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Natthawut claims Suthep will become supreme leader


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listing all the power Suthep would have makes him sound like Thaksin.

Surprise, surprise. The only things that will change are the names and faces. Political promises should be taken as such, a means to an end to get in a position to use to their own advantage, not that of the electors.

Read it in black & white, doesn't matter what colour of shirt they wear.....................wink.png

Never saw anything really bad from Suthep where he had power.....He might not be the best politicians I can dream of, but surely he doesn't deserve to be compared with a murder like Thaksin.

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listing all the power Suthep would have makes him sound like Thaksin.

Surprise, surprise. The only things that will change are the names and faces. Political promises should be taken as such, a means to an end to get in a position to use to their own advantage, not that of the electors.

Read it in black & white, doesn't matter what colour of shirt they wear.....................wink.png

Never saw anything really bad from Suthep where he had power.....He might not be the best politicians I can dream of, but surely he doesn't deserve to be compared with a murder like Thaksin.

As soon as he can clear the charges against him, before the protests, then I could possibly agree.

I still stick with my earlier comments though, he is promising the world and won't be able to deliver.

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The only thing Nattawut and the rest of the red leaders are worried about is an end to the corrupt money stream going into their own pockets

If Suthep fails in any of his proposed reforms the good Thai people will remove him in short order

"Reforms - Referendum - Elections" along with investigations into the massive theft of tax payers money

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he is right.The only way to overthrow the government is a coup.


Actually there's another way. It's called an election. But you need popular support and a lot of hard work to win one of those.

Suicide is painless..! w00t.gif

A M.A.S.H. fan.

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So Nattawut is saying it's a done deal? He must have inside information from some source to name names like this? That puts Suthep in a class with the Supreme Leader of Iran and the Supreme Leader of North Korea. Suthep is a very dangerous man for Thailand. The Thai army should get him out of there.

Nattawut is probably getting his inside information from his buddy Jatuporn who works with US Intelligence sources. In February, 2012 Jatuporn publically proclaimed that members of his UDD and his associates who worked with the US Intelligence told him there could be a coup d'etat which could bring about a change of government in April.

You've said something that I've thought for a long time. That the US Govt is listening in on all sides in these troubles, and are undoubtedly passing on information to the pro-democracy government side.

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What a complete and utter load of crap ! The Nutter just makes up whatever bs comes into his head, spews it to the red sheeple and they take it as the truth. Sheer lunacy. Those of us who have not been brainwashed can see it for the rubbish it really is, sadly the red shirts won't question it at all and will follow the lunatics every order. This will end badly unfortunately.

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whistling.gif It's a saying that in any conflict the first casualty is usually the truth.

The current Thai political conflict has brought out all the liars and bull--t artists on both sides of the confluct.

(As per this example iquoted n that news article).

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He will be above the law, above the Constitution, above judicial process, can confiscate the assets of anybody or deport anybody out of the country. Suthep said before that he would seize the assets of Ms Yingluck Shinawatra, said Natthawut.

Strange but true, An empty vessel makes the most noise.

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“He will be above the law, above the Constitution, above judicial process, can confiscate the assets of anybody or deport anybody out of the country."

Wow, so all that's left for Suthep to do is to wear a red shirt? To be above the law and so on...wink.png

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Supreme Leader

Is that a new position we are unaware of?

This is pretty close:

Thaksin will only return if granted amnesty: Chaiyasit


Fugitive former PM Thaksin Shinawatra would return to Thailand only if he were exempted from serving time in jail, his cousin retired Supreme Commander, General Chaiyasit Shinawatra said.

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So Nattawut is saying it's a done deal? He must have inside information from some source to name names like this? That puts Suthep in a class with the Supreme Leader of Iran and the Supreme Leader of North Korea. Suthep is a very dangerous man for Thailand. The Thai army should get him out of there.

That would put Suthep in a class with the Supreme Leader of Iran and the Supreme Leader of North Korea

and the supreme leader in Dubai

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he is right.The only way to overthrow the government is a coup.


Actually there's another way. It's called an election. But you need popular support and a lot of hard work to win one of those.

and you would need the elections to be free and the electors' votes respected after being counted

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So Nattawut is saying it's a done deal? He must have inside information from some source to name names like this? That puts Suthep in a class with the Supreme Leader of Iran and the Supreme Leader of North Korea. Suthep is a very dangerous man for Thailand. The Thai army should get him out of there.

Do you really believe anything Natthawut says? How does he know all this? Who expects these people to be chosen? Where did all this come from - Thaksin told him?

Smear potentials and discredit them even if it's nothing to do with them. Sounds like a Thakisn strategy.

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So Nattawut is saying it's a done deal? He must have inside information from some source to name names like this? That puts Suthep in a class with the Supreme Leader of Iran and the Supreme Leader of North Korea. Suthep is a very dangerous man for Thailand. The Thai army should get him out of there.

Nattawut is probably getting his inside information from his buddy Jatuporn who works with US Intelligence sources. In February, 2012 Jatuporn publically proclaimed that members of his UDD and his associates who worked with the US Intelligence told him there could be a coup d'etat which could bring about a change of government in April.

You've said something that I've thought for a long time. That the US Govt is listening in on all sides in these troubles, and are undoubtedly passing on information to the pro-democracy government side.

