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Thai Democrat Party can play saviour role: Abhisit


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The Democrats are plain losers who have never won any elections and are only good at causing or instigating street protests to come into power! Bunch of losers who only cater for the ammart and the rich thai chinese. And for analysis purposes, whenever they are in power, the thai economy is always down and also they are not so clean as they claim they are....there has been so many past court cases filed against them for corruption too. And they some of them are educated oevrseas.....they are only exenophobic especially against farangs. (please take note of that most of you TV users.)

I think that level of IQ should be in a circus rather than an adult forum such as this

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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You made the comment. You should show the convictions

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

When you get to a computer...do your own due diligence... hard to do on nexus 7 I know...but... just do some more research... or keep your head in the sand...not gonna do your homework for you... if you can disprove anything I posted feel free..

I don't need a computer in any form to tell me that Abhisit has no convictions.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You asked about his checkered past...it is indeed checkered and very questionable...he wasn't in office long enough to be prosecuted or booted on some of the charges... others.... years later are still pending having been put on the back burners...some will expire next year.. open your eyes... none of these ducks can fly... he has a very checkered past,,,...but feel free to disprove anything I originally posted...you attempt at diversion thru semantics fails miserably

Edited by DirtFarmer
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You made the comment. You should show the convictions

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

When you get to a computer...do your own due diligence... hard to do on nexus 7 I know...but... just do some more research... or keep your head in the sand...not gonna do your homework for you... if you can disprove anything I posted feel free..

I don't need a computer in any form to tell me that Abhisit has no convictions.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You asked about his checkered past...it is indeed checkered and very questionable...he wasn't in office long enough to be prosecuted or booted on some of the charges... others.... years later are still pending having been put on the back burners...some will expire next year.. open your eyes... none of these ducks can fly... he has a very checkered past,,,...but feel free to disprove anything I originally posted...you attempt at diversion thru semantics fails miserably

You have buggerall.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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"Dems can play saviour role: Abhisit"

Read article three times. Nowhere does it say he said this.

It's the article headline!!!

He points out what needs to be done in 3 steps - he doesn't have to say these words, just illustrate the means of how it can be accomplished. I would have thought that pretty obvious myself!!

Nope. Claiming to have a way out of a countries problems is well and good. That is the politicians role. Claiming to be a country's saviour carries a very different messianic tone, it is the sort of thing claimed by deluded or dangerously nationalistic wannabe dictators. Abhisit is a politician, but that's it, he is not so barking mad to claim he is Thailand's anointed saviour. That headline carries negative connotations and does Abhisit no favours.

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This two faced guy can play any roles as long as the democrats can reach the top. One day he joined the protesters going against the government, the next day he encouraged Suthep and Yingluck to talk, the following day he filed suits to dishonor the votes and now he plays the saviour role. He is so insincere and untrustworthy.

He is a politician for Gods sake not a monk.........show me an honest trustworthy politician anywhere in this world

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party's ideology over the past 68 years has never changed. It still believes in the democratic system

The public's faith in the democratic system is faltering, as politicians abuse their power, condone corruption and betray the people's mandate, he said.

This is the path we have walked over the past 68 years,

transparency, honesty and suppression of corruption,

And the coup de grace.

If the Democrats lack faith in elections, their 68-year history is worthless,

Its quite quaint that anyone bothers to listen to Abhisit at all. I mean they have been around for 68 years, presiding in power and out of power, at the forefront of precisely what? Ah yes, as mentioned a long term effort to prevent corruption. I see a little issue with their stated goals, because it appears that Thailand is just as corrupt as it has always been, so what exactly have this bunch been doing for 68 years. One might outrageously believe that maybe they are part of the corruption. Where is the guy sitting next to Abhisit's brother by the way. And how is ABhisit's dad doing on the board of Cp/True. And where is Suthep these days, that paragon of virtue and honesty.

Ah yes. The Democrats. Selflessly smashing corruption for 68 years. Not.

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This two faced guy can play any roles as long as the democrats can reach the top. One day he joined the protesters going against the government, the next day he encouraged Suthep and Yingluck to talk, the following day he filed suits to dishonor the votes and now he plays the saviour role. He is so insincere and untrustworthy.

Ok so that describes his role as a politician, what's the other role you're claiming he plays?

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Fact: Thai wife says we all want elections, but we want fair elections

The Thai People who are not sheep of a corrupt Government, we the people are aware of alleged corruption and abuses of authority by the current PTP Party

and the negative effects on the country associated with the influence of former prime minister Thakin Shinawatra.

