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Reinstated NSC chief Thawil could be prosecuted, Paradorn says


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"...may have a hard time working at the NSC,..."


This guy really 'shot himself in the foot" by enlisting and/or allowing his PAD-Dem buddies talk him into fighting his "Involuntary dismissal", simply for the fleeting chance to embarrassing the Govt.....he allowed himself to be their pawn.

It doesn't take a brain surgeon to realize that under these circumstances, re-instatement is an invitation to difficulties.....The bureaucracy, in spite of their 'illusions of grandeur" are beholden to the Govt. of the day......Ya don't bite the hand that feeds you.....

This guy should have simply negotiated a financial settlement and gotten on with his life. His PAD-Dem buddies cannot save him on a day-to-day basis, as he is sitting in a dimly-lit room, counting paper clips, or in this case being threatened with further legal action......A financial settlement would have put all of that to bed.....

Shows their inexperience when it comes to 'involuntary dismissals'....Reinstatement is never considered a viable option by professionals.

Maybe he wanted to show Mr. T that not everything or everybody can be bought.

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as he is sitting in a dimly-lit room, counting paper clips,

Can you please share with us where you saw this photo? Or is this just a figment of your imagination?

Based on my professional expertise......That is what happens when one reinstates someone 'involuntarily dismissed".......I know...Been there, done that!

When managing it on the side of the employer, I never considered the idiocy of reinstatement.

I offered two options...Reinstatement to a life of workplace harassment, if not be fellow employees, then by the employer, or a very handsome pay-out.......Guess what they chose!

To vilify the PTP for agendized purposes, just exposes one's inexperience in these matters.

Always remember, the Govt. of the day is the employer, the bureaucracy the employed.

If the bureaucracy in their arrogance doesn't understand that, than I have one word of advice, "ya play with the bull, ya get the horn".....

And that applies to both the PTP and the PAD-Dem's, if they could ever figure out how to win an election.

So you offered reinstatement to a life of workplace harassment.

Boss of the year material for sure. The right kind of boss would have made sure this didn't take place if reinstatement was chosen.

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"...may have a hard time working at the NSC,..."


This guy really 'shot himself in the foot" by enlisting and/or allowing his PAD-Dem buddies talk him into fighting his "Involuntary dismissal", simply for the fleeting chance to embarrassing the Govt.....he allowed himself to be their pawn.

It doesn't take a brain surgeon to realize that under these circumstances, re-instatement is an invitation to difficulties.....The bureaucracy, in spite of their 'illusions of grandeur" are beholden to the Govt. of the day......Ya don't bite the hand that feeds you.....

This guy should have simply negotiated a financial settlement and gotten on with his life. His PAD-Dem buddies cannot save him on a day-to-day basis, as he is sitting in a dimly-lit room, counting paper clips, or in this case being threatened with further legal action......A financial settlement would have put all of that to bed.....

Shows their inexperience when it comes to 'involuntary dismissals'....Reinstatement is never considered a viable option by professionals.

"You don't bite the hand that feeds you...." - I guess it's hard for you to comprehend that someone is actually standing for principles, in this corrupt environment. There are some who aren't for sale!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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"Reinstatement is never considered a viable option by professionals."

It leaves yet another of the "Independant" agencies firmly under the control of the anti-democratic forces

Wrong! NSC isn't one of the independent agencies. See:


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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" Working in the security field, your boss must fully trust you, otherwise there will be problems or finally you cannot continue your work,'' Paradorn said. "

We all know who Paradorn's " boss " is - it's Thaksin. Thaksin's long-time confidant Paradorn was thrust into this position in the first place - through unconstitutional means, by the way, which was affirmed recently in a court ruling. No matter, Paradorn uses this opportunity to yet again emphasize Pheu Thai's disrespect for the ruling. Not only that, but Chalerm doesn't respect it either. He's already taken Tawil aside and told him there is no role for him at CAPO, even though his position indicates their ought to be. Paradorn - who was moved out - constitutionally - by the same position Tawil now occupies - has now had his portfolio " expanded " to include the very activities he had before, while essentially barring Tawil from the sphere of his duties.

