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Buddha Issara to sue Khaosod for Bt100 mil


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For those of you that are worried about what he is doing with the cash:

Unlike politicians, he is actually helping the rice farmers. He bought machines for the farmers and teach them how to use them. He also teach them how to open their own trade business to directly sell the rice, so they do not have to depend on the government, on the trade-millers, or on other commissioners and intermediates that are only interested in enlarging their pockets.





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Now that the farmers have learned, they can continue the business by themselves and teach other farmers to do the same.

Auto-sufficient economy, with no vultures involved in the process.

At the Chaengwattana Phra Issara's protester's site, things are much more productive and interesting for the true development of the people than at Suthep's PDRC site


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This monk has an affinity for cash.

I wonder what Buddha would think of him?

Your just as bad as the newspaper, and if he knew who you really are, and not just a coward that hides behind a keyboard

He could Sue you as well for this comment

Please show me proof that he wanted this money for himself

Why he can not want the monies to help the priesthood

everyday people donate money to Monks, and this money goes to the temples and priesthood

so are they all have an affinity to Cash

On this subject you will get no argument from me, but I keep my thoughts to my self

You have insulted every Thai who loves the Monkhood with your posting

I hope you will now be a real man and apoligise to Thais for you comment made before thinking them through

This is the monk who recently extorted B120,000 from a hotel isn't it?


Your ability to commit libel is outstanding

extorted I hope you can prove that

Other may say it was compenstation

So I guess in your mind, billions of baht every year are extorted from Thais to give to the temples

Please show us the facts that this money was kept by him for his own financial gain?

an apoligy to the Thai people would be nice !!!!!

Compensation is to recompense suitably. He book 10 rooms but asked for 120,000B. Certainly no suitabilty and there was threat (extortion) when you have a big group of people at your hotel lobby. Similar to PDRC leader Witthaya and his group harassing M-link, owned by niece of Taksin to sell their mobile phone at 10,000 when the standard is 15,000B. No choice but have to give in to such threat. Witthaya then said he will come back to buy 1,000 sets and if not given the same discounted price, he will file case with the police. Clear cut threats. Conclusion both are extortion cases.

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"In Australia girls spend the nights at the temple to serve buddha, so their luck will be good at the Casino the next day"

Lol, I have not been there, but I remember girls stripping naked and dancing around the shrine in front of the old Erawan Hotel in the belief they would find a husband. I cannot imagine anything more logical or practical.

I'm reminded of an old adage, in the marketing industry, "it pays to advertise !" rolleyes.gif

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This mans credibility and adherence to the precepts required by the Thai version of Buddhism is under review. I would respectfully suggest that we allow his superiors and peers to judge as to his suitability to wear the robe.

Is the monk who jetsets around the world in a private jet, with billions stashed away overseas his superior?

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This monk has an affinity for cash.

I wonder what Buddha would think of him?

Riches ruin only the foolish, not those in quest of the Beyond. By craving for riches the witless man ruins himself as well as others.

-- the Dhammapada. the Buddha's path to wisdom.

Then why is their more wealth in Buddhist temples in Thailand, than in any other religion in Thailand

Why is Gold so important in Thai temples?

This is Thailand and do Thais really understand true Buddism, where they pay merit at the temple for things they have done, and will do in the next week

Where people buy their seat in heaven with money donated

Why when I go to Panthrip plaza do I see monks buying the latest camera's and computers

In Australia girls spend the nights at the temple to serve buddha, so their luck will be good at the Casino the next day

Personally I can not answer these questions, and it it not my place to judge

But if the monks can help the poor Thai people with monies they get, I think it is great

So if this is the intention of this monk, he gets 10 out of 10 from me

But there are many here, on TVF who put this Monk down, because he is on the side of the protestors (the thai people)

Just one question , if I may. What if he was on the pro-government side ? Would that not make him on the side of the Thai people also ?

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After spouting off about the evilness of the Shinawatras, he showed up at a Shin hotel with a mob far in excess of the rooms he booked and was denied entry, he then demanded money for his 8 busses / trucks and other vehicles.

It was a criminal act of extortion that cannot be defended by any reputable law abiding citizen

Try breach of contract by the hotel - much like the government taking rice off farmers and failing to meet their contractual obligations by paying for it.

Wops, I forgot the Shins are above the law.

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This mans credibility and adherence to the precepts required by the Thai version of Buddhism is under review. I would respectfully suggest that we allow his superiors and peers to judge as to his suitability to wear the robe.

Is the monk who jetsets around the world in a private jet, with billions stashed away overseas his superior?

No. Do not mix the things. That was another monk called Nen Kham. And precisely, it was Phra Buddha Issara who presented charges against Nen Kham amid the passivity of the authorities to take action against him.

Those of you who are questioning the suitability of Phra Issara to wear the robes, could you please indicate which of the 227 rules of the Buddhist monks (Vinaya Pitaka) is he breaking? Thank You.

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This monk has an affinity for cash.

I wonder what Buddha would think of him?

