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Thai politics: Let's think - and not be seduced by the war drums


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Let's think - and not be seduced by the war drums

Pravit Rojanaphruk

Who are the victims of Thai politics? Or - are we all victims of politics?

BANGKOK: -- These are disturbing questions that we might want to ask ourselves and try to come up with honest answers to - no matter how ugly the reply might be, as political violence and hatred rage unabated.

Let us first start with the obvious: no one wants to become a political victim. We all would love to think we have free will and are not led by the nose by politicians or leaders of either the anti-government People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) or the red-shirt movement.

And yet many feel helpless, as if they only have two choices: to support one side or the other, or become utterly apolitical - the latter becoming increasingly difficult as the economy is severely affected and general safety in some public areas is compromised by a series of blasts.

Perhaps we can learn a thing or two from beyond the realm of national politics - from the controversial debate on whether or not Thai sex workers in general are victims of Western sex tourists.

Some say in fact it's the other way round, with foreign sex tourists and "sexpats" (expats living here for the sex) being duped, manipulated and falling victim to a simulated relationship. Others say the relationship between sex worker and sex buyer can be mutually exploitative.

This is a complex question requiring the consideration of factors including whether the sex worker is forced into prostitution or not and the disparity of income between Western men and Thai sex workers. It gives us a clue however that the "relationships" are far more complex than one might want to readily assume.

Back to politics, it might do well for ordinary citizens not to be manipulated by either Thaksin-Yingluck Shinawatra or People's Democratic Reform Committee leader Suthep Thaugsuban and his sponsors.

I have a friend who says she never liked Suthep but joined the PDRC protests in order to oust caretaker premier Yingluck. Some red shirts also told me they're no fans of Thaksin but are trying to use Thaksin and Yingluck to push a democratic agenda.

Are these remarks too good to be true?

Some red shirts have proven they can think for themselves by publicly opposing the proposed blanket amnesty bill late last year. However, honestly, I have not seen PDRC supporters opposing any major stance taken by Suthep.

As Thailand enters yet another dangerous period of political confrontation, we should bear in mind that active citizenship requires more than mindless support for a political movement or party.

Politics is not a spectator sport where you select your team of choice or favourite athlete and cheer for the team or the athlete, come what may.

Alas, many Thais seem content playing the "perfect" spectators or even "pawns" to their political leaders and are now totally consumed by the mutual political hatred spread through hate speech in social media and beyond.

Let us not fall victim and be manipulated by these political leaders. They stand to gain most by making us hate one another. Let us fight for a better society, no matter how you may define it, through love and not hatred and prejudice.

There will always be politicians and political leaders wanting to manipulate the masses. We can hear the war drum. Show them that people can think for themselves and choose love over hatred, peace over violence and reason over propaganda.

-- The Nation 2014-04-02

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"Perhaps we can learn a thing or two from beyond the realm of national politics - from the controversial debate on whether or not Thai sex workers in general are victims of Western sex tourists.

Some say in fact it's the other way round, with foreign sex tourists and "sexpats" (expats living here for the sex) being duped, manipulated and falling victim to a simulated relationship. Others say the relationship between sex worker and sex buyer can be mutually exploitative.

This is a complex question requiring the consideration of factors including whether the sex worker is forced into prostitution or not and the disparity of income between Western men and Thai sex workers. It gives us a clue however that the "relationships" are far more complex than one might want to readily assume."

The only comparative issue is that yes... in politics everybody gets "forked"..

This is like the drivel on Thai Political Ocars...

Maybe the author had sex on his/her mind this morning but in truth...( ooops).... waste of space..summed up by an emotion we all feel...

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Some quickie comments to selected quotes that jumped out at me, considering the starting point for this writer is from the Ammart perspective:

>>>>"we have free will and are not led by the nose by politicians or leaders of either the anti-government People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) or the red-shirt movement"

Never in this thing, does he reference a conflict between two opposing political perspectives...That being one of commitment to Electoral and Parliamentary Democracy and one not.... In this quote, he is careful to avoid it, thereby playing the game of the anti-democrats...Pretending to be anti-govt. as their cover for coupist intentions...Intentions that obviously embarrass them considering how hard they work to hide that motive.........The Red Shirt Movement?.....quite rightly an uninformed observer would ask, "what is that"?...Hiding their political orientation behind references to affinity clothing, is by design.

>>>"it might do well for ordinary citizens not to be manipulated by either Thaksin-Yingluck Shinawatra or People's Democratic Reform Committee leader Suthep Thaugsuban and his sponsors"

The operative word here being "sponsors"...Anti-democrats like this guy, try to separate Thaksin-Yingluck from their roots, namely the electoral majority. One can speculate who the sponsors are of these two sides, and I am suspicious this guy knows more than what he is saying....But 'out with it'...compare the sponsors of the coup-mongers with the electoral majority, and see if that clarifies a lot...I think it would.

>>>>"Some red shirts have proven they can think for themselves..."

Again, an arrogant Ammart negation of the Pro-Democracy Red Shirts...But they'd better get over it....If they ever hope to win an election, they need votes from these people...To constantly denigrate them, and characterize them as uni-dimensional Thaksin, unthinking zombies they are simply destroying themselves politically, and any chances of changing electoral dynamics any time soon. I would be more concerned about those following Suthep and his histrionics, as having any degree fo intelligence.

>>>>"Let us fight for a better society, no matter how you may define it, through love and not hatred and prejudice".

