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Kenney: No discussion with Thailand on access to military bases

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Kenney: No discussion with Thailand on access to military bases


US Ambassador Kristie Kenney talks to Nation Multimedia Group chairman Suthichai Yoon in a recent exclusive interview at her residence near the US Embassy.

BANGKOK: -- In an exclusive interview, US Ambassador Kristie Kenney talks to Nation Multimedia Group chairman Suthichai Yoon about the current US policies towards Asia, including economic and security, as well as whether the US has requested the use of military bases in Thailand.

The United States will be very busy with Ukraine, Crimea and what Russia is going to do. How will that affect [President Barack] Obama's policies towards Asia? Some people think his "pivot to Asia" policy might suffer. Do you think that's a fair assessment?

I don't thinks so. Ukraine is obviously important. You [Nation Multimedia Group] had a team on the ground there reporting. Also, you see our European friends and allies discussing about Ukraine. But President Obama met with the Chinese premier at the Nuclear Security Summit and discussed not just about Ukraine but the whole range of Asia issues. He will be visiting Asia next month and many other times this year.

The president has been very clear. Asia matters to him. Secretary of Defence [Chuck] Hagel is meeting with Asean defence ministers next week. Secretary [John] Kerry has been here five times already in the region in his first year [as secretary of state].

But not in Thailand yet?

Not in Thailand. That's still to be decided. You have had the president here already but not Secretary Kerry.

What in concrete terms do you see happening around Thailand and Asean in this pivot to Asia?

I think Asean is growing hugely important. It's not government-to-government but business. The US-Asean Business Council is leading a delegation of CEOs of American businesses to Asean countries.

You see a lot of people-to-people exchange across Asean and I think when it comes to the Asean Economic Community that's going to open the doors wide for academic exchanges.

What about security?

That collaboration is quite strong already. We have just finished in Thailand the Cobra Gold exercises, the 33rd year. With 28 countries coming this year, it is the largest multinational military exercise in the world.

Now including China?

China has always been an observer. This year, they participated in an engineering exercise as well.

It's very interesting. Full participants like Japan, Korea, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, United States ... And I also enjoyed the Humanitarian Day. You see the medical doctors from these countries join together sharing medical techniques. That's phenomenal.

So it's not only about security, about war, but it's also about humanitarian assistance?

Increasingly these days the dialogue among Asian states, the United States and others - Australia also joined, New Zealand, Canada [did too] - this is about how we work together in times of natural disaster.

You saw the Philippines typhoon and more recently the very tragic story of the Malaysian airliner, but you saw all of these countries working together to search the missing airliner.

Having our military prepared, one of the things we saw when the Philippines typhoon hit, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, we were able to contribute very quickly because they had exercises together so they could call the Filipinos and asked 'What do you need? Ships? Airplanes? Supplies?'

There have been reports that the US government has been seeking permission to use military bases in the Philippines, Vietnam and possibly Thailand. Is that true?

The only place that we are working on an access agreement is the Philippines. It's called [an] access agreement, so it will not be the [uS] bases. We would negotiate an expansion of access. So you might see one of our ships quite often out of Philippines navy bases. You might see some aircraft on the ground, depending on how the negotiations will come out. We are not currently negotiating with Thailand.

In Thailand, there has been no talk about access to bases yet?

No. We have all of our regular exercises, so you have US military who have just finished our annual exercise. So you might have seen some US aircraft [in Thailand].

Do you have access to Thai bases, air bases, if you need it?

We'll have to ask. For example, for the relief of Cyclone Nargis or the tsunami in Aceh, we asked Thailand to agree to have the US and other aircraft and navy come in to stage some of the relief efforts.

There was speculation, when they criticised you for taking the side of the government, that the Americans were asking for an agreement to have access to one of the Thai bases here. That's why you tried to please the government so that it will be easier for you to negotiate.

No negotiations for bases in Thailand. We don't have any discussion on bases in Thailand. But we have a great relationship on security.

Will we see more American war ships visiting Thailand?

I think we'll see as part of our rebalance. We have more ships in the region but it will also depend on what happens. For example, now some US war ships are helping searching for Malaysia Airlines so they are not visiting Thai ports right now.

So the re-balancing will mean you will be more active in security side?

In every side.

The interview will be on air in "Timeline with Suthichai Yoon" programme on Nation TV today (Sunday) at 7.30pm.

-- The Nation 2014-03-30

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I don't know about the rest, but Australia now has U.S forces stationed in the top end , They use the naval bases and the U.S Air-force are in and out more times than I have had breakfasts, the reasoning for is that they required a reliable partner to keep an eye on the Dear Chairman north of Thailand.

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[but President Obama met with the Chinese premier at the Nuclear Security Summit and discussed not just about Ukraine but the whole range of Asia issues.] So am I to understand that China has the say over S.E. Asia which includes Thailand. If ASEAN have any brains, they will keep the USA and other Western countries out of S.E. Asia and work towards self preservation. You can guarantee one thing, if Supthep and his mob get their way and change the landscape of politics in Thailand, you can kiss the country goodbye because they are the puppets of the west.

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[but President Obama met with the Chinese premier at the Nuclear Security Summit and discussed not just about Ukraine but the whole range of Asia issues.] So am I to understand that China has the say over S.E. Asia which includes Thailand. If ASEAN have any brains, they will keep the USA and other Western countries out of S.E. Asia and work towards self preservation. You can guarantee one thing, if Supthep and his mob get their way and change the landscape of politics in Thailand, you can kiss the country goodbye because they are the puppets of the west.

You've got that backwards. If pitting the West/US against China in Thailand politics, then the Shinawatatra government is aligned with the West/US and the Thai army/royalists with China.

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[but President Obama met with the Chinese premier at the Nuclear Security Summit and discussed not just about Ukraine but the whole range of Asia issues.] So am I to understand that China has the say over S.E. Asia which includes Thailand. If ASEAN have any brains, they will keep the USA and other Western countries out of S.E. Asia and work towards self preservation. You can guarantee one thing, if Supthep and his mob get their way and change the landscape of politics in Thailand, you can kiss the country goodbye because they are the puppets of the west.

You've got that backwards. If pitting the West/US against China in Thailand politics, then the Shinawatatra government is aligned with the West/US and the Thai army/royalists with China.

