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Niwatthamrong testifies in NACC to defend Yingluck


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Wouldn't it seem reasonable to have the evidence of corruption laid out for all to see before anyone is accused of allowing it to happen?

I have heard accusations left, right & centre from Suthep, the Dems & the TV yellow cheer-leading squad of corruption, but as yet no-one has outlined what the corruption actually was.

Several times daily on TV I read ridiculous claims of how all the money from the scheme is being sent directly to Dubai, but I have yet to see a shred of evidence. There was one unsubstantiated claim of bank accounts in Hong Kong, but nothing came of it.

Could any of those who regularly jump up & down about the 'massive corruption in the rice scam' please enlighten me as to the form of this 'scam'?

Thanks in advance.

Erm.... What planet are you from?

Since when does a prosecution case (investigation) lay out all the evidence before a trial?

Do you see it happen in court cases?... No you don't... you are put on the spot in order to catch you out, not give you all the evidence. That is what being in the dock is all about.

Also she was give a total of over 300 pages of evidence already remember.... or did you forget that?????

She hasn't been charged with corruption. She has been charged with negligence & dereliction of duty. As they are the Anti-Corruption Commission they should be ensuring that the corruption is stamped out immediately, before going after the PM. Once they have done their primary job, i.e. to stop the corruption then they can deal with such issues. Reality is though, eliminating corruption isn't their agenda.

Stamp out corruption? I thought there was no corruption in the 'rice price pledging scheme'? Or maybe just a wee little bit only because it was a hugely successful scheme?

Anyway, someone asked the NACC to look into the negligence part and they did. That's what the NACC does. Already for many years even.

"The NAP later filed impeachment proceedings with the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) against Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai and the Minister of Finance Tarrin Nimmanahaeminda for violation of the Constitution.[5] The NAP argued that the letter of intent that the government signed with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to secure emergency financial support was a treaties, and that Article 224 of the Constitution stipulated that the government must receive prior consent from Parliament to enter a treaty.

The NACC determined the issue concerned a constitutional interpretation and petitioned the Constitutional Court for an opinion. The Court ruled the IMF letters were not treaties, as internationally defined, because they were unilateral documents from the Thai government with no rules for enforcement or provisions for penalty. Moreover, the IMF itself had worded the letters in a way that stated that the letters were not contractual agreements."


What a load of . They are the National Anti-CORRUPTION Commission. If there is any corruption in the rice scheme, they should have uncovered it. After that it would be legitimate to go after those in charge. They are doing this arse-about face and it doesn't stink of bias it reeks.

Well Mr. teacher, because you say so loud that there isn't any corruption else they had uncovered it, can you than please tell us where the money went? Or why ms Y, cann't come up with some witnesses that will show where the money went?

If there is no corruption and she shows the books, the case is over and don't have to use her smart witnesses.

Waiting for your answer.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Corruption is normally first hinted at via study of a spread sheet or as some say a P and L statement. This has been asked for many times by various departments, Opposition, etc to no avail. Of course Rich teacher is probably aware of this as well as the revelations made by a Finance ministry ''whistle blower'' many months ago. As Charperson of the rice program Yingluck's response to these accusations was to tranfer Supa out of the ministry and instruct members of the Commerce ministry to investigate the charges to which they were a party from the get go.

The investigating team declared no corruption in the program. In direct controdiction to this declaration the governor of one area found several million tons missing, stored rice began to self combust, spoiledge at store facilities documented by third partys when they could gain access and things have been snowballing since then.

Did I mention the black listed storage facilities found to be part of the program, 80+, but that may have been in error as the count on warehouses being used varied from 1900 Commerce count to 2900 Ag bank count. Did anyone mention the methods being used to prevent Supa from being confirmed, by this caretaker government?

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My dearist Teacher, the corruption charges against your beloved Yingluck will be forthcomming. After this case is resolved and the court decides it wants to recover stolen monies, Ms YL will have all the time she needs to prepare for corruption charges as she will no longer be a caretaker PM. It does my heart good to see that at this late point in the game, that MsYL still has supporters who can see no wrong was done.


