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Thailand may lag behind neighbous under AEC framework


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Thailand may lag behind neighbous under AEC framework
By English News


BANGKOK, April 10 - The delayed expansion of business among small and medium enterprises may lead to Thailand failing to keep pace with the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), due to be launched next year, a senior Commerce Ministry said today.

Pongpun Gearaviriyapun, director general of the Business Development Department, said the political turmoil has disrupted coordination among state agencies in executing the plan to develop Thailand's small and medium businesses to become competitive with neighbouring countries.

Business operators have also delayed their investment expansion until the political direction is clear, she said.

She said the department will move on with the plan by coordinating with related agencies and private institutes to provide knowledge and understanding to entrepreneurs of small and medium businesses so that they prepare themselves for competition with neighbouring countries
under the AEC framework.

Ms Pongpun said many business operators focus on competing domestically instead of internationally but the business and service sectors in Southeast Asian countries will penetrate Thailand, becoming their competitors, when the AEC is active.

She said the department will help business operators find overseas distribution channels through trade fairs and raw material sourcing to improve the quality and standards of Thai products. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2014-04-10

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How many target group businesses/Thai have experience in the foreign markets that they may want or more important be able, to supply?

How many expierenced, knowledgable people does this bgroup have access to to do the required training?

Trips overseas to trade fairs is a nice perk, but you need plans, contacts, product sample, local bank backing for bonds, adequate front monies/capital, bonified line of credit, etc

The Commerce nor Finance Ministry has not been sucessful in even protecting themselves (taxpayer money) from the groups they have tried to do business who have defaulted. 3

A groups of inexperienced teachers/training staff attempting to teach those unitiated businesses how to survuve, and prosper in a internatial marketplace.which some have described as similar to the scammers locally but on a much larger scale.

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The delayed expansion of business among small and medium enterprises may lead to Thailand failing to keep pace with the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), due to be launched next year, a senior Commerce Ministry said today.

The launch date is Dec 31 2015.

Schools have been busy preparing kids for AEC, teaching them the names of member countries and painting bright signs with ASEAN written on them. Many Thai adults couldn't name member states, but 'professionals' are becoming very frightened at the thought of having to compete with foreigners for jobs.

Considering the size of its tourism industry, Thailand should be well placed to open up tourism businesses in other ASEAN countries, particularly Burma, Cambodia and Laos. But the poor level of English and unprofessional nature of businesses here means they stand to lose from an influx of foreign guides and companies. I can't see large Singaporean companies tolerating the scams and dodgy practices that are the norm in Phuket, which may explain why the island would like to be exempt from the AEC.

I don't thing Thailand will ever open up. My bet is even if they accept the AEC in writing, it won't be accepted in practice. Probably the same for many of the other countries, most of which have rely on protectionism to maintain the status quo.

welcome sir,and a fine start to your new career here..good post.right on the money..happy holiday..

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Thats a surprise! I think Thailand thought they would be leading the packsad.png . Those countries that are willing to take best practice from around the world will be in the forefront and at the moment that is not Thailand. When they stop thinking that everyone else is stupid and they know best things might change, it starts in the education system, stop telling the kids that they are a superior race, start telling them that there are a lot of clever people over the borders and you need to be as clever as them or more so or things are going to get a lot worse in the future, its your life make a difference for your country, or, get left behind.

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The professionals in LOS alwys welcome new opportunities with open arms,legs and minds.

ASEAN protocls will be delayed by expense of the character,

Chaacter set in Malaysia Ino,Singers,Timor are all similar with minor variations.

Enterprising well managed enterprises all ove rthe region already have aligua franca,jek it out,Yuan scene nothing yet.

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Interesting for years the government is planning to do something or another to make Thailand the hub of ASEAN and now those anti-government protests are blamed for delays in executing plans which would miraculously transform Thailand within a year to be totally ready, competitive and leading in AEC opening next year.

