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PDRC denies trying to illegally overthrow Thai govt


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" Thaworn Senneam, a PDRC leader, said yesterday Suthep was referring only to a situation where red-shirt supporters and the government might refuse to accept two Constitutional Court rulings. "

Everyone expects Pheu Thai and the UDD not to accept guilty verdicts if they are handed down by the Constitutional Court and the National Anti-Corruption Commission. Pheu Thai supporters don't admit or even like to discuss that imminent reality at all, because it naturally undermines their entire argument. Their argument crumbles like a house of cards when the party they support refuses to recognize and abide by judicial rulings. And yet, as much as they will avoid this reality, that is the reality we will be faced with. Thaworn here makes it clear that the PDRC wants the courts to be heard, respected, and to prevail. But what happens if the rulings are not heard, respected and adhered to ? What then ? Purely and simply, if the administration of the day - Pheu Thai - refused to abide by a judicial ruling from the Constitutional Court, potentially requiring it to step down - if they refused to do that - it would create a constitutional crisis. It is as simple as that. And that is what would escalate the crisis to a whole new level.

if "Pheu Thai - refused to abide by a judicial ruling from the Constitutional Court, potentially requiring it to step down -if they refused to do that"

Would not this be a coup by PT

Edited by GreasyFingers
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No, they think there is a legal mechanism for overthrowing a government.

Of course if you get to write the laws and have judges in your pocket, anything is possible.

They are not overthrowing a government!! It was dissolved back in December.

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Hope they provide more rubbish bins at the next rally, that is a disgrace !!!

Just goes to show how much they really care about their country...

... and more to the point, the thread is about allegations against the PDRC of trying to overthrow the government; what has the mess that the UDD left behind got to do with the thread?

Thats about all that they can drum up at the moment

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" Thaworn Senneam, a PDRC leader, said yesterday Suthep was referring only to a situation where red-shirt supporters and the government might refuse to accept two Constitutional Court rulings. "

Everyone expects Pheu Thai and the UDD not to accept guilty verdicts if they are handed down by the Constitutional Court and the National Anti-Corruption Commission. Pheu Thai supporters don't admit or even like to discuss that imminent reality at all, because it naturally undermines their entire argument. Their argument crumbles like a house of cards when the party they support refuses to recognize and abide by judicial rulings. And yet, as much as they will avoid this reality, that is the reality we will be faced with. Thaworn here makes it clear that the PDRC wants the courts to be heard, respected, and to prevail. But what happens if the rulings are not heard, respected and adhered to ? What then ? Purely and simply, if the administration of the day - Pheu Thai - refused to abide by a judicial ruling from the Constitutional Court, potentially requiring it to step down - if they refused to do that - it would create a constitutional crisis. It is as simple as that. And that is what would escalate the crisis to a whole new level.

if "Pheu Thai - refused to abide by a judicial ruling from the Constitutional Court, potentially requiring it to step down" -

Would not this be a coup by PT

I suppose it could be deemed as being a judicial coup and would certainly be a criminal act akin to seizing power by dictatorial means.

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Phew, so many anti-UDD/RS and electoral majority folderol, makes one's head spin..Even trying to use Rally site clean-up as political denigration.....unbelievable ....Let's look at reality:

>>>>a declaration by PDRC secretary-general Suthep Thaugsuban that the movement had the sovereign status to seek a royal endorsement to install a new administration.

"Install a new administration".... Via un-electoral processes is not a coup?...Is not illegaly overthrowing an elected Govt.?....Using their co-conspirators in Judicial and Independent agcy's instead of the military is not overthrowing an elected Govt?.....Try telling that to the majority voters whose selection they are trying to nullify.......Just some more smoke seeking to make white appear to be black.

>>>the government and its supporters must accept scrutiny and possible punishment by the independent organisations under the Constitution.

Yup, the Independent Agcy's are going to 'punish' the electoral majority for the choices they made......And some continue trying to 'normalize the abnormal' with respect to the PAD-Dem's controlling these guys.