The Democrats are also very much aligned with USA...Just recall the Victor Bout case where Abhisit sent him over to USA, braking the law, making Russia upset. And no one complained, neither the Shinawatra Party, nor any Democrats nor anyone else.

USA says "jump" and Thailand asks "how high".

But to be fair, I wouldn't speak about countries, I would speak about the regimes. It is not the USA or France or the population there who are looking out for wars, it is just a small ruling elite.

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[but President Obama met with the Chinese premier at the Nuclear Security Summit and discussed not just about Ukraine but the whole range of Asia issues.] So am I to understand that China has the say over S.E. Asia which includes Thailand. If ASEAN have any brains, they will keep the USA and other Western countries out of S.E. Asia and work towards self preservation. You can guarantee one thing, if Supthep and his mob get their way and change the landscape of politics in Thailand, you can kiss the country goodbye because they are the puppets of the west.

You've got that backwards. If pitting the West/US against China in Thailand politics, then the Shinawatatra government is aligned with the West/US and the Thai army/royalists with China.

He does have it backwards but the Thai military are not unified concerning China or the United States.

The Shinawatra grouping is aligned with Washington while the DP and its backers are aligning with Beijing.

Abhisit was quoted in the Nation in 2012 that he objected to the U.S. proposals to use U-tapo naval air base as "trying to contain China." (I can't find the quote but am still looking.)

Consequently, Abhisit and the DP in 2012 blocked a NASA study there and a Pentagon plan to store "supplies" there as a part of Prez Obama's "Rebalancing To Asia" policy (which keeps getting dragged back to Europe, Eurasia, Russia, the ME, Afghanistan etc etc). Asean wants the U.S. to balance Beijing's influence but of course would never say so publically or as Asean.

So most individual Asean countries have moved quietly and cautiously toward either Washington or Beijing.

Pres Aquino of the U.S. treaty ally the Philippines is the exception, saying a few months ago the president of the PRC reminded him of Hitler in their territorial disputes in the South China Sea.

Vietnam defied a direct publicly made nstruction from Beijing to instead go ahead to award drilling rights in the SCS to an Indian government owned energy corporation.

Malaysia has been conducting naval maneuvers with the United States as it raises its own beefs against Beijing encroaching on Malaysian territorial waters in the SCS.

Myanmar has shut down numerous CCP projects, welcomed a 2012 visit by Prez Obama and is preparing to accept Aung San Suu Kyi running for election as president.

Last year VP Biden visited Brunei to offer assurances to the kingdom in its disputes against Beijing's claims over Brunei's territorial waters of the SCS.

Conversely, two years ago when Cambodia was chairman of Asean Hun Sen ran around the region as Beijing's errand boy.

Singapore, which says Obama's rebalancing will result in conflict, has built a new port facility so U.S. aircraft carriers can dock rather than have to drop anchor in the bay, and has accepted two new hi-tech U.S. naval destroyers based there - Singapore wants the U.S. new Raptor fighter aircraft but so does everyone else (only Japan is scheduled to get the Raptor, next month)..

The Thai army, by far the largest component of the country's military, remains wedded to the Pentagon. Most of the Navy's ships were purchased over time from the PRC by Chavalit so the Navy remains closely connected to Beijing. The Air Force depends heavily on the Pentagon.

Ambassador Kenney, a career diplomat, was once Political-Military Affairs Liaison Officer to Nato, later the director of the State Department Operations Center. It's interesting how a lot of people around here fall for the public showmanship of it all.

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There seems to be some confusion over which Thai party is aligned with which super power.

Does anyone know PM Yingluck's opinion on this?

You have politicians ever changing views and the military's never changing view.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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[but President Obama met with the Chinese premier at the Nuclear Security Summit and discussed not just about Ukraine but the whole range of Asia issues.] So am I to understand that China has the say over S.E. Asia which includes Thailand. If ASEAN have any brains, they will keep the USA and other Western countries out of S.E. Asia and work towards self preservation. You can guarantee one thing, if Supthep and his mob get their way and change the landscape of politics in Thailand, you can kiss the country goodbye because they are the puppets of the west.

You've got that backwards. If pitting the West/US against China in Thailand politics, then the Shinawatatra government is aligned with the West/US and the Thai army/royalists with China.

The Democrats are also very much aligned with USA...Just recall the Victor Bout case where Abhisit sent him over to USA, braking the law, making Russia upset. And no one complained, neither the Shinawatra Party, nor any Democrats nor anyone else.

USA says "jump" and Thailand asks "how high".

But to be fair, I wouldn't speak about countries, I would speak about the regimes. It is not the USA or France or the population there who are looking out for wars, it is just a small ruling elite.

The Thai army knows that the Americans /Nato weapons and toys are really the only ones really worth it.

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[but President Obama met with the Chinese premier at the Nuclear Security Summit and discussed not just about Ukraine but the whole range of Asia issues.] So am I to understand that China has the say over S.E. Asia which includes Thailand. If ASEAN have any brains, they will keep the USA and other Western countries out of S.E. Asia and work towards self preservation. You can guarantee one thing, if Supthep and his mob get their way and change the landscape of politics in Thailand, you can kiss the country goodbye because they are the puppets of the west.

You've got that backwards. If pitting the West/US against China in Thailand politics, then the Shinawatatra government is aligned with the West/US and the Thai army/royalists with China.

He does have it backwards but the Thai military are not unified concerning China or the United States.

The Shinawatra grouping is aligned with Washington while the DP and its backers are aligning with Beijing.

Abhisit was quoted in the Nation in 2012 that he objected to the U.S. proposals to use U-tapo naval air base as "trying to contain China." (I can't find the quote but am still looking.)

Consequently, Abhisit and the DP in 2012 blocked a NASA study there and a Pentagon plan to store "supplies" there as a part of Prez Obama's "Rebalancing To Asia" policy (which keeps getting dragged back to Europe, Eurasia, Russia, the ME, Afghanistan etc etc). Asean wants the U.S. to balance Beijing's influence but of course would never say so publically or as Asean.

So most individual Asean countries have moved quietly and cautiously toward either Washington or Beijing.

Pres Aquino of the U.S. treaty ally the Philippines is the exception, saying a few months ago the president of the PRC reminded him of Hitler in their territorial disputes in the South China Sea.

