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Hey Foreigner, are you talking to me?

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For these moments of facing the great grumpy it's good to be prepared with few lines.

With leader's voice "If this should happen in your corporation, how would you handle the situation as a manager? As we now know, there was a great possibility to get both queues working and therefore get all of us processed faster, but at this time it failed. At what point you would have given up trying to get the second cash machine to work?"

Story teller: "I used to be like you. I got angry when things did not happen the exact way and moment I wanted. Few people were couple of minutes late from the meeting and I was furious - they were wasting my precious time! Then I had epiphany and realized my values were all wrong. I went to travel and learned what 'mañana' really means. It's not a definition of time, but how and why.. "

Nerdy way: "According to the studies, it's well known that 87% of the cash machine crash problems are solved within 42 seconds when senior staff is addressing the problem. Therefore it's logical to try to get the second cach machine to work as fast as possible to provide the best average service satisfaction on this first in first out queue problem. This time however, the optimal solution time would have been 3 minutes 42 seconds and therefore the senior member of the crew waited too long to get back to her normal duties. I might be obligated to make a complaint to the company's head of educational division of the company to correct the way they use statistical analysis."

None of these make any sense, but all of them will make the Grumpy one to think - and best of all, makes him to stop complaining. What happens next is important.

I guess we all have had our bad days and have been publicly morons every now and then. If the Grumpy one have balls and humor enough to smile and laugh to his mistakes, then he is probably going to make it here. If not.. well the last thing he'll hear is "Final call for flight 42 back home at gate 7 for Mr Grumpy"


For these moments of facing the great grumpy it's good to be prepared with few lines.

With leader's voice "If this should happen in your corporation, how would you handle the situation as a manager? As we now know, there was a great possibility to get both queues working and therefore get all of us processed faster, but at this time it failed. At what point you would have given up trying to get the second cash machine to work?"

Story teller: "I used to be like you. I got angry when things did not happen the exact way and moment I wanted. Few people were couple of minutes late from the meeting and I was furious - they were wasting my precious time! Then I had epiphany and realized my values were all wrong. I went to travel and learned what 'mañana' really means. It's not a definition of time, but how and why.. "

Nerdy way: "According to the studies, it's well known that 87% of the cash machine crash problems are solved within 42 seconds when senior staff is addressing the problem. Therefore it's logical to try to get the second cach machine to work as fast as possible to provide the best average service satisfaction on this first in first out queue problem. This time however, the optimal solution time would have been 3 minutes 42 seconds and therefore the senior member of the crew waited too long to get back to her normal duties. I might be obligated to make a complaint to the company's head of educational division of the company to correct the way they use statistical analysis."

None of these make any sense, but all of them will make the Grumpy one to think - and best of all, makes him to stop complaining. What happens next is important.

I guess we all have had our bad days and have been publicly morons every now and then. If the Grumpy one have balls and humor enough to smile and laugh to his mistakes, then he is probably going to make it here. If not.. well the last thing he'll hear is "Final call for flight 42 back home at gate 7 for Mr Grumpy"

"If not.. well the last thing he'll hear is "Final call for flight 42 back home at gate 7 for Mr Grumpy" - Phuket is all about gaining the maximum baht from the minimum outlay of baht. That minimum outlay also extends to staff recruitment, induction and training.

This is probably the TESCO manager's mentality as well.

Why should "Mr. Grumpy" go "back home" when he could/would get the service he is accustoms to, elsewhere in Thailand, or the region?

Sure, sh*te happens, and no need to ridicule a young Thai girl over it, but on Phuket, you can go back to the same TESCO, over and over, and have the same thing happen, over and over.

In many cases, it the management's mentality here of spend no baht to make the maximum baht, that causes the issues. This is particularly noticable in construction, health and safety and customer service.

It really is TIP (This Is Phuket) rather than TIT (This Is Thailand)

Do you think I am going to agree with you?

No it is clear from your OP that you agree only with yourself

Do I look like someone who points at people and uses bad language (only when I am watching football or rugby )

You clearly pointed at people by starting this thread, and the <deleted> makes clear you indeed use bad language

Do you just want to vent in English and we understand you?

One would think that a country that calls itself the hub of everything would understand an international accepted communication language


Try shopping in WA on thursday night when they have late night shopping

you would be lucky to get thru the checkout in 10 minutes even in the 8 items or less checkouts

Its no different here than anywhere else,go shopping early when the shops are not busy

Sunday is the worse day to shop here and we never go on sunday

In Perth, supermarket chains are now open until 9 pm every week night, and they also open on Sundays. That was the best day to shop when I was last there.


"At this point I have been waiting for almost 10 minutes." and "How do you survive in Thailand with no patience?"

May I ask, how many minutes were you prepared to "wait" before your "patience" would have been tested?

I mean, what is accectable? When does poor customer service by TESCO become TIT (This Is Thailand) and when does TIT become unacceptable to you? After how many minutes?

