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Chalerm believes that NACC will uphold justice in the rice pledging case


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Well, Mr Chalerm, I also think the NACC will uphold justice - and recommend that the youngest sister of the Shaky Sheikh of Dubai be charged with not only corruption and dereliction of duty, but also banned from politics for life.

Then it's up to the courts to decide, and you know whose side you're always bleating they are on ...

How does that grab ya now ... ?

Edited by Mister Fixit
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Like his guru, Mr. T, Chaleum knows immediately what political outcomes will be - of any scenario. And like T and Noppadon, Chaleum thinks telling the truth is some silly notion for wimps. Chaleum claims to also know all the mafia heavies in Thailand, and what they've done and what they're planning, ......but the most we (the general public) get are vague references to the mafia dons. If we're lucky, Chaleum will tell us the first letter of the mafia don's name, but then immediately add: "He knows that I know who he is and what crimes he's committed, but because he knows I know, he will amend his ways and become a decent person."

It sounds like a joke, but he's actually stated things like that in public. It's particularly galling when the man who says such ridiculous things is given command of Thai law enforcement. It's almost as crazy as a drug addict (Chaleum is an alcoholic) being put in charge of Thailand's miserable 'War on Drugs.' Guess which drug he will never criminalize? Yup, alcoholic drinks.

He banned cold medicines but ear medicine is still OK, except before those all important elections.

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Therefore, it is believed that the NACC will uphold justice in questioning witnesses to justify the case. However, in the worst case, should the Prime Minister be charged with negligence of duty, it will not affect the next election and she can be still be re-elected.

I am not too sure if poor Yingluck can last a few more years playing Thaksin's game. For once I feel sorry for her because she is being used by Thaksin to fool the people in order for him to continue stealing from the taxpayers. Not a nice thing to do to your little sis. She has/had something Thaksin needed urgently....credibility.

I would be rather difficult for her to be re-elected (or stay in office), if she is impeached by the senate or found guilty by the Supreme Court for Political Office Holders in this case. She faces a 10 year ban from politics, if found guilty by both. If sentenced to prison by the latter court, that 5 year ban would start from the end of the prison sentence.

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Therefore, it is believed that the NACC will uphold justice in questioning witnesses to justify the case. However, in the worst case, should the Prime Minister be charged with negligence of duty, it will not affect the next election and she can be still be re-elected.

I am not too sure if poor Yingluck can last a few more years playing Thaksin's game. For once I feel sorry for her because she is being used by Thaksin to fool the people in order for him to continue stealing from the taxpayers. Not a nice thing to do to your little sis. She has/had something Thaksin needed urgently....credibility.



Quick pass her the Kleenex, look like she's about to burst in to tears again.

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Chalerm never seems to get many people defending him here on TVF, not even the diehard red koolaid drinkers seem to care. Poor bloke;drunk, irrelevant and deemed a fool by the majority.

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Doctor Chalerm seems to have a " heads I win tails you lose type" mindset,the only freedom him and his cohorts relish is freedom from responsibility.A moral bankrupt.

"Ignorance allied with power is the most ferocious enemy justice can have "

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He's on the inside track. They won't, they may, they will, she can, however this and therefore that. A Thai speaks from the inside and never is vague or evasive. Thais are always specific, forthright, and unassailable.

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A hollow bombastic egotistical drunk with the IQ of a buffalo completely oblivious to the fact that none of his claim have come to fruition and he is the laughing stock of the PTP both at home and abroad.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

He said he believes that NACC won't charge Ms. Yingluck with corruption but might on neglect of the PMs duty. Mr. Chalerm added that although he is one of the witnesses who is to be questioned by the NACC, he isn't worried about it since the fact is the Prime Minister only launched the policy and assigned the appropriate minister to carry out the scheme.

He isn't worried about testifying because he wouldn't recognize the truth if he tripped over it, and even if he did, he wouldn't speak it.

So if the ship runs aground you blame the ship's cook that the captain hired? Is that about it? YL is supposedly the captain of this ship.

If the ship cook poisoned the crew with poorly cooked food, would you blame the captain? No. If you bought stock through a stockbroker and the value subsequently decreases because the company's products could no longer attract customers, would you blame the stockbroker? No.

A major cause of the rice program loss of revenues had to do with the WORLD MARKETPLACE. Believe it or not the PTP does not control world prices for rice. That loss in value was exerbated by the delay of sale of government rice because of the shutdown of the government, delays caused by numerous Democrat court challenges, and late entry of competitive rice volumes into the markeplace. At the end of 2013 Maynamar was realizing record rice prices while Thailand was prevented from making any sales.

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Is it constitutional for a witness in the case to be all over the media talking about it in efforts to try and use his influence to sway the resulting judgement the way he wants it to go ?? Just wondering...

Now taking bets ( just for fun ) how long with impeachment and other possible punishments looming over her head will it take for Yingluck to unleash the 'I was only obeying orders' defence ? I bet she will not take the fall for the evil fugitive in Dubai without trying this defence at least once....

Edited by tingtongteesood
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Chalerm is confident that PM will survive NACC's probe


BANGKOK: -- Caretaker Labour Minister Chalerm Yubamrung is confident that caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra will survive the probe launched against her by the National Anti-Corruption Commission.

Chalerm who is also director of Centre for the Administration of Peace and Order (Capo) said he appreciated the NACC for not accusing the prime minister of corruption in connection with the rice pledging scheme.

Unlike the former commerce minister Boonsong Teriyaphirom who was faulted by the NACC for corruption, he defended that the prime minister, in her capacity as the chair of the National Rice Policy Committee, oversaw the rice policy and was not involved in the implementation of the rice pledging scheme.

