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DSI to probe Suthep's 'people coup' speech


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Its far more democratic than having members of the Shinawatra clan hand picked by one sad old fugitive in Arabia

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

How can you say that? Were they or were they not duly elected by the populace? Part of democracy is freedom to vote unhindered, right? Unlike your hero Suthep who wants the exact opposite of democracy and the freedom to vote unhindered (or otherwise)

Yes.... they were elected, and for the most part were left in peace by the people to run riot over every other principle of democracy and the rule of law with an attitude that mirrors your own.... 'We were elected so we can do what the f^^k we want and you can't stop us ..... ever!'

They raped the country by abusing populist policies that not only put them into power but also facilitated huge theft and corruption to the point that those policies collapsed and the voters are left in despair with HUGE debts and a rice industry that is over the next 2 years going to run at a loss for all 4.5 million rice farming families. Thrusting them into not only massive debt, but also vast swathes of poverty.

They then chose the final straw of the amnesty bill to bring back a convicted and disgraced dictator as a free man, and absolve 25,000 cases of fraud and corruption. and the nobbling of the senate so they could elect their family members as senators on a 'lifetime term' basis... Completely destroying the democratic check and balance over parliament.... effectively allowing them to change every single law to suit their cling to power.

So yes........ They WERE democratically elected and were given their chance for two and a half years totally unimpeded to prove they were worthy of running Thailand for the people of who's mandate they held.... They proved themselves an out and out disgrace to democracy and therefore have behaved in such a way as to justify their removal before any further damage is done.

If there were elections and this lot were allowed to run and were duly elected back to power to continue their rape and pillage of the nation, then it would be time to declare that democracy is actually the enemy of Thailand. Because the democracy can NEVER work when all the principles are abused and broken. Democracy ONLY works in a country where the principles are adhered to.

It is quite simple as basic as that.

Actually I only failed to touch on it because I wanted to keep the post from going on too long.

It is actually very debatable as to whether the Dems would have actually lost the election, because the PTP were at a very weak point in the popularity of the country, that was actually echoed by the abstinence, the huge amount of 'no votes' and the very large losses of PT votes compared with their 2011 numbers.

It is also debatable that since Feb 2nd anything has even changed in public opinion. Have the PTP got weaker and the Dems stronger since then? or is it the other way round?... no point because we won't know.

There at least needs to be a compromise in the situation, I agree that full reforms before elections is not in the best interests of the nation, but electoral reforms that hand out huge penalties to either party who dare to breech any including intimidation from supporters.... Parties should be held 100% responsible for the way their supporters act on their behalf, and should face dismissal and dissolution of their party as punishment.

Then an election held under the scrutiny of a huge neutral body assigned by the EC to make sure that the elections are indeed completely untainted.

Encourage televised debate like they do in the west just to show the country that they are not in fact voting for some empty headed bimbo that has no clue about politics. All candidates should be intellectual and experienced political figures who know what they are doing and not just there as puppets and cronies.

If we can get at least that agreed, then maybe this country can actually start tasting true democracy for the first time ever.

But if we are left in a situation where we will be just going around in one more political circle 'same old same old'... situation, then it is about time to actually stand up and say 'democracy and the Thai people do not and never will mix'.... It is time to throw it to one side for another hundred or so years and move towards a benevolent dictatorship... at least the country will be re-unified, which has got to be better than clinging onto a system that has proven not to work.

Democracy actually divides.


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It sounds like some of the foreign embassies put a buzz in Yingluck's ear that Suthep is exposed to treason and sedition and they have passed the buzz on to the DSI. If nothing gets done to take down Suthep, we will know that the fix is in.

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If you can't see it then there's no optician in the world that can help

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

methinks your optician kitted you out with yellow tinted glasses

Please don't tar me with a yellow brush

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What took them so long he made is mad max speech on Saturday.

Did he actually say what khaosod reported though?

On another note, how is tarit's own dodgy land deal case going?

No, Khaosod out and out lied in their "reporting".

Wrong. Wife's mum supports pdrc and said khoasad was accurate, for once. She was there, and the quotes are accurate, and had lots of other innuendo that does not translate into english well. He stuck both feet in his mouth. Why is anyone surprised?

Amazing Thailand.

Your wife's mum is probably referring to the Thai language edition of Khaosot. Not the same!

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Had to happen as Tarit's been quiet recently and Chalerm's been getting all the headlines.

Bet DSI won't bother with any of Jatuporn's inflammatory remarks, afet all there's no double standards.