Well it was plainly obvious why I was waiting. Cash register down and two ladies doing their best to rectify the situation. As long as I can see some effort to move forward and there is at least one working register I would be willing to wait as long as I have to.

I have left places before when people were too busy having a conversation, having their lunch, playing with their iPad or whatever to acknowledge my existence. I would also comment to them as I left. I did not use bad language and expect all the farang around to rally with me and listen to my "sad" tale!!

edit: I also leave all the stuff on their counter when I walk away, so they get some karma!

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Do you think I am going to agree with you?

No it is clear from your OP that you agree only with yourself

Do I look like someone who points at people and uses bad language (only when I am watching football or rugby )

You clearly pointed at people by starting this thread, and the <deleted> makes clear you indeed use bad language

Do you just want to vent in English and we understand you?

One would think that a country that calls itself the hub of everything would understand an international accepted communication language

These are rhetorical questions aimed at trying to elicidate on why the Grumpy farang would be dragging me into his rant.

Some people here think I am denying him his right to be upset by "bad service". Absolutely not. As I said - I understand he was frustrated, but that is his problem.

Bad language, see me at some of the Kathu watering holes watching sport! As I said.

My point really to everyone is don't drag others into it. Express your displeasure by all means, but it really has nothing to do with me!! (unless you bring me into - as he did)

edit: And the <deleted> part is the actual word he used - I actully used F and symbols - TV software is pretty sharp.


What I would have said to the farang? Depends on my mood, but probably nothing....because I just want to get out of there...

going into a discussion would just waste more time....and he was complaining about wasting time.

What I don't like is: on the rare occassion that I go to a McDonald's, you will always see people waiting in line a long time,

and when it is finally their turn.....only then do start thinking about what to order! That's wasting time, meanwhile the queue

gets longer. Then, when it is finally my turn, I will immediately tell my small order and have my cash ready in hand to pay.

Not that that gets me any appreciation from the cashier by the way.

There are may things that I see here that I don't like or disagree with or think could be done more efficiently, but if I would

confront someone about it every time...........I would not have much time to do anything else.

I could complain to the Big C cashier for waiing everybody before me but not me....but I'd rather just get my change and not say anything.....

that way the cashier gets a bit of what she gave....or in this case what she did not give.....a bit of common courtesy

(especially since I unloaded the basket for her and put it away myself, less work for her...or him).

Ok, my rant over.

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In a similar situation, when I have felt as the OP does, I engage the Thais in conversation (in Thai) about the weather or some inane stuff. Always easy to do - Thais love to chat about anything, especially if you are on some island or village. And if the farang calls me on ignoring him I say, I was just chatting about the weather - how hot it is and when will the rain come...

In general, I am embarrassed when I see foreigners shouting or insulting or rude to Thais. Partly cause I just want to be loved, but partly because I know this will never forward their agenda no matter what it is - even if it is to vent and feel better. It will only make others feel awkward.

It is human nature. If I can make you 'wrong' or stupid or _________ (fill in the blank), then I get to be right. Very fundamental concept in Buddhism, though (admittedly) not fundamental enough in any culture - Thai or otherwise.

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I do agree the reaction by the westerner was inappropriate.

It's TESCO. Write to their corporate office if you have a problem.


yea you have 3 choices really:

- say "relax bro, TIT"

- pretend you don't understand him (use a shrug)

- agree with him and get everyone hating you too

i usually go with the first. sometimes the 2nd.

i was like him when i first got off the boat. it only took me a few weeks to start going with the flow of Thailand - which is really slow and usually flowing backwards.

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I'm with Steve on this one.

Who cares? I would've ignored the guy to the point of not even hearing his comments.

And you are a grumpy old man! My! My! My! Will wonders never cease.


Try shopping in WA on thursday night when they have late night shopping

you would be lucky to get thru the checkout in 10 minutes even in the 8 items or less checkouts

Its no different here than anywhere else,go shopping early when the shops are not busy

Sunday is the worse day to shop here and we never go on sunday

In Perth, supermarket chains are now open until 9 pm every week night, and they also open on Sundays. That was the best day to shop when I was last there.

what does that have to do with tesco? you are a few thousand miles off! I don't think that anyone in the line even cared about the hours in perth! stick to the topic! believe it or not, not everyone wants to go to perth to shop!

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I was walking up Thai Phae Road in Chiang Mai a couple of days ago. In front of me were a couple of middle aged , very well colonial style dressed. We passed a little coffee shop or something and suddenly the woman stood still and shouted a whole lot of stuff at the lady sitting inside. I thought she knew the woman, but soon discovered that it was abuse because a motor bike was parked in front and her husband who doesn't see well might have walked into it. They were upper class Brits. I was embarrassed . Mind you, I get annoyed by the cars, bikes etc that are parked on the footpath and I have to walk in the street. But you know, I have to put up with the same thing here in Europe..........people!

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