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Child serial killer "Nui" spared from death penalty


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I'm with you on that. Yes, it's what made me think about, as I said the photos do not look like the same man. Which is a worry. If the hypothesis is right, there's a dangerous scumbag out there who WILL do it again, even if he's smart enough to lay low for a year or two, he will re-offend.

Yes, and staying on that line of thought, why did the CCTV not capture the man entering the building - we would have seen his face clearly. We only saw the back of his head. Would it not have been possible to scan back through the CCTV records to the point in time when the man walked into the building and his face was clearly visible? Even if he had entered from another doorway, there would probably be CCTV there too. It is very mysterious to me.

But like I've said from the start, I really HOPE that Nui is the guilty man - because that means he is locked up and all children are a little bit safer in this crazy world. So I totally hope that he is guilty, and I really don't want to consider other possibilities unless they are obvious and demand consideration.

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In Thailand a drug smuggler who has the potential, through his drugs, to destroy the lives of people is given a death sentence, but a man that has already destroyed the lives of innocent children and left behind grief stricken relatives gets life in jail.

Lets hope he regrets living everyday that he has remaining on this earth.

Noone should get the death sentence in Thailand or anywhere else in the world. Its a barbaric form of punishment, along with prison conditions that are more physical punishment and revenge instead of protecting the society against new crimes.

There is no evidence that treating those who breaks rules inhumanly prevents crimes from happening in the future. There is evidence that where the society treat their criminals inhumanly they create a harder climate and a more violent society. The death sentence should be abolished and prison inmates treated humanly.

When you execute a child molester you have cured him the only way possible to ensure no other child suffers the life time trauma of his actions, please you bleeding hearts let your hearts bleed for the poor victims of these low life scum bags.

In Australia they have a problem with the peadophile rings including judges, police and lawyers that the reason they get such light sentences there, if they dared poll the people about bring back hanging for these animals the vote would be overwhelming for a return of capitol punishment

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Let me see...

He is given a death sentence for killing 2 kids.

Than he confesses in killing 7 more and commuted to life.

How many should he have killed to be let out?

Especially if he leads the Police to their bodies - he will be saving the Law a lot of money in investigation...

I hope the inmates will make his life not worth living.

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The man is clearly sick. It's sad that he won't get the medical treatment he needs to confront his problems, and that he will have no chance of reform leading to his having a normal life outside prison.

" leading to his having a normal life outside prison."

Never should be allowed anywhere near another child.

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These people are not "curable". Society (children) must be protected from their predatory (and murderous) nature.

There are only two options available for dealing with these deviants

1 Lock them away for life

2. Execute them

The criminal should make the choice !

A British sicko can be read about here


He remains in a high security State psychiatric hospital and will never be released.

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Let me see...

He is given a death sentence for killing 2 kids.

Than he confesses in killing 7 more and commuted to life.

How many should he have killed to be let out?

Especially if he leads the Police to their bodies - he will be saving the Law a lot of money in investigation...

I hope the inmates will make his life not worth living.

Yupp... there is a saying: Steal a horse and hang, steal a herd and they will negotiate with you! Applies also to most criminal cases and investgations in Thailand as in most other countries. Best example was how the Thaksin case was handled... If a local tour or dive operator here would f#c$ up his yearly tax audit and gets caught, he would be handled by police and authorities like the lowest scum on earth and face penalty far above reasonable measures. A person like Thaksin tax evades Billions - and "they" even consider changing laws to let him get through with it...

But to see that this rather disturbing rule is applied now to the Nui child rapist case is downright shocking. I very much hope that one of the inmates gets paid by a friend of one of the kids' parents to do what needs to be done.

Only penalty for Nui that I would regard to as suitable would be what John Doe (played by Kevin Spacey) did in the movie Se7en to the child molester and drug dealer to punish "Sloth" out of the seven sins... he kept the molesting $wine alive strapped to a bed for a year while torturing him on a daily basis, taking frequent photos of the deteriorating face for the world to see... This is the youtube link:

or type in "sloth scene Se7en" doing a youtube search. I believe Nui would perform well because he seems to have some aditional pounds of body weight that could carry him further than a year.

Oh man, how much I wish I could lay my hands on that guy, what fun I would have, what shattering experiences "Nui" would go through...

Edited by catweazle
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public execution for all child rapists with no exemption and everywhere in the world not only in thailand

And for all those who are willing to give treatment and second oportunities to those sickos I would ask them if they would like to have the rehabiitated/cured exrapists looking after their children in the kindergarden or playing with them in the parks

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One can but hope that this objectionable piece of human excrement will indeed suffer the equivalent of ''the death of a thousand cuts'' whilst it festers in the Bangkok Hilton.