Vietnam defied a direct publicly made nstruction from Beijing to instead go ahead to award drilling rights in the SCS to an Indian government owned energy corporation.

Malaysia has been conducting naval maneuvers with the United States as it raises its own beefs against Beijing encroaching on Malaysian territorial waters in the SCS.

Myanmar has shut down numerous CCP projects, welcomed a 2012 visit by Prez Obama and is preparing to accept Aung San Suu Kyi running for election as president.

Last year VP Biden visited Brunei to offer assurances to the kingdom in its disputes against Beijing's claims over Brunei's territorial waters of the SCS.

Conversely, two years ago when Cambodia was chairman of Asean Hun Sen ran around the region as Beijing's errand boy.

Singapore, which says Obama's rebalancing will result in conflict, has built a new port facility so U.S. aircraft carriers can dock rather than have to drop anchor in the bay, and has accepted two new hi-tech U.S. naval destroyers based there - Singapore wants the U.S. new Raptor fighter aircraft but so does everyone else (only Japan is scheduled to get the Raptor, next month)..

The Thai army, by far the largest component of the country's military, remains wedded to the Pentagon. Most of the Navy's ships were purchased over time from the PRC by Chavalit so the Navy remains closely connected to Beijing. The Air Force depends heavily on the Pentagon.

Ambassador Kenney, a career diplomat, was once Political-Military Affairs Liaison Officer to Nato, later the director of the State Department Operations Center. It's interesting how a lot of people around here fall for the public showmanship of it all.

This I think goes hand in hand with the feeling of the industrialists who are in the democrats. One has enormous investments in China and the region, and several others are in China.

They want access for business and don't ever want to annoy Beijing. They might have Thai passports but they are all about their own pocket. I was genuinely bemused to see the democrats reaction to the USA using utapao.

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[but President Obama met with the Chinese premier at the Nuclear Security Summit and discussed not just about Ukraine but the whole range of Asia issues.] So am I to understand that China has the say over S.E. Asia which includes Thailand. If ASEAN have any brains, they will keep the USA and other Western countries out of S.E. Asia and work towards self preservation. You can guarantee one thing, if Supthep and his mob get their way and change the landscape of politics in Thailand, you can kiss the country goodbye because they are the puppets of the west.

You've got that backwards. If pitting the West/US against China in Thailand politics, then the Shinawatatra government is aligned with the West/US and the Thai army/royalists with China.

He does have it backwards but the Thai military are not unified concerning China or the United States.

The Shinawatra grouping is aligned with Washington while the DP and its backers are aligning with Beijing.

Abhisit was quoted in the Nation in 2012 that he objected to the U.S. proposals to use U-tapo naval air base as "trying to contain China." (I can't find the quote but am still looking.)

Consequently, Abhisit and the DP in 2012 blocked a NASA study there and a Pentagon plan to store "supplies" there as a part of Prez Obama's "Rebalancing To Asia" policy (which keeps getting dragged back to Europe, Eurasia, Russia, the ME, Afghanistan etc etc). Asean wants the U.S. to balance Beijing's influence but of course would never say so publically or as Asean.

So most individual Asean countries have moved quietly and cautiously toward either Washington or Beijing.

Pres Aquino of the U.S. treaty ally the Philippines is the exception, saying a few months ago the president of the PRC reminded him of Hitler in their territorial disputes in the South China Sea.

Vietnam defied a direct publicly made nstruction from Beijing to instead go ahead to award drilling rights in the SCS to an Indian government owned energy corporation.

Malaysia has been conducting naval maneuvers with the United States as it raises its own beefs against Beijing encroaching on Malaysian territorial waters in the SCS.

Myanmar has shut down numerous CCP projects, welcomed a 2012 visit by Prez Obama and is preparing to accept Aung San Suu Kyi running for election as president.

Last year VP Biden visited Brunei to offer assurances to the kingdom in its disputes against Beijing's claims over Brunei's territorial waters of the SCS.

Conversely, two years ago when Cambodia was chairman of Asean Hun Sen ran around the region as Beijing's errand boy.

Singapore, which says Obama's rebalancing will result in conflict, has built a new port facility so U.S. aircraft carriers can dock rather than have to drop anchor in the bay, and has accepted two new hi-tech U.S. naval destroyers based there - Singapore wants the U.S. new Raptor fighter aircraft but so does everyone else (only Japan is scheduled to get the Raptor, next month)..

The Thai army, by far the largest component of the country's military, remains wedded to the Pentagon. Most of the Navy's ships were purchased over time from the PRC by Chavalit so the Navy remains closely connected to Beijing. The Air Force depends heavily on the Pentagon.

Ambassador Kenney, a career diplomat, was once Political-Military Affairs Liaison Officer to Nato, later the director of the State Department Operations Center. It's interesting how a lot of people around here fall for the public showmanship of it all.

Good post. A reminder of how much the US meddles all over the world, instead of putting its own house in order.

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[but President Obama met with the Chinese premier at the Nuclear Security Summit and discussed not just about Ukraine but the whole range of Asia issues.] So am I to understand that China has the say over S.E. Asia which includes Thailand. If ASEAN have any brains, they will keep the USA and other Western countries out of S.E. Asia and work towards self preservation. You can guarantee one thing, if Supthep and his mob get their way and change the landscape of politics in Thailand, you can kiss the country goodbye because they are the puppets of the west.

You've got that backwards. If pitting the West/US against China in Thailand politics, then the Shinawatatra government is aligned with the West/US and the Thai army/royalists with China.

He does have it backwards but the Thai military are not unified concerning China or the United States.

The Shinawatra grouping is aligned with Washington while the DP and its backers are aligning with Beijing.

Abhisit was quoted in the Nation in 2012 that he objected to the U.S. proposals to use U-tapo naval air base as "trying to contain China." (I can't find the quote but am still looking.)

Consequently, Abhisit and the DP in 2012 blocked a NASA study there and a Pentagon plan to store "supplies" there as a part of Prez Obama's "Rebalancing To Asia" policy (which keeps getting dragged back to Europe, Eurasia, Russia, the ME, Afghanistan etc etc). Asean wants the U.S. to balance Beijing's influence but of course would never say so publically or as Asean.

So most individual Asean countries have moved quietly and cautiously toward either Washington or Beijing.

Pres Aquino of the U.S. treaty ally the Philippines is the exception, saying a few months ago the president of the PRC reminded him of Hitler in their territorial disputes in the South China Sea.