Edited by BillyBobThai
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What a load of . They are the National Anti-CORRUPTION Commission. If there is any corruption in the rice scheme, they should have uncovered it. After that it would be legitimate to go after those in charge. They are doing this arse-about face and it doesn't stink of bias it reeks.

Well Mr. teacher, because you say so loud that there isn't any corruption else they had uncovered it, can you than please tell us where the money went? Or why ms Y, cann't come up with some witnesses that will show where the money went?

If there is no corruption and she shows the books, the case is over and don't have to use her smart witnesses.

Waiting for your answer.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Thailand's current stockpiles of rice are estimated at 18 million tonnes. That's where the money is.

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This whole press release squeaks Kangaroo ... maybe it is all lost in translation but we will never be privy to the real machinations... the comments about prison door and all that are way over the top.. and certainly should not be uttered prior to a judgement/decision...IMO and far from what I think an independent commission should be releasing to the press...maybe it was meant to incite...who knows...blows my mind what goes on here... lo these many years ...lolol.... I think I have heard it all but more to come I guess. For sure gonna bring out the reds versus yellows here on TV though...I predict.......... uber gloating! YEEHAW!

LOL should not be uttered prior judgment woohaaaaaaaa Mr Dirt farmer what the hell has Ms Y been saying prior judgment Ok for the reds to spout off lies before judgment? Blows my mind as well how the Militant arm of of the current caretaker Govt can spout their agenda on facebook media etc.Why is it always ok for UDD to spout crap the govt to threaten but when someone who is against said regime cannot? Takes two to tango cant have it all your own way Mr Farmer Just because people don't follow Thaksins mantra they don't have a voice?

Oh believe me there Mr dinooz..none of this is my way...or your way...but it is not the dems saying this... it is supposedly an independent commission...someone who is going to make a major decision soon... so your attempt to equate this to a red PTP vs Suthep and or Dems thing... kinda loses it's traction... There was no mention by any UDD REDS in this article as far as I can see...just a rice expert... the NACC guy and the witness...in case you missed it..and also this picture is of Niwatthamrong Boonsongpaisan...but the entire article cites testimony from yesterdays witness.......sol the whole press release is a bit daffy...and I still believe an independent agency should cap it till after a decision, is announced.. then give their reasoning behind it...but hey This is Thailand ..

A Rice Expert? No just a dem MP with an agenda and furnished with cash to provide "evidence"

Warong: probe required money, help from many who fear project's impacts

BANGKOK: -- Democrat MP Warong Dechgitvigrom has earned much praise for his expose of alleged fraud in the government’s controversial rice price-pledging project. But to gain the valuable information, he had to invest a lot of time and money, and rely on experts in various fields to get the job done.

"It's extremely difficult. It's very tiring work," he said.

He refused to disclose how much he had spent, but said that every step of the investigation required money. "But it's worth it," he said.

"We also got a lot of useful information from good bureaucrats," he added.


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What a load of . They are the National Anti-CORRUPTION Commission. If there is any corruption in the rice scheme, they should have uncovered it. After that it would be legitimate to go after those in charge. They are doing this arse-about face and it doesn't stink of bias it reeks.

Well Mr. teacher, because you say so loud that there isn't any corruption else they had uncovered it, can you than please tell us where the money went? Or why ms Y, cann't come up with some witnesses that will show where the money went?

If there is no corruption and she shows the books, the case is over and don't have to use her smart witnesses.

Waiting for your answer.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Thailand's current stockpiles of rice are estimated at 18 million tonnes. That's where the money is.

is it accruing interst? or is it depreciating? Is it a good investment for the Thai mpolulace or do you think there maybe a better way to invest in the countries wealth?

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Wouldn't it seem reasonable to have the evidence of corruption laid out for all to see before anyone is accused of allowing it to happen?

I have heard accusations left, right & centre from Suthep, the Dems & the TV yellow cheer-leading squad of corruption, but as yet no-one has outlined what the corruption actually was.

Several times daily on TV I read ridiculous claims of how all the money from the scheme is being sent directly to Dubai, but I have yet to see a shred of evidence. There was one unsubstantiated claim of bank accounts in Hong Kong, but nothing came of it.