People like this have a very serious mental health problem. Sadly, the brain is part of the human body and, just like your heart or lungs, things can go wrong with it. That's why respectable human rights organisations oppose the death penalty. Unfortunately lowlife people, even for cases of this appalling and vile nature, still call for people to be hung, drawn and quartered. There are many despots whom have committed vile acts against their fellow human beings, or encouraged others to do so. I can think of thousands really: people such as Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler, Thaksin, Saddam, the Taliban, Bush and so on and so forth. Yet people in the main don't call for their execution. But their crimes ended the lives of children, women, innocents all. Seriously, we should be looking at the mental health of people who commit crimes that go against human values (such as they are) and as a society, a global society, work out ways in which these people can be kept safely away from the mainstream. I know that all you witch-hunters out there will oppose my words, but I'm telling it as I feel it.

I like the way you nestled Thaksin in your list in amongst the likes of Hitler, Pol Pot, and Saddam. Very subtle... not. Can't we keep politics out of threads like this??

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Hand him to the parents and family's of the poor kids , let them decide the right punishment for this beast .

This are the worst crimes a "human" can do.

I hope the parents and family's can find some closure for there loss , but I think it will haunt them the rest of there life's .

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Do people here not believe in Karma?

Do you realise he is a sick person?

Have you no compassion?

Wishing anyone harm is against the tenets of Buddhism but perhaps you are Christian - what would the carpenter say?

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Do people here not believe in Karma?

Do you realise he is a sick person?

Have you no compassion?

Wishing anyone harm is against the tenets of Buddhism but perhaps you are Christian - what would the carpenter say?

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Yes, for the children.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Do people here not believe in Karma?
Do you realise he is a sick person?
Have you no compassion?

Wishing anyone harm is against the tenets of Buddhism but perhaps you are Christian - what would the carpenter say?

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I am sure you will be offering this "sick" person care and shelter within you own home in return for a baby sitting duties .

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Do people here not believe in Karma?

Do you realise he is a sick person?

Have you no compassion?

Wishing anyone harm is against the tenets of Buddhism but perhaps you are Christian - what would the carpenter say?

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Sick person ?

Oh that is Ok then, he can go round killing who he wants and he can just say "ops, I am sick".

This is not about any religion - and any religion condoning/forgiving murder is no religion in my book. Just more hypocritical bullsh!t. This is about humanity and the law.

This b4stard should die for what he did.

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Do people here not believe in Karma?

Do you realise he is a sick person?

Have you no compassion?

Wishing anyone harm is against the tenets of Buddhism but perhaps you are Christian - what would the carpenter say?

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I want to see your level of compassion if your own small, 6 year old girl has been raped and killed by a sicko like Nui... I can't hear all this dogooder crap anymore. The believe in Karma is for people who can't hack it in the real world. Time for you to get real and face reality - and reality is ugly and brutal. I believe in what goes around, comes around, and I very much hope someone will come around for Nui armed with a crow bar and beat a K-shaped dent in his f#$&ing skull - K for Karma...

Edited by catweazle
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It's the do-gooders that'll be the end of us. Not the "greedy", not the competitive, not the achievers, not the ambitious, not the self-reliant. The do-gooders! Against them, innocent children and the helpless have no defense, but the truly evil get all the breaks...

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I find it somewhat disturbing that there are characters out there who seem to be under the illusion that this creature should be treated as if he is was or is indeed mentally challenged thus not have the ability or the willingness to differentiate twixt right and wrong.

Yet there was no problem in cultivating a young innocent child and luring them to a painful period of violent sexual and physical abuse. Indeed that cultivation demonstrates very clearly a cunning calculating cold hearted calculated mentally balanced course of action.

Thus according to these actions to my mind there is nor was clearly no mental imbalance in the mind of the accused.

I, as an aside I will mention that in my earlier years as a member of a U..K. constabulary I had the dubious delights of having to listen to tapes made by the victims and Brady and Hindley those infamous Moors Murders who delighted in child and sexual abuse and the subsequent deaths of their victims some whose remains have never been found.One can never forget those tapes Sadly the death sentence had then been abolished ..

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I find it somewhat disturbing that there are characters out there who seem to be under the illusion that this creature should be treated as if he is was or is indeed mentally challenged thus not have the ability or the willingness to differentiate twixt right and wrong.

Yet there was no problem in cultivating a young innocent child and luring them to a painful period of violent sexual and physical abuse. Indeed that cultivation demonstrates very clearly a cunning calculating cold hearted calculated mentally balanced course of action.

Thus according to these actions to my mind there is nor was clearly no mental imbalance in the mind of the accused.

I, as an aside I will mention that in my earlier years as a member of a U..K. constabulary I had the dubious delights of having to listen to tapes made by the victims and Brady and Hindley those infamous Moors Murders who delighted in child and sexual abuse and the subsequent deaths of their victims some whose remains have never been found.One can never forget those tapes Sadly the death sentence had then been abolished ..

Seeing things like that, such victimization of children, so utterly hideous... and then the kid gloves treatment some of these monsters get. I don't know how you kept your sanity. The frustration must take its toll.

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Do people here not believe in Karma?

Do you realise he is a sick person?

Have you no compassion?

Wishing anyone harm is against the tenets of Buddhism but perhaps you are Christian - what would the carpenter say?

