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Living With The Family--HELP!--Get Me OUT OF HERE!


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I need to find a different place to live while our house is being built

Sorry to sound crass but I fail to see what is stopping you? I'm afraid I couldn't read through all that. Far too early, and I've not had my tea yet.

I think you need to "man up" and get tough with your wife, be Tarzan, pick her up, tuck her under your arm, carry her out of the house, bung her in a cab to the nearest train/bus station and get out of there....You can rent a pleasant place for 20K THB almost anywhere.

When her sister visits you at your new home, be sure to treat her as she did you.

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I need to find a different place to live while our house is being built

Sorry to sound crass but I fail to see what is stopping you? I'm afraid I couldn't read through all that. Far too early, and I've not had my tea yet.

I think you need to "man up" and get tough with your wife, be Tarzan, pick her up, tuck her under your arm, carry her out of the house, bung her in a cab to the nearest train/bus station and get out of there....You can rent a pleasant place for 20K THB almost anywhere.

When her sister visits you at your new home, be sure to treat her as she did you.

That will never happen. Wife will never leave Sister. That is out of the question. Besides, I'm just not built that way. People will do what they will do. There is no point in forcing anyone. All that will ever do is backfire on the one doing the force. Never fails.

You do make a great point however. Every now and again, I get sick and tired of it and pack a bag and walk on out of here. Wife always comes looking for me. I think that is sub-conscious on my part. I want to see if she really cares enough to want to come find out where the bloody hell I'm at and try and work things out. She always does. Then, she always sweet talks me back into this hell.

But one of these days, and it won't be long, I am going to pack my bags and head out where she simply will not be able to locate me. I can so not be found if I want to. But the other problem with leaving is the money. Most of what we have is tied up in the new house and other things. If I leave, I can kiss all of that goodbye and say hello to starting over.

Thanks for raising your point. It made me think.

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Don't know whether you are going to get much sensible advice, most of it will be along the lines of man up etc and even Transam for instance who knows what the extended family situation is like isn't giving any advice, only a variation of I told you so. I live with an extended family and yes there are dominant family members. I wasn't used to ordering people around, but now after some years do it quite naturally. I beg to differ with Transam I don't think I would lose face if I admitted living nearby the family was hell I think I have fitted in quite well, but then again where I came from I didn't ever think I fitted in very well, I didn't like it. Life here isn't perfect but when what the family does things that don't affect me it becomes so much white noise to me now. If something is really annoying I just tell em. Mostly they are just pretty dumb.

Anyway you've been married for 13 years, presumably your wife wasn't with sister that entire time, you need to evaluate your relationship with her, it sounds to me like you don't really want to leave her regardless of the financial costs. If this is so then work something out with her. By the way more than a year sounds like a long time for a house to be built perhaps someone is snowing you there.

Right. I don't really want to leave her. She's cute.

No snow job on the house. It's a huge gated community project and they've just started. The way they're building it is retarded, in my opinion. But, I'm not doing the building, so I don't really give a rip.

We had another smaller home we had just finished building. It was a splendid little house, in another little gated community, which we didn't even get to move into. She sold it and put the money down on the bigger, flashier house with the swimming pool and all the trimmings.

We have another five acres down the road from where we live now. I was going to build a little house on that property and live there instead of here. It would have been perfect. Within walking distance of the business, and far enough away from the family. But, wouldn't ya know it? Yep, that's right, Sister owed a big debt to one of her long-time associates and ordered the land be handed over to him to build his rice farm and his little hut for living while he's working there. He doesn't even live in the hut. But he nor Sister will allow anyone near it. It's all locked up tight for his exclusive, personal use -- on my wife's <deleted> property!

What a <deleted> nightmare!!!!!!!!