All the governments time went to try to get a blanket amnesty for "brother Thaksin" to time left to make Thailand the hub of ASEAN. Sadly for all the people of Thailand.

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this is a joke, they said that the police would be speaking english by the time it starts and my BIL who is a senior cop cant speak one word of english let alone understand it nor can most other police. This govt has ballsed around for so long doing sweet fa about asean and now they are trying to blame the protesters when it is due entirely to their own pathetic leadership. What you aqlso have top allow for is the fact that thai businesses will not allow anyone to take away their market so they will be doing everything to stop this from happening, asean will simply never happen here.

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political turmoil has disrupted coordination among state agencies in executing the plan to develop Thailand's small and medium businesses to become competitive with neighbouring countries. It is the PDRC's fault.

The rice scheme failure. The PDRC's fault.

1st car buyers grant payment failure. The PDRC's fault.

The corruption in the rice scheme. There was no corruption.

If guilty of corruption. The NACC are tools of the amart.

The EC are partisan by nature yet they suspend the BKK DEM governor. DEM plot. They are still partisan.

Inflation due to 300 baht minimum wage. Can't blame the DEM's so the hot weather was to blame for this one.

Why did the chicken cross the road? The DEM's made it cross.

And the lack of accountability goes on and on and on and on.

Edited by djjamie
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There is the real world and there is the pretend world of Thailand, you only to have to look at the presentation of the Asean Community designed to look like children holding hands, some of those countries have grown up and they will be the winners, Thailand is not prepared for the opportunity, other are. Those who rest on their laurels and do not look to the future are the ones to blame as are the ones who think that rallies are the answer, they forfeit the country for future generations, I dont know is it a culture thing, mind block or have they just missed a trick, perhaps they think that Asean members are as stupid as farangs.

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Thailand will end up being a powerhouse in the AEC bloc in the long run. The implementation of AEC has now been put back to December 2015 and it is doubtful that many of the other countries ( Philippines, Indonesia and Cambodia as examples) are going to be fully ready either for its revised start.

The AEC is going to change the ASEAN business landscape beyond recognition and in a positive way and many of us in transnational businesses in the region are gearing towards it with great anticipation.

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Unfortunately Thailand is nothing more than a small golfish.


In addition to that, it's a propaganda brainwashed society, controlled by nepotism related, arrogant, backstabbing race of greedy Thai-Chinese criminals.

This Face first propaganda policy will hold Thailand back 4ever

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And so it begins. This is the first time I have seen any recognition that Thai businesses may have difficulty competing with neighboring countries.

I disagree that the political situation is solely to blame, there are many issues deeply rooted in Thai business practices that do not travel well.

Hard lessons to be learnt I think, and very soon.

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The professionals in LOS alwys welcome new opportunities with open arms,legs and minds.

ASEAN protocls will be delayed by expense of the character,

Chaacter set in Malaysia Ino,Singers,Timor are all similar with minor variations.

Enterprising well managed enterprises all ove rthe region already have aligua franca,jek it out,Yuan scene nothing yet.

<deleted> does this mean?

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Well, I do not know what you think but I knew this from the moment ASEAN was conceived. The logicals behind ASEAN is what is happening with AECs and other developments. Thailands plutocratic oligarchy prevented this country moving beyond the 18th century.
After a sumptuous meal by the oligarchs it is time to ask for "check bin" and they will be in for a very very very nasty surprise. The smarter cookies moved offshore already, some expand here like if there is no tomorrow and the rest will be poking noses and wonder what the hell had happened.
Thailand at the crossroads wondering in which direction it would go best to keep the status quo and its people stupid and dumb whereas the "lower/lesser" neighbours like Lao PDR, Cambodia and Myanmar are moving forward - mostly in the right direction!

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Interesting for years the government is planning to do something or another to make Thailand the hub of ASEAN and now those anti-government protests are blamed for delays in executing plans which would miraculously transform Thailand within a year to be totally ready, competitive and leading in AEC opening next year.

They want to be the hub but not engage with the countriew around on equal terms

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