Excellent...Always good to move a discussion about negatives to "so what to do?"...But this guy misses the boat completely.....Suggesting solutions to Political realities with undefined, non-political fuzzies...And why does he do that?...Because as an anti-democrat he doesn't like the solutions that stare him in the face. Namely one of commitment to Democratic principles and how to adapt....Anti-democrats don't want to adapt, because in their views, "I'm OK jack"...it is the $%^&* systemics.

Edited by Fryslan boppe
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He/she is trying to set up a case that Thais are pawns or victims. He/she uses the sex trade as a benchmark and then launches in to preposterous incorrect settings. The relationships in Thailand between sex worker and customer and Thai citizen and politicians aren't complicated at all. They are made complicated by the Thai press not writing the truth and facts. Let's look at an example:

The Thai sex worker industry dwarfs the foreign sex trade in Thailand. Everyone knows that - The entire premise of the question posed in this nonsensical untruthful article is preposterous. The author of the article might want to get in to some sex worker numbers next article as well as defining terms such as "short time" and "whole night." The author might want to have a run at setting the business and its sectors/segments straight and truthfully before clearing up the big question he/she asks about analyzing the "complex" relationship between sex worker and customer both Thai and foreign.

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There are more Thai girls working in Thai brothels and as married mens mistresses in one month

than thai girls with Western men in a full year

When was the last time the author went to Buffalo Bridge

or the hundreds of the Karaoke bars neer the Lao Cambordian Border

I live in Udon area and there are 100s of places a Thai man can visit for short time fun

I have been invited to go along with many men from the village

Fact: the girls in Pattaya are the girls that Thai man not want

Edited by tezzainoz
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A racist rant by this Nation Columnist who instead of reporting the truth that Thai Sex Workers are exploited by Thais as a comparison, choses to blame Western Tourists who apparently only come here for sex. In truth a better analogy would be between Thais with money and sex workers. In Thailand the truth is that 75% of Thai men admit to using sex workers.

Professor Vicharn Vitiyasai of Chang Mai University... emphasized that, 'In Thai society, boys begin to buy women when they are around 13 years old; 50 per cent of 16-year-old boys and 90 per cent of university students go to brothels. Married men also think it natural to entertain business clients and friends by taking them to brothels, and they visit brothels themselves as a part of the joy of travel.

What Pravit Rojanaphruk said:

'"Perhaps we can learn a thing or two from beyond the realm of national politics - from the controversial debate on whether or not Thai sex workers in general are victims of Western sex tourists".

Some say in fact it's the other way round, with foreign sex tourists and "sexpats" (expats living here for the sex) being duped, manipulated and falling victim to a simulated relationship. Others say the relationship between sex worker and sex buyer can be mutually exploitative.

This is a complex question requiring the consideration of factors including whether the sex worker is forced into prostitution or not and the disparity of income between Western men and Thai sex workers. It gives us a clue however the "relationships" are far more complex than one might want to readily assume.

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The real victim is the farang who married a bar girl from a red shirt isaan village and dragged up there to be brainwashed to be pro terrorist and subsequently lost all the advantages given to them by a relatively sound western education.

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Congratulations! The National article has just reopened a debate "Who comes first - the chicken or the egg?"

Or in present context - "Two people are having sex - Who f*cks Who?".

Really sophisticated issue!

Not unlike another hot debate - "Are all Thai politicians corrupt, or only those named by NACC?".

Nobody asks the question - "Who are the people in NACC?"

We all know the truth.

When Billions and Trillions of money in any country in any currency are involved - there is corruption.

Always was, is and will be.

What can be done about it? - Change the hands, the pockets, the names. Can't complain about lack of trying.

What is so special about Thailand? facepalm.gif

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I think you guys miss the point!

Surely this is an analogy of Politics and Prostitution? In this case who is the punter and who is the Pro! The politicians make promises similar to bar girls i.e. "I love you short time" or "I love you long time", the payment is the punters vote!

But then the punter begins to feel that maybe the prostitute/politician isn't being fair, She isn't actually carrying through on her promises. So the punter feels he is being taken advantage of! Meanwhile the politician/pro is claiming, I gave you what you wanted why do you ask for a refund, I don't understand I did what you wanted I did nothing wrong!

It is easy to see that even in politics the politicians prostitute themselves for the electorate, promising the world. In this case the punter wasn't drunk enough and realizes that the girl ain't all she's made out to be or promised, and is asking for a refund. Both are willing victims and exploiters, both want more than is on offer.

We are just waiting to the Pimp to return home! But that would cause even more problems!

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If these participants would simply think,

a. Is it legal?

b. Is it good for the country?

c. What might happen thats bad if I do it?

Then the whole problem would never occur.

Currently it is

a. I am above the law

b. I know better than everyone else

c. Democracy. Who needs democracy.

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We are all victims of the politicians..... those liars, cheats and thieves that blight our daily lives

But on a much more cheerful note, a very happy birthday to Phra Thep..... a constant shining light that brightens our daily lives. wai2.gif

Edited by bigbamboo
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the war drums have been set in motion by those who cant abide a free and fair democratic election because they cant win .

but as is the thai way they seek to bully and cajole because they cant get their own way .

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Perhaps we can learn a thing or two from beyond the realm of national politics - from the controversial debate on whether or not Thai sex workers in general are victims of Western sex tourists.

Why don't we talk whether or not Thai sex workers (and enslaved foreign sex workers) are victims of Thai men like Pravit who comprise 99.9% of the customers and all the pimps, handlers etc? I am sure Pravit enjoys a night out to a members club followed by a session in short time hotel with a white skinned hill tribe or Chinese girl. His writing is offensive claptrap that should not appear in The Nation.

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