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Don't know whether you are going to get much sensible advice, most of it will be along the lines of man up etc and even Transam for instance who knows what the extended family situation is like isn't giving any advice, only a variation of I told you so. I live with an extended family and yes there are dominant family members. I wasn't used to ordering people around, but now after some years do it quite naturally. I beg to differ with Transam I don't think I would lose face if I admitted living nearby the family was hell I think I have fitted in quite well, but then again where I came from I didn't ever think I fitted in very well, I didn't like it. Life here isn't perfect but when what the family does things that don't affect me it becomes so much white noise to me now. If something is really annoying I just tell em. Mostly they are just pretty dumb.

Anyway you've been married for 13 years, presumably your wife wasn't with sister that entire time, you need to evaluate your relationship with her, it sounds to me like you don't really want to leave her regardless of the financial costs. If this is so then work something out with her. By the way more than a year sounds like a long time for a house to be built perhaps someone is snowing you there.

Right. I don't really want to leave her. She's cute.

No snow job on the house. It's a huge gated community project and they've just started. The way they're building it is retarded, in my opinion. But, I'm not doing the building, so I don't really give a rip.

We had another smaller home we had just finished building. It was a splendid little house, in another little gated community, which we didn't even get to move into. She sold it and put the money down on the bigger, flashier house with the swimming pool and all the trimmings.

We have another five acres down the road from where we live now. I was going to build a little house on that property and live there instead of here. It would have been perfect. Within walking distance of the business, and far enough away from the family. But, wouldn't ya know it? Yep, that's right, Sister owed a big debt to one of her long-time associates and ordered the land be handed over to him to build his rice farm and his little hut for living while he's working there. He doesn't even live in the hut. But he nor Sister will allow anyone near it. It's all locked up tight for his exclusive, personal use -- on my wife's <deleted> property!

What a <deleted> nightmare!!!!!!!!

I dare not reply to this....................coffee1.gif

Oh, come on! Reply! I am really getting a lot figured out by going over all this and getting it all in one thread.

Some of other replies help. Some don't.

Every time I come back to this post, it makes me think of something else I'm being screwed over.

I'm making a list of all the pros and all the cons.

So far, the cons have it.

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Don't know whether you are going to get much sensible advice, most of it will be along the lines of man up etc and even Transam for instance who knows what the extended family situation is like isn't giving any advice, only a variation of I told you so. I live with an extended family and yes there are dominant family members. I wasn't used to ordering people around, but now after some years do it quite naturally. I beg to differ with Transam I don't think I would lose face if I admitted living nearby the family was hell I think I have fitted in quite well, but then again where I came from I didn't ever think I fitted in very well, I didn't like it. Life here isn't perfect but when what the family does things that don't affect me it becomes so much white noise to me now. If something is really annoying I just tell em. Mostly they are just pretty dumb.

Anyway you've been married for 13 years, presumably your wife wasn't with sister that entire time, you need to evaluate your relationship with her, it sounds to me like you don't really want to leave her regardless of the financial costs. If this is so then work something out with her. By the way more than a year sounds like a long time for a house to be built perhaps someone is snowing you there.

Right. I don't really want to leave her. She's cute.

No snow job on the house. It's a huge gated community project and they've just started. The way they're building it is retarded, in my opinion. But, I'm not doing the building, so I don't really give a rip.

We had another smaller home we had just finished building. It was a splendid little house, in another little gated community, which we didn't even get to move into. She sold it and put the money down on the bigger, flashier house with the swimming pool and all the trimmings.

We have another five acres down the road from where we live now. I was going to build a little house on that property and live there instead of here. It would have been perfect. Within walking distance of the business, and far enough away from the family. But, wouldn't ya know it? Yep, that's right, Sister owed a big debt to one of her long-time associates and ordered the land be handed over to him to build his rice farm and his little hut for living while he's working there. He doesn't even live in the hut. But he nor Sister will allow anyone near it. It's all locked up tight for his exclusive, personal use -- on my wife's <deleted> property!

What a <deleted> nightmare!!!!!!!!

I dare not reply to this....................coffee1.gif

Oh, come on! Reply! I am really getting a lot figured out by going over all this and getting it all in one thread.

Some of other replies help. Some don't.

Every time I come back to this post, it makes me think of something else I'm being screwed over.

I'm making a list of all the pros and all the cons.