But even if Ms Yingluck was faulted by the NACC, Chalerm said that he was confident that she would survive the Senate impeachment against her.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/chalerm-confident-pm-will-survive-naccs-probe/

-- Thai PBS 2014-04-02

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Chalerm is confident that PM will survive NACC's probe


BANGKOK: -- Caretaker Labour Minister Chalerm Yubamrung is confident that caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra will survive the probe launched against her by the National Anti-Corruption Commission.

Chalerm who is also director of Centre for the Administration of Peace and Order (Capo) said he appreciated the NACC for not accusing the prime minister of corruption in connection with the rice pledging scheme.

Unlike the former commerce minister Boonsong Teriyaphirom who was faulted by the NACC for corruption, he defended that the prime minister, in her capacity as the chair of the National Rice Policy Committee, oversaw the rice policy and was not involved in the implementation of the rice pledging scheme.

But even if Ms Yingluck was faulted by the NACC, Chalerm said that he was confident that she would survive the Senate impeachment against her.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/chalerm-confident-pm-will-survive-naccs-probe/


-- Thai PBS 2014-04-02

Erm... Chalerm..

Time to wake up and smell the coffee.

She will be impeached by the CC before the NACC even makes a decision, and she can still be implicated in the corruption during the investigation.

This won't even make it to the senate, she and her cabinet will be gone by then, but instead will be handed to the criminal court.

Failure to stop massive corruption after being warned from many agencies including international agencies is no less than complicity and almost assured involvement.

When she is gone the agencies can set about unearthing all the corruption and wrongdoings she is totally involved with including the 30 Bn that was handed back to her brother in Dubai illegally.

There will certainly be enough to put her behind bars for a long long time.

Maybe this time the courts will refuse her bail and certainly won't allow her to leave the country.

Oh I forgot, she already has a Montenegro passport like Thaksin and a helicopter will take her over the border at night bypassing immigration. But at least we know she won't be back in Thailand..... EVER!!!!!

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Chalerm is confident that PM will survive NACC's probe


BANGKOK: -- Caretaker Labour Minister Chalerm Yubamrung is confident that caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra will survive the probe launched against her by the National Anti-Corruption Commission.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/chalerm-confident-pm-will-survive-naccs-probe/

oh . . . we forget about him, who was the deputy PM at that time. how much interference and how much benefits he gained ?

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I do try to keep up to speed via Thai media and here but does anyone know have all the farmers been paid all their money before the scheme ends.The Songkhran is not just a wet break it reflects the bew season and the relentless toil linked to cash weather and the purrchase price of rice for the poor farmer.

With no new mandate in the offing will the world market price nearer half the subsidy price drive people off the land,bankruptcy,suicide,foreclosres or switch crops,sell up and move to urban areas as happened in developed countries where factory/servicee jobs became more attractive than tilling the land?

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Like his guru, Mr. T, Chaleum knows immediately what political outcomes will be - of any scenario. And like T and Noppadon, Chaleum thinks telling the truth is some silly notion for wimps. Chaleum claims to also know all the mafia heavies in Thailand, and what they've done and what they're planning, ......but the most we (the general public) get are vague references to the mafia dons. If we're lucky, Chaleum will tell us the first letter of the mafia don's name, but then immediately add: "He knows that I know who he is and what crimes he's committed, but because he knows I know, he will amend his ways and become a decent person."

It sounds like a joke, but he's actually stated things like that in public. It's particularly galling when the man who says such ridiculous things is given command of Thai law enforcement. It's almost as crazy as a drug addict (Chaleum is an alcoholic) being put in charge of Thailand's miserable 'War on Drugs.' Guess which drug he will never criminalize? Yup, alcoholic drinks.

He banned cold medicines but ear medicine is still OK, except before those all important elections.

Quite right too ... some people still can't put their voting-papers in the correct box, even when they're sober ! laugh.png

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

He said he believes that NACC won't charge Ms. Yingluck with corruption but might on neglect of the PMs duty. Mr. Chalerm added that although he is one of the witnesses who is to be questioned by the NACC, he isn't worried about it since the fact is the Prime Minister only launched the policy and assigned the appropriate minister to carry out the scheme.

He isn't worried about testifying because he wouldn't recognize the truth if he tripped over it, and even if he did, he wouldn't speak it.

So if the ship runs aground you blame the ship's cook that the captain hired? Is that about it? YL is supposedly the captain of this ship.

If the ship cook poisoned the crew with poorly cooked food, would you blame the captain? No. If you bought stock through a stockbroker and the value subsequently decreases because the company's products could no longer attract customers, would you blame the stockbroker? No.

A major cause of the rice program loss of revenues had to do with the WORLD MARKETPLACE. Believe it or not the PTP does not control world prices for rice. That loss in value was exerbated by the delay of sale of government rice because of the shutdown of the government, delays caused by numerous Democrat court challenges, and late entry of competitive rice volumes into the markeplace. At the end of 2013 Maynamar was realizing record rice prices while Thailand was prevented from making any sales.

"PTP does not control world prices for rice"

That's what we all said on TV, but the Great Thinker in his Middle-Eastern wisdom disagreed, so PTP went ahead anyway with the result that the Thai taxpayer got screwed. wink.png

And going by the classic law of Supply & Demand, surely a "delay of sale of government rice" would have reduced supply, and increased the price ?

Trying to blame the failure on what happened at the tail-end of the scheme's stumbling collapse is also spurious IMO. It had already failed, and the payments started to stop, prior to that. facepalm.gif

The fact remains that, regardless of whether she ever bothered to attend meetings or not, former-PM Yingluck was in charge of the committee & her brother's grand scheme, and she received (and ignored) ample warnings from many sources that it was in trouble.

Guilty as-charged of negligence, I'm afraid, next case !

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