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US embassy releases viral Songkran celebration clip


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I think it is great! However if she ever decides to go into politics someone would use that against her.

Good point. Don't show it to Fox News. They might do an expose on the Thai embassy wasting taxpayer money on depraved water orgies ... and name the scandal Bangkokzi.

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I think it is great! However if she ever decides to go into politics someone would use that against her.

Good point. Don't show it to Fox News. They might do an expose on the Thai embassy wasting taxpayer money on depraved water orgies ... and name the scandal Bangkokzi.

Please let us (US citizens) know what else she has done... anything productive?

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Perhaps the UK-embassy might record another version, with all the men wearing pinstripe-suits & bowler-hats, defending themselves from the water-throwers with their umbrellas ?

To the tune of 'Rule Britannia' ? laugh.png

Where's John Steed when you need him or would Archie Leach be better suited for the job?

Alf Garnett is my choice.

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180 years relations between Thailand and the US??? Are they on drugs or am I missing something here?

Bilateral relations between the Kingdom of Thailand and the United States of America date to 1818.


Press Releases : 500 years of Diplomatic Relations between Thailand and Portugal


Thailand is a very old country.


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I also believe, that the US was just a few loosely knit states, back then not the singular version of it, it is today. Did they actually have diplomats in Siam/Thailand since then? That would really surprise me. (not saying they didn't.. Just asking ;-) )

I think the US gov't didn't know where Asia was until the late 1800s, when they suddenly inherited Philippines from the Spanish, and got involved in the Boxer Rebellion (was that a trade war to force the Chinese to buy US underpants? laugh.png )

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US tax payer funded video - It's a shame.

Wait until Fox News picks up on this, boy will they be outraged! Kerry and Obama must be held personally accountable for the cost of production (estimated to be over $1 million) and a waste of thousands of hours of staff time, a special prosecutor needs to look into this scandal, etc.

On the other hand, if it was in a GOP administration the all the blondies would be cooing "aw, isn't that just adorable!"

Edited by bendejo
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Perhaps the UK-embassy might record another version, with all the men wearing pinstripe-suits & bowler-hats, defending themselves from the water-throwers with their umbrellas ?

To the tune of 'Rule Britannia' ? laugh.png

Rule Britannia... Britannia rules the waves.

Thailand waves the rules.

waives makes more sense.

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Three of my Thai friends have sent this video to me. They all like it and they all like Ms. Kinney. I asked them why and one says, "Most of Thai people like the US Ambassador because she understands Thai Traditions real well". and another writes, " She said she was born at the wrong place, she wants to be Thai", and the other wrote, " She tries to fit in". BTW, all three are Thaksin supporters. Non of my Royalist friends sent the video to me. I don't know what to make of that but thought it was interesting. Thai people and I don't generally share the same tastes in entertainment. :-)

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