So far, the cons have it.

No, I think your lady has it.......whistling.gif ............................coffee1.gif

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"No, I think your lady has it......"

Um... yeah... I think I've made that quite clear. You have a knack for the obvious.

Of course, she has it! I wouldn't be with a woman who didn't have it. I'm reminded on her Facebook and in person daily, while another guy comes hitting on her and she laughs in his face, for one example. Happens a lot. She's quite a handful.

But it's not like she's not willing to negotiate. It's not like we're low-life animals and can't work things out.

Furthermore, I have things of my own as well. Things that she won't be getting her hands on. Not ever. She knows better than to even ask. Sister does, too. I cut them all off at least three years back. And they're not happy about it. That's just too bad, aint it? My money's their money--but their money's not my money? Ummmmmm... no. That's not the way it works, Ladies. You're welcome to try your luck somewhere else, if you like.

Life is a negotiation. It's not over until the plane goes down and slams the surface of the South China Sea.

Bottom line. If she didn't care, and we didn't trust one another, I wouldn't even be here telling this story. All my goods would be long gone and I would be headed for the airport. The End.

Real differences can be resolved. More land can be bought and sold. More money can be made. I can go out for a massage and a girl, or I can order them sent to my hut. I can scream at my wife to screw off and die, and she can lose her spoiled-rotten, violent temper and slam the door so hard the window breaks. None of this stuff is a problem. Real differences can be resolved...

...But a sleight? An imaginary injury? It's these kinds of things that will never be forgiven. These are the kinds of things a guy has to watch out for.

Sister, for example, is off limits. Can't say anything bad about Sister. Can't say anything bad about the step-son. Though I would never want to. He really is a great kid. He does a lot of goofy stuff, but he does take care of business, just like his mom. That's admirable.

Anyway, I still haven't made up my mind what is to be done here.

Off to find some fun.

Thanks, to everyone who contributed!

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I feel you mate. Bet its tough and more tougher to decide. One life to live, if there is no peace of mind, trust me nothing will make any sense. Thus- please chose what will give you peace and even little happiness.

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Man I really feel sorry for you it sounds as if you are very frustrated with not just the wife and her family but life in general a house is a house made of mud , concrete or bamboo it is just a place to put your head down . Tell her you have had enough and of get a rental house until tours is built as for her priorities okay is it your son but to place you last says it all you are just an ATM machine and no doubt you are the same to her family. Hope you can sort this crazy life your living out before it drives you to do something silly take a deep breath In with anger out with Love.

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Are you fluent in Thai?

This significantly maximizes one's stature, ability to discern and navigate everything in Thailand including relationships.

For a guy who is happy with a couple apples and tepid tea, I think you should stay right where you are and continue to post on TF

If you are sincere and want a different life - do Landmark Education. Find it in BKK and do the forum. Ignore the bull crap and glean the benefits, if you are mature enough. And Then make the wife do it. Not together.

After that, you will know what to do with her, the family, your money, and the post you OP'd with.

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Does no one understand the major differences between collectivist and individualist societies? A little research would answer a lot of questions.

Yes. Some do.

Particularly if one understands the language and culture where one lives. One can figure it out. and TV would be a boring list of places to buy a shirt.

Even if they don't... they need to grasp what a local American said to me 20 years ago... at some point you are going to reach a stage where everything they (she, he, etc.) do and say is going to make you mad and crazy with anger......... or it will become part of the charm.

I remember that. And make the choice often.

It doesnt mean I dont get upset or feel a certain way... I do! But I know how to dial it back and ultimately operate and express myself in a way that "works" and gets me the understanding I am communicating with respect. I am grateful for that comment when I was having a "&lt;deleted&gt;! Why do they do it this way?" moment. It was a brilliant insight.

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I do not think Thais they are much excited about anniversaries, I mean what is a 13 year wedding anniversary ? The same goes for birthdays. What I think matters are completion of cycles like f.inst. a 12 year cycle.

I am sorry I did not read the whole story, but if it is difficult to live with the wife's family then just move out.

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