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Three shot dead, one victim beheaded in Thai south


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Bluespunk, I accept what you say, religion through the centuries has always had its share of bigots. Take the Spanish inquisition etc. But I think people are becoming alarmed about the spread of Islam through sheer numbers, ( I know I am) I want to make the point of some cities in England now, where the Muslim population has far outgrown the local, shall we say Christian, population to a point where they are demanding Sharia law,...... in England? I wonder if the Thai authorities gave the southern provinces to the islamists how long will it be before they want another 30 km. then another. I sincerely hope, for my sons sake, that this cancer is halted. Yes, I do feel it is a cancer, and I apologise if you feel that is too strong, but one day I am afraid the world will wake up and say......what happened?wai2.gif

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The southern never ending war continue with atrocity. What this terrorist want to prove by killing innocent people ? Nothing just saw us they are barbarians isolate in their own stupid rhetoric.

The Southern insurgency is not only Thai problem. Sunni Muslims radicals are forcefully trying to ethnically cleanse a specific area of the country which they believe is theirs. Wherever there is a radical Sunni Muslims movement, there is some sort of a low scale civil war. Their modus operandi is always the same. Apart from killing infidels and government officials they will also 'happily' kill their own who dared to cooperate with authorities. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the beheaded person was one of their own. They treat even harsher Sunnis who cooperate with the authorities. Their main target is to prove that coexistence between different cultures and religions is impossible.

Mackie, your last sentence is bang on. These people will never integrate into another culture, their religion does not allow it, every aspect of their life is controlled by the religion, plus, they have to dominate, Sharia law must prevail, and anyone who does not agree or bend to their ways is, shall we say, removed from the picture.

Yes, never see Buddhists do that, well except the Burmese of course, or wait hang on, the Sri Lankans as well....well at least Christians never do that anymore, well of course except where they do, Serbia, Croatia, Central Africam Republic, The Lords Resistance army in Uganda, or of course Hindus would never harm those of another faith except of course in India, where it happens on a regular basis.

My point is this, Islam has more than it's fair share of uncompromising religious bigots, but so does every other faith. Do these bigots represent the majority? No. All they represent is the hate they hold in their hearts and resentment they feel towards all those who are different or dare to think differently.

Think it's more about territory than anything, the religious part is just pretext for greediness.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Mackie, your last sentence is bang on. These people will never integrate into another culture, their religion does not allow it, every aspect of their life is controlled by the religion, plus, they have to dominate, Sharia law must prevail, and anyone who does not agree or bend to their ways is, shall we say, removed from the picture.

Yes, never see Buddhists do that, well except the Burmese of course, or wait hang on, the Sri Lankans as well....well at least Christians never do that anymore, well of course except where they do, Serbia, Croatia, Central Africam Republic, The Lords Resistance army in Uganda, or of course Hindus would never harm those of another faith except of course in India, where it happens on a regular basis.

My point is this, Islam has more than it's fair share of uncompromising religious bigots, but so does every other faith. Do these bigots represent the majority? No. All they represent is the hate they hold in their hearts and resentment they feel towards all those who are different or dare to think differently.

Think it's more about territory than anything, the religious part is just pretext for greediness.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

True enough, but that can be said of a lot of criminal and selfish deeds the world over. Religion is always a good cover/excuse.

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A terrible act. Radicals are brainwashed. We have many muslim families close to me.

Im in Chonburi province but a quiet village. The Muslims integrate, are part of village life and are friendly people.

They are probably taught the koran correctly.

The muslim thai roti man usually stops at the village shop for a chat and a can of chang. Very nice man.

Its a shame in the south they are not the same.

Religion again. When will people understand when your dead your either go out in flames or you are worm food.

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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A truly barbaric act design to instill maximum fear among the population. Terrorism in its purist and most simplistic form.

One would think that government officials travelling in so called " notorious security 'Red Zone' " would have some sort of security escort available to them.

It may be time for the government to start thinking seriously about offering them a level of autonomy that would satisfy them.

I travel to the south often (Pattani, Yala and Songkhla mostly) and can tell you that there are many such "red zones" - infact the Amphoe Mueang (main city center) of Yala is a giant sand-bagged area guarded by heavily armed soldiers. I travel into that red zone and many others regularly, understanding that each day could very well be my last, just for going to get my favorite foods, or sharing a smile with the wrong person who notices my non-Muslim face, or western name.

Our family work alongside Muslims and have never had issue with them. But there are outside elements which the government refuse to acknowledge are pulling the strings, inciting and training those taking action against Buddhists and soldiers in the south. Until these people funding and organizing the martyrdom operations are identified and silenced, we cannot even consider the possibility of the violence ever ending.

Also understand that there are those against the government, and there are separately those against the government stopping them from doing what they are doing. There is the forced spread of Islam, and there is the forced importation of illegal substances - both fueling in different ways this "war against the people and the people sworn to protect us".