>>> (Jatuporn)..boasting that the next event would involve a massive number of supporters.

Stating fact is 'boasting'?.....Keep in mind, in this instance, we are talking about 'supporters' as being the key elements representing an electoral majority...There is nothing boastful when one has measurable, objective data to back it up..You think the PDRC/DP blocking voters and tabulating an election was without reason?

BTW, When was the last time you heard Suthep's demagoguery referred to as "boasting"....Sometimes media double-standards and put-downs are not subtle.

Had to read this twice and slowly, but do you know what. He is absolutely correct. thumbsup.gif

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Why respect BKK when BKK spits in your face over and over again. Trash it! I get that.

So, because you and the Reds have lost and been utterly humiliated with your failure of a rally, you think it's okay to trash the country and Phutthamonthon. What you've done is trash a religious district under direct royal patronage. What message EXACTLY are you trying to send?

Hey zydeco ! is your donkey named Suthep by any chance. clap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gif

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Sutheps clowns have got no argument so they make ridiculous comments about litter. If you go to any site where there has been a gathering, whether it is a concert, market or even childrens playground, when everyone has left the area is strewn with litter. Unfortunately, the Thais havent been educated in keeping their country clean. Having said that I have been to Bournemouth beach early in the morning and the amount of rubbish left is unbelievable. To try to ridicule a political organisation over rubbish on the streets is juvenile.

to try and defend it is even worse oh the shame..and for your next quality post...????wai2.gif

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Suthep and his PDRC marchers planning to remove the govt and install a dictatorship recalls Mussolini's 1922 march on Rome in which they took over the govt to rule until 1943.

No need to worry about street litter in the future. Fascists are very tidy.


The analyst Doug Bandow at the libertarian Cato Institute in Washington is one among many in the United States and in the West who know Suthep's mode of fascism when they see it.

In Thailand Opposition Assaults Democracy As Voters Reelect Government: "Yellow Shirt" Protestors Act Like Mussolini's Black Shirts

Thailand has voted for the third time since the military staged a coup in 2006. The crony populists won again. The establishment thugs didn’t even compete. The country is headed toward more and more dangerous political turmoil.

Thailand’s latest poll was triggered by PDRC mobs in Bangkok which sought to drive Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra from office. Although the protestors wear yellow, associated with the Thai monarchy, they are the modern equivalent of Benito Mussolini’s Black Shirts, who seized power through the infamous 1922 march on Rome.

The misnamed Democrat Party and its ally, the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC), led by former DP deputy prime minister Suthep Thaugsuban, then attempted to block Sunday’s vote.


To which I would add this 21st century description of fascism developed by the people who write the textbooks. It would seem the PAD people, now reincarnated as the PDRC read this not recognizing the English word "fascism" and found they agree 100% with what it says, then decided to take it as a gospel equivalent manifesto of their purposes, means, intents, goals. :

"Fascism is the unchecked rule of a class of the privileged, or relatively

rich, in power -- a full-scale assault on poor and working people.

Parliamentary institutions are usually set aside, or so demeaned as to be

meaningless. Elites issue direct orders, frequently through a populist

leader. Wages, any social safety net, working hour laws, labor laws; all

come under legal (and extra-legal) attack. The stick replaces the carrot."


"Fascism is the unchecked rule of a class of the privileged, or relatively

rich, in power -- a full-scale assault on poor and working people.

Parliamentary institutions are usually set aside, or so demeaned as to be

meaningless. Elites issue direct orders, frequently through a populist

leader. Wages, any social safety net, working hour laws, labor laws; all

come under legal (and extra-legal) attack. The stick replaces the carrot."


We are discussing Suthep and the PDRC here and not Thaksin and Yingluck!!!