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I want to see your level of compassion if your own small, 6 year old girl has been raped and killed by a sicko like Nui... I can't hear all this dogooder crap anymore. The believe in Karma is for people who can't hack it in the real world. Time for you to get real and face reality - and reality is ugly and brutal. I believe in what goes around, comes around, and I very much hope someone will come around for Nui armed with a crow bar and beat a K-shaped dent in his f#$&ing skull - K for Karma...

Once in prison, he will find out a few things and probably be sorted very smartly if not kept in isolation. There are a lot of tough character in prison, many with their own children who have nothing to lose by over stepping the mark and sorting this vermin out.

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I find it somewhat disturbing that there are characters out there who seem to be under the illusion that this creature should be treated as if he is was or is indeed mentally challenged thus not have the ability or the willingness to differentiate twixt right and wrong.

Yet there was no problem in cultivating a young innocent child and luring them to a painful period of violent sexual and physical abuse. Indeed that cultivation demonstrates very clearly a cunning calculating cold hearted calculated mentally balanced course of action.

Thus according to these actions to my mind there is nor was clearly no mental imbalance in the mind of the accused.

I, as an aside I will mention that in my earlier years as a member of a U..K. constabulary I had the dubious delights of having to listen to tapes made by the victims and Brady and Hindley those infamous Moors Murders who delighted in child and sexual abuse and the subsequent deaths of their victims some whose remains have never been found.One can never forget those tapes Sadly the death sentence had then been abolished ..

I am good friends with an Ex NSW police officer who headed up the child abuse division - it certainly took a toll on his heath having to deal with some of the things he came across - many just too traumatic to even speak about.

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Im still feeling sick about this, its going to remain with me for a very long time, shame on you, ya bum, and shame on you Thailand.

What is you agenda on the legal side of things, pls some thai op's explain. Its a disgrace , hope it gets out on the international news.

Yet again Thailand your legal system gets it arse about face, why ??????????

Parents should appeal, lawyers fees should be free, gonna happen thai's, no just kept your heads in the sand as you do !


Edited by phanangpete
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I find it somewhat disturbing that there are characters out there who seem to be under the illusion that this creature should be treated as if he is was or is indeed mentally challenged thus not have the ability or the willingness to differentiate twixt right and wrong.

Yet there was no problem in cultivating a young innocent child and luring them to a painful period of violent sexual and physical abuse. Indeed that cultivation demonstrates very clearly a cunning calculating cold hearted calculated mentally balanced course of action.

Thus according to these actions to my mind there is nor was clearly no mental imbalance in the mind of the accused.

I, as an aside I will mention that in my earlier years as a member of a U..K. constabulary I had the dubious delights of having to listen to tapes made by the victims and Brady and Hindley those infamous Moors Murders who delighted in child and sexual abuse and the subsequent deaths of their victims some whose remains have never been found.One can never forget those tapes Sadly the death sentence had then been abolished ..

I saw the movie so many years ago, sickening as it was, this is the same evil here and look at the justice for the poor parents. Thailand should show it in Thai, but they won't even show the K.... and I as it would disturb them !

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Do people here not believe in Karma?

Do you realise he is a sick person?

Have you no compassion?

Wishing anyone harm is against the tenets of Buddhism but perhaps you are Christian - what would the carpenter say?

Sick person ?

Oh that is Ok then, he can go round killing who he wants and he can just say "ops, I am sick".

This is not about any religion - and any religion condoning/forgiving murder is no religion in my book. Just more hypocritical bullsh!t. This is about humanity and the law.

This b4stard should die for what he did.

I was a Buddhist, but now am a 'none of the above.' I believe the perpetrator should be given harsh justice. Death might be too lenient. In the new film "Changeling" a multi-murderer of children is found guilty and given 2 years solitary, and then hanged. It all happened in 1920's 30's L.A., USA.

In this Thai case, cops may have the wrong guy. Surveillance photo doesn't seem to match. The guy they have may be a 'fall guy.' Let's hope they make crystal clear that they're implicatging the right guy. Then punish him severely. No leniency, even if he claims mental problems. Even a person with mental problems knows it's very bad to harm children.

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speaking of using religion as an out - for crimes;

Cambodia's Duch, who ran the prison where hundreds were murdered: He claimed to have become a Christian, after he was incarcerated. Automatically, Christians will say something like "believe in Jesus, and your sins will be forgiven." I say bul!shit. Religion should not be used as a way out of getting punished for a crime.

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"Sick", in the U.S. anyway, has become simply a matter of scraping together enough money to hire the right MD "expert witness" to testify that you didn't know right from wrong. (Yeah, lots of technical jargon always go into that, I know, but find the right doc & pays your money and you've got your free pass.) So, maybe some years in a mental hospital; just a matter there of demonstrating "recovery" after a few years. And how soon THAT can be devolves into "politics".

Death is the only justice for murderers, and that's doubly true for child killers. Being the victim just means you're the only one with definitely nothing to say about it. Being a member of the victim's family or a close friend means you're driven by "revenge" and shouldn't have anything to say about it either ('can read that right here on TV all the time). So the do-gooders are the only ones WITH anything to say about it. 'Deck sound stacked to you?

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