Of course. Now Tarit doesn't decide which cases to take up and which to ignore - there is supposed to be a process for that. whistling.gif

Interesting that PTP caretaker Ministers and red undemocratic appointed leaders can openly applaud the murder of innocent children and call for armed rebellion and treasonable sedition by calling for a breakaway state; openly incite people to ignore the law and indeed be ready to fight against court decisions they don't like (nothing to do with right/wrong, evidence or justice) and in some cases break their bail conditions openly and often.

Tarit doesn't bother with minor stuff like that. He's busy probing into those awful people who dared to blow a whistle near the vastly wealthy ex wife of Thaksin.

No double standards here. Just another example of the fascist police state the Shin would love to create. As long as they're in charge of course.

And Poo is just so worried she's not allowed to call witnesses galore delay, and delay and delay the NACC.

You are taking the P*SS yeah???

The PM was democratically appointed, the after the dissolving of government the LAW say's they are caretaker's, that is legal,, but you want to SPIN it.

some people cheering dose not make "the reds" so many are appalled at this disgusting act, but you like the SPIN huh, SICK

Suthep is out there calling for his followers to commit crimes every day but we don't have you here crying fowl on that now do we, SPIN...

and your hero is ignoring the LAW every day, SPIN

IN your country you can openly tell people to kidnap a PM and ministers and tell the to make arrangements for their wives and kids,,, I don't see you here condemning that!!! or is ok for you? think about it threatening (WIVES AND KIDS) but it's not the first time he's done it now is it??? SICK!!!

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Suterp just hang himself with this speech. Worse part is getting royal endorsement for an illegal and non-constitutional act. That can turn LM in a flash. Anyway, he has to be stopped and he just did that himself. Getting too drunk on his own perceived success can made you careless.

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So all of those Suthep fans who were so vociferous in claiming Suthep has no interest in putting himself in power, what do you have to say now after this speech? <Mr. Suthep has said he would install himself as a "Sovereign Body" and present his own list of Prime Minister and Cabinet members to His Majesty the King to seek his Royal Approval. The PCAD will establish unelected legislative bodies afterwards, he explained, and implement series of "reforms" in Thailand.>

That's democracy then is it? He's bonkers and the cause of a lot of needless violence and deaths.

Do you beleive in the tooth fairy and santa etc also? try researching stuff for yourself if you want to know things

oh look, theres a pig flying. do you beleive that also?

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So all of those Suthep fans who were so vociferous in claiming Suthep has no interest in putting himself in power, what do you have to say now after this speech? <Mr. Suthep has said he would install himself as a "Sovereign Body" and present his own list of Prime Minister and Cabinet members to His Majesty the King to seek his Royal Approval. The PCAD will establish unelected legislative bodies afterwards, he explained, and implement series of "reforms" in Thailand.>

That's democracy then is it? He's bonkers and the cause of a lot of needless violence and deaths.

After all the postings proving this was wrong

why are you still living in La La Land and in your mind you have not past posting No. 1

and we things Thai's don;t have the ability to think

Why don't a lot of TV members not read what they have written before posting,is this a race? or does bad spelling and false syntax mean nothing anymore?

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With regard to the comment that since PT has come to power the DSI has only investigated non-PT matters, it should be recognized that the DSI is a political instrument used by whatever party is in power. When the Dems were in power, the DSI investigated anything except Dem issues.

Regarding the lesser of 2 evils comment, it should be understood that the Dems are the party of the Thai elite - yes, the same people who have been oppressing the "lesser" people for hundreds of years by poor education, double standard justice, etc. They are just as corrupt, but perhaps more subtle and adroit at it. Doing away with a democratically elected government in order to set up a non-elected authoritarian government hardly seems like s step forward.

The so called "independent" organizations all consist of members appointed by the old elite. So they don't seem independent to many. Double standards in justice are the rule, not he exception. For instance, if a rich kid kills a person or many people while driving recklessly in their car, they never seem to go to jail, do they? But if a poor person does he same thing, they throw the book at them. The laws were cleverly written so punishment for a specific crime might be 3 years in prison or a 20,000 baht fine or both. Rich guy gets fined 20k and the poor guy gets prison and a fine. That's why the Dems can't win an election!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Alwyn, people like you, who have been backing Suthep no matter what stupid remarks come out of his mouth, had soon better realize that this guy really is crazy. Stop torturing yourself with trying to come up with ways to justify his madness. PCAD in itself is an oxymoron. If the King is head of state, then it can't be a bloody Democracy now can it? Give it a rest, and tell your Thai wife that you can't logically support her cause anymore. She'll be pissed, but hopefully she'll see the light.

First off I guess you picked the wrong person - as Alwyn is a die hard Red (although he started off quite open minded - then had some kind of relapse it seems). Second off, are you trying to state that a constitutional monarchy is not a democracy? Because I have to inform you that not only are there quite a few of them (including the UK), but the very concept of democracy from the Greeks and then Romans was as such - with a monarch as head of state. So maybe you better ask your Thai wife to explain politics to you a bit more as this discussion is obviously well above your level of ken.