Could any of those who regularly jump up & down about the 'massive corruption in the rice scam' please enlighten me as to the form of this 'scam'?

Thanks in advance.

Doesn't it seems strange to you that only 18% of the money goes to poor farmers? Google it!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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This whole press release squeaks Kangaroo ... maybe it is all lost in translation but we will never be privy to the real machinations... the comments about prison door and all that are way over the top.. and certainly should not be uttered prior to a judgement/decision...IMO and far from what I think an independent commission should be releasing to the press...maybe it was meant to incite...who knows...blows my mind what goes on here... lo these many years ...lolol.... I think I have heard it all but more to come I guess. For sure gonna bring out the reds versus yellows here on TV though...I predict.......... uber gloating! YEEHAW!

So if you're not drinking then what are you taking?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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What a load of . They are the National Anti-CORRUPTION Commission. If there is any corruption in the rice scheme, they should have uncovered it. After that it would be legitimate to go after those in charge. They are doing this arse-about face and it doesn't stink of bias it reeks.

Well Mr. teacher, because you say so loud that there isn't any corruption else they had uncovered it, can you than please tell us where the money went? Or why ms Y, cann't come up with some witnesses that will show where the money went?

If there is no corruption and she shows the books, the case is over and don't have to use her smart witnesses.

Waiting for your answer.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Thailand's current stockpiles of rice are estimated at 18 million tonnes. That's where the money is.

It appears you are off by 5 to 8 million tons, at least according to what the commerce minister said last week.

The Thai government has sold about 17 million tons of stockpiled rice since the program began, according to data from the Ministry of Commerce. State stockpiles are estimated at 10 million to 13 million tons, Commerce Minister Niwattumrong Boonsongpaisan told reporters in Bangkok on March 7. The administration plans to raise at least 8 billion baht ($247 million) a month from sales, Niwattumrong said.

Thailand will have spent 880 billion baht on rice under the program from October 2011 to February 2014, according to the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives, including about 100 billion baht that hasn’t yet been paid to farmers. The government has recouped about 200 billion baht through stockpile sales, according to the Ministry of Commerce. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-04-02/price-war-seen-as-thai-rice-glut-swamps-market-southeast-asia.html

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This whole press release squeaks Kangaroo ... maybe it is all lost in translation but we will never be privy to the real machinations... the comments about prison door and all that are way over the top.. and certainly should not be uttered prior to a judgement/decision...IMO and far from what I think an independent commission should be releasing to the press...maybe it was meant to incite...who knows...blows my mind what goes on here... lo these many years ...lolol.... I think I have heard it all but more to come I guess. For sure gonna bring out the reds versus yellows here on TV though...I predict.......... uber gloating! YEEHAW!

LOL should not be uttered prior judgment woohaaaaaaaa Mr Dirt farmer what the hell has Ms Y been saying prior judgment Ok for the reds to spout off lies before judgment? Blows my mind as well how the Militant arm of of the current caretaker Govt can spout their agenda on facebook media etc.Why is it always ok for UDD to spout crap the govt to threaten but when someone who is against said regime cannot? Takes two to tango cant have it all your own way Mr Farmer Just because people don't follow Thaksins mantra they don't have a voice?

Oh believe me there Mr dinooz..none of this is my way...or your way...but it is not the dems saying this... it is supposedly an independent commission...someone who is going to make a major decision soon... so your attempt to equate this to a red PTP vs Suthep and or Dems thing... kinda loses it's traction... There was no mention by any UDD REDS in this article as far as I can see...just a rice expert... the NACC guy and the witness...in case you missed it..and also this picture is of Niwatthamrong Boonsongpaisan...but the entire article cites testimony from yesterdays witness.......sol the whole press release is a bit daffy...and I still believe an independent agency should cap it till after a decision, is announced.. then give their reasoning behind it...but hey This is Thailand ..

and I still believe the accused should cap too

Not me. There is way to much behind closed doors. that is a lot of the reason we are in the opposition we are uin niow. Best to bring it all out now and deal with it rather than leave it to fester behind closed doors. The witness was an idiot and I for the life of me can not see why her lawyers would bring him in. He gave absolutely no evidence that she did not know about it. The public deserves to know that is the only kind of witness she can has.