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Thailand's three Muslim-majority southernmost provinces are in the grip of a decade-long insurgency which has seen 6,000 people killed -- the majority of them civilians.

How many innocent people must die...before this madness is dealt with in a manner that will put an end to these mentally ill Muslim creatures...

Thailand has the resources...it just lacks the will-power...to act decisively...

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Thailand's three Muslim-majority southernmost provinces are in the grip of a decade-long insurgency which has seen 6,000 people killed -- the majority of them civilians.

How many innocent people must die...before this madness is dealt with in a manner that will put an end to these mentally ill Muslim creatures...

Thailand has the resources...it just lacks the will-power...to act decisively...

The hate you show in your post is no better than the hate that the minority of muslims who use their faith as an excuse to act in an unspeakably foul manner show.

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If you are waiting on the current care taker government to do anything, you have already been waiting for 3 years what have they done but kick the can down the road

Just like the previous governments over the past 10 years then

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Here's a thought.. The Malay Muslims want a level of autonomy. Well if they popped over the border to the Muslim country of Malaysia where they hail from, then they'd have it wouldn't they? Then they could be happy in an Islamic country with people of their own and stop the slaughter. Everybody happy (except the relatives of the 6000 plus that have already been murdered in the name of Malay Islamic autonomy I guess)

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Here's a thought.. The Malay Muslims want a level of autonomy. Well if they popped over the border to the Muslim country of Malaysia where they hail from, then they'd have it wouldn't they? Then they could be happy in an Islamic country with people of their own and stop the slaughter. Everybody happy (except the relatives of the 6000 plus that have already been murdered in the name of Malay Islamic autonomy I guess)

Well said Sir, but the only problem with your theory is that it would not expand the islamic grip on the world....but I do believe you have a good answer.

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Here's a thought.. The Malay Muslims want a level of autonomy. Well if they popped over the border to the Muslim country of Malaysia where they hail from, then they'd have it wouldn't they? Then they could be happy in an Islamic country with people of their own and stop the slaughter. Everybody happy (except the relatives of the 6000 plus that have already been murdered in the name of Malay Islamic autonomy I guess)

So the fact that the majority ethic/religious group have been living in this territory for centuries before the Thais annexed it last century means nothing to you? They have a different religion and way of life so they should leave their homes or give up everything they and the ancestors believed in long before the Thai state conquered them?

You are weak, we are strong, you are filth, we are pure, is that the way it is.

Bravo on such reasoning. I have no time for the scum who carried out this atrocity but your solution is representative of the attitude of the authorities in this part of Thailand, an attitude that has led to the bloody civil war now on going down there.

Edited by Bluespunk
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Here's a thought.. The Malay Muslims want a level of autonomy. Well if they popped over the border to the Muslim country of Malaysia where they hail from, then they'd have it wouldn't they? Then they could be happy in an Islamic country with people of their own and stop the slaughter. Everybody happy (except the relatives of the 6000 plus that have already been murdered in the name of Malay Islamic autonomy I guess)

Well said Sir, but the only problem with your theory is that it would not expand the islamic grip on the world....but I do believe you have a good answer.

Unfortunately the flaw you pointed out is seemingly so true! According to some the Islamic grand plan is to take over the World a bit at a time.. In England it's being done by out-breeding the rest of the country.

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Here's a thought.. The Malay Muslims want a level of autonomy. Well if they popped over the border to the Muslim country of Malaysia where they hail from, then they'd have it wouldn't they? Then they could be happy in an Islamic country with people of their own and stop the slaughter. Everybody happy (except the relatives of the 6000 plus that have already been murdered in the name of Malay Islamic autonomy I guess)

So the fact that the majority ethic/religious group have been living in this territory for centuries before the Thais annexed it last century means nothing to you? They have a different religion and way of life so they should leave their homes or give up everything they and the ancestors believed in long before the Thai state conquered them?

You are weak, we are strong, you are filth, we are pure, is that the way it is.

Bravo on such reasoning. I have no time for the scum who carried out this atrocity but your solution is representative of the attitude of the authorities in this part of Thailand, an attitude that has led to the bloody civil war now on going down there.


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Here's a thought.. The Malay Muslims want a level of autonomy. Well if they popped over the border to the Muslim country of Malaysia where they hail from, then they'd have it wouldn't they? Then they could be happy in an Islamic country with people of their own and stop the slaughter. Everybody happy (except the relatives of the 6000 plus that have already been murdered in the name of Malay Islamic autonomy I guess)

So the fact that the majority ethic/religious group have been living in this territory for centuries before the Thais annexed it last century means nothing to you? They have a different religion and way of life so they should leave their homes or give up everything they and the ancestors believed in long before the Thai state conquered them?