In Jan 2014 the Election Commission (EC) had repeatedly stated it could not guarantee a fair election, but the Caretaker Government insisted on going ahead with it in a bid to whitewash its wrongdoings.

In Feb... was this a Democratic Election .............. No

Unless an election is fair, it can not be democratic.

Government supporters continued to threaten independent organisations, the people and political parties which opposed it. and the police fail to perform their duties.

Ms Yingluck had never called for the pro-government and red-shirt demonstrators to behave, suggesting that she supported the actions of these same redshirt demonstrators.

We the Thai People have witnessed red-shirt demonstrators threaten other party members without facing arrest.

The Democrat Party has also been threatened, many times if they want to campaign in Issan

During the 2005 general election, a political canvasser belonging to his party in Phichit province had been told to stop his campaigning.

When the threat was ignored, the canvasser was shot dead in front of his house three days before the election. Police have still not arrested any suspects

In 2014 things are even worse. Anti-government demonstrators were being ambushed on a main Hyway and no suspects had been arrested.

Under these circumstances, No other party but the PTP is safe to campaign for votes in the North East of Thailand

“The [Democrat] party conducted a survey of potential candidates nationwide and found that 80% had no safe place to campaign for votes, except those in the South, Bangkok and parts of the Central Plains.

So, is this a democratic Election, is it fair if only one political party can campaign for votes but others cannot,

FACT: Before we can have another Election in Thailand, the next Election must be FAIR to all Parties

Did not see much kicking and screaming from all these people wanting fair elections, when it came into voting for the constitution put forward by the army in 2006. In fact opposition to it was banned, all media, schools etc were instructed to push the agenda, dissenters were jailed etc etc etc Maybe its because all those people now claiming elections have to be fair, took up spots on the senate and the Democrat party.

Where were all these pillars of fair voting etc etc back in 2006?

Check with your wife on that one.

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"Throughout its 68-year history, the Democrat Party has been counted on to help the country when it was at an impasse. It is willing to lead it out of the current political crisis '

I'm sure it would love to lead the way...This is along the same nonsensical thinking as those musing about "neutral Prime Ministers"

It is anti-democratic folderol, that unelectables self-servingly take seriously.

It eliminates all association with Electoral Democracy....As if the electoral majority would accept political entities they consistently reject at the Polls, to play a part in Governance, beyond the role such minority status grants it.

This is also an effort of the DP to try and get some separation from the anti-democratic political morass they are in....As if there are a different cast of characters involved...The old penchant of PAD-Dem's trying to segment themselves, when they are all essentially the same, from the same side of the Political Divide......Does anyone think the Lumpini crowd is not a DP crowd?

Two days now, of Media pushing anti-democratic stuff, and studiously avoiding the humongous rally of Electoral and Parliamentary Democracy advocates...One day a photo of Suthep hugged by someone with minimal reference in the article to the thousands from all over Thailand gathered elsewhere in BKK..... The next day of him outlining his plans for a type of 1930s-style Fascism for Thailand, promising his fascist elitists a new vision for Thailand: a civilian-led dictatorship...And now the DP leadership musing un-amusing thoughts.

Cycling through TV channels this morning, one sees the Nation channel, Bluesky channel, UDD channel, AsiaUpdate channel, ASTV...etc....All of them probably with a loyal audience who never go beyond those channels.

With such unconnected political streams and thinking in the body-politic, does anyone seriously think that issues of Governance can be created and/or imposed on any one of those streams, without national electoral legitimacy?....And if one side feels disadvantaged by that., I have some advice...Fix yourself and don't look outside yourself for your electoral futility...It is you who needs reform, so do it...........

Everyone is served better via competitive elections and a balance of power in Parliament......

You're still harping about this "humongous" rally. Will you provide some source this time? Today the Bkk Post reported the same 35,000. Your rally was such a flop it was called off.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Nice to see Abhisit showing us that not all Thai politicians are devoid of intellect.

Very clever to place your party in between the two extremist factions and claim the middle ground.

cheesy.gif no ones going to believe THAT lie but he'll try

Dem Party = Party of the Ammart

plain and simple and that's why they lose and will continue to lose each and every time

what's needed is a REAL middle party with no Ammart/Elite Feudal connections - but right now there isn't one

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This has to be the worst case of dactylo-incontinence I have ever witnessed.

Vomitting buckets of politico-verbage into these threads on a daily basis must surely form grounds for a commitment under the mental health act.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Thank you. What a great word. I didn't know what it meant. I had to google it.