Maybe if she had been in Bangkok governing and let the minister of commerce jet set around the world she would have been able to stop it if she had some one point it out to her. She is not that much up on right and wrong and needs help with it. So far her biggest enemy has been Skype.

Even if she didn't know about it she as the chairperson should have known. Either way she is guilty of dereliction of duty.wai.gif

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This whole press release squeaks Kangaroo ... maybe it is all lost in translation but we will never be privy to the real machinations... the comments about prison door and all that are way over the top.. and certainly should not be uttered prior to a judgement/decision...IMO and far from what I think an independent commission should be releasing to the press...maybe it was meant to incite...who knows...blows my mind what goes on here... lo these many years ...lolol.... I think I have heard it all but more to come I guess. For sure gonna bring out the reds versus yellows here on TV though...I predict.......... uber gloating! YEEHAW!

You do understand that the comments of "former Democrat MP for Phitsanulok province Warong Dechgitvigrom" are not from the NACC, since he is not a member, don't you?

Of course you don't, if you did you'd realize your post is rubbish.

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This whole press release squeaks Kangaroo ... maybe it is all lost in translation but we will never be privy to the real machinations... the comments about prison door and all that are way over the top.. and certainly should not be uttered prior to a judgement/decision...IMO and far from what I think an independent commission should be releasing to the press...maybe it was meant to incite...who knows...blows my mind what goes on here... lo these many years ...lolol.... I think I have heard it all but more to come I guess. For sure gonna bring out the reds versus yellows here on TV though...I predict.......... uber gloating! YEEHAW!

You do understand that the comments of "former Democrat MP for Phitsanulok province Warong Dechgitvigrom" are not from the NACC, since he is not a member, don't you?

Of course you don't, if you did you'd realize your post is rubbish.

You do understand the first few words of my post yes..? "this whole press release reeks Kangaroo...?" We'll never know what was actually said or what transpired in that "hearing/meeting" and certainly without a doubt the picture of one guy with a headline and the reporting of a meeting/hearing of a different person..isn't/hasn't been really well thought out at all... the report/ form of report of this meeting/hearing is inaccurate...my issue was with the reporting press... not the comments of a former Dem MP who did " sleuthing" a couple of years back... but whatever his comments were..why were they injected into this supposed release of testimony from Niwatthamrong when in fact nothing in this report cites that testimony...... I just think it is shoddy reporting kind of a scattergun attempt at proffering inaccuracies all around...their post/press release OP is rubbish...

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Wouldn't it seem reasonable to have the evidence of corruption laid out for all to see before anyone is accused of allowing it to happen?

I have heard accusations left, right & centre from Suthep, the Dems & the TV yellow cheer-leading squad of corruption, but as yet no-one has outlined what the corruption actually was.

Several times daily on TV I read ridiculous claims of how all the money from the scheme is being sent directly to Dubai, but I have yet to see a shred of evidence. There was one unsubstantiated claim of bank accounts in Hong Kong, but nothing came of it.

Could any of those who regularly jump up & down about the 'massive corruption in the rice scam' please enlighten me as to the form of this 'scam'?

Thanks in advance.

I can't help on that one although I believe a lot of money has gone missing. Thaksin has been reported as saying money has been returned to him but I've no idea if that's true. I would have thought a case would have been brought against the government if that were true. I suppose we'll have to wait and see.

I don't think comments like “The prison gate is opening slowly for her to enter,” are helpful but that's Thai politics

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This whole press release squeaks Kangaroo ... maybe it is all lost in translation but we will never be privy to the real machinations... the comments about prison door and all that are way over the top.. and certainly should not be uttered prior to a judgement/decision...IMO and far from what I think an independent commission should be releasing to the press...maybe it was meant to incite...who knows...blows my mind what goes on here... lo these many years ...lolol.... I think I have heard it all but more to come I guess. For sure gonna bring out the reds versus yellows here on TV though...I predict.......... uber gloating! YEEHAW!