Vietnam defied a direct publicly made nstruction from Beijing to instead go ahead to award drilling rights in the SCS to an Indian government owned energy corporation.

Malaysia has been conducting naval maneuvers with the United States as it raises its own beefs against Beijing encroaching on Malaysian territorial waters in the SCS.

Myanmar has shut down numerous CCP projects, welcomed a 2012 visit by Prez Obama and is preparing to accept Aung San Suu Kyi running for election as president.

Last year VP Biden visited Brunei to offer assurances to the kingdom in its disputes against Beijing's claims over Brunei's territorial waters of the SCS.

Conversely, two years ago when Cambodia was chairman of Asean Hun Sen ran around the region as Beijing's errand boy.

Singapore, which says Obama's rebalancing will result in conflict, has built a new port facility so U.S. aircraft carriers can dock rather than have to drop anchor in the bay, and has accepted two new hi-tech U.S. naval destroyers based there - Singapore wants the U.S. new Raptor fighter aircraft but so does everyone else (only Japan is scheduled to get the Raptor, next month)..

The Thai army, by far the largest component of the country's military, remains wedded to the Pentagon. Most of the Navy's ships were purchased over time from the PRC by Chavalit so the Navy remains closely connected to Beijing. The Air Force depends heavily on the Pentagon.

Ambassador Kenney, a career diplomat, was once Political-Military Affairs Liaison Officer to Nato, later the director of the State Department Operations Center. It's interesting how a lot of people around here fall for the public showmanship of it all.

Good post. A reminder of how much the US meddles all over the world, instead of putting its own house in order.

Would Thailand be administered from Vietnam or China if the USA hadn't meddled into the region a few decades ago.

Shows an ignorance of why the US was in Vietnam. President Eisenhower was honest enough to admit that the US needed Vietnamese tungsten supplies.

Fro the masses the invasion of Vietnam was dressed up as an anti-communist crusade. Ho Chi Minh was hostile to China, and received aid only from the Soviet Union.

The Yanks have "administered "Thailand since the defeat of the Japanese in WW2 .

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To buote name="blazes" post="7628356" timestamp="1396170348"]

[but President Obama met with the Chinese premier at the Nuclear Security Summit and discussed not just about Ukraine but the whole range of Asia issues.] So am I to understand that China has the say over S.E. Asia which includes Thailand. If ASEAN have any brains, they will keep the USA and other Western countries out of S.E. Asia and work towards self preservation. You can guarantee one thing, if Supthep and his mob get their way and change the landscape of politics in Thailand, you can kiss the country goodbye because they are the puppets of the west.

You've got that backwards. If pitting the West/US against China in Thailand politics, then the Shinawatatra government is aligned with the West/US and the Thai army/royalists with China.

He does have it backwards but the Thai military are not unified concerning China or the United States.

The Shinawatra grouping is aligned with Washington while the DP and its backers are aligning with Beijing.

Abhisit was quoted in the Nation in 2012 that he objected to the U.S. proposals to use U-tapo naval air base as "trying to contain China." (I can't find the quote but am still looking.)

Consequently, Abhisit and the DP in 2012 blocked a NASA study there and a Pentagon plan to store "supplies" there as a part of Prez Obama's "Rebalancing To Asia" policy (which keeps getting dragged back to Europe, Eurasia, Russia, the ME, Afghanistan etc etc). Asean wants the U.S. to balance Beijing's influence but of course would never say so publically or as Asean.

So most individual Asean countries have moved quietly and cautiously toward either Washington or Beijing.

Pres Aquino of the U.S. treaty ally the Philippines is the exception, saying a few months ago the president of the PRC reminded him of Hitler in their territorial disputes in the South China Sea.

Vietnam defied a direct publicly made nstruction from Beijing to instead go ahead to award drilling rights in the SCS to an Indian government owned energy corporation.

Malaysia has been conducting naval maneuvers with the United States as it raises its own beefs against Beijing encroaching on Malaysian territorial waters in the SCS.

Myanmar has shut down numerous CCP projects, welcomed a 2012 visit by Prez Obama and is preparing to accept Aung San Suu Kyi running for election as president.

Last year VP Biden visited Brunei to offer assurances to the kingdom in its disputes against Beijing's claims over Brunei's territorial waters of the SCS.

Conversely, two years ago when Cambodia was chairman of Asean Hun Sen ran around the region as Beijing's errand boy.

Singapore, which says Obama's rebalancing will result in conflict, has built a new port facility so U.S. aircraft carriers can dock rather than have to drop anchor in the bay, and has accepted two new hi-tech U.S. naval destroyers based there - Singapore wants the U.S. new Raptor fighter aircraft but so does everyone else (only Japan is scheduled to get the Raptor, next month)..

The Thai army, by far the largest component of the country's military, remains wedded to the Pentagon. Most of the Navy's ships were purchased over time from the PRC by Chavalit so the Navy remains closely connected to Beijing. The Air Force depends heavily on the Pentagon.

Ambassador Kenney, a career diplomat, was once Political-Military Affairs Liaison Officer to Nato, later the director of the State Department Operations Center. It's interesting how a lot of people around here fall for the public showmanship of it all.

Good post. A reminder of how much the US meddles all over the world, instead of putting its own house in order.

Would Thailand be administered from Vietnam or China if the USA hadn't meddled into the region a few decades ago.

Shows an ignorance of why the US was in Vietnam. President Eisenhower was honest enough to admit that the US needed Vietnamese tungsten supplies.

Fro the masses the invasion of Vietnam was dressed up as an anti-communist crusade. Ho Chi Minh was hostile to China, and received aid only from the Soviet Union.

The Yanks have "administered "Thailand since the defeat of the Japanese in WW2 .

Oh please. Tungsten. If there hadn't been an intervention, there would have been a free run to the end of the Malay peninsular. Without the intervention of america Thailand and the rest of south east Asia would be a very different place.

How did america manage without those vital tungsten deposits?

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[but President Obama met with the Chinese premier at the Nuclear Security Summit and discussed not just about Ukraine but the whole range of Asia issues.] So am I to understand that China has the say over S.E. Asia which includes Thailand. If ASEAN have any brains, they will keep the USA and other Western countries out of S.E. Asia and work towards self preservation. You can guarantee one thing, if Supthep and his mob get their way and change the landscape of politics in Thailand, you can kiss the country goodbye because they are the puppets of the west.