Your just as bad as the newspaper, and if he knew who you really are, and not just a coward that hides behind a keyboard

He could Sue you as well for this comment

Please show me proof that he wanted this money for himself

Why he can not want the monies to help the priesthood

everyday people donate money to Monks, and this money goes to the temples and priesthood

so are they all have an affinity to Cash

On this subject you will get no argument from me, but I keep my thoughts to my self

You have insulted every Thai who loves the Monkhood with your posting

I hope you will now be a real man and apoligise to Thais for you comment made before thinking them through

This is the monk who recently extorted B120,000 from a hotel isn't it?


and what does this mean?

does this mean he used the money for himself?

may be he donated for a good purpose?

the intention of your remark is evil, even if the text might be correct

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

and what is he going to do with the cash if he gets it, donate it to charity or buy a new Merc to get to the temple? I find it hard to believe that he is a real monk just appears to be another money hungry corrupt person.

Did you get out of bed on the wrong side this morning?

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and what is he going to do with the cash if he gets it, donate it to charity or buy a new Merc to get to the temple? I find it hard to believe that he is a real monk just appears to be another money hungry corrupt person.

So you are saying

If he donates it to charity then it is okay

But if he buys a new Merc to get to the temple he is not

Okay I agree with you

but what gives TVF member the right to judge him before the fact, wait till we see the truth of his intentions

it is against Sangha Rules to be engaged in politics - either side

he is a disgrace to Buddhism

EDIT: no monks should be engaged in politics and so I condemn those at the red shirt rally just as much (being a fair poster lol)

Edited by binjalin
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What with it suddenly being open season in the courts against the government and its supporters, I can entirely understand this shyster's actions.

I'm currently thinking about suing the government myself - for just 10 million, mind, I'm not that greedy - as I fell down an uncovered manhole the other day. Reckon I got a chance.

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Khaosod do not report the news. They fashion literature. Their publication deserves a place along with all those red shirt mags that are readily on sale at any Seven Eleven outlet in the north, the ones with Thaksin's face emblazoned. Khaosod isn't for everyone, however. Khaosod aims towards an audience that might find the National Enquirer too sophisticated. Khaosod is easy on the brain. Khaosod is an adult version of the comics.

Of course, guess who is delivering this news story ? Khaosod ! But already one senses they're on the defensive. The photograph is actually flattering. The " alleges " and " reported to have said " and " known for " have suddenly disappeared from their lexicon - at least for the moment. Gone is the Tolkien thesaurus they refer to whenever they " quote " the PDRC.

At least for the moment.

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I was waiting for this to happen.

Khaosod have overstepped the mark with their twisting of facts to stir political hatred, and when this shambles are out of power, Khaosod will find itself facing many defamation charges which will bring it to its knees.

A good day for truth and anti-propaganda.

What's the problem? You have something against the truth? He should be defroked and sent to jail for what he has done.

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This monk has an affinity for cash.

I wonder what Buddha would think of him?

Maybe you should learn to read before shooting your mouth off or doesn't that suit your red rabble spin.

Quote: Nevertheless, it is understood that Buddha Issara has not taken any formal step in filing the libel lawsuit, and his appearance at the court was merely symbolic. Unquote. Khaosod English

Edited by Artisi
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if any regular person had done what this so called monk had they would be in jail for the rest of their lives.

no they wouldnt,try for a decent post for once..no-ones impressed ...rest of their lives get real..bruce.

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and what is he going to do with the cash if he gets it, donate it to charity or buy a new Merc to get to the temple? I find it hard to believe that he is a real monk just appears to be another money hungry corrupt person.

So you are saying

If he donates it to charity then it is okay

But if he buys a new Merc to get to the temple he is not

Okay I agree with you

but what gives TVF member the right to judge him before the fact, wait till we see the truth of his intentions

it is against Sangha Rules to be engaged in politics - either side

he is a disgrace to Buddhism

EDIT: no monks should be engaged in politics and so I condemn those at the red shirt rally just as much (being a fair poster lol)

I agree it is terrible behaviour for a supposed monk, but ts not against the monk rules to engage in politics. Can you cite any vinaya rule as evidence?

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Whatever happened to this monk facing the national board of Buddhism for his actions of blocking polling booths on February 2nd.?

Or is he just like sutep and hasn't got the time?

Blocking thai peoples right to vote?

Yep he's for the people alright!

Maybe there is a pattern emerging here from certain group of posters

Its ok to defame a monk cause if he takes action he is in breach of .... (according to them)

Its alright to assault a monk who is not seen as supportive of the actions of the reds ... Pt

Right I see!

Just like when they tried to close the hospital at Ubonrat earlier this year because the director would not support the - shame the local rice farmers put an end to that

And I suppose the kids that were shot were not actively support the red/PT government so they just got what was coming to them.

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If he were a true monk he would not behave as such it is merely a disguise !!

it is against Sangha Rules to be engaged in politics - either side

he is a disgrace to Buddhism

EDIT: no monks should be engaged in politics and so I condemn those at the red shirt rally just as much (being a fair poster lol)

Could you please indicate which specific rules from the Vinaya Pitaka?. Thank You

Gentle reminder:

Those of you who are questioning the suitability of Phra Issara to wear the robes, could you please indicate which of the 227 rules of the Buddhist monks (Vinaya Pitaka) is he breaking? Thank You.
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This monk has an affinity for cash.

I wonder what Buddha would think of him?

"Nevertheless, it is understood that Buddha Issara has not taken any formal step in filing the libel lawsuit, and his appearance at the court was merely symbolic."

Meanwhile I'm sure Buddha Issara will have compassion for you as well and not file a libel lawsuit against you.

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