Dactylo- a combining form meaning “finger,” “toe,” (also dactylographe) typist ⇒ Elle est dactylo. She's a typist. (also dactylographie ) typing ,

...and we all know what incontinence is. biggrin.png

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"Throughout its 68-year history, the Democrat Party has been counted on to help the country when it was at an impasse. It is willing to lead it out of the current political crisis '

I'm sure it would love to lead the way...This is along the same nonsensical thinking as those musing about "neutral Prime Ministers"

It is anti-democratic folderol, that unelectables self-servingly take seriously.

It eliminates all association with Electoral Democracy....As if the electoral majority would accept political entities they consistently reject at the Polls, to play a part in Governance, beyond the role such minority status grants it.

This is also an effort of the DP to try and get some separation from the anti-democratic political morass they are in....As if there are a different cast of characters involved...The old penchant of PAD-Dem's trying to segment themselves, when they are all essentially the same, from the same side of the Political Divide......Does anyone think the Lumpini crowd is not a DP crowd?

Two days now, of Media pushing anti-democratic stuff, and studiously avoiding the humongous rally of Electoral and Parliamentary Democracy advocates...One day a photo of Suthep hugged by someone with minimal reference in the article to the thousands from all over Thailand gathered elsewhere in BKK..... The next day of him outlining his plans for a type of 1930s-style Fascism for Thailand, promising his fascist elitists a new vision for Thailand: a civilian-led dictatorship...And now the DP leadership musing un-amusing thoughts.

Cycling through TV channels this morning, one sees the Nation channel, Bluesky channel, UDD channel, AsiaUpdate channel, ASTV...etc....All of them probably with a loyal audience who never go beyond those channels.

With such unconnected political streams and thinking in the body-politic, does anyone seriously think that issues of Governance can be created and/or imposed on any one of those streams, without national electoral legitimacy?....And if one side feels disadvantaged by that., I have some advice...Fix yourself and don't look outside yourself for your electoral futility...It is you who needs reform, so do it...........

Everyone is served better via competitive elections and a balance of power in Parliament......

You need to get a job. It seems you have too much time on your hands if you can go cycling through TV Channels and write long winded posts that nobody is really interested in. Most of your stuff is re-runs of previous posts.

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This two faced guy can play any roles as long as the democrats can reach the top. One day he joined the protesters going against the government, the next day he encouraged Suthep and Yingluck to talk, the following day he filed suits to dishonor the votes and now he plays the saviour role. He is so insincere and untrustworthy.

If you are not a Thai, why should it concern you ??

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Doesn't help his cause that less than 4 months ago he led a protest to the US embassy, with the feral mob screaming " Americans get out". He makes bad choices.

Couldn't have been the Feral Mob, they were up in Isaan

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Everyone knows that Suthep and Abhisit are just puppets to the same masters, but nice try in trying to seperate yourselves!

and is Yingluck not a puppet to an even dangerous Master

Yes you are correct Yinkluck is a puppet just like the Suthep and Abhisit, the big differnce is that Sutheps side has much more money and power. They control the military and the courts which in my opinion makes them more dangerous. Unlike you and many other posters here I don't like either side as both sides are tearing this country apart with there greed for power and money.

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The Democrats are plain losers who have never won any elections and are only good at causing or instigating street protests to come into power! Bunch of losers who only cater for the ammart and the rich thai chinese. And for analysis purposes, whenever they are in power, the thai economy is always down and also they are not so clean as they claim they are....there has been so many past court cases filed against them for corruption too. And they some of them are educated oevrseas.....they are only exenophobic especially against farangs. (please take note of that most of you TV users.)

Isn't Thaksin a rich Thai Chinese ?? Isn't Yingluck a rich Thai Chinese ??. I think any Political Party should be looking after the welfare of every Thai.. starting with a welfare system to look after the aged,,sick and handicapped people to be funded by a fair income tax system Introduce a sensible land Title Sytem with land taxes payable to fund roads, Electricity,Water and sewerage facilities. Review Police Salaries to eliminate corruption and uphold the law. Have a Public Tender Board for Govt. contracts that is open to scrutiny....and the list goes on....yes, sorry ...I have been going on, but I think you get the drift.,All the political Parties need to get rid of the influences of the Shinawatra fanily, Abhasit and Suthep and the fanatics in the UDD.....and maybe ....we will see Thailand getting some respect in the International community... and domestically, , a lessening in tensions between rival factions

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Nice to see Abhisit showing us that not all Thai politicians are devoid of intellect.

