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Suthep tells PDRC supporters to 'prepare for final battle'


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Just to revise, may be you get some help.

Point 1: An electoral system free from vote buying

Point 2: Effective measures to end corruption

Point 3: People should have the power to remove politicians and administrative power should be decentralised by electing provincial governors

Point 4: A police reform, so that the police force would "truly belong to the people" and perform their duties under the command of the elected governor of their respective province

Point 5: A bureaucracy reform

Point 6: Solving the problems inherent in education, social affairs, public health and transport, an economic system free of monopoly. Investment in transport infrastructure as answer to the country’s needs, not to politicians’.

If you have any more queries, please do not hesitate to ask.

Is there a particular reason why the opposition didn't do any of this last time they were in power? or the time before?

Is there a particular reason why we should believe a man with a history of corruption can be trusted with a level of power over and above democracy to reform the system to end corruption?

Is there a particular reason to believe the supporters of the democratically elected government will just allow a random guy to take over the country, and not fight for a return to democracy?

Is there a particular reason to believe taking power by force this time will contribute to achieving political stability, rather than just causing more conflict (and death) as every time before?

Is there a particular reason to believe and obey a criminal hiding in Dubai and his incompetent sister?

Is there a particular reason to accept a government elected after buying votes and offering corrupt schemes that heart the country?

vote buying happens both ways but is now well accepted not to have much impact on results

i agree the current government is useless and defeating them democratically should be easy

trying to overthrow them by force (as history tells us) will only lead to more instability and bloodshed

cutting off your head is not a sensible way to cure a headache

Well accepted by whom? The people that got the money?

Would you ever accept it if it happened in the UK?

Why it's OK here?

Again, please, don't think of the UK, yes, a government like this would be easily defeated Democratically.

This is Thailand, a 3rd world country, that it's people just started having some awareness of political and governing matters.

It will take a long time to come to todays UK standards.

And yes, I am against force being used but unfortunately political evolution sometimes demands sacrifices.

Anyway, let's try not to forget who started the aggression.

Edited by Costas2008
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Do not count your chickens before they hatch...Yellow shirts may have the moral high ground...but they are on the wrong side of the democratic process...and rule of law...if rules are not followed...then democracy will fail...

If they hold the moral high ground, then there is something wrong with the definition of "moral."

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vote buying happens both ways but is now well accepted not to have much impact on results

i agree the current government is useless and defeating them democratically should be easy

trying to overthrow them by force (as history tells us) will only lead to more instability and bloodshed

cutting off your head is not a sensible way to cure a headache

Well accepted by whom? The people that got the money?

Would you ever accept it if it happened in the UK?

Why it's OK here?

Again, please, don't think of the UK, yes, a government like this would be easily defeated Democratically.

This is Thailand, a 3rd world country, that it's people just started having some awareness of political and governing matters.

It will take a long time to come to todays UK standards.

And yes, I am against force being used but unfortunately political evolution sometimes demands sacrifices.

Anyway, let's try not to forget who started the aggression.

it's already been accepted by senior members of the party formerly known as the democrats that vote buying happens on both sides and does not have a major influence on the results of elections...

while everyone knows that corruption exists in thailand, that doesn't mean that a random guy (especially not someone with a past like suthep's) should be allowed to take control of the country by force

history tells us taking power is much easier than holding it... if suthep (or his less beastly compatriots) want to fix thailand's problems they need to reform themselves first such that they can take power AND then hold power

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I am 100% for anyone who stops Taksin turning Thailand into his own one party state but sort of agree Suphet should stop saying final. However I've noticed Thais have very short memories and believe anything told to them especially if it fits their views at all.

TO give him his due he's stopped Taksin getting his amnesty stopped Taksins vile corrupt (worst in my 30 years here) government and has achieved incredible success particularly in keeping it going for so many months. Don't forget why this started as government trying to get a amnesty for their master Taksin and I doubt they will succeed in that now.