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Tharits day of reckoning will come... Something between the two extremes of Thaksin government and pdrc needs to be done. Personally I think the army should have stepped in my now but then the head of the army seems to only be worried about retiring with an unblemished record?

Something between the two extremes is called an election. Let the people's voice be heard - it's about time, isn't it?

poo.. Are you for real? Is a election an election when it,is bought?

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

Are you for real? When will you and every yellow fanboi on here get in to their thick skulls that vote-buying by the reds isn´t a valid argument?

Vote-buying is done on both sides, yes, and even yellow MPs have admitted that the democrats spend more money on vote-buying than PTP does/did.

And you guys keep on ranting about democracy is about more than voting.

Sure, it is, but voting is a major part of democracy, and as long as even democrats admits to spending more money on vote-buying than the opposition, your argument is horse manure!

Let the thai people decide who they want as leaders regardless how ´bad´ they are. That is still their choice.

If the PTP are so bad (maybe they are, I´m not defending nor am I speaking for them being outlawed), then surely the opposition will win the next election!?

Easy as that.

But I know the yellow sheeple on here will never admit that, and will keep on rooting for Dear Leader, Secretary General of the People, Herr Thaugsuban and his attempt to throw this country into being a tyrrany.

What IS an argument is that the Reds actively stopped (and stop) any non Thaksin party/coalition campaigning in northern and eastern areas - that makes it a uneven playing field (when PTP were free to campaign in the south) - and thus an unfair election. Voting is NOT the major part of democracy - it is merely the first part of electing and maintaining a working democracy - there is much more to it - this is well documented by academics around the globe for over a century (and for millennia if we talk about original Greko-Roman Democracy), no matter how you want to try and twist it to look good, it doesn't.

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The Thaksin regime needs to go......but not before there are any credible candidates to take over. Suthep says and does so many stupid things, that he is certainly not qualified, and he has never apologized or come clean on his past wrong doings. He has a spine like a worm.

Agreed - but to be fair, he has said repeatedly that he will step away once the Shins are out and the committee for reform is doing their work - so he has also discounted himself.

It is a circular argument really - you will never get credible candidates with a crooked system that allows for intimidation and geographic totalitarian control - and you will never get rid of the crooked system without candidates with integrity. This is why Suthep's committee for reform has such a following amongst the educated masses.

Edited by wolf5370
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Thailand does not have a democracy. No discussion on it. It is in the constitution. We have a parliamentary government. The Prime Minister is not elected by the people that would be democracy.


Don't often disagree with you John, but I do here. There is more than one kind of democratic system - and Thailand has a party political system (like the UK) and not an American type of voting for leaders directly. It is somewhat arrogant to consider one better than the other - let alone one is not democratic! The point is that in a party political democracy the leader is chosen from within the winning party - it is the party and the policies therein that are being voted for, not a man - in some ways one could argue that PPD is as such more democratic because of this - the leader is replaceable by the party for wrong doing or other reason without need for legal proceedings (like impeachment) and no individual is above the law.

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With regard to the comment that since PT has come to power the DSI has only investigated non-PT matters, it should be recognized that the DSI is a political instrument used by whatever party is in power. When the Dems were in power, the DSI investigated anything except Dem issues.

Regarding the lesser of 2 evils comment, it should be understood that the Dems are the party of the Thai elite - yes, the same people who have been oppressing the "lesser" people for hundreds of years by poor education, double standard justice, etc. They are just as corrupt, but perhaps more subtle and adroit at it. Doing away with a democratically elected government in order to set up a non-elected authoritarian government hardly seems like s step forward.

The so called "independent" organizations all consist of members appointed by the old elite. So they don't seem independent to many. Double standards in justice are the rule, not he exception. For instance, if a rich kid kills a person or many people while driving recklessly in their car, they never seem to go to jail, do they? But if a poor person does he same thing, they throw the book at them. The laws were cleverly written so punishment for a specific crime might be 3 years in prison or a 20,000 baht fine or both. Rich guy gets fined 20k and the poor guy gets prison and a fine. That's why the Dems can't win an election!

As already stated in the article (by another poster) the DSI were instructed to investigate into the deaths of the Reds during the 2010 debacle by the Dems - as was the assassination of Seh Daeng - so you argument fails at the first hurdle.

Incidentally they also threw out the controversial (coalition party pushed and obviously corruption generating) dust damping road policy several times. I would not say they are whiter than white of course - nothing in this country is - but if you take out the coalition partners actions during their short 2 year stint, there was very little corruption compared to that of other governments before or since (and incredibly so with the current one)

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