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Moving to Chiang Mai

eric eiser

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There are nasty people wherever you go... it's amazing how the mention of such a positive activity could upset anyone..

Their loss, I will lay low and stay under the radar.

Thanks for your advice, I learned something through this...

very best to you,


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If you want to teach and you obviously have the credentials. What you should be doing is contacting the international schools and looking for a position in your area. You would not only have a decent salary, ticket to Thailand, but also your visa. Further more the decent schools hire from abroad and even if the schools hire from within the country, they give better packages to those applying from abroad.

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I was thinking it could be more like a club, or a hobby -- not a way to make money. Just collect enough money from the people to pay the model. But, this may not have been what Eric had in mind. Perhaps he thought he could make money teaching other retired expats how to do life drawing.

No interest in giving lessons, just a gathering of people with similar interest and drawing... that's all.

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Hey, CM sounds great. Watch for me too. Before June is out. I will rent not buy for 6 months. I will learn to shoot par, draw incomparable nudes, speak good conversational Thai, eat like a prince, explore the elephant and monkey kingdoms are not spend more than US$1000 per month. I cannot wait to retire. Any sunburn in CM as i am very pale?

Loads of sun, got the %$#@ burnt out of me last Sunday when I forgot to cover up.

Was only out for 45 minutes.

But CM is a great place to socialize and mix with many nationalities.

Only last week, went out to lunch with 3 ladies, New Zealand, America, Canada and Israel were all represented.

CM is a truly multinational experience, never been anywhere else like it in the world.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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  • 2 months later...

I've met and observed plenty of people in thailand, chiang mai and other beautiful spots, who have become so skilled at converting heaven into hell. They seem determined to live in hell even when they're in a heaven.

This is metaphorical, every place has its downs, but it never ceases to amaze me how people can be so negative. I mean, a bunch of farang musicians getting busted once, and a few bar owners getting busted and chiang mai is a terrible place.

You couldn't make it up.

However, the worst one i saw was in chaloklum beach in koh phangan a few years ago where young british dive shop owners were creating their own hell amongst themselves with petty jealousies and bitterness fueling their competition in what must be some of the most awe-inspiring nature the world can offer. It was stupendous! I could not believe it.

No, chiang mai is not 100% perfect, but nowhere is. But it's streets ahead of much of the world. Just be careful if you're in a bar and happen to meet one of those hell-creators...

So true... One good thing is that it is much easier to avoid negative people in Chiang Main than in NYC...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for the feedback... as soon as my condo in Brooklyn sells I will be there. I am definately interested in setting up an expat drawing workshop. There should be a lot of people interested I would think. All that's needed is a model (or two) and some drawing pads. In Brooklyn

we have drawing workshops in bars around the neighborhood. It's a great investment in time and really rewarding as you realize progress

and get feedback from other participants. I don't see how that could be against any rules, but who knows.

Hope to be there soon, at least by summer!

It's almost certainly against the law. And all it takes is one spiteful person -usuallly it's another farang - to turn you in and put you in a mess of trouble. At the least, please consult with an experienced immigration lawyer before you embark on giving lessons. Trying to decide what is lawful and what is not based on what is reasonable can lead to disaster anywhere - but especially in Thailand.

I'm not even slightly convinced that 'usually it's another Farang'. On the contrary, it is usually a jealous Thai. The bottom line is and has always been never do anything that makes money that a Thai could also do. Always chose something they are incapable of - usually that means linguistically incapable of - and don't advertise it. This is especially true in the south of the country, but even in Chiang Mai it doesn't do to be seen to be doing work a Thai could do.

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  • 2 months later...

Hey, CM sounds great. Watch for me too. Before June is out. I will rent not buy for 6 months. I will learn to shoot par, draw incomparable nudes, speak good conversational Thai, eat like a prince, explore the elephant and monkey kingdoms are not spend more than US$1000 per month. I cannot wait to retire. Any sunburn in CM as i am very pale?


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  • 3 months later...

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