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pissed bogan wanka


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Last night in phuket I saw a pissed Aussie starting a random falang over some stupid shit. He got headbutted by a tuk tuk who intervened.

Me myself being an Australian think this could be the que to get out a phuket do to the shear dickeadedness I'm labeled with just for being introduced as an Ozzie.

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Allow me...I speak some Strine.

Drunk, Uncouth VVanker : Last night in Phuket I saw a drunk Aussie starting a (fight?) with a random falang over some inconsequential thing. He got headbutted by a tuk tuk (driver?) who intervened.

I too am Australian and think this could be the cue to get out of Phuket due to me being labeled a silly person just because I am also Australian.

(Hehe, That's supposed to be a W not two V's. It got censored)

Edited by Seastallion
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