LOL should not be uttered prior judgment woohaaaaaaaa Mr Dirt farmer what the hell has Ms Y been saying prior judgment Ok for the reds to spout off lies before judgment? Blows my mind as well how the Militant arm of of the current caretaker Govt can spout their agenda on facebook media etc.Why is it always ok for UDD to spout crap the govt to threaten but when someone who is against said regime cannot? Takes two to tango cant have it all your own way Mr Farmer Just because people don't follow Thaksins mantra they don't have a voice?

Oh believe me there Mr dinooz..none of this is my way...or your way...but it is not the dems saying this... it is supposedly an independent commission...someone who is going to make a major decision soon... so your attempt to equate this to a red PTP vs Suthep and or Dems thing... kinda loses it's traction... There was no mention by any UDD REDS in this article as far as I can see...just a rice expert... the NACC guy and the witness...in case you missed it..and also this picture is of Niwatthamrong Boonsongpaisan...but the entire article cites testimony from yesterdays witness.......sol the whole press release is a bit daffy...and I still believe an independent agency should cap it till after a decision, is announced.. then give their reasoning behind it...but hey This is Thailand ..

Where do you get the idea that this is an NACC press release?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Wouldn't it seem reasonable to have the evidence of corruption laid out for all to see before anyone is accused of allowing it to happen?

I have heard accusations left, right & centre from Suthep, the Dems & the TV yellow cheer-leading squad of corruption, but as yet no-one has outlined what the corruption actually was.

Several times daily on TV I read ridiculous claims of how all the money from the scheme is being sent directly to Dubai, but I have yet to see a shred of evidence. There was one unsubstantiated claim of bank accounts in Hong Kong, but nothing came of it.

Could any of those who regularly jump up & down about the 'massive corruption in the rice scam' please enlighten me as to the form of this 'scam'?

Thanks in advance.

I can't help on that one although I believe a lot of money has gone missing. Thaksin has been reported as saying money has been returned to him but I've no idea if that's true. I would have thought a case would have been brought against the government if that were true. I suppose we'll have to wait and see.

I don't think comments like “The prison gate is opening slowly for her to enter,” are helpful but that's Thai politics

You are correct “The prison gate is opening slowly for her to enter,” Is over the top. But this is Thailand where outrageous claims are made on a regular basis. She probably deserves Jail time for dereliction of Duty as a Prime Minister in letting her brother call into Cabinet meetings for her. But this is Thailand and will never happen.

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This whole press release squeaks Kangaroo ... maybe it is all lost in translation but we will never be privy to the real machinations... the comments about prison door and all that are way over the top.. and certainly should not be uttered prior to a judgement/decision...IMO and far from what I think an independent commission should be releasing to the press...maybe it was meant to incite...who knows...blows my mind what goes on here... lo these many years ...lolol.... I think I have heard it all but more to come I guess. For sure gonna bring out the reds versus yellows here on TV though...I predict.......... uber gloating! YEEHAW!

"never be privy to the real machinations"

What, do you mean as in the case that no body (except those in the know of how disastrously wrong the rice scam was going) knew anything about the machinations of the scam. Where were the numbers? Top secret we were told, don't worry, everything is going swimmingly, Supa has got the numbers very wrong - well we will see who was right won't we!!

Yingluck knew the extent of the problems but failed to cancel it because it was 'big brothers' genius idea and HE can't be seen to be losing face as that is a rather un-Thai thing to happen to such a notorious icon that breathes corruption as if it was air!!!!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Wouldn't it seem reasonable to have the evidence of corruption laid out for all to see before anyone is accused of allowing it to happen?

I have heard accusations left, right & centre from Suthep, the Dems & the TV yellow cheer-leading squad of corruption, but as yet no-one has outlined what the corruption actually was.

Several times daily on TV I read ridiculous claims of how all the money from the scheme is being sent directly to Dubai, but I have yet to see a shred of evidence. There was one unsubstantiated claim of bank accounts in Hong Kong, but nothing came of it.

Could any of those who regularly jump up & down about the 'massive corruption in the rice scam' please enlighten me as to the form of this 'scam'?

Thanks in advance.