Welcome to the world of how Pheu Thai accepts court rulings.

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Me thinks Paradorn has a bad case of sour grapes.

Yep. And he's probably upset that someone dares to challenge what the leader wants yet again.

Thaksin thinks, PTP do. Regardless of whether its legal or not,

They will simply try to freeze Thawil out, threaten and intimidate him, whilst Paradorn will continue doing the job and following the master's instructions. If caught, they'll simply lie and ignore it as usual.

PTP democracy and respect of law in action.

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as he is sitting in a dimly-lit room, counting paper clips,

Can you please share with us where you saw this photo? Or is this just a figment of your imagination?

Based on my professional expertise......That is what happens when one reinstates someone 'involuntarily dismissed".......I know...Been there, done that!

When managing it on the side of the employer, I never considered the idiocy of reinstatement.

I offered two options...Reinstatement to a life of workplace harassment, if not be fellow employees, then by the employer, or a very handsome pay-out.......Guess what they chose!

To vilify the PTP for agendized purposes, just exposes one's inexperience in these matters.

Always remember, the Govt. of the day is the employer, the bureaucracy the employed.

If the bureaucracy in their arrogance doesn't understand that, than I have one word of advice, "ya play with the bull, ya get the horn".....

And that applies to both the PTP and the PAD-Dem's, if they could ever figure out how to win an election.

So you offered reinstatement to a life of workplace harassment.

Boss of the year material for sure. The right kind of boss would have made sure this didn't take place if reinstatement was chosen.

No - he clearly believe anyone who dares have the balls to challenge PTP and their decisions should be hounded and intimidated out of office,

The legality of these actions and lawfulness of PTP's decisions have nothing to do with it,

PTP and Thaksin good. Anyone against then bad. Simple really, as are most of his posts.

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What ear medicine is this guy on?

"Do not forget that the stage that he took to belongs to someone [PDRC leader Suthep Thaugsuban] who [allegedly] broke the law and faces arrest warrants."

How about the guys that took the stages that belong to a guy who definitely (not allegedly) broke the law and had no Cohones to face arrest warrants?

He said officials must follow the order since the people elect the government to run the country.

Wake up buddy! Are you the only one not to know who rules the country? Follow the orders of a guy in Dubai who was not elected but thinks he is the government?

"They have to consider whether their speech touches on appropriate content. If they speak on content that causes conflicts with the government, then they must be cautioned.”

But of course this does not apply to the speeches of Chalerm, who constantly speaks on content that causes conflicts with the people and the law.


Correcto. PTP caretaker ministers can even go on stage and openly support treasonable rebellion and applaud the murder of innocent children. Or support the recruitment and equipping of a private army to threaten and intimidate any and all who challenge their autocratic authority,

That's allowed because PTP come from election.

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Was he in the cabinet when the Rice scheme fiasco was implemented as well? and if so, will he also be indicted along with Yingluck and several others?

The NSC chief isn't in the Cabinet.

Yingluck and her Thaksin henchmen like Deputy Commerce Minister red shirt Nattawut are on their own with the rice scam.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

"...may have a hard time working at the NSC,..."


This guy really 'shot himself in the foot" by enlisting and/or allowing his PAD-Dem buddies talk him into fighting his "Involuntary dismissal", simply for the fleeting chance to embarrassing the Govt.....he allowed himself to be their pawn.

It doesn't take a brain surgeon to realize that under these circumstances, re-instatement is an invitation to difficulties.....The bureaucracy, in spite of their 'illusions of grandeur" are beholden to the Govt. of the day......Ya don't bite the hand that feeds you.....