If you were to take all those countries out of SEA there would be NO MONEY here. And dont think the chinese will replace all that either.

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[but President Obama met with the Chinese premier at the Nuclear Security Summit and discussed not just about Ukraine but the whole range of Asia issues.] So am I to understand that China has the say over S.E. Asia which includes Thailand. If ASEAN have any brains, they will keep the USA and other Western countries out of S.E. Asia and work towards self preservation. You can guarantee one thing, if Supthep and his mob get their way and change the landscape of politics in Thailand, you can kiss the country goodbye because they are the puppets of the west.

Keep the USA and other Western countries out of S.E. Asia at a time whenThe Peoples Republic of China has laid sole authority over the entire South China Sea? Hmm, sorry, I disagree. I would favor the nations having had their own South China Sea claims abrogated to collectively and individually take the issue to international judicial forums. I realize China opposes this, and for obvious reasons. Hmmm, wait another minute, I thought the Thaksin camp was the puppet of the West, now it is Suthep and his crew who are the puppets....I am so confused. So, all are puppets of the West?!

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[but President Obama met with the Chinese premier at the Nuclear Security Summit and discussed not just about Ukraine but the whole range of Asia issues.] So am I to understand that China has the say over S.E. Asia which includes Thailand. If ASEAN have any brains, they will keep the USA and other Western countries out of S.E. Asia and work towards self preservation. You can guarantee one thing, if Supthep and his mob get their way and change the landscape of politics in Thailand, you can kiss the country goodbye because they are the puppets of the west.

You've got that backwards. If pitting the West/US against China in Thailand politics, then the Shinawatatra government is aligned with the West/US and the Thai army/royalists with China.

He does have it backwards but the Thai military are not unified concerning China or the United States.

The Shinawatra grouping is aligned with Washington while the DP and its backers are aligning with Beijing.

Abhisit was quoted in the Nation in 2012 that he objected to the U.S. proposals to use U-tapo naval air base as "trying to contain China." (I can't find the quote but am still looking.)

Consequently, Abhisit and the DP in 2012 blocked a NASA study there and a Pentagon plan to store "supplies" there as a part of Prez Obama's "Rebalancing To Asia" policy (which keeps getting dragged back to Europe, Eurasia, Russia, the ME, Afghanistan etc etc). Asean wants the U.S. to balance Beijing's influence but of course would never say so publically or as Asean.

So most individual Asean countries have moved quietly and cautiously toward either Washington or Beijing.

Pres Aquino of the U.S. treaty ally the Philippines is the exception, saying a few months ago the president of the PRC reminded him of Hitler in their territorial disputes in the South China Sea.

Vietnam defied a direct publicly made nstruction from Beijing to instead go ahead to award drilling rights in the SCS to an Indian government owned energy corporation.

Malaysia has been conducting naval maneuvers with the United States as it raises its own beefs against Beijing encroaching on Malaysian territorial waters in the SCS.

Myanmar has shut down numerous CCP projects, welcomed a 2012 visit by Prez Obama and is preparing to accept Aung San Suu Kyi running for election as president.

Last year VP Biden visited Brunei to offer assurances to the kingdom in its disputes against Beijing's claims over Brunei's territorial waters of the SCS.

Conversely, two years ago when Cambodia was chairman of Asean Hun Sen ran around the region as Beijing's errand boy.

Singapore, which says Obama's rebalancing will result in conflict, has built a new port facility so U.S. aircraft carriers can dock rather than have to drop anchor in the bay, and has accepted two new hi-tech U.S. naval destroyers based there - Singapore wants the U.S. new Raptor fighter aircraft but so does everyone else (only Japan is scheduled to get the Raptor, next month)..

The Thai army, by far the largest component of the country's military, remains wedded to the Pentagon. Most of the Navy's ships were purchased over time from the PRC by Chavalit so the Navy remains closely connected to Beijing. The Air Force depends heavily on the Pentagon.

Ambassador Kenney, a career diplomat, was once Political-Military Affairs Liaison Officer to Nato, later the director of the State Department Operations Center. It's interesting how a lot of people around here fall for the public showmanship of it all.

Good post. A reminder of how much the US meddles all over the world, instead of putting its own house in order.

Please expand on how the US can put "it's own house in order". It should make good reading.

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[but President Obama met with the Chinese premier at the Nuclear Security Summit and discussed not just about Ukraine but the whole range of Asia issues.] So am I to understand that China has the say over S.E. Asia which includes Thailand. If ASEAN have any brains, they will keep the USA and other Western countries out of S.E. Asia and work towards self preservation. You can guarantee one thing, if Supthep and his mob get their way and change the landscape of politics in Thailand, you can kiss the country goodbye because they are the puppets of the west.

You've got that backwards. If pitting the West/US against China in Thailand politics, then the Shinawatatra government is aligned with the West/US and the Thai army/royalists with China.

He does have it backwards but the Thai military are not unified concerning China or the United States.

The Shinawatra grouping is aligned with Washington while the DP and its backers are aligning with Beijing.

Abhisit was quoted in the Nation in 2012 that he objected to the U.S. proposals to use U-tapo naval air base as "trying to contain China." (I can't find the quote but am still looking.)

Consequently, Abhisit and the DP in 2012 blocked a NASA study there and a Pentagon plan to store "supplies" there as a part of Prez Obama's "Rebalancing To Asia" policy (which keeps getting dragged back to Europe, Eurasia, Russia, the ME, Afghanistan etc etc). Asean wants the U.S. to balance Beijing's influence but of course would never say so publically or as Asean.

So most individual Asean countries have moved quietly and cautiously toward either Washington or Beijing.

Pres Aquino of the U.S. treaty ally the Philippines is the exception, saying a few months ago the president of the PRC reminded him of Hitler in their territorial disputes in the South China Sea.

Vietnam defied a direct publicly made nstruction from Beijing to instead go ahead to award drilling rights in the SCS to an Indian government owned energy corporation.

Malaysia has been conducting naval maneuvers with the United States as it raises its own beefs against Beijing encroaching on Malaysian territorial waters in the SCS.