Oh dear. Read what Pimay wrote very carefully. Pay special attention to the dates and the context.

Now compare it to your response. Do you see?

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Brilliant intuitive move by Natthawut. The exposure will put these characters in the spotlight. If they do get to be the government, their motives are exposed. Most of the names are pure hard core Taksin enemies from the PAD days. They tasted victory once and now trying to do that again undemocratically. It is purely revenge and really nothing to do with the noble cause of reform for the good of the counry. Reform is just Suterp excuse for a putsch with his establishment allies. If he gets his way, it will be downhill all the way for Thailand.

Just name all we wouldn't like or who might be too honest, and thereby make them suspect.

BTW did Nattawut make his claims as caretaker Dept. Minister of Commerce, Pheu Thai party list MP and member or as UDD co-leader?

Edited by rubl
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So Nattawut is saying it's a done deal? He must have inside information from some source to name names like this? That puts Suthep in a class with the Supreme Leader of Iran and the Supreme Leader of North Korea. Suthep is a very dangerous man for Thailand. The Thai army should get him out of there.

Nattawut is probably getting his inside information from his buddy Jatuporn who works with US Intelligence sources. In February, 2012 Jatuporn publically proclaimed that members of his UDD and his associates who worked with the US Intelligence told him there could be a coup d'etat which could bring about a change of government in April.

You've said something that I've thought for a long time. That the US Govt is listening in on all sides in these troubles, and are undoubtedly passing on information to the pro-democracy government side.

"pro-democracy government side" ??cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gifcheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gifcheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif

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no one can deny Suthep is delusional and a megalomaniac with fantasies of 'saving Thailand' I mean he lies daily about 'the shutdowns' when all he has shut down so far is Lumpini Park

still I fear him... not because of any popular support but because of the judiciary who will fight to save the right-wing wherever possible

no one can deny Suthep is delusional and a megalomaniac with fantasies of 'saving Thailand'

I think you are delusional since you keep talking for others.

still I fear him... not because of any popular support but because of the judiciary who will fight to save the right-wing wherever possible

Take of your red glasses. That might take away your fear.

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Are these all mendacious claims by Natthawut or does he have facts (inside information) to back up his statements. Let us for one moment entertain the fact that the West (USA and Britain steering the New World Order agenda) are behind all this. It certainly follows the formula 100% to overthrow a legitimate but uncooperative democratically elected government and it's leaders.

  1. First, sabotage the country’s economy.

  2. Then bribe corrupt military officers and thugs and pay rent-a-mobs to create chaos in the streets.

  3. Next (this step is optional) incite violence by paying snipers to fire into crowds – and maybe set off some bombs.

  4. Finally, send the corrupt military units and gangsters to overthrow the target nation’s legitimate leader, murder or imprison his/her supporters, install a Western puppet in his place – and announce that “order has been restored.”

I firmly believe that this is the blueprint and Natthawut is attempting to thwart their attempts. Many are claiming he is a crackpot just for these allegations, imagine if he he came straight out with the cold hard alleged facts as I have.

It must be noted that Thaksin, his family and political cohorts must shoulder much of the blame by being so moronic, self centred, greedy and tyrannical and allowing the country and it's people to be placed in this ignominious, exposed and defenceless position.

Now, I will leave it up to your own means to interpret who are the main players in this pantomime (Thais love a soap opera) since Suthep commenced this charade. It is all smoke and mirrors; unsubstantiated daily claims and counter claims, fake and pre fabricated events, few arrests, no convictions, so on and so forth. Just follow the time line of events and happenings and draw your own conclusion.

One thing that is crystal clear is that the PTP government (caretaker) cannot rely on the rank / leaders of UDD or the armed forces as they are both on the payroll of NWO together with the police and courts. They are manipulating the public into perceiving a complete different scenario. The ordinary people, the supporters / protesters on all sides are pawns, in their simplicity are being conned to fight each other and commit violence in a misguided belief that they will have a better quality of life through policies or reform. Consequently they are going to pay dearly for their trust in these fraudulent and deceptive Thai 'Uncle Toms'

If this is Natthawut's true intention, good luck to him he will need it, as I believe it has gone beyond the point of no return and the Kingdom of Thailand especially it's subjects are going to suffer extensively and cruelly.

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you know really amazes me about Thailand - you have all these people running around quoting the word Democracy multiple times a day on TV and News papers/stations and yet none of them actually have a clue what it means or how it works, they even name organisations using it in the name and yet they are very obviously the opposite as shown by their actions, the current PTP administration is so far removed from democracy it quite shocking

and they actually think they are taken seriously on the international stage lol, I wonder how many get up to use the bathroom when Mr Plodrasop makes a speech in his roll as foreign minister of Thailand

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What a load of rubbish.

Suthep has said many times he is not interested in the position of PM.

If he wanted to be supreme leader why would he make so much effort in setting up a reform committee?

Why have a list of potential candidates as neutral PM?

If there is any danger of a "supreme leader" then it comes from Thaksin.

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

What a load of rubbish.

You believe this guy? I think it's very clear how Suthep was going to play this for a long time, as soon as the opportunity arises to take control then he will be there, and will make up some rubbish story to justify it.

Some of you really have the blinkers on, amazing to see how different peoples views are, unfortunately that is not necessarily a good thing because so many of you are very misguided.

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