This guy should have simply negotiated a financial settlement and gotten on with his life. His PAD-Dem buddies cannot save him on a day-to-day basis, as he is sitting in a dimly-lit room, counting paper clips, or in this case being threatened with further legal action......A financial settlement would have put all of that to bed.....

Shows their inexperience when it comes to 'involuntary dismissals'....Reinstatement is never considered a viable option by professionals.

Your wrong.

The man has every right to protest & challenge, at law, his dismissal. You and I have the same rights.

Would you suggest paradon's latest commment (this thread) is free of political posturing and innuendo?

How come paradons latest statement come immediately after reports that thawil could possibly have the fake pm impeached?

"The man has every right to protest & challenge, at law, his dismissal. You and I have the same right".

Oh yes......I wouldn't dispute that for a minute.....Every 'involuntary dismissal" I was involved with, had a right of appeal. My job was in part, to make sure 'dismissals' were handled properly, so as to avoid problems at appeal....Many times an executive or manager came to my office wanting to fire a guy yesterday, without ever telling the him/her what the problem was....Not gonna happen.

So when one wins a "dismissal appeal", negotiations commence. If insistent about reinstatement, that could happen, although the employer could define where he/she was reinstated to. It never took much effort to dissuade someone from his/her notion of reinstatement.....But in this case as the saying goes "Where political motives walk in the door, common sense often walks out"

Any intelligent person would parlay that 'win' into a handsome payout. Why return to a toxic situation. Even if there is a political intent to foster confrontation and persecution in the workplace, with which to try and embarrass the Govt., using a friendly media who love that stuff. I hope he enjoys the daily hassle, instead of laying on a beach somewhere enjoying his payout.

Anyway, enough about an idiot firing and noise associated therewith. I'm glad to be finished with fighting Unions and judicial appeals.......Boring!

Anyone who has held a senior management position 'get's it'. Sounds like you and I have experience of handling staff over many years and take the 'practical' approach to senior management that those who have little experience would not understand (the issues of Tribunals, CA's, Corporate Governance and all that jazz) - like you I'm glad to have said "goodbye" to all that shit thumbsup.gif

Edited by binjalin
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

"...may have a hard time working at the NSC,..."


This guy really 'shot himself in the foot" by enlisting and/or allowing his PAD-Dem buddies talk him into fighting his "Involuntary dismissal", simply for the fleeting chance to embarrassing the Govt.....he allowed himself to be their pawn.

It doesn't take a brain surgeon to realize that under these circumstances, re-instatement is an invitation to difficulties.....The bureaucracy, in spite of their 'illusions of grandeur" are beholden to the Govt. of the day......Ya don't bite the hand that feeds you.....

This guy should have simply negotiated a financial settlement and gotten on with his life. His PAD-Dem buddies cannot save him on a day-to-day basis, as he is sitting in a dimly-lit room, counting paper clips, or in this case being threatened with further legal action......A financial settlement would have put all of that to bed.....

Shows their inexperience when it comes to 'involuntary dismissals'....Reinstatement is never considered a viable option by professionals.

Your wrong.

The man has every right to protest & challenge, at law, his dismissal. You and I have the same rights.

Would you suggest paradon's latest commment (this thread) is free of political posturing and innuendo?

How come paradons latest statement come immediately after reports that thawil could possibly have the fake pm impeached?

"The man has every right to protest & challenge, at law, his dismissal. You and I have the same right".

Oh yes......I wouldn't dispute that for a minute.....Every 'involuntary dismissal" I was involved with, had a right of appeal. My job was in part, to make sure 'dismissals' were handled properly, so as to avoid problems at appeal....Many times an executive or manager came to my office wanting to fire a guy yesterday, without ever telling the him/her what the problem was....Not gonna happen.