You are weak, we are strong, you are filth, we are pure, is that the way it is.

Bravo on such reasoning. I have no time for the scum who carried out this atrocity but your solution is representative of the attitude of the authorities in this part of Thailand, an attitude that has led to the bloody civil war now on going down there.


Such an intelligent response.

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@fat haggis

I have no illusions about any faith. They all have their bigots as do the atheists. Islam is no better or worse than any other. Because of a minority terrorist element it has been thrust upon the world stage as the new bogey man. This has led to a lot of hysteria and misplaced hatred. Look around the world, Buddhists, Christians, Hindus have committed atrocities against other faiths in the recent past, frequently but not exclusive against Muslims. All faiths are capable of hate and violence. Yet it is Islam the world chooses to hate. This hate is irrational and ultimately one that will only lead to more violence and misery. Hate destroys us all.

I would respond to some other misconceptions you promote in your post (the one about Christmas in particular was just bizarre) but there just isn't the time.

As to your final paragraph. You also need to accept other views and not get so "high and mighty" and for the record I ain't your "mate".

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I have no illusions about any faith. They all have their bigots as do the atheists. Islam is no better or worse than any other. Because of a minority terrorist element it has been thrust upon the world stage as the new bogey man. This has led to a lot of hysteria and misplaced hatred.

I would also add that we rarely heard of Muslim terrorists(*) until the governments of the "free world" cut the budgets to fight yesteryear's boogeyman- the Commies.

Surprise, surprise, up pops another intractable foe that threatens our way of life- and in doing so, keeps the military money flowing.

30 years ago, no amount of treasure and blood was too great to stop the Commie scourge.

Today, the easiest way to get the whole world to support unspeakable acts perpetrated on civilians- is to declare it a Muslim problem. Then you don't have to deal with pesky details like poverty and corruption and outright theft. Sadly, that's not just a Thai thing.

(*) Except, of course, the newly transplanted European Jews who had to run some pesky Muslims off their promised land in Palestine Israel, claiming it to be part of a 2000 year old Holy War.

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Mate is just a term I use to describe a person, but thank you for pointing it out that you're not my mate, I feel so much better, and you clearly haven't had much dealings with Islam, or the radical Muslims, and it's far from the actions of terrorists that have "thrust" it onto the worlds stage, it's the radical Islamist, not all of them are terrorists, so you know nothing about the madras's that preach hatred all over the globe. You can keep your sentiment that they're no worse or better, that other cultures, but do you want to tell me when was the last time a Christian walked onto a bus and blew themselves up in the name of their God?

You take great care to imply that Islam should not be vilified, and that we should not hate, but yet you have never backed up these words, as far as I know, or recall when the avid yellow Suthep followers use derogatory and belittling comments towards Issan people, or maybe you share the same hatred towards the PTP/UDD and that your words about hatred are simply just hollow?

Why do you think that the comment about Christmas is Bizzare? In the UK many Schools and work places are not allowed to call the Christmas Holidays that anymore, due to it using the word "Christ", it's called the "Festive/Winter season" many shopping centres no longer show Nativity scenes either for fear of "upsetting" the Islamic Community, some butchers have been told to stop displaying Pork products in windows, Muslim chain store workers refusing to serve customers alcohol, or non Halal products.

And I do let other people express their opinions about Islam, as I do on everything else, and I didn't see myself coming over as all high and mighty, can't say the same for yourself, I've had 10 years working with this culture, I've seen the good the bad and ugly, all in the Middle East, I think I've earned the right to be critical of that Religion.

Have a good day ;)

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Mate is just a term I use to describe a person, but thank you for pointing it out that you're not my mate, I feel so much better, and you clearly haven't had much dealings with Islam, or the radical Muslims, and it's far from the actions of terrorists that have "thrust" it onto the worlds stage, it's the radical Islamist, not all of them are terrorists, so you know nothing about the madras's that preach hatred all over the globe. You can keep your sentiment that they're no worse or better, that other cultures, but do you want to tell me when was the last time a Christian walked onto a bus and blew themselves up in the name of their God?

You take great care to imply that Islam should not be vilified, and that we should not hate, but yet you have never backed up these words, as far as I know, or recall when the avid yellow Suthep followers use derogatory and belittling comments towards Issan people, or maybe you share the same hatred towards the PTP/UDD and that your words about hatred are simply just hollow?

Why do you think that the comment about Christmas is Bizzare? In the UK many Schools and work places are not allowed to call the Christmas Holidays that anymore, due to it using the word "Christ", it's called the "Festive/Winter season" many shopping centres no longer show Nativity scenes either for fear of "upsetting" the Islamic Community, some butchers have been told to stop displaying Pork products in windows, Muslim chain store workers refusing to serve customers alcohol, or non Halal products.