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" Thaworn Senneam, a PDRC leader, said yesterday Suthep was referring only to a situation where red-shirt supporters and the government might refuse to accept two Constitutional Court rulings. "

Everyone expects Pheu Thai and the UDD not to accept guilty verdicts if they are handed down by the Constitutional Court and the National Anti-Corruption Commission. Pheu Thai supporters don't admit or even like to discuss that imminent reality at all, because it naturally undermines their entire argument. Their argument crumbles like a house of cards when the party they support refuses to recognize and abide by judicial rulings. And yet, as much as they will avoid this reality, that is the reality we will be faced with. Thaworn here makes it clear that the PDRC wants the courts to be heard, respected, and to prevail. But what happens if the rulings are not heard, respected and adhered to ? What then ? Purely and simply, if the administration of the day - Pheu Thai - refused to abide by a judicial ruling from the Constitutional Court, potentially requiring it to step down - if they refused to do that - it would create a constitutional crisis. It is as simple as that. And that is what would escalate the crisis to a whole new level.

The CC and the NACC are loaded with Dems, so what else can the virdict be ?

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The Pheu Thai spokesman Prompong accuses again and others are challenged to deny or proof the accusation is wrong.

Which reminds me, how's the paperwork progressing on Suthep's alleged misuse of donated moneys?

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Phew, so many anti-UDD/RS and electoral majority folderol, makes one's head spin..Even trying to use Rally site clean-up as political denigration.....unbelievable ....Let's look at reality:

>>>>a declaration by PDRC secretary-general Suthep Thaugsuban that the movement had the sovereign status to seek a royal endorsement to install a new administration.

"Install a new administration".... Via un-electoral processes is not a coup?...Is not illegaly overthrowing an elected Govt.?....Using their co-conspirators in Judicial and Independent agcy's instead of the military is not overthrowing an elected Govt?.....Try telling that to the majority voters whose selection they are trying to nullify.......Just some more smoke seeking to make white appear to be black.

>>>the government and its supporters must accept scrutiny and possible punishment by the independent organisations under the Constitution.

Yup, the Independent Agcy's are going to 'punish' the electoral majority for the choices they made......And some continue trying to 'normalize the abnormal' with respect to the PAD-Dem's controlling these guys.

>>> (Jatuporn)..boasting that the next event would involve a massive number of supporters.

Stating fact is 'boasting'?.....Keep in mind, in this instance, we are talking about 'supporters' as being the key elements representing an electoral majority...There is nothing boastful when one has measurable, objective data to back it up..You think the PDRC/DP blocking voters and tabulating an election was without reason?

BTW, When was the last time you heard Suthep's demagoguery referred to as "boasting"....Sometimes media double-standards and put-downs are not subtle.

Had to read this twice and slowly, but do you know what. He is absolutely correct. thumbsup.gif

I had to read this 10 times very slowly and it was still a load of codswallop (and I'm being kind)!!!

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The Pheu Thai spokesman Prompong accuses again and others are challenged to deny or proof the accusation is wrong.

Which reminds me, how's the paperwork progressing on Suthep's alleged misuse of donated moneys?

It is still stuck at the alleged stage allegedly!!

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" Thaworn Senneam, a PDRC leader, said yesterday Suthep was referring only to a situation where red-shirt supporters and the government might refuse to accept two Constitutional Court rulings. "

Everyone expects Pheu Thai and the UDD not to accept guilty verdicts if they are handed down by the Constitutional Court and the National Anti-Corruption Commission. Pheu Thai supporters don't admit or even like to discuss that imminent reality at all, because it naturally undermines their entire argument. Their argument crumbles like a house of cards when the party they support refuses to recognize and abide by judicial rulings. And yet, as much as they will avoid this reality, that is the reality we will be faced with. Thaworn here makes it clear that the PDRC wants the courts to be heard, respected, and to prevail. But what happens if the rulings are not heard, respected and adhered to ? What then ? Purely and simply, if the administration of the day - Pheu Thai - refused to abide by a judicial ruling from the Constitutional Court, potentially requiring it to step down - if they refused to do that - it would create a constitutional crisis. It is as simple as that. And that is what would escalate the crisis to a whole new level.

The CC and the NACC are loaded with Dems, so what else can the virdict be ?