Myanmar has shut down numerous CCP projects, welcomed a 2012 visit by Prez Obama and is preparing to accept Aung San Suu Kyi running for election as president.

Last year VP Biden visited Brunei to offer assurances to the kingdom in its disputes against Beijing's claims over Brunei's territorial waters of the SCS.

Conversely, two years ago when Cambodia was chairman of Asean Hun Sen ran around the region as Beijing's errand boy.

Singapore, which says Obama's rebalancing will result in conflict, has built a new port facility so U.S. aircraft carriers can dock rather than have to drop anchor in the bay, and has accepted two new hi-tech U.S. naval destroyers based there - Singapore wants the U.S. new Raptor fighter aircraft but so does everyone else (only Japan is scheduled to get the Raptor, next month)..

The Thai army, by far the largest component of the country's military, remains wedded to the Pentagon. Most of the Navy's ships were purchased over time from the PRC by Chavalit so the Navy remains closely connected to Beijing. The Air Force depends heavily on the Pentagon.

Ambassador Kenney, a career diplomat, was once Political-Military Affairs Liaison Officer to Nato, later the director of the State Department Operations Center. It's interesting how a lot of people around here fall for the public showmanship of it all.

Good post. A reminder of how much the US meddles all over the world, instead of putting its own house in order.

Fortunately, most of us can multitask doing more than one thing at a time. I agree, my country has much to do in its own house but to promote the idea that the USA should be isolationist until everything is perfect in its domestic matters is very short sighted. The US has turned isolationist previously, in today's world, it just cannot, and should not be done. For all our faults we remain a strong benefit to have as an active friend. I add that I am a critic of things done wrong in the US, but I remain optimistic that good will prevail.

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[but President Obama met with the Chinese premier at the Nuclear Security Summit and discussed not just about Ukraine but the whole range of Asia issues.] So am I to understand that China has the say over S.E. Asia which includes Thailand. If ASEAN have any brains, they will keep the USA and other Western countries out of S.E. Asia and work towards self preservation. You can guarantee one thing, if Supthep and his mob get their way and change the landscape of politics in Thailand, you can kiss the country goodbye because they are the puppets of the west.

You've got that backwards. If pitting the West/US against China in Thailand politics, then the Shinawatatra government is aligned with the West/US and the Thai army/royalists with China.

He does have it backwards but the Thai military are not unified concerning China or the United States.

The Shinawatra grouping is aligned with Washington while the DP and its backers are aligning with Beijing.

Abhisit was quoted in the Nation in 2012 that he objected to the U.S. proposals to use U-tapo naval air base as "trying to contain China." (I can't find the quote but am still looking.)

Consequently, Abhisit and the DP in 2012 blocked a NASA study there and a Pentagon plan to store "supplies" there as a part of Prez Obama's "Rebalancing To Asia" policy (which keeps getting dragged back to Europe, Eurasia, Russia, the ME, Afghanistan etc etc). Asean wants the U.S. to balance Beijing's influence but of course would never say so publically or as Asean.

So most individual Asean countries have moved quietly and cautiously toward either Washington or Beijing.

Pres Aquino of the U.S. treaty ally the Philippines is the exception, saying a few months ago the president of the PRC reminded him of Hitler in their territorial disputes in the South China Sea.

Vietnam defied a direct publicly made nstruction from Beijing to instead go ahead to award drilling rights in the SCS to an Indian government owned energy corporation.

Malaysia has been conducting naval maneuvers with the United States as it raises its own beefs against Beijing encroaching on Malaysian territorial waters in the SCS.

Myanmar has shut down numerous CCP projects, welcomed a 2012 visit by Prez Obama and is preparing to accept Aung San Suu Kyi running for election as president.

Last year VP Biden visited Brunei to offer assurances to the kingdom in its disputes against Beijing's claims over Brunei's territorial waters of the SCS.

Conversely, two years ago when Cambodia was chairman of Asean Hun Sen ran around the region as Beijing's errand boy.

Singapore, which says Obama's rebalancing will result in conflict, has built a new port facility so U.S. aircraft carriers can dock rather than have to drop anchor in the bay, and has accepted two new hi-tech U.S. naval destroyers based there - Singapore wants the U.S. new Raptor fighter aircraft but so does everyone else (only Japan is scheduled to get the Raptor, next month)..

The Thai army, by far the largest component of the country's military, remains wedded to the Pentagon. Most of the Navy's ships were purchased over time from the PRC by Chavalit so the Navy remains closely connected to Beijing. The Air Force depends heavily on the Pentagon.

Ambassador Kenney, a career diplomat, was once Political-Military Affairs Liaison Officer to Nato, later the director of the State Department Operations Center. It's interesting how a lot of people around here fall for the public showmanship of it all.

Good post. A reminder of how much the US meddles all over the world, instead of putting its own house in order.

Would Thailand be administered from Vietnam or China if the USA hadn't meddled into the region a few decades ago.

I don't know. In my reading of Thai history, the Thais have done very well in playing off one side against the other to keep any outside power from gaining a permanent hold on Thailand proper (OK, did not work out so well in WW II - still even in that aftermath Thailand came out without being roundly condemned as a defeated enemy power). I would expect Thailand to again try to balance China and US interests in order not to come under the total domination of either country.

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[but President Obama met with the Chinese premier at the Nuclear Security Summit and discussed not just about Ukraine but the whole range of Asia issues.] So am I to understand that China has the say over S.E. Asia which includes Thailand. If ASEAN have any brains, they will keep the USA and other Western countries out of S.E. Asia and work towards self preservation. You can guarantee one thing, if Supthep and his mob get their way and change the landscape of politics in Thailand, you can kiss the country goodbye because they are the puppets of the west.

Keep the USA and other Western countries out of S.E. Asia at a time whenThe Peoples Republic of China has laid sole authority over the entire South China Sea? Hmm, sorry, I disagree. I would favor the nations having had their own South China Sea claims abrogated to collectively and individually take the issue to international judicial forums. I realize China opposes this, and for obvious reasons. Hmmm, wait another minute, I thought the Thaksin camp was the puppet of the West, now it is Suthep and his crew who are the puppets....I am so confused. So, all are puppets of the West?!

All these puppets in Thailand and still there's no Brains. sad.png

Not so FAB.