It does seem anomalous that the court is not required to be transparent to reveal evidence supporting the plaintiff's charges. All I've seen published are verbal allegations from Suthep-related parties OUTSIDE of the Government or RETIRED Democrat politicians.

I remain confused as well in that the charge before the Court is "dereliction of duty" and not "corruption." It seems Suthep, et al, consider both terms synonomous, maybe (being polite) because a quilty verdict of either would remove Yingluck (vis a vis Senate vote) from office. And while some TV commentors fault the administration from being less than transparent of the use of rice proceeds, there is apparently nothing in the laws that requires such degree of transparency (maybe as a holdover from the 2007 Democrat administration).

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Wouldn't it seem reasonable to have the evidence of corruption laid out for all to see before anyone is accused of allowing it to happen?

I have heard accusations left, right & centre from Suthep, the Dems & the TV yellow cheer-leading squad of corruption, but as yet no-one has outlined what the corruption actually was.

Several times daily on TV I read ridiculous claims of how all the money from the scheme is being sent directly to Dubai, but I have yet to see a shred of evidence. There was one unsubstantiated claim of bank accounts in Hong Kong, but nothing came of it.

Could any of those who regularly jump up & down about the 'massive corruption in the rice scam' please enlighten me as to the form of this 'scam'?

Thanks in advance.

It does seem anomalous that the court is not required to be transparent to reveal evidence supporting the plaintiff's charges. All I've seen published are verbal allegations from Suthep-related parties OUTSIDE of the Government or RETIRED Democrat politicians.

I remain confused as well in that the charge before the Court is "dereliction of duty" and not "corruption." It seems Suthep, et al, consider both terms synonomous, maybe (being polite) because a quilty verdict of either would remove Yingluck (vis a vis Senate vote) from office. And while some TV commentors fault the administration from being less than transparent of the use of rice proceeds, there is apparently nothing in the laws that requires such degree of transparency (maybe as a holdover from the 2007 Democrat administration).

What court are you referring to?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Wouldn't it seem reasonable to have the evidence of corruption laid out for all to see before anyone is accused of allowing it to happen?

I have heard accusations left, right & centre from Suthep, the Dems & the TV yellow cheer-leading squad of corruption, but as yet no-one has outlined what the corruption actually was.

Several times daily on TV I read ridiculous claims of how all the money from the scheme is being sent directly to Dubai, but I have yet to see a shred of evidence. There was one unsubstantiated claim of bank accounts in Hong Kong, but nothing came of it.

Could any of those who regularly jump up & down about the 'massive corruption in the rice scam' please enlighten me as to the form of this 'scam'?

Thanks in advance.

It does seem anomalous that the court is not required to be transparent to reveal evidence supporting the plaintiff's charges. All I've seen published are verbal allegations from Suthep-related parties OUTSIDE of the Government or RETIRED Democrat politicians.

I remain confused as well in that the charge before the Court is "dereliction of duty" and not "corruption." It seems Suthep, et al, consider both terms synonomous, maybe (being polite) because a quilty verdict of either would remove Yingluck (vis a vis Senate vote) from office. And while some TV commentors fault the administration from being less than transparent of the use of rice proceeds, there is apparently nothing in the laws that requires such degree of transparency (maybe as a holdover from the 2007 Democrat administration).

where I come from the prosecution does not make uit a habit of revealing all their evidence against the accused. But they do reveal it to the Defense. That is why I can not understand Yingluck not bringing in witness to show that she knew nothing about what was happening.

For the sake of discussion let us assume the plan was a good one and needs no defense. What good is that when she is charged with dereliction off duty. I knew she was a less than bright person but I thought she had enough sense to get a good lawyer. On the other hand it could be a Thaksin supplied lawyer to sell her down the river.facepalm.gif

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Wouldn't it seem reasonable to have the evidence of corruption laid out for all to see before anyone is accused of allowing it to happen?

I have heard accusations left, right & centre from Suthep, the Dems & the TV yellow cheer-leading squad of corruption, but as yet no-one has outlined what the corruption actually was.

Several times daily on TV I read ridiculous claims of how all the money from the scheme is being sent directly to Dubai, but I have yet to see a shred of evidence. There was one unsubstantiated claim of bank accounts in Hong Kong, but nothing came of it.