It has been filled with intelligent people that understand the law and know what responsibility is. The fact that they are more akin to Democrats is because those lacking intelligence don't even come close to qualifying!! Make of this what you want but it an unfortunate fact for you reds.

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Hope they provide more rubbish bins at the next rally, that is a disgrace !!!

Just goes to show how much they really care about their country...

... and more to the point, the thread is about allegations against the PDRC of trying to overthrow the government; what has the mess that the UDD left behind got to do with the thread?

My comment was just an observation of the photo that accompanied the thread. A picture paints a thousand words, the country is a mess..

More to the point, they were camped out surrounded by this mess !!

UDD, PDRC it's all the same, no personal pride..

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The Pheu Thai spokesman Prompong accuses again and others are challenged to deny or proof the accusation is wrong.

Which reminds me, how's the paperwork progressing on Suthep's alleged misuse of donated moneys?

How much money was actually collected, and where has it gone ?

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The Pheu Thai spokesman Prompong accuses again and others are challenged to deny or proof the accusation is wrong.

Which reminds me, how's the paperwork progressing on Suthep's alleged misuse of donated moneys?

How much money was actually collected, and where has it gone ?

It was used to support the rally with supplies and food so that their sacrifice is not too painful or enduring in order to restore democracy to Thailand!!

Can I pose a question to you now - how much money was wasted and stolen from the rice scheme and where has it gone??

I bet you can't answer that one, whereas I had no difficulty in doing soclap2.gif.

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Somebody please enlighten me.

In a Democratic society the ONLY way to overthrow the Government legally is through election.

Any other way is illegal.

Except when the PM has no guts and keeps crying.

It's high time I am appointed the Leader of this chicken Coup.

Oops, sorry, no work permit. Must apply to the Higher Authority for a waiver.

Edited by ABCer
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Can anyone tell me why these people don't go on a (peaceful, non disruptive, non tourism damage) campaign

to every city and village, explaining why They would be better in Government, and what they would do to change things for the poor.

(& everyone else)

And why people should vote for them in a (peaceful) Democratic VOTE?

Instead of sitting around waiting for the government to give in!

(Please don't say "This is Thailand" - that would be toooo easy)

because they would lose and lose again and again

they have NO platform, NO policies and MINORITY support from the Thai people yet wish to seize POWER and, further (and much worse in my view) the DEMS were/are compliant in this undemocratic power-grab

anyway the biggest fear for all the majority of Thais is the Amaart judicial coup that dresses up as 'sheep in sheep's clothing' yet is a trojan horse for the Ammart

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" Thaworn Senneam, a PDRC leader, said yesterday Suthep was referring only to a situation where red-shirt supporters and the government might refuse to accept two Constitutional Court rulings. "

Everyone expects Pheu Thai and the UDD not to accept guilty verdicts if they are handed down by the Constitutional Court and the National Anti-Corruption Commission. Pheu Thai supporters don't admit or even like to discuss that imminent reality at all, because it naturally undermines their entire argument. Their argument crumbles like a house of cards when the party they support refuses to recognize and abide by judicial rulings. And yet, as much as they will avoid this reality, that is the reality we will be faced with. Thaworn here makes it clear that the PDRC wants the courts to be heard, respected, and to prevail. But what happens if the rulings are not heard, respected and adhered to ? What then ? Purely and simply, if the administration of the day - Pheu Thai - refused to abide by a judicial ruling from the Constitutional Court, potentially requiring it to step down - if they refused to do that - it would create a constitutional crisis. It is as simple as that. And that is what would escalate the crisis to a whole new level.

The CC and the NACC are loaded with Dems, so what else can the virdict be ?

It has been filled with intelligent people that understand the law and know what responsibility is. The fact that they are more akin to Democrats is because those lacking intelligence don't even come close to qualifying!! Make of this what you want but it an unfortunate fact for you reds.

You obviously don't understand very much Steve.. I think you had better read the new "White Paper" and then you might have a grasp on the facts, old son. Anyhow good luck, it will tell you how the coup masters changed everything ( consitiution) to suit themselves, then installed the Dems who further monkeyed around with whatever they could to load the various departments including the judiciary with their own 'lakkies' that remain there till this day, constantly interfering and manipulating for their own "born to rule" benefit........

