of Thailand you take things out of context to back up your one sided view's that the PTP is perfect. Man was given two heads and some people think with the lower one.

Do you not find it strange that Yingluck has to use Facebook to condemn separatists. She can not stand in front off a camera and keep a straight face to do it. She can not put her self in a position where a question might be asked. She has to hide behind the key board or have some one do it for her. ( She wouldn't want to take a chance of breaking a finger nail ) When is she going to come out and tell us what she has done for Thailand that has been beneficial to Thailand. Was the minimum wage beneficial to Thailand? the cost of living has risen and the household debt has risen. Were these direct results of the raise in the wages. In fact has she done any thing to make sure they were followed in all sectors? These are honestly debatable things she can talk about but no she has to have her brother white washed and more money flow into off shore bank accounts of her cronies.

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"a meeting of the Democrat Party"


  1. Democracy is to be fought for and honoured. Democracy is for ALL. Not just the rich, elite and educated
  2. Do not back PDRC in blocking and harassing voters. This have the RIGHT to vote - RESPECT it
  3. Do not run away from your responsibility to YOUR voters. Thailand does not need a fascist 'council' it needs a reasonable 'opposition' it needs ELECTIONS
  4. Remember that YOU were in power for 3 years. You did NOTHING for REFORMS stop being hypocrites - build up policies people can vote for and let go of your ammart/elitist roots then you may actually WIN

and remember, ballots must be secret and private. CCTV watching you vote is a no-no. Same for having someone watch what you check, or checking your ballot. You cannot have your neighbours forcing you to vote one way. It's totally fine to say "sure I voted for this party/person" and then do the opposite. In fact, if you offer me 500 baht to vote for you and I vote for someone else, too bad for you. All the other usual things about avoiding ballot box stuffing, preventing people from voting etc. It's not useful to only single out one behaviour. Maybe that is the reform that is needed?

Maybe you should read the ANFREL report on the 2011 Election. Don't fall for abhisits it's not a free and fair election bleating. Here's Alongkorn Ponlaboot ( Deputy Democrat Party Leader) in May 2013

"Recently, if we are speak directly, they [Puea Thai] use little money. I am not saying we [the Democrats] use more money than them [Puea Thai]. [host interprets with statement "they are using less money"]. It has become inverted [host interprets and says "They don't need to use so much money?"] I say if it is like that then don’t say we lost because of money” For the last election, it may be because we actually used more than them. Therefore, don’t talk about this issue anymore" http://asiancorrespondent.com/116697/vote-buying-thaksin-and-the-democrats/

So based on that interpretation of a out of context statement you are saying don't reform the election system?

It is a yes or no question.

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When you look at the improvements and beautiful democracy in Libya, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, I would better not let these Farangs improve the Democracy in Thailand.

I would fully understand if Suthep said that. Specially when you look at Ukraine where unelected Nazi groups are complete acceptable over of a real elected President....

I wasn't aware that Surapong or anyone from the government had contacted the Libyan,Syrian, Iraqi or Ukrainian governments for advice on democracy in Thailand so I'm curious as to why you brought those countries into the argument?

And I'm pretty sure that when suthep betrayed his PAD Nationalistic tendencies to the world the situations in those countries were completely different to what they are today making your bringing them up even more pointless - not to mention the irony in your last sentence.

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A chance to see what is really going on from another view point. You defend the PTP yet you give no examples of what they have done for the good of Thailand you take things out of context to back up your one sided view's that the PTP is perfect. Man was given two heads and some people think with the lower one.

Do you not find it strange that Yingluck has to use Facebook to condemn separatists. She can not stand in front off a camera and keep a straight face to do it. She can not put her self in a position where a question might be asked. She has to hide behind the key board or have some one do it for her. ( She wouldn't want to take a chance of breaking a finger nail ) When is she going to come out and tell us what she has done for Thailand that has been beneficial to Thailand. Was the minimum wage beneficial to Thailand? the cost of living has risen and the household debt has risen. Were these direct results of the raise in the wages. In fact has she done any thing to make sure they were followed in all sectors? These are honestly debatable things she can talk about but no she has to have her brother white washed and more money flow into off shore bank accounts of her cronies.

I defend democracy and the paradigm shift - not the PTP

IF there was a credible opposition not affiliated to the right elite and concerned for the poor and uneducated I would be vocal in that direction - I am no fan of the PTP but I see them as the lesser of two evils

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So based on that interpretation of a out of context statement you are saying don't reform the election system?

It is a yes or no question.

I was replying to a viewpoint, not a poll. What you're on about I really don't care.

