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While Myanmar looks set to become Asia’s next aviation growth market, the Ministry of Transport revealed last week that it also plans to transform the country into the region’s main aviation hub.

From the Myanmar Times, by Zaw Win Than


Participants speak at the Myanmar Civil Aviation Development Conference. (Aung Htay Hlaing/MT)

Minister of Transport U Nyan Htun Aung said the government has “set a vision that aims at making Myanmar the major logistics hub in Asia”.
“For fulfilling this vision, we have defined a mission that will drive us to develop and strengthen the safe, secure, efficient, sustainable and environmentally friendly aviation industry in the country,” he said.
He was speaking at the Myanmar Civil Aviation Development Conference at Traders Hotel in Yangon from March 24 to 26.

Read the full article here: Myanmar aims to become new regional aviation hub


Well, Rangoon was it in the 50's - all operating carriers between Europe and the Far East had a presence there long before Bangkok while Singapore did not even exist yet.
Give the Burmese some time and Swampi will become a regional drop despite having the geographical advantage of being relatively close to the capital.
Two airports (Don Meuaoiung and Swampi) does NEVER help a hub unless they are within the same compound. London Heathrow with four terminals is a hub, Paris with three airports apart from each other - NOT!
Kuala Lumpur is a) too far out of town and cool.png always losing against Singapore in such prestigious matters.
Next to Rangoon there is one other potential future hub being Saigon / Than Son Nhut. And both Rangoon and Saigon where it once when geographical logistics played an important role - like today! post-65504-0-37795500-1396492558_thumb.j
So, dear Thai aviation friends, do not be fooled - competition is around the corner EVERYWHERE while you're busying yourself with your riddance disability of plutocracy and oligarchy!

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oho thaiand, watch out, here comes a cheaper hub of everything...

can farang easely buy land, invest and get workpermit ?

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