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Pheu Thai tells US President Obama and UN of attempts to block election in Thailand


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"In the letters of complaint, the Pheu Thai party also accused the movement of attempting to get rid of democracy represented by the party."

Maybe something got mixed up in the translation. "democracy as represented by Pheu Thai"? Like in "thanks for voting, we have a mandate, please go home now"?

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The PTP can cry to who ever they want and it won't help them a bit.

This is where there lack of education shines through. The States and the U N have much bigger problems than some two bit wannabe dictator living in Dubai wants them to rig for him.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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Remember when Obama visited Thailand? Remember all the flirty looks Yingluck gave Obama and he enjoyed them? Well, Mrs. Obama wasn't so happy about it and now Obama couldn't help Yingluck even if he wanted to. Check out this link for all the dirt. http://www.gossipjacker.net/2012/12/first-lady-furious-over-presidents.html


Well it sounds good but the ENQUIRER is not exactly a good source. Many of their front pages have talked about aliens and abductions with hybrid babies and other such type stuff.

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News Flash: Osama's reaction after reading the letter from PTP.

attachicon.gifObama laughing at PTP letter.jpg

PM Obama: Pheu Thai? Is that a dish?

Advisor: That the party with the nice lady you met in Thailand.

Mrs. Obama: Stop it right now!

I can imagine it: 'I hope you solve all your problems in....Taiwan' -Obama, without the teleprompter showing how much Thailand matters on the world stage.

Funny PTP and their dictator scrutinize foreign powers; yet go sit in front of them like a sad, broken puppy when they face opposition and consequences for their poor decisions.

Edited by gemini81
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The more that the pro-democracy side exposes the unelectable's attempt to eliminate Electoral and Parliamentary Democracy, the better.

To shine a light on them, as they are trying to surreptitiously expedite a coup via their Independent Organizations and user-friendly judiciary causes the rats to scurry..By not using their military like last time, and launching their judicial and demonization vendetta against Thaksin causing him to self-exile, they think they can make a coup not appear to be a coup.

That certainly doesn't work with domestic audiences...They know exactly what is happening.

I understand there are UDD/RS meetings going on now, carefully managed as to participation, to "dot-the I's and cross-the T's" in finalizing their action plans when the Ammart makes their final moves via their compliant agencies and judiciary.......From what I can see, this is not 2006 all-over-again, let me assure you.

If you truly believe that PT are democracy, you are severely deluded.

They are pro Taksin - end of.

If you believe being controlled by a fugitive on the run = democracy, bending to that fugitive's every whim is democracy, giving 30 billion baht of tax payers moneyt to that fugitive is democreacy.....etc.

There is no hope for you. The brainwashing worked very well on you.

But hey, as long as my Thai family keep getting 40% over market prices for their rice, I will back anyone regardless - right ?!

PTP supporters fervidly hope the PAD-Dem's continue deluding themselves as per above quote.

Attributing this uni-dimensional Thaksin focus to the politicised electoral majority, effectively prevents the PAD-Dem's from adapting to their political reality. This blindness renders them unelectable in the foreseeable future.

Until arrogant PAD-dem's take this electoral majority seriously, they will never evolve their policies and leadership to the point of electoral competitiveness.

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The PTP can cry to who ever they want and it won't help them a bit.

This is where there lack of education shines through. The States and the U N have much bigger problems than some two bit wannabe dictator living in Dubai wants them to rig for him.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

You do realize that the ruling class are preventing publication of books and articles that explain what is behind the turmoil in Thai politics.

Authors of these publications have fled Thailand.

It's very easy to spot those who have not read that good stuff.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


The more that the pro-democracy side exposes the unelectable's attempt to eliminate Electoral and Parliamentary Democracy, the better.

To shine a light on them, as they are trying to surreptitiously expedite a coup via their Independent Organizations and user-friendly judiciary causes the rats to scurry..By not using their military like last time, and launching their judicial and demonization vendetta against Thaksin causing him to self-exile, they think they can make a coup not appear to be a coup.

That certainly doesn't work with domestic audiences...They know exactly what is happening.