Could any of those who regularly jump up & down about the 'massive corruption in the rice scam' please enlighten me as to the form of this 'scam'?

Thanks in advance.

It does seem anomalous that the court is not required to be transparent to reveal evidence supporting the plaintiff's charges. All I've seen published are verbal allegations from Suthep-related parties OUTSIDE of the Government or RETIRED Democrat politicians.

I remain confused as well in that the charge before the Court is "dereliction of duty" and not "corruption." It seems Suthep, et al, consider both terms synonomous, maybe (being polite) because a quilty verdict of either would remove Yingluck (vis a vis Senate vote) from office. And while some TV commentors fault the administration from being less than transparent of the use of rice proceeds, there is apparently nothing in the laws that requires such degree of transparency (maybe as a holdover from the 2007 Democrat administration).

What court are you referring to?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You have to forgive him. He is new and thinks the Democrats were in power in 2007. Probably lives in a red shirt village where honesty is not considered a virtue or drinks in a red shirt bar where honesty is not considered a virtue. They are liable to claim any thing and there is always some one gullible enough to swallow it. Then they turn Thai and can not loose face so they continue on with the lies.

Or on the other hand received their education in Thailand.

I am in no way Thai bashing just stating facts.

Along with the hint that the Thai education system is lacking. Due to all the previous administrations.

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What a load of . They are the National Anti-CORRUPTION Commission. If there is any corruption in the rice scheme, they should have uncovered it. After that it would be legitimate to go after those in charge. They are doing this arse-about face and it doesn't stink of bias it reeks.

Well Mr. teacher, because you say so loud that there isn't any corruption else they had uncovered it, can you than please tell us where the money went? Or why ms Y, cann't come up with some witnesses that will show where the money went?

If there is no corruption and she shows the books, the case is over and don't have to use her smart witnesses.

Waiting for your answer.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Thailand's current stockpiles of rice are estimated at 18 million tonnes. That's where the money is.

WOW. Even Kittiratt said "details of rice accounting figures are confidential and cannot be released to the public." and you have insider information that has not been released to the public and blow the whole thing wide open.

Maybe the NACC can use you as a witness for yingluck? Now why didn't the PTP think of answering the question with your answer instead of saying "we can't tell the public"

​You can answer the hard questions with easy while Nattawat who usually can't close his mouth couldn't even answer the question at a press conference. Maybe you should be the PTP spokesman. Not the one that denies everything, but the one that can answer the questions with ease.

Below is

1. Nattawut on Protests

2. Nattawut on Democracy

3. Nattawut on Rice Policy


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quote name="fstarbkk" post="7674754" timestamp="1397127613"]

Wouldn't it seem reasonable to have the evidence of corruption laid out for all to see before anyone is accused of allowing it to happen?

I have heard accusations left, right & centre from Suthep, the Dems & the TV yellow cheer-leading squad of corruption, but as yet no-one has outlined what the corruption actually was.

Several times daily on TV I read ridiculous claims of how all the money from the scheme is being sent directly to Dubai, but I have yet to see a shred of evidence. There was one unsubstantiated claim of bank accounts in Hong Kong, but nothing came of it.

Could any of those who regularly jump up & down about the 'massive corruption in the rice scam' please enlighten me as to the form of this 'scam'?

Thanks in advance.

So, let me get this straight RT: Your proposed defense would then be that no corruption took place, and therefore there was nothing for the PM to ignore?

Well, it's as good a defense I have heard so far. YL's legal team should try that one and see how it goes for her...

Surely someone has to prove there was some.corruption first.

What would you, should she do, drive all over then country asking people if they have discovered any corruption?

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Wouldn't it seem reasonable to have the evidence of corruption laid out for all to see before anyone is accused of allowing it to happen?

I have heard accusations left, right & centre from Suthep, the Dems & the TV yellow cheer-leading squad of corruption, but as yet no-one has outlined what the corruption actually was.

Several times daily on TV I read ridiculous claims of how all the money from the scheme is being sent directly to Dubai, but I have yet to see a shred of evidence. There was one unsubstantiated claim of bank accounts in Hong Kong, but nothing came of it.