Very clever to place your party in between the two extremist factions and claim the middle ground.

cheesy.gif no ones going to believe THAT lie but he'll try

Dem Party = Party of the Ammart

plain and simple and that's why they lose and will continue to lose each and every time

what's needed is a REAL middle party with no Ammart/Elite Feudal connections - but right now there isn't one

Actually I agree with what you say. Thailand has a third way, a third hand, even a third sex but what it really needs is a third party.

What I am saying is that Abhisit is clever to try to claim the middle ground, not that the Dems are the party of the centre.

Edited by bigbamboo
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Nice to see Abhisit showing us that not all Thai politicians are devoid of intellect.

Very clever to place your party in between the two extremist factions and claim the middle ground.

cheesy.gif no ones going to believe THAT lie but he'll try

Dem Party = Party of the Ammart

plain and simple and that's why they lose and will continue to lose each and every time

what's needed is a REAL middle party with no Ammart/Elite Feudal connections - but right now there isn't one

Actually I agree with what you say. Thailand had a third way, a third hand, even a third sex nut what it really needs is a third party.

What I am saying is that Abhisit is clever to try to claim the middle ground, not that the Dems are the party of the centre.

I am not sure how clever it really is, it is all fairly transparent.

What would be clever, would be that he could either throw the Democrat shackles off and reform the party, start looking at that 3rd way himself, or even why dont the Democrat produce a road map for reform? or are their hands/financiers tied to closely to the PDRC.

I dont think he is saying anything remotely clever or ground breaking- some actions would speak far louder than meaningless soundbites. Its not as if the Dems have much to do at the moment, at least they could do would be to put their heads together to come up with some proper ideas.

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I'm sure Abhisit would be delighted to read Smutcakes' comment above referring to him as a transparent Thai politician.

A rare compliment indeed! thumbsup.gif

I have no issue with Abhisit, and think he a pretty decent guy and could be a decent PM again. I just wish he could throw off the shackles of those that obviously pull the strings behind him, and give a real 3rd party solution.

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I'm sure Abhisit would be delighted to read Smutcakes' comment above referring to him as a transparent Thai politician.

A rare compliment indeed! thumbsup.gif

I have no issue with Abhisit, and think he a pretty decent guy and could be a decent PM again. I just wish he could throw off the shackles of those that obviously pull the strings behind him, and give a real 3rd party solution.

well the situation allows for some dynamics to develop that might have been impossible not so long ago. i actually think he is trying to lead change in the Dems, but if the change happens too quickly it will part of the hardliners on their end and cause problems internally at a moment when they need to be united.

if the Dems were to come out with a proper reform program on their own, one that genuinely considers and includes the interests of all, perhaps a social contract, then they would of course win the support and vote of a majority - provided elections are fair and free from intimidation.

they would not quite win hearts of all, but i believe many disillusioned former PTP supporters would give them a chance, if for no other reason that it would be by far the best chance for all to move in the right direction.

i have hope, and trust that the quality of many good Thais will eventually get us there.

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I'm sure Abhisit would be delighted to read Smutcakes' comment above referring to him as a transparent Thai politician.

A rare compliment indeed! thumbsup.gif

Of course he's transparent - most people can see right through him.

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"Throughout its 68-year history, the Democrat Party has been counted on to help the country when it was at an impasse. It is willing to lead it out of the current political crisis '

I'm sure it would love to lead the way...This is along the same nonsensical thinking as those musing about "neutral Prime Ministers"

It is anti-democratic folderol, that unelectables self-servingly take seriously.

It eliminates all association with Electoral Democracy....As if the electoral majority would accept political entities they consistently reject at the Polls, to play a part in Governance, beyond the role such minority status grants it.

This is also an effort of the DP to try and get some separation from the anti-democratic political morass they are in....As if there are a different cast of characters involved...The old penchant of PAD-Dem's trying to segment themselves, when they are all essentially the same, from the same side of the Political Divide......Does anyone think the Lumpini crowd is not a DP crowd?

Two days now, of Media pushing anti-democratic stuff, and studiously avoiding the humongous rally of Electoral and Parliamentary Democracy advocates...One day a photo of Suthep hugged by someone with minimal reference in the article to the thousands from all over Thailand gathered elsewhere in BKK..... The next day of him outlining his plans for a type of 1930s-style Fascism for Thailand, promising his fascist elitists a new vision for Thailand: a civilian-led dictatorship...And now the DP leadership musing un-amusing thoughts.