I understand there are UDD/RS meetings going on now, carefully managed as to participation, to "dot-the I's and cross-the T's" in finalizing their action plans when the Ammart makes their final moves via their compliant agencies and judiciary.......From what I can see, this is not 2006 all-over-again, let me assure you.

Sorry to drag you all away and give you a reality check, but meanwhile, .............back on earth............rolleyes.gif

FB your posts are as much a laughing stock amongst the majority (said because amazingly you have your standard support network 'liking' you) of TV members as this letter is to PRESUSA and UN Sec Gen, both give us all something to giggle about over coffee. Keep up the good work, you do wonders for raising morale and brightening up another wise dull and dreary day.

Edited by GentlemanJim
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The more that the pro-democracy side exposes the unelectable's attempt to eliminate Electoral and Parliamentary Democracy, the better.

To shine a light on them, as they are trying to surreptitiously expedite a coup via their Independent Organizations and user-friendly judiciary causes the rats to scurry..By not using their military like last time, and launching their judicial and demonization vendetta against Thaksin causing him to self-exile, they think they can make a coup not appear to be a coup.

That certainly doesn't work with domestic audiences...They know exactly what is happening.

I understand there are UDD/RS meetings going on now, carefully managed as to participation, to "dot-the I's and cross-the T's" in finalizing their action plans when the Ammart makes their final moves via their compliant agencies and judiciary.......From what I can see, this is not 2006 all-over-again, let me assure you.

If you truly believe that PT are democracy, you are severely deluded.

They are pro Taksin - end of.

If you believe being controlled by a fugitive on the run = democracy, bending to that fugitive's every whim is democracy, giving 30 billion baht of tax payers moneyt to that fugitive is democreacy.....etc.

There is no hope for you. The brainwashing worked very well on you.

But hey, as long as my Thai family keep getting 40% over market prices for their rice, I will back anyone regardless - right ?!

PTP supporters fervidly hope the PAD-Dem's continue deluding themselves as per above quote.

Attributing this uni-dimensional Thaksin focus to the politicised electoral majority, effectively prevents the PAD-Dem's from adapting to their political reality. This blindness renders them unelectable in the foreseeable future.

Until arrogant PAD-dem's take this electoral majority seriously, they will never evolve their policies and leadership to the point of electoral competitiveness.

What a response from a 'One dimensional' pro-Thaksin troller.

How on earth do you plan to benefit from this dictator on the run; why would he love you, why do you spend your days trying to justify all his wrong doings? Here you are in LOS, go out and get laid for crying out loud.

Edited by gemini81
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A timely reminder from PT for the international community to watch for the next coup.

Fortunately, the international community recognizes PTP for what they are.

They see the version of PTP democracy for what it is. See the lies and illegal activities. And realize the folly of having a party in government that is controlled by a convicted fugitive criminal.

PTP's actions since taking power, and the constant barrage of lies, illegal acts and corruption have long lost any sympathy the international community may have had. Well, apart from Cambodia, Zimbabwe, Montenegro and their ilk.

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Andrew “Zenjournalist” Marshall wrote in his epic piece in November:

Yet another terribly damaging crisis is looming. The Yellow bloc will do its best to once again incite mayhem in Bangkok in coming days and weeks. The Democrat Party has totally abdicated its duty to be a responsible parliamentary opposition that holds the government to account via constitutional methods. Instead, they intend to continue to sabotage parliament’s ability to function, and then claim democracy in Thailand is no longer working. Four deputy Democrat leaders including Korn Chatikavanij resigned from their positions on October 30 to enable them to join illegal attempts to bring down thegovernment without (they hope) jeopardising the legal status of their party.

The Yellow movement also intends to create another damaging confrontation with Cambodia over Preah Vihear, to add to the chaos and rally nationalist Thais to their cause. They will attempt to mount more mass rallies in Bangkok to paralyse the city.
And when they have ramped up chaos and tension to fever pitch, they intend to remove the government via a judicial coup by partisan judges. They will then seek to freeze democracy for years.

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Remember Mr. Obama and Mrs.Clinton "touring" Thailand, Cambodia and Myanmar?..... Malaysia?....just months ago......

Rice? Corruption? etc, etc....just hidden the truth....

USA prefers a "yellow" government in Thailand...not a "red" one...Period.