So when one wins a "dismissal appeal", negotiations commence. If insistent about reinstatement, that could happen, although the employer could define where he/she was reinstated to. It never took much effort to dissuade someone from his/her notion of reinstatement.....But in this case as the saying goes "Where political motives walk in the door, common sense often walks out"

Any intelligent person would parlay that 'win' into a handsome payout. Why return to a toxic situation. Even if there is a political intent to foster confrontation and persecution in the workplace, with which to try and embarrass the Govt., using a friendly media who love that stuff. I hope he enjoys the daily hassle, instead of laying on a beach somewhere enjoying his payout.

Anyway, enough about an idiot firing and noise associated therewith. I'm glad to be finished with fighting Unions and judicial appeals.......Boring!

Anyone who has held a senior management position 'get's it'. Sounds like you and I have experience of handling staff over many years and take the 'practical' approach to senior management that those who have little experience would not understand (the issues of Tribunals, CA's, Corporate Governance and all that jazz) - like you I'm glad to have said "goodbye" to all that shit thumbsup.gif

Couldn't a said it better myself.

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Me thinks Paradorn forgot there isn't actually a government.

I think he also forgot that the court ruled that it was every Thai person's inalienable right to protest against what they see as a corrupt government, so, on what grounds do they believe they are going to be able to prosecute him?

Apparently on the basis of guilt by association. A perfectly valid reason for prosecution, in banana republics and fascist regimes the world over.

While they're at it they might even try to go after his extended family and social network. If you use the same dentist as Khun Thawil, you could be next!

Edited by fstarbkk
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

"...may have a hard time working at the NSC,..."


This guy really 'shot himself in the foot" by enlisting and/or allowing his PAD-Dem buddies talk him into fighting his "Involuntary dismissal", simply for the fleeting chance to embarrassing the Govt.....he allowed himself to be their pawn.

It doesn't take a brain surgeon to realize that under these circumstances, re-instatement is an invitation to difficulties.....The bureaucracy, in spite of their 'illusions of grandeur" are beholden to the Govt. of the day......Ya don't bite the hand that feeds you.....

This guy should have simply negotiated a financial settlement and gotten on with his life. His PAD-Dem buddies cannot save him on a day-to-day basis, as he is sitting in a dimly-lit room, counting paper clips, or in this case being threatened with further legal action......A financial settlement would have put all of that to bed.....

Shows their inexperience when it comes to 'involuntary dismissals'....Reinstatement is never considered a viable option by professionals.

Your wrong.

The man has every right to protest & challenge, at law, his dismissal. You and I have the same rights.

Would you suggest paradon's latest commment (this thread) is free of political posturing and innuendo?

How come paradons latest statement come immediately after reports that thawil could possibly have the fake pm impeached?

"The man has every right to protest & challenge, at law, his dismissal. You and I have the same right".

Oh yes......I wouldn't dispute that for a minute.....Every 'involuntary dismissal" I was involved with, had a right of appeal. My job was in part, to make sure 'dismissals' were handled properly, so as to avoid problems at appeal....Many times an executive or manager came to my office wanting to fire a guy yesterday, without ever telling the him/her what the problem was....Not gonna happen.

So when one wins a "dismissal appeal", negotiations commence. If insistent about reinstatement, that could happen, although the employer could define where he/she was reinstated to. It never took much effort to dissuade someone from his/her notion of reinstatement.....But in this case as the saying goes "Where political motives walk in the door, common sense often walks out"

Any intelligent person would parlay that 'win' into a handsome payout. Why return to a toxic situation. Even if there is a political intent to foster confrontation and persecution in the workplace, with which to try and embarrass the Govt., using a friendly media who love that stuff. I hope he enjoys the daily hassle, instead of laying on a beach somewhere enjoying his payout.

Anyway, enough about an idiot firing and noise associated therewith. I'm glad to be finished with fighting Unions and judicial appeals.......Boring!

Wild diversion, nothing more.

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""Do not forget that the stage that he took to belongs to someone [PDRC leader Suthep Thaugsuban] who [allegedly] broke the law and faces arrest warrants."

This statement boggles the mind when most of ptp higher ups have been visiting a convicted fugitive on a regular basis.

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