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An optimistic article, but the contentiousness of the situation, the rhetoric of it, and the violence of it has only been increasing, not easing. There has been a steady crescendo, in fact, that has grown exponentially, though the rate of it is surprising. The attacks on army barracks and installations are as shocking as they are transparent. It is now more than clear that the UDD will be unsatisfied until they can provoke a military response. It is a standard Thaksin strategy, because once the army is in, Thaksin and the UDD can call out " coup ". Jataporn has called out coup many, many times over the years. The reason is clear. The threat of a coup keeps their supporters revved up. Jataporn and Thaksin need to keep up that narrative. So a coup actually serves their purposes. They are irritated at the clear intelligence and awareness of Prayuth to their tactics, because he is not biting. And yet, at some point, if the attacks against the army continue to escalate, as now seems to be happening, some sort of push-back will happen, and that will provide the trigger that Jataporn and Nuttawut require to unleash their supporters. That's what Thaksin wants. So what Jataporn and Nuttawut are doing is deliberate. Releasing fictional " lists " of prime ministerial candidates is deliberate. But Nattuwut has now become impatient with his own strategy. His " list " was so openly mocked, that he has decided to take it one step further. He now has arbitrarily thrown away his own " list ", and now claims that Suthep himself wants to become prime minister - something that Suthep has repeated said he would never pursue. But it doesn't matter to the UDD or their sympathizers. Like the McCarthy ear in the 1950s, they know all they have to do is to provide a name. That is the basis of mass hysteria. It is the basis of vigilantism. And it is the basis of anarchy. If the PDRC get an impressively large number of people together on Saturday, then it just might - as in the opinion of the writer of this article - decrease the likelihood of a UDD rally in Bangkok next week. A large PDRC gathering will be very helpful. But it is not ultimately necessary, because Suthep and the PDRC know that the judicial process - now progressing - will determine the constitutional basis for the path forward. The Democratic party will likely make no resolution this Saturday regarding a definitive decision on contesting a new election. It would be enormously surprising if they did. There are too many reasons not to. They include : they know that because the February 2 election was nullified that they would not face dissolution by boycotting it; they know that if they announce that they would contest the election, that nothing will have changed, and they will have become, in fact, enablers of Thaksin's continued grip on political power; they know that the Yingluck " administration " has its back against the wall; they know that the courts are progressing in their various avenues of jurisprudence: and they know the army is there to protect the people, the constitution, and the institutions of the constitution.

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Let me see if I have this correct in just stating the facts without taking sides that we all live in a country in which:

  1. A former PM was convicted of corruption (which would put half the country in the docket) and is now in self-imposed exile.
  2. A former PM is now charged with murder and needs to defend himself.
  3. A former Deputy PM is charged with murder and now insurrection.
  4. A current PM is charged with dereliction of duty with impeachment a possibility, along with pending charges for murder.
  5. Many former MPs are charged with non-constitutionally trying to change the Constitutional Charter.
  6. Current Cabinet members are charged with dereliction of duty and various other charges.
  7. Some Cabinet members have been promoting the division of the country and the Army is potentially going after them.
  8. The Criminal Court is requesting testimony from witnesses previously called by the NACC in the case of a former PM on the aforementioned murder charges and the Court might take the NACC testimony findings related to such charges without questioning the same witnesses, since it would obviously require too much of these important witness’ valuable time.
  9. The PRDC is marching once again for their “final push” this weekend.
  10. The UDD is marching into Bangkok on 5th April for their push to support the current government.
  11. The Constitutional Court annulled the last general election of 2nd Feb. since it was not held on a single day, although the Constitution does not indicate this to be the case.
  12. The PRDC has promised to upset the next round of elections once again which will be held at some future date.
  13. The Dems will possibly contest the next elections with the same old messages and lack of national popularity since they cannot appeal to the masses of voters.
  14. The PT will most probably win the next election, and the country will be back to square one again.
  15. The Army is sipping tea in their barracks until somebody figures out how to handle a peaceful resolution to this mess.
  16. The GDP is looking like it will not break 2% growth this year.
  17. If there is no government formed in time for the annual budget to be approved by the Parliament in September, there will be no budget for the next FY meaning the government might shut down since nobody can be paid.

Now have I forgotten anything here? Sounds like a very nice environment in which to conduct one’s business and relax in the meanwhile.

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"A peaceful mass rally by the PDRC will be a win-win outcome for all parties involved. A decision by UDD leaders not to bring a mass red-shirt rally to the capital will help prevent confrontation between both sides. And a decision by the Democrats to contest the new election will help ensure its success."