Look at the world's future economics and at the "cold" war in progress with Russia and China....All depends what you wants for Thailand, a Western domination or an Asian domination?.....to be with the winners or to be with the losers?....or better....Neutral.

I think the Thai banks already are using "loser" tactics...the same that put the US into the financial troubles its are now...

If the US get into war with China......for Thailand to house an US military base may be not so good idea...Japan wants the US to leave Okinawa for long time now....The Philippines too. Guess why?

Edited by umbanda
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Andrew “Zenjournalist” Marshall wrote in his epic piece in November:

Yet another terribly damaging crisis is looming. The Yellow bloc will do its best to once again incite mayhem in Bangkok in coming days and weeks. The Democrat Party has totally abdicated its duty to be a responsible parliamentary opposition that holds the government to account via constitutional methods. Instead, they intend to continue to sabotage parliament’s ability to function, and then claim democracy in Thailand is no longer working. Four deputy Democrat leaders including Korn Chatikavanij resigned from their positions on October 30 to enable them to join illegal attempts to bring down thegovernment without (they hope) jeopardising the legal status of their party.

The Yellow movement also intends to create another damaging confrontation with Cambodia over Preah Vihear, to add to the chaos and rally nationalist Thais to their cause. They will attempt to mount more mass rallies in Bangkok to paralyse the city.
And when they have ramped up chaos and tension to fever pitch, they intend to remove the government via a judicial coup by partisan judges. They will then seek to freeze democracy for years.

Of course we all know that Andrew is not biased and reports the truth without color influence don't we? Case in point:

Andrew MacG Marshall @zenjournalist

Notorious crook Suthep Thaugsuban is collecting money on the streets of Bangkok again. pic.twitter.com/Jgx1zphxcD

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The more that the pro-democracy side exposes the unelectable's attempt to eliminate Electoral and Parliamentary Democracy, the better.

To shine a light on them, as they are trying to surreptitiously expedite a coup via their Independent Organizations and user-friendly judiciary causes the rats to scurry..By not using their military like last time, and launching their judicial and demonization vendetta against Thaksin causing him to self-exile, they think they can make a coup not appear to be a coup.

That certainly doesn't work with domestic audiences...They know exactly what is happening.

I understand there are UDD/RS meetings going on now, carefully managed as to participation, to "dot-the I's and cross-the T's" in finalizing their action plans when the Ammart makes their final moves via their compliant agencies and judiciary.......From what I can see, this is not 2006 all-over-again, let me assure you.

If you truly believe that PT are democracy, you are severely deluded.

They are pro Taksin - end of.

If you believe being controlled by a fugitive on the run = democracy, bending to that fugitive's every whim is democracy, giving 30 billion baht of tax payers moneyt to that fugitive is democreacy.....etc.

There is no hope for you. The brainwashing worked very well on you.

But hey, as long as my Thai family keep getting 40% over market prices for their rice, I will back anyone regardless - right ?!

PTP supporters fervidly hope the PAD-Dem's continue deluding themselves as per above quote.

Attributing this uni-dimensional Thaksin focus to the politicised electoral majority, effectively prevents the PAD-Dem's from adapting to their political reality. This blindness renders them unelectable in the foreseeable future.

Until arrogant PAD-dem's take this electoral majority seriously, they will never evolve their policies and leadership to the point of electoral competitiveness.

Pure propaganda. If you read this article it will proof that you are only making up stories.


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Andrew “Zenjournalist” Marshall wrote in his epic piece in November:

Yet another terribly damaging crisis is looming. The Yellow bloc will do its best to once again incite mayhem in Bangkok in coming days and weeks. The Democrat Party has totally abdicated its duty to be a responsible parliamentary opposition that holds the government to account via constitutional methods. Instead, they intend to continue to sabotage parliament’s ability to function, and then claim democracy in Thailand is no longer working. Four deputy Democrat leaders including Korn Chatikavanij resigned from their positions on October 30 to enable them to join illegal attempts to bring down thegovernment without (they hope) jeopardising the legal status of their party.