Cycling through TV channels this morning, one sees the Nation channel, Bluesky channel, UDD channel, AsiaUpdate channel, ASTV...etc....All of them probably with a loyal audience who never go beyond those channels.

With such unconnected political streams and thinking in the body-politic, does anyone seriously think that issues of Governance can be created and/or imposed on any one of those streams, without national electoral legitimacy?....And if one side feels disadvantaged by that., I have some advice...Fix yourself and don't look outside yourself for your electoral futility...It is you who needs reform, so do it...........

Everyone is served better via competitive elections and a balance of power in Parliament......

Taken your pills today have you????

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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I'm sure Abhisit would be delighted to read Smutcakes' comment above referring to him as a transparent Thai politician.

A rare compliment indeed! thumbsup.gif

Of course he's transparent - most people can see right through him.

I can clearly see you're nuts

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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"Throughout its 68-year history, the Democrat Party has been counted on to help the country when it was at an impasse. It is willing to lead it out of the current political crisis '

I'm sure it would love to lead the way...This is along the same nonsensical thinking as those musing about "neutral Prime Ministers"

It is anti-democratic folderol, that unelectables self-servingly take seriously.

It eliminates all association with Electoral Democracy....As if the electoral majority would accept political entities they consistently reject at the Polls, to play a part in Governance, beyond the role such minority status grants it.

This is also an effort of the DP to try and get some separation from the anti-democratic political morass they are in....As if there are a different cast of characters involved...The old penchant of PAD-Dem's trying to segment themselves, when they are all essentially the same, from the same side of the Political Divide......Does anyone think the Lumpini crowd is not a DP crowd?

Two days now, of Media pushing anti-democratic stuff, and studiously avoiding the humongous rally of Electoral and Parliamentary Democracy advocates...One day a photo of Suthep hugged by someone with minimal reference in the article to the thousands from all over Thailand gathered elsewhere in BKK..... The next day of him outlining his plans for a type of 1930s-style Fascism for Thailand, promising his fascist elitists a new vision for Thailand: a civilian-led dictatorship...And now the DP leadership musing un-amusing thoughts.

Cycling through TV channels this morning, one sees the Nation channel, Bluesky channel, UDD channel, AsiaUpdate channel, ASTV...etc....All of them probably with a loyal audience who never go beyond those channels.

With such unconnected political streams and thinking in the body-politic, does anyone seriously think that issues of Governance can be created and/or imposed on any one of those streams, without national electoral legitimacy?....And if one side feels disadvantaged by that., I have some advice...Fix yourself and don't look outside yourself for your electoral futility...It is you who needs reform, so do it...........

more garbage spewing forth from you

Everyone is served better via

elections and a balance of power in Parliament......

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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Nice attempt at attempting to position itself as the beneficiary of the judicial coup d'etat.

However, technically, the crown is allowed to call upon the next largest political party to form a caretaker government until elections are held. That's how it works.

Once again, Abhisit would gain power by a non elective means.

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What should happen to a politician who resigns from office and appears on the stage with rebels who want to overthrow the legitimately elected government?

What should happen when resigned MP’s call on ‘street thugs’ to block a general election from taking place?

When a political party refuses to take part in elections what should happen to that party?

If the Democrat party fails to distance itself from its MP’s who resigned to join the

rebels on their protest stages, do they have any grounds to put themselves forward as ‘saviours’?

Sent from two tin cans joined by string

What should happen to a politician who resigns from office and appears on the stage with rebels who want to overthrow the legitimately elected government?

Either the same rules as were in place in 2010 (precedence) or it gets past to the courts as it has been

What should happen when resigned MP’s call on ‘street thugs’ to block a general election from taking place?

Anybody protesting peacefully has a right to do so. Anyone physically preventing people from voting should be off to the courts if the police can be bothered

When a political party refuses to take part in elections what should happen to that party?

As the constitution says - if a party does this at 2 consecutive elections thn they must be considered for disbanding

If the Democrat party fails to distance itself from its MP’s who resigned to join the

rebels on their protest stages, do they have any grounds to put themselves forward as ‘saviours’?

The "saviours" comment came from the newspaper

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I'm sure Abhisit would be delighted to read Smutcakes' comment above referring to him as a transparent Thai politician.

A rare compliment indeed! thumbsup.gif

Of course he's transparent - most people can see right through him.

I can clearly see you're nuts

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You question my mentality because I had the gall to say that abhisit is a scheming manipulator despite this being exactly what he is doing in this situation? I would suggest that the mental acuity of anyone who can't see what he is attempting to do, should be questioned.

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