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[but President Obama met with the Chinese premier at the Nuclear Security Summit and discussed not just about Ukraine but the whole range of Asia issues.] So am I to understand that China has the say over S.E. Asia which includes Thailand. If ASEAN have any brains, they will keep the USA and other Western countries out of S.E. Asia and work towards self preservation. You can guarantee one thing, if Supthep and his mob get their way and change the landscape of politics in Thailand, you can kiss the country goodbye because they are the puppets of the west.

Keep the USA and other Western countries out of S.E. Asia at a time whenThe Peoples Republic of China has laid sole authority over the entire South China Sea? Hmm, sorry, I disagree. I would favor the nations having had their own South China Sea claims abrogated to collectively and individually take the issue to international judicial forums. I realize China opposes this, and for obvious reasons. Hmmm, wait another minute, I thought the Thaksin camp was the puppet of the West, now it is Suthep and his crew who are the puppets....I am so confused. So, all are puppets of the West?!

I would just add Asean positively and definitely wants the USA here to actively balance the increasing impact of Beijing on the region. This would be true even if Beijing were not the Neighbor From Hell, so it's especially true given Beijing summarily and cavalierly had decided to in fact become the Neighbor From Hell. It's been true in China for thousands of years that the big fish never ever pass on gulping down every small fish, every time, always.


U.S. Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, talks with Thailand's joint chiefs during a visit in Bangkok, June 5, 2012

More immediately however, which side in Bangkok has been regularly gathering outside the U.S. Embassy & Residence demanding that Amb Kenney be recalled. Which side is presenting letters and petitions to Western embassies to include the U.S. mission in Bangkok? Which same side of the current and ongoing fiasco in Thailand wants Prez Obama to recall his ambassador, i.e., for Prez Obama to recall his own Thailand policy. Let's just say the PCAD / PDRC was not on Prez Obama's Christmas Card List of just several months ago. Easter in the White House isn't looking too good either for Suthep, the PDRC, Abhisit, the DP and the old guard of Thailand.

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To buote name="blazes" post="7628356" timestamp="1396170348"]

[but President Obama met with the Chinese premier at the Nuclear Security Summit and discussed not just about Ukraine but the whole range of Asia issues.] So am I to understand that China has the say over S.E. Asia which includes Thailand. If ASEAN have any brains, they will keep the USA and other Western countries out of S.E. Asia and work towards self preservation. You can guarantee one thing, if Supthep and his mob get their way and change the landscape of politics in Thailand, you can kiss the country goodbye because they are the puppets of the west.

You've got that backwards. If pitting the West/US against China in Thailand politics, then the Shinawatatra government is aligned with the West/US and the Thai army/royalists with China.

He does have it backwards but the Thai military are not unified concerning China or the United States.

The Shinawatra grouping is aligned with Washington while the DP and its backers are aligning with Beijing.

Abhisit was quoted in the Nation in 2012 that he objected to the U.S. proposals to use U-tapo naval air base as "trying to contain China." (I can't find the quote but am still looking.)

Consequently, Abhisit and the DP in 2012 blocked a NASA study there and a Pentagon plan to store "supplies" there as a part of Prez Obama's "Rebalancing To Asia" policy (which keeps getting dragged back to Europe, Eurasia, Russia, the ME, Afghanistan etc etc). Asean wants the U.S. to balance Beijing's influence but of course would never say so publically or as Asean.

So most individual Asean countries have moved quietly and cautiously toward either Washington or Beijing.

Pres Aquino of the U.S. treaty ally the Philippines is the exception, saying a few months ago the president of the PRC reminded him of Hitler in their territorial disputes in the South China Sea.

Vietnam defied a direct publicly made nstruction from Beijing to instead go ahead to award drilling rights in the SCS to an Indian government owned energy corporation.

Malaysia has been conducting naval maneuvers with the United States as it raises its own beefs against Beijing encroaching on Malaysian territorial waters in the SCS.

Myanmar has shut down numerous CCP projects, welcomed a 2012 visit by Prez Obama and is preparing to accept Aung San Suu Kyi running for election as president.

Last year VP Biden visited Brunei to offer assurances to the kingdom in its disputes against Beijing's claims over Brunei's territorial waters of the SCS.

Conversely, two years ago when Cambodia was chairman of Asean Hun Sen ran around the region as Beijing's errand boy.

Singapore, which says Obama's rebalancing will result in conflict, has built a new port facility so U.S. aircraft carriers can dock rather than have to drop anchor in the bay, and has accepted two new hi-tech U.S. naval destroyers based there - Singapore wants the U.S. new Raptor fighter aircraft but so does everyone else (only Japan is scheduled to get the Raptor, next month)..

The Thai army, by far the largest component of the country's military, remains wedded to the Pentagon. Most of the Navy's ships were purchased over time from the PRC by Chavalit so the Navy remains closely connected to Beijing. The Air Force depends heavily on the Pentagon.

Ambassador Kenney, a career diplomat, was once Political-Military Affairs Liaison Officer to Nato, later the director of the State Department Operations Center. It's interesting how a lot of people around here fall for the public showmanship of it all.

Good post. A reminder of how much the US meddles all over the world, instead of putting its own house in order.

Would Thailand be administered from Vietnam or China if the USA hadn't meddled into the region a few decades ago.

Shows an ignorance of why the US was in Vietnam. President Eisenhower was honest enough to admit that the US needed Vietnamese tungsten supplies.

Fro the masses the invasion of Vietnam was dressed up as an anti-communist crusade. Ho Chi Minh was hostile to China, and received aid only from the Soviet Union.

The Yanks have "administered "Thailand since the defeat of the Japanese in WW2 .

Oh please. Tungsten. If there hadn't been an intervention, there would have been a free run to the end of the Malay peninsular. Without the intervention of america Thailand and the rest of south east Asia would be a very different place.

How did america manage without those vital tungsten deposits?

Is your name Henry Kissinger by any chance?

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To buote name="blazes" post="7628356" timestamp="1396170348"]

[but President Obama met with the Chinese premier at the Nuclear Security Summit and discussed not just about Ukraine but the whole range of Asia issues.] So am I to understand that China has the say over S.E. Asia which includes Thailand. If ASEAN have any brains, they will keep the USA and other Western countries out of S.E. Asia and work towards self preservation. You can guarantee one thing, if Supthep and his mob get their way and change the landscape of politics in Thailand, you can kiss the country goodbye because they are the puppets of the west.