The Yellow movement also intends to create another damaging confrontation with Cambodia over Preah Vihear, to add to the chaos and rally nationalist Thais to their cause. They will attempt to mount more mass rallies in Bangkok to paralyse the city.
And when they have ramped up chaos and tension to fever pitch, they intend to remove the government via a judicial coup by partisan judges. They will then seek to freeze democracy for years.

Can throw that load of rubbish in the bin.

They don't even wear yellow anymore; its red/white/blue.

The mayhem has been caused by endless grenades and assaults by the political peasant rouge.

Democracy thus far hasn't worked. Is ANYTHING in the post you mentioned even remotely true? Looks like rubbish from Thai Raht or Red power, that peasant bum's weekly dose of the oppressed seeking further oppression.

Now we know what you've been putting in those 'Zig Zag' brand rolling papers. Pretty potent to see yellow shades from Stevie Wonder view, and see the place as democratically ruled!

Edited by gemini81
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The more that the pro-democracy side exposes the unelectable's attempt to eliminate Electoral and Parliamentary Democracy, the better.

To shine a light on them, as they are trying to surreptitiously expedite a coup via their Independent Organizations and user-friendly judiciary causes the rats to scurry..By not using their military like last time, and launching their judicial and demonization vendetta against Thaksin causing him to self-exile, they think they can make a coup not appear to be a coup.

That certainly doesn't work with domestic audiences...They know exactly what is happening.

I understand there are UDD/RS meetings going on now, carefully managed as to participation, to "dot-the I's and cross-the T's" in finalizing their action plans when the Ammart makes their final moves via their compliant agencies and judiciary.......From what I can see, this is not 2006 all-over-again, let me assure you.

If you truly believe that PT are democracy, you are severely deluded.

They are pro Taksin - end of.

If you believe being controlled by a fugitive on the run = democracy, bending to that fugitive's every whim is democracy, giving 30 billion baht of tax payers moneyt to that fugitive is democreacy.....etc.

There is no hope for you. The brainwashing worked very well on you.

But hey, as long as my Thai family keep getting 40% over market prices for their rice, I will back anyone regardless - right ?!

PTP supporters fervidly hope the PAD-Dem's continue deluding themselves as per above quote.

Attributing this uni-dimensional Thaksin focus to the politicised electoral majority, effectively prevents the PAD-Dem's from adapting to their political reality. This blindness renders them unelectable in the foreseeable future.

Until arrogant PAD-dem's take this electoral majority seriously, they will never evolve their policies and leadership to the point of electoral competitiveness.

What a response from a 'One dimensional' pro-Thaksin troller.

How on earth do you plan to benefit from this dictator on the run; why would he love you, why do you spend your days trying to justify all his wrong doings? Here you are in LOS, go out and get laid for crying out loud.

Gemini, I hope this adds some clarification ;)


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Whats so funny about the OP and the thread is that if the USA is interested in what is happening in Thailand they will have been gathering their own information.

For the sake of argument let us assume that the Government is being run from Dubai the American agencies would have listen to each and every Skype contact. 55++

My guess is that the USA government is better informed than any TV members.

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Remember when Obama visited Thailand? Remember all the flirty looks Yingluck gave Obama and he enjoyed them? Well, Mrs. Obama wasn't so happy about it and now Obama couldn't help Yingluck even if he wanted to. Check out this link for all the dirt. http://www.gossipjacker.net/2012/12/first-lady-furious-over-presidents.html


Well it sounds good but the ENQUIRER is not exactly a good source. Many of their front pages have talked about aliens and abductions with hybrid babies and other such type stuff.

The do have a dubious past but even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

7 Stories The National Enquirer Actually Got Right


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Remind me again - which side are Pheu Thai on coffee1.gif

Pheu Thai are on the side of the Thai people, they want to have elections so that the Thai people's vote will be respectted. The PDRC are a small group who believe that they would be better running the country.

It would be better that PDRC run the country instead of a convicted criminal hiding in Dubai. Pheu Thai are only interested in feeding at the trough of Corruption

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What a pathetic attempt to find a "big brother" somewhere to step in and fight their fights for them. It's all about Thainess and the Thai Way until you want something...

Besides, the Shin Rouge already HAVE a big brother! Too bad he can't make it home for the holidays... violin.gif

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Remember Mr. Obama and Mrs.Clinton "touring" Thailand, Cambodia and Myanmar?..... Malaysia?....just months ago......