​How unbelievably arrogant is this...it will not be a win win by any measure.... You say it is completely okay for the PDRC anarchist mob to march but not the UDD...? You say peaceful for the PDRC but infer not peaceful for the UDD...? It's okay for the PDRC to run amok in Bkk for months but not okay for the UDD for fear of violence...there would not have been any violence on anywhere the scale of what we have seen in the last 5 months had the PDRC used discretion and due process instead of insurrectionist tactics and attempts at antagonizing the bear by poking it in the eye.. repeatedly... And you actually excuse the Demos for boycotting the election because they were "pardoned for that sin" ...": The Democrats boycotted the February 2 election. Although the party will not be punished by dissolution if it opts to boycott again, because the previous one is voided, people will remember that the Democrats have refused to contest elections twice." because it was voided by the Demos judicial groupies... just because they got a free pass does not legitimize them in any way shape or form..

Hard to find any neutrality at all in this piece of prose... only pro's for a particular side... where is the balance in reporting..? ( sorry...forgot where I was...

can't remember who it was that said it but best quip from TV Forum this year at least... [something like...] "Suthep...has had more final pushes than a maternity ward on Labor day..."

Having said all that... I sincerely hope that neutrality and cooler heads will prevail in these next few days... and the months to come...injury and loss of life and property may be the price of freedom from tyranny... but the human factor far outweighs the final outcome in my opinion..

"life is short and like a roll of toilet paper...the closer you get to the end...the quicker it goes..." I wish all people the best of luck going forward..

Edited by DirtFarmer
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”A second key event is that leaders of Pheu Thai's red-shirt supporters plan a "closed-doors meeting" on that day to discuss plans for a mass red-shirt rally in Bangkok on April 5.”


  1. Do not beat up our monks, they are Buddha’s messengers. We respect them.
  2. Do not intimidate or harass our children if they oppose you. We love them.
  3. Do not burn our work places. We need to work because we love our families.
  4. Do not form gangs and loot the shops.

5. If it looks like we'll be outnumbered then no rally April 5.

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The problem is that none of the assorted interested factions irrespective of whatever their political hue or to be totally honest their personal, business or family business interest may be are actually willing to sit down in a public debate and explain their position and aims.

The old mindset still prevails that the public are the servants of the politicians and their aims and there is little or no interest or true intention of actually improving the standards of the people in this country socially, educationally, transport or welfare wise, indeed the vast range of desired improvements is too complicated to actually list truth be known.

Regarding the freedom of speech, that is indeed a shackled beast, due in the main to the Thai attitude of not criticizing any actions or persons for fear of them losing face.

We are seeing the birth of a somewhat more socially critical society with the current protests concerning government inaction as well as some of its actions.

The Thai people have or rather are coming to understand that they are able to influence the political and social scene, however leadership is limited on all sides due to the lack of education and in many cases lack of decent news coverage by the media which prefers to supply pathetic content that immortalizes wealth, violence and power.

Until such time as public awareness reaches the desired level we are going to be held captive in this current children's playpen whilst the assorted leaders(?) squabble with each other, throw their toys at each other and also throw their toys out of the play pen while shoting ''my dad is bigger than your dad.

Let us see what may transpire this coming few days. However my feeling is that we are sadly yet again going to see another grand performance of dogs chasing their tails.

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The Thais alone can not handle this crisis. Even the 'invisible hands' are divided. Thailand needs help from outside. They have to realise this sooner or later. I guess much later...

I agree... but they have refused outside help and monitors - to have an election run by 'outsiders' maybe just what is needed to ensure all sides respect the outcome

but when asked about Election Monitors:

Suthep: "I don't respect 'farangs'. We

do not have to surrender to them"

Suthep: "I don't respect 'farangs'. We

do not have to surrender to them"

Can you please give me the the source where this comes from (whole article or speech transcript)?

I really want to know, because it can help me to improve my judgement. I am not asking in order to make you wrong.

Thank you very much

Archive of the AFP report:


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”A second key event is that leaders of Pheu Thai's red-shirt supporters plan a "closed-doors meeting" on that day to discuss plans for a mass red-shirt rally in Bangkok on April 5.”


  1. Do not beat up our monks, they are Buddha’s messengers. We respect them.
  2. Do not intimidate or harass our children if they oppose you. We love them.
  3. Do not burn our work places. We need to work because we love our families.
  4. Do not form gangs and loot the shops.