Go on GOOGLE 'New Thai White Paper'...........It's no wonder that the International Community will not back the democrat party or Suthep's movement. Even the International media leave it alone whilst reporting genuine rallies in other countries Admit it mate, you are in a minority, both Thailand and Internationally..

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" Thaworn Senneam, a PDRC leader, said yesterday Suthep was referring only to a situation where red-shirt supporters and the government might refuse to accept two Constitutional Court rulings. "

Everyone expects Pheu Thai and the UDD not to accept guilty verdicts if they are handed down by the Constitutional Court and the National Anti-Corruption Commission. Pheu Thai supporters don't admit or even like to discuss that imminent reality at all, because it naturally undermines their entire argument. Their argument crumbles like a house of cards when the party they support refuses to recognize and abide by judicial rulings. And yet, as much as they will avoid this reality, that is the reality we will be faced with. Thaworn here makes it clear that the PDRC wants the courts to be heard, respected, and to prevail. But what happens if the rulings are not heard, respected and adhered to ? What then ? Purely and simply, if the administration of the day - Pheu Thai - refused to abide by a judicial ruling from the Constitutional Court, potentially requiring it to step down - if they refused to do that - it would create a constitutional crisis. It is as simple as that. And that is what would escalate the crisis to a whole new level.

The CC and the NACC are loaded with Dems, so what else can the virdict be ?

It has been filled with intelligent people that understand the law and know what responsibility is. The fact that they are more akin to Democrats is because those lacking intelligence don't even come close to qualifying!! Make of this what you want but it an unfortunate fact for you reds.

You obviously don't understand very much Steve.. I think you had better read the new "White Paper" and then you might have a grasp on the facts, old son. Anyhow good luck, it will tell you how the coup masters changed everything ( consitiution) to suit themselves, then installed the Dems who further monkeyed around with whatever they could to load the various departments including the judiciary with their own 'lakkies' that remain there till this day, constantly interfering and manipulating for their own "born to rule" benefit........

Go on GOOGLE 'New Thai White Paper'...........It's no wonder that the International Community will not back the democrat party or Suthep's movement. Even the International media leave it alone whilst reporting genuine rallies in other countries Admit it mate, you are in a minority, both Thailand and Internationally..

Can you imagine what the court would be like with the following quintet installed:

Kittirat, Jatuporn, Tarit. Chalerm and Thaksin!!!

The country would be plundered for all it's got in months and all of those having the audacity to try to stop them would be executed (after being found guilty in court of course)!!

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Suthep and his PDRC marchers planning to remove the govt and install a dictatorship recalls Mussolini's 1922 march on Rome in which they took over the govt to rule until 1943.

No need to worry about street litter in the future. Fascists are very tidy.


The analyst Doug Bandow at the libertarian Cato Institute in Washington is one among many in the United States and in the West who know Suthep's mode of fascism when they see it.

In Thailand Opposition Assaults Democracy As Voters Reelect Government: "Yellow Shirt" Protestors Act Like Mussolini's Black Shirts

Thailand has voted for the third time since the military staged a coup in 2006. The crony populists won again. The establishment thugs didn’t even compete. The country is headed toward more and more dangerous political turmoil.

Thailand’s latest poll was triggered by PDRC mobs in Bangkok which sought to drive Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra from office. Although the protestors wear yellow, associated with the Thai monarchy, they are the modern equivalent of Benito Mussolini’s Black Shirts, who seized power through the infamous 1922 march on Rome.

The misnamed Democrat Party and its ally, the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC), led by former DP deputy prime minister Suthep Thaugsuban, then attempted to block Sunday’s vote.


To which I would add this 21st century description of fascism developed by the people who write the textbooks. It would seem the PAD people, now reincarnated as the PDRC read this not recognizing the English word "fascism" and found they agree 100% with what it says, then decided to take it as a gospel equivalent manifesto of their purposes, means, intents, goals. :

"Fascism is the unchecked rule of a class of the privileged, or relatively

rich, in power -- a full-scale assault on poor and working people.