Rice? Corruption? etc, etc....just hidden the truth....

USA prefers a "yellow" government in Thailand...not a "red" one...Period.

Look at the world's future economics and at the "cold" war in progress with Russia and China....All depends what you wants for Thailand, a Western domination or an Asian domination?.....to be with the winners or to be with the losers?....or better....Neutral.

I think the Thai banks already are using "loser" tactics...the same that put the US into the financial troubles its are now...

If the US get into war with China......for Thailand to house an US military base may be not so good idea...Japan wants the US to leave Okinawa for long time now....The Philippines too. Guess why?

Do you just make this shit stuff up in your head? First of all, the US is not monolithic in what it wants. The US bankers want control of Thailand and most of the rest of he US couldn't care less. The question is: Do you want Thais to exploit Thai people or Do you want multinationals, backed by US and British banks, exploiting Thai people. People around the world are exploited, including yourself. (Google Bilderberg Group, Trans Pacific Partnership, and Carlyle Group of which Thaksin is a member) Thaksin would sell Thailand out to the multinationals if they would let him be the Hun Sen of Thailand.

The US will not go to war with anyone and the Thai governments will always side with the power that is less controlling. That rules China out. As for Japan, the Okinawans want the base moved out of Okinawa only. The Japanese know that the US Navy is their only bulwark against Chinese aggression. As for the Philippine Islands, you couldn't be more wrong. They just bought $15 billion of US airplanes, helicopters, and second-hand ships and, late last year (2013) invited the US Navy to reopen Subic Bay Naval Base as a US base. Just because this forum is anonymous, doesn't give you the right to make up and disseminate lies. BTW, the US hasn't had a base in Thailand since 1975.

Edited by rametindallas
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What a pathetic attempt to find a "big brother" somewhere to step in and fight their fights for them. It's all about Thainess and the Thai Way until you want something...

Besides, the Shin Rouge already HAVE a big brother! Too bad he can't make it home for the holidays... violin.gif

He is the neutered small puppy with its tail between its legs backed in a corner is all he is amounting to these days, as the lights flicker out on the fiefdom of the Sinawatras.

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Remember Mr. Obama and Mrs.Clinton "touring" Thailand, Cambodia and Myanmar?..... Malaysia?....just months ago......

Rice? Corruption? etc, etc....just hidden the truth....

USA prefers a "yellow" government in Thailand...not a "red" one...Period.

Look at the world's future economics and at the "cold" war in progress with Russia and China....All depends what you wants for Thailand, a Western domination or an Asian domination?.....to be with the winners or to be with the losers?....or better....Neutral.

I think the Thai banks already are using "loser" tactics...the same that put the US into the financial troubles its are now...

If the US get into war with China......for Thailand to house an US military base may be not so good idea...Japan wants the US to leave Okinawa for long time now....The Philippines too. Guess why?

Do you just make this shit stuff up in your head? First of all, the US is not monolithic in what it wants. The US bankers want control of Thailand and most of the rest of he US couldn't care less. The question is: Do you want Thais to exploit Thai people or Do you want multinationals, backed by US and British banks, exploiting Thai people. People around the world are exploited, including yourself. (Google Bilderberg Group, Trans Pacific Partnership, and Carlyle Group of which Thaksin is a member) Thaksin would sell Thailand out to the multinationals if they would let him be the Hun Sen of Thailand.

The US will not go to war with anyone and the Thai governments will always side with the power that is less controlling. That rules China out. As for Japan, the Okinawans want the base moved out of Okinawa only. The Japanese know that the US Navy is their only bulwark against Chinese aggression. As for the Philippine Islands, you couldn't be more wrong. They just bought $15 billion of US airplanes, helicopters, and second-hand ships and, late last year (2013) invited the US Navy to reopen Subic Bay Naval Base as a US base. Just because this forum is anonymous, doesn't give you the right to make up and disseminate lies. BTW, the US hasn't had a base in Thailand since 1975.

Very true; and we're all pawns to globalists and the world banking cartels is the truth. Now, can we somehow use that fact to silence the trolling of all these silly pro-thaksin idiots on here?!

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