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Amorn Electric always my first choice.

If you have no luck, a relay will serve.

Only let power into the battery to charge, hook up your loads separate from vehicle system.


Let's try this in Motoring.

Not something I've seen here. In the UK we would call it a split charge relay or charge splitter (a battery isolator is something else).

Loads available on Ebay and not a difficult thing to connect up (watch your wire thickness).


"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Reason I recommended a relay is I have seen many motorhomes with these isolators.

Do not know if they buy low quality ones or if they are all like this, but many failures.


Let's try this in Motoring.

Not something I've seen here. In the UK we would call it a split charge relay or charge splitter (a battery isolator is something else).

Loads available on Ebay and not a difficult thing to connect up (watch your wire thickness).


That's a horrible circuit. Any chance you could offer us a better one?

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