Parliamentary institutions are usually set aside, or so demeaned as to be

meaningless. Elites issue direct orders, frequently through a populist

leader. Wages, any social safety net, working hour laws, labor laws; all

come under legal (and extra-legal) attack. The stick replaces the carrot."


Whoa, no that is not fascism. The term has been overused and heavily distorted in recent years, mostly for misinformational politics (is there another kind). It has never been fully defined in short words, the best approach to understanding fascism is to go back and read some early scholarly articles. Here is a reasonable short one.

  1. often Fascism
    1. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
    2. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.
  2. Oppressive, dictatorial control.

The teaching of racial or class hatred for the purpose of political control is often mentioned as another component, i.e., Hitler and the jews, to some extent America and the 1%, and the reds vs elites in Thailand (Thaksin anyone?). Note that neither the jews, the 1%, nor the Thai elite are the poor working class.

If you were here during Thaksin's earlier years, you will remember a lot of discussion and complaint about his dictatorial tendencies, use of violence, the UN had to step in with the thousands of drug killings to which he arrogantly told the UN, "The UN is not my father".

And of course there is Seh Daeng (MHRIP), poor fellow, bought and killed by Thaksin.

Your "definition" is just some made-up third world political propaganda, the world seems saturated with it lately.

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The Pheu Thai spokesman Prompong accuses again and others are challenged to deny or proof the accusation is wrong.

Which reminds me, how's the paperwork progressing on Suthep's alleged misuse of donated moneys?

How much money was actually collected, and where has it gone ?

It was used to support the rally with supplies and food so that their sacrifice is not too painful or enduring in order to restore democracy to Thailand!!

Can I pose a question to you now - how much money was wasted and stolen from the rice scheme and where has it gone??

I bet you can't answer that one, whereas I had no difficulty in doing soclap2.gif.

OK so you are admitting that Suthep used the money to support the rallies. Well then makes him a thieving scoundrel as he asked for the donations to help the rice farmers. Having got his grubby hands on the money ( undisclosed value) he proceeded to spend it for his own "hate Thaksin" movement, and satisfaction ( you said it). To me, this is the act of a con man criminal. We all know that he is already corrupt to the eyeballs..

As for the rice scheme, my reply is "Do not be so stupid as to ask me if any money was in fact stolen, to date nobody knows until after the inquiry, except for you of course"

How much did we bet ?

I do not need my winnings, but please please do NOT give it to Suthep the corruption master to give to his cronies, like he did with 11 blocks of land on Phuket which were set aside for poor farmers but ended up in the grubby hands of his Hi-so mates.

Edited by oldsailor35
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Hope they provide more rubbish bins at the next rally, that is a disgrace !!!

Just goes to show how much they really care about their country...

... and more to the point, the thread is about allegations against the PDRC of trying to overthrow the government; what has the mess that the UDD left behind got to do with the thread?

Because the picture doesn't really fit the title I would assume, but to add... That was voted the most beautiful road in Thailand, and those PIGS as usual have no respect for anything.

Onto the OP...The ensuing argument on this subject has already been done to death on about 200 previous threads.

Why can't we get some real news?

How about another court case opening up against the government... It's been about a week since another charge was filed.

Here we go again, they're PIGS now are they? Last time you called them Buffaloes, but it got you banned didn't it. You just can't help the racism getting out can you?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Hope they provide more rubbish bins at the next rally, that is a disgrace !!!

Just goes to show how much they really care about their country...

Par for the course. Huge amount of rubbish strewn all over the place at the Chiang Mai Convention Centre after their rally there a couple of weeks back. Any explanation for their filth and general mess Dr Bruce and other reds?

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The Pheu Thai spokesman Prompong accuses again and others are challenged to deny or proof the accusation is wrong.

Which reminds me, how's the paperwork progressing on Suthep's alleged misuse of donated moneys?

How much money was actually collected, and where has it gone ?