You've got that backwards. If pitting the West/US against China in Thailand politics, then the Shinawatatra government is aligned with the West/US and the Thai army/royalists with China.

He does have it backwards but the Thai military are not unified concerning China or the United States.

The Shinawatra grouping is aligned with Washington while the DP and its backers are aligning with Beijing.

Abhisit was quoted in the Nation in 2012 that he objected to the U.S. proposals to use U-tapo naval air base as "trying to contain China." (I can't find the quote but am still looking.)

Consequently, Abhisit and the DP in 2012 blocked a NASA study there and a Pentagon plan to store "supplies" there as a part of Prez Obama's "Rebalancing To Asia" policy (which keeps getting dragged back to Europe, Eurasia, Russia, the ME, Afghanistan etc etc). Asean wants the U.S. to balance Beijing's influence but of course would never say so publically or as Asean.

So most individual Asean countries have moved quietly and cautiously toward either Washington or Beijing.

Pres Aquino of the U.S. treaty ally the Philippines is the exception, saying a few months ago the president of the PRC reminded him of Hitler in their territorial disputes in the South China Sea.

Vietnam defied a direct publicly made nstruction from Beijing to instead go ahead to award drilling rights in the SCS to an Indian government owned energy corporation.

Malaysia has been conducting naval maneuvers with the United States as it raises its own beefs against Beijing encroaching on Malaysian territorial waters in the SCS.

Myanmar has shut down numerous CCP projects, welcomed a 2012 visit by Prez Obama and is preparing to accept Aung San Suu Kyi running for election as president.

Last year VP Biden visited Brunei to offer assurances to the kingdom in its disputes against Beijing's claims over Brunei's territorial waters of the SCS.

Conversely, two years ago when Cambodia was chairman of Asean Hun Sen ran around the region as Beijing's errand boy.

Singapore, which says Obama's rebalancing will result in conflict, has built a new port facility so U.S. aircraft carriers can dock rather than have to drop anchor in the bay, and has accepted two new hi-tech U.S. naval destroyers based there - Singapore wants the U.S. new Raptor fighter aircraft but so does everyone else (only Japan is scheduled to get the Raptor, next month)..

The Thai army, by far the largest component of the country's military, remains wedded to the Pentagon. Most of the Navy's ships were purchased over time from the PRC by Chavalit so the Navy remains closely connected to Beijing. The Air Force depends heavily on the Pentagon.

Ambassador Kenney, a career diplomat, was once Political-Military Affairs Liaison Officer to Nato, later the director of the State Department Operations Center. It's interesting how a lot of people around here fall for the public showmanship of it all.

Good post. A reminder of how much the US meddles all over the world, instead of putting its own house in order.

Would Thailand be administered from Vietnam or China if the USA hadn't meddled into the region a few decades ago.

Shows an ignorance of why the US was in Vietnam. President Eisenhower was honest enough to admit that the US needed Vietnamese tungsten supplies.

Fro the masses the invasion of Vietnam was dressed up as an anti-communist crusade. Ho Chi Minh was hostile to China, and received aid only from the Soviet Union.

The Yanks have "administered "Thailand since the defeat of the Japanese in WW2 .

Oh please. Tungsten. If there hadn't been an intervention, there would have been a free run to the end of the Malay peninsular. Without the intervention of america Thailand and the rest of south east Asia would be a very different place.

How did america manage without those vital tungsten deposits?

American "intervention" you call it, lol. Invasion is the word you seek, mate. And it was an invasion that ended ignominiously on the roof of the US Embassy in Saigon. Now, I wonder how it was that all those Vietnamese failed to accept Coca-Cola democracy and chose instead self-determination.

Long and short, American "interventionism" has resulted in widespread misery and death (how many dead in Iraq after Cheney and Rumsfeldt had finished with them?)

If America would return to isolationism and abandon their imperialist aims (driven by the military/industrial complex - Eisenhower again), they would be a much greater force for good in the world.j

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[but President Obama met with the Chinese premier at the Nuclear Security Summit and discussed not just about Ukraine but the whole range of Asia issues.] So am I to understand that China has the say over S.E. Asia which includes Thailand. If ASEAN have any brains, they will keep the USA and other Western countries out of S.E. Asia and work towards self preservation. You can guarantee one thing, if Supthep and his mob get their way and change the landscape of politics in Thailand, you can kiss the country goodbye because they are the puppets of the west.

Keep the USA and other Western countries out of S.E. Asia at a time whenThe Peoples Republic of China has laid sole authority over the entire South China Sea? Hmm, sorry, I disagree. I would favor the nations having had their own South China Sea claims abrogated to collectively and individually take the issue to international judicial forums. I realize China opposes this, and for obvious reasons. Hmmm, wait another minute, I thought the Thaksin camp was the puppet of the West, now it is Suthep and his crew who are the puppets....I am so confused. So, all are puppets of the West?!

I would just add Asean positively and definitely wants the USA here to actively balance the increasing impact of Beijing on the region. This would be true even if Beijing were not the Neighbor From Hell, so it's especially true given Beijing summarily and cavalierly had decided to in fact become the Neighbor From Hell. It's been true in China for thousands of years that the big fish never ever pass on gulping down every small fish, every time, always.


U.S. Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, talks with Thailand's joint chiefs during a visit in Bangkok, June 5, 2012

More immediately however, which side in Bangkok has been regularly gathering outside the U.S. Embassy & Residence demanding that Amb Kenney be recalled. Which side is presenting letters and petitions to Western embassies to include the U.S. mission in Bangkok? Which same side of the current and ongoing fiasco in Thailand wants Prez Obama to recall his ambassador, i.e., for Prez Obama to recall his own Thailand policy. Let's just say the PCAD / PDRC was not on Prez Obama's Christmas Card List of just several months ago. Easter in the White House isn't looking too good either for Suthep, the PDRC, Abhisit, the DP and the old guard of Thailand.

The problem is this idea that by being allied with someone you are being disloyal. Unfortunately this desire to play both sides of fence eventually hurts Thailand because everyone.works out that they are lying a little bit to everyone.

Thailand likes to think they can control the agenda with everyone. Whilst dealing with the USA , the USA doesn't ask much so its easy. Try to play the chinese diplomatically, and they expect something real I return.

The Chinese would eat Thailand in a moment.

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