And I do let other people express their opinions about Islam, as I do on everything else, and I didn't see myself coming over as all high and mighty, can't say the same for yourself, I've had 10 years working with this culture, I've seen the good the bad and ugly, all in the Middle East, I think I've earned the right to be critical of that Religion.

Have a good day ;)

I've lived in and worked in the Middle East. Five years. I've lived and worked in Muslim communities in the UK.

There are extremists. They are a minority. I do not see how you can see otherwise unless you are choosing to do so.

I work in schools. Christmas is celebrated as Christmas.

You do come across as high and mighty. Other things as well.

Edited by Bluespunk
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I've had 10 years working with this culture, I've seen the good the bad and ugly, all in the Middle East, I think I've earned the right to be critical of that Religion.

I think that all the southern US black folks of the past 250 years could say the same about those darned Muslims burning crosses in their front yard, and lynching them for looking at the white girls and shooting them for demanding the vote.

Oh, wait a minute. Never mind.

Edited by impulse
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People have their faith and thats up to them. When will people understand?

When you are dead your dead? It would stop a lot of problems.

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by baneko
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Here's a thought.. The Malay Muslims want a level of autonomy. Well if they popped over the border to the Muslim country of Malaysia where they hail from, then they'd have it wouldn't they? Then they could be happy in an Islamic country with people of their own and stop the slaughter. Everybody happy (except the relatives of the 6000 plus that have already been murdered in the name of Malay Islamic autonomy I guess)

So the fact that the majority ethic/religious group have been living in this territory for centuries before the Thais annexed it last century means nothing to you? They have a different religion and way of life so they should leave their homes or give up everything they and the ancestors believed in long before the Thai state conquered them?

You are weak, we are strong, you are filth, we are pure, is that the way it is.

Bravo on such reasoning. I have no time for the scum who carried out this atrocity but your solution is representative of the attitude of the authorities in this part of Thailand, an attitude that has led to the bloody civil war now on going down there.

Which is the very same sentiment that the some of the more ardent yellow fellows here on TVF seem to describe the Reds from Issan. wink.png

What you fail to understand Bluespunk, is that according to Islam, if you're not a believer, you're an Infidel, and either need to convert to Islam, or be slaughtered. I have worked with Shia, and Sunni Muslims for the past 10 years, and it's the most hypocritical Religion out there, everything gets twisted to their advantage, Sharia Law IS coming to the UK, you do understand what that Law is all about?

I tolerate the faith, as a non believer no religion has ever served a purpose to me, but each to their own, I show respect and expect it back, but don't try and preach to me, don't try and make others change, Islam is not a religion of peace, 10 years watching the Sunni's and Salafist/Wahabbi's blow themselves up has made me deeply cynical of Islam, and its teachings.

The Integration of Islam into the UK has been roll reversed, instead of these immigrants accepting the British way of life, now the British people have to accept the Islamic way, you can't call it Christmas anymore, you can no longer fly your country's flag for fear of upsetting the "incomers" , all Religious Holidays are now just called "breaks" The school curriculum is now going to include Islamic studies, out goes the carnage of World War 1, but in comes a subject that includes telling the children about the prophet Mohammed, who was married to a "child bride" and the same religion allows this to happen today, all over the Middle East and other Islamic countries, where adult males are married to "kids" ..

You're well within your rights to defend your beliefs about Islam, but you have to accept other peoples opinions as well, and if there view of Islam isn't as rosy as yours then accept it, don't come over all high and mighty mate, maybe people have seen the more uglier side of Islam than yourself.. I know I have, and as I said I tolerate Islam, and that's about it.

well said!

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Within this topic their is much commentry on the influence of the Muslim community in the UK/Europe and an apparent attempt to link a similarity to Thai Muslims.

Whilst it is off topic there have been studies that talk to the population growth and influence of Islam/Muslims in the UK that contradict some observations made such as Sharia Criminal & Civil law will be recognised as a pluralistic legal system in the UK, Xmas not to be celebrated and so on. All of which have proven to be misinformation if you dig below the surface of 'stuff' on the internet/alarmist reporting and so on. e.g. An of the analysis on Muslim population growth in the UK at:


Radical Islamic elements are a fairly recent development in the deep South, and from my personal experience of living within the Sunni Muslim comunity in Pattaya has no sympathy elsewhere in Thailand. I believe it is fair to say that there is a very minimal parrallel to Islamic extremism, as occurs in the Middle East and other nearby countries, to Thailand. It is often commented that their is no support for Sharia Criminal Law in Thai Muslim communities, and very minimal support for the insurgency killings in the deep South and definately not for killings of civilians and children.

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We would have no Muslims in the UK if we had not been a nation of expansion.

We caused all of the problems between Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. We did some good things. Health, roads and rail but the comodities we stole payed for that and more.

95 percent of muslims are peaceful people. Its the extremists who have to be controlled. Educated in the koran incorrectly.

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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