It was used to support the rally with supplies and food so that their sacrifice is not too painful or enduring in order to restore democracy to Thailand!!

Can I pose a question to you now - how much money was wasted and stolen from the rice scheme and where has it gone??

I bet you can't answer that one, whereas I had no difficulty in doing soclap2.gif.

OK so you are admitting that Suthep used the money to support the rallies. Well then makes him a thieving scoundrel as he asked for the donations to help the rice farmers. Having got his grubby hands on the money ( undisclosed value) he proceeded to spend it for his own "hate Thaksin" movement, and satisfaction ( you said it). To me, this is the act of a con man criminal. We all know that he is already corrupt to the eyeballs..

As for the rice scheme, my reply is "Do not be so stupid as to ask me if any money was in fact stolen, to date nobody knows until after the inquiry, except for you of course"

How much did we bet ?

I do not need my winnings, but please please do NOT give it to Suthep the corruption master to give to his cronies, like he did with 11 blocks of land on Phuket which were set aside for poor farmers but ended up in the grubby hands of his Hi-so mates.

Nice try, shame it failed!!

The money was always collected to fund the rally (that is what it was intended for).

It was only when the rice farmers were struggling to exist and filed into Bangkok that Suthep took them under his wing and very generously offered to help them file complaints to the courts from being cheated out of the money that was stolen from them by the ex-government. He donated part of the rally funds collected on 2 or 3 days towards this - about 20 million baht if my memory serves me correctly.

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So there's a way to legally overthrow the government??? and here was I thinking the legal way to take over government was to vote!!!

Wrong...Thaksin took it over without Voting

....and please remind me why he couldn't vote!!!

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It will be interesting to see if the accusation of 'trying to illegally overthrow the government' holds any water considering that the country hasn't got a government now. The truth of the matter is that the protestors have been trying to overthrow the Shin dynasty - something most likely not illegal and too close to the bone for PTP to tackle.

Why oh why does Publicus have to introduce yet more irrelevancies from the US into the thread? As for touting the Cato Institute as a source for anything beyond many right-wing issues pertaining to the US, is just laughable. You may as well quote the Tea Party for good measure.

I'll leave the rubbish issue (just like the numbers game) to others.

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How much money was actually collected, and where has it gone ?

It was used to support the rally with supplies and food so that their sacrifice is not too painful or enduring in order to restore democracy to Thailand!!

Can I pose a question to you now - how much money was wasted and stolen from the rice scheme and where has it gone??

I bet you can't answer that one, whereas I had no difficulty in doing soclap2.gif.

OK so you are admitting that Suthep used the money to support the rallies. Well then makes him a thieving scoundrel as he asked for the donations to help the rice farmers. Having got his grubby hands on the money ( undisclosed value) he proceeded to spend it for his own "hate Thaksin" movement, and satisfaction ( you said it). To me, this is the act of a con man criminal. We all know that he is already corrupt to the eyeballs..

As for the rice scheme, my reply is "Do not be so stupid as to ask me if any money was in fact stolen, to date nobody knows until after the inquiry, except for you of course"

How much did we bet ?

I do not need my winnings, but please please do NOT give it to Suthep the corruption master to give to his cronies, like he did with 11 blocks of land on Phuket which were set aside for poor farmers but ended up in the grubby hands of his Hi-so mates.

Nice try, shame it failed!!

The money was always collected to fund the rally (that is what it was intended for).

It was only when the rice farmers were struggling to exist and filed into Bangkok that Suthep took them under his wing and very generously offered to help them file complaints to the courts from being cheated out of the money that was stolen from them by the ex-government. He donated part of the rally funds collected on 2 or 3 days towards this - about 20 million baht if my memory serves me correctly.

Steve - you are wasting your time responding to a poster who deliberately uses rumour and misinformation (with a lie often thrown in) to 'grace' his arguments. There were posts not very long ago accusing Suthep - without a shred of evidence - of using donated money to buy land in the south. It's just part of the attempts to shoot the messenger when the message is inconvenient.

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