Could any of those who regularly jump up & down about the 'massive corruption in the rice scam' please enlighten me as to the form of this 'scam'?

Thanks in advance.

Matey its coming just be patient, we have had PTP shrug off, deny, refuse,state secrets etc but ohh Rich one its coming and its going to come in bucketloads, patience is a virtue something you unfortunately don't posess Mr Kneejerk.If the parliamentary system you Reds constantly refer to had any shred of deicency Ms Y would have been impeached during the censure debate but ohh no, all the T men voted the party line, not conscience, so now it has come to this , could have been avoided if Thailand had an honest parliament but it doesn't so now its up to the Justice system to reveal and punish the PTP.s wrongdoings sorry but that's the way it is. If you don't have any idea how corruption can and has occurred within this scheme I suggest you find a topic where you can put shit on Abhisit as you seem to hate him so much,

Don't worry, rich teacher will come back later to this thread to twist things around so he can blame Abhisit and everybody else who doesn't agree with the red party line.

...and visa versa. There are know-it-alls on both sides. At least "Rich teacher" is just asking reasonable questions.

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quote name="fstarbkk" post="7674754" timestamp="1397127613"]

Wouldn't it seem reasonable to have the evidence of corruption laid out for all to see before anyone is accused of allowing it to happen?

I have heard accusations left, right & centre from Suthep, the Dems & the TV yellow cheer-leading squad of corruption, but as yet no-one has outlined what the corruption actually was.

Several times daily on TV I read ridiculous claims of how all the money from the scheme is being sent directly to Dubai, but I have yet to see a shred of evidence. There was one unsubstantiated claim of bank accounts in Hong Kong, but nothing came of it.

Could any of those who regularly jump up & down about the 'massive corruption in the rice scam' please enlighten me as to the form of this 'scam'?

Thanks in advance.

So, let me get this straight RT: Your proposed defense would then be that no corruption took place, and therefore there was nothing for the PM to ignore?

Well, it's as good a defense I have heard so far. YL's legal team should try that one and see how it goes for her...

Surely someone has to prove there was some.corruption first.

What would you, should she do, drive all over then country asking people if they have discovered any corruption?

I really don't understand how HER people failed to find any corruption when such a large amount of money has gone AWOL.

It might have been because they were unwilling to implicate their mates, or even themselves maybe!!!

Well the NACC certainly don't have that dilemma do they - I have a feeling that some nasty pieces of information are going to surface if the NACC do their job and their latest shining star Supa might provide that on the witness stand as she seems to know the most about it!!!

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Wouldn't it seem reasonable to have the evidence of corruption laid out for all to see before anyone is accused of allowing it to happen?

I have heard accusations left, right & centre from Suthep, the Dems & the TV yellow cheer-leading squad of corruption, but as yet no-one has outlined what the corruption actually was.

Several times daily on TV I read ridiculous claims of how all the money from the scheme is being sent directly to Dubai, but I have yet to see a shred of evidence. There was one unsubstantiated claim of bank accounts in Hong Kong, but nothing came of it.

Could any of those who regularly jump up & down about the 'massive corruption in the rice scam' please enlighten me as to the form of this 'scam'?

Thanks in advance.

Erm.... What planet are you from?

Since when does a prosecution case (investigation) lay out all the evidence before a trial?

Do you see it happen in court cases?... No you don't... you are put on the spot in order to catch you out, not give you all the evidence. That is what being in the dock is all about.

Also she was give a total of over 300 pages of evidence already remember.... or did you forget that?????

She hasn't been charged with corruption. She has been charged with negligence & dereliction of duty. As they are the Anti-Corruption Commission they should be ensuring that the corruption is stamped out immediately, before going after the PM. Once they have done their primary job, i.e. to stop the corruption then they can deal with such issues. Reality is though, eliminating corruption isn't their agenda.

There is no issue with the scheme as an election promise even it was a poorly thought out vote buyer. The issue is with the PM/Chairwoman's negligence in allowing the ensuing corruption to take place.

Don't they have to tell her "what corruption", so she can answer?

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