"a meeting of the Democrat Party"


  1. Democracy is to be fought for and honoured. Democracy is for ALL. Not just the rich, elite and educated
  2. Do not back PDRC in blocking and harassing voters. This have the RIGHT to vote - RESPECT it
  3. Do not run away from your responsibility to YOUR voters. Thailand does not need a fascist 'council' it needs a reasonable 'opposition' it needs ELECTIONS
  4. Remember that YOU were in power for 3 years. You did NOTHING for REFORMS stop being hypocrites - build up policies people can vote for and let go of your ammart/elitist roots then you may actually WIN

and remember, ballots must be secret and private. CCTV watching you vote is a no-no. Same for having someone watch what you check, or checking your ballot. You cannot have your neighbours forcing you to vote one way. It's totally fine to say "sure I voted for this party/person" and then do the opposite. In fact, if you offer me 500 baht to vote for you and I vote for someone else, too bad for you. All the other usual things about avoiding ballot box stuffing, preventing people from voting etc. It's not useful to only single out one behaviour. Maybe that is the reform that is needed?

not against any of that but as you know even the Dems admit that 'vote buying' is a non-issue and they stated as much

do people get payments? yes on both sides - the people I know take the money and vote for who they want! no one watching, no one filming

anyway, yes, free voting is a must

until the Dems stop being the mouthpiece for the elite they will NEVER win - not because people love PTP but because Thais have woken up to this 'vote for Dems we know best we are educated' and they simply will not tolerate it anymore

where's the REAL opposition party with no affiliations???

Pray enlighten me about the motivations of the redshirt leaders?

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These articles from The Nation are starting to make me nauseous.

Your sentiments are well taken and you are welcome to the very large membership club that feel the same, so my only question is what took so long.

Again in the Nation, for instance, another OP says people are being killed by "heavy weapons." The Nation shows it doesn't know the difference between heavy weapons and light weapons.

Popcorn man for instance was shown in the photos to have been firing (not shooting) a light weapon.

Heavy weapons are large and literally too heavy to pick up to operate. One aspect of a heavy weapon is that it of a weight too heavy to carry and must therefore be transportable. Cannon artillery, for example, are heavy weapons. Automatic rifles or rifles of any kind are not heavy weapons.

Grenades are not "heavy weapons." A grenade can be fired by a rifle or other shoulder weapon, or it can be thrown by hand, so a grenade is not a heavy weapon.

(There are light or heavy machine guns, each of which are carried and to which the term "heavy weapons" does not apply. Because either a light or heavy machine gun is carried, it is a light weapon rather than a heavy weapon.)

The Nation saying "heavy weapons" are killing people is completely wrong and gives the completely wrong idea of the conflict to date. Thailand is not yet Syria and very hopefully will never get to any such point.

Shape up, Nation.

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Until mature men and women take charge of Thai politics no progress will be made and as we have seen so far all around the world that until you get rid of corruption, nepotism and class systems you can never have true democracy. Thailand has a very long way to go.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Thailand may just never get there, as somebody has stolen the wheels off the gravy train.Fear not the roller coaster ride has begun, like it or not, you have taken your seat here.

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”A second key event is that leaders of Pheu Thai's red-shirt supporters plan a "closed-doors meeting" on that day to discuss plans for a mass red-shirt rally in Bangkok on April 5.”


  1. Do not beat up our monks, they are Buddha’s messengers. We respect them.
  2. Do not intimidate or harass our children if they oppose you. We love them.
  3. Do not burn our work places. We need to work because we love our families.
  4. Do not form gangs and loot the shops.

"a meeting of the Democrat Party"


  1. Democracy is to be fought for and honoured. Democracy is for ALL. Not just the rich, elite and educated
  2. Do not back PDRC in blocking and harassing voters. This have the RIGHT to vote - RESPECT it
  3. Do not run away from your responsibility to YOUR voters. Thailand does not need a fascist 'council' it needs a reasonable 'opposition' it needs ELECTIONS
  4. Remember that YOU were in power for 3 years. You did NOTHING for REFORMS stop being hypocrites - build up policies people can vote for and let go of your ammart/elitist roots then you may actually WIN

and remember, ballots must be secret and private. CCTV watching you vote is a no-no. Same for having someone watch what you check, or checking your ballot. You cannot have your neighbours forcing you to vote one way. It's totally fine to say "sure I voted for this party/person" and then do the opposite. In fact, if you offer me 500 baht to vote for you and I vote for someone else, too bad for you. All the other usual things about avoiding ballot box stuffing, preventing people from voting etc. It's not useful to only single out one behaviour. Maybe that is the reform that is needed?

not against any of that but as you know even the Dems admit that 'vote buying' is a non-issue and they stated as much

do people get payments? yes on both sides - the people I know take the money and vote for who they want! no one watching, no one filming

anyway, yes, free voting is a must

until the Dems stop being the mouthpiece for the elite they will NEVER win - not because people love PTP but because Thais have woken up to this 'vote for Dems we know best we are educated' and they simply will not tolerate it anymore

where's the REAL opposition party with no affiliations???

You are missing one critical word in your statements over and over again.


Actual reality means nothing to many voters. It is what they perceive to be true and that perception of the truth is warped by listening to their respective leaders. You should hear the crap my red shirt wife and sister in law perceive to be the truth. Much of which I can not post here for lese majeste reasons.

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