Whatever happens he has probably put some brakes at least on this governments and with some luck destroyed it completely in the end

Well done Suphet I my wife and many friends will support him until Takin is totally defeated and so will many many thais.

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No, Khun Sutherp, it's not the final, many more to come.

But at the end your cause will prevail.thumbsup.gif

I suppose you suport a total dictatorship also? That is all suthep wants and when you suthep lovers get it through your heads it may be to late for Thailand.

No, I was born and grew up in the country where Democracy was born.

Yes, it will be too late for Thailand if we let this clan govern us.

another naive forang who simply does not understand this is east not west and thinks their methods are best for all places. I wish forages would stop bringing their silly ideas of now things should be done to a country where things simply do not work same aqs west but in many ways work a lot better.

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This is the ultimate , penultimate , absolutely final,probable battle to prepare for the next phase of meaningless , definitely banal final battles that will conclude with a final ,final, final mother of all battles , that will lead to the children and grandchildren of all battles until the end of time , and so on and so on forever amen!!!!!

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vote buying happens both ways but is now well accepted not to have much impact on results

i agree the current government is useless and defeating them democratically should be easy

trying to overthrow them by force (as history tells us) will only lead to more instability and bloodshed

cutting off your head is not a sensible way to cure a headache

Well accepted by whom? The people that got the money?

Would you ever accept it if it happened in the UK?

Why it's OK here?

Again, please, don't think of the UK, yes, a government like this would be easily defeated Democratically.

This is Thailand, a 3rd world country, that it's people just started having some awareness of political and governing matters.

It will take a long time to come to todays UK standards.

And yes, I am against force being used but unfortunately political evolution sometimes demands sacrifices.

Anyway, let's try not to forget who started the aggression.

it's already been accepted by senior members of the party formerly known as the democrats that vote buying happens on both sides and does not have a major influence on the results of elections...

while everyone knows that corruption exists in thailand, that doesn't mean that a random guy (especially not someone with a past like suthep's) should be allowed to take control of the country by force

history tells us taking power is much easier than holding it... if suthep (or his less beastly compatriots) want to fix thailand's problems they need to reform themselves first such that they can take power AND then hold power

Please, try to forget about Sutherp or any Sutherp.

Just be happy, that this country started evolving politically, after all these years of ignorance and acceptance.

I know it is an inconvenience for us foreigners, but lets try to support them in their awakening time.

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No, Khun Sutherp, it's not the final, many more to come.

But at the end your cause will prevail.thumbsup.gif

Which cause? I ask because Suthep seems to come with a large assortment "causes" such as;

- Corruption and croneyism as demonstrated by his reign as Deputy Prime Minister in the Abhisit government and the long time political boss of Thailand's hub of corruption (Surat Thani, Krabi, Phuket, Nahkon Si Thammarat).

- Chaos and an absolute disregard for the law as evidenced by his ongoing squatting on public lands and disruption of Bangkok

- Sabotage and damage to Thailand's economy

- A special approach to having family members develop land.

- An ability to successfully invest in palm oil

- Political blackmail

- A double standard

So please help me out and indicate which cause.

Get a newspaper and read it instead of pouring over history books to find out what some one did that you don't agree with.

It is enough that he wants to rid Thailand of its fake democracy when in fact even you know it is a dictatorship under Thaksin.

He also wants to get rid of corruption. He in general is trying to make the Thailand of today belong to the people. You conveniently (because the history book hasn't been written yet) forget that this was started by the grass roots people in this country. People who had never said any thing just started up in different groups all looking for the same thing an honest government and then Suthep came along to unite them.

Instead of dribbling off at the mouth about Suthep why don't you attack the honest hard working citizens who started this with their desire to get out from a corrupt government who was willing to ignore them and do what ever pleased Thaksin.

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The "final battle" or just another judicial coup? Why are they so frightened of elections?

Because they expect to lose - again.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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vote buying happens both ways but is now well accepted not to have much impact on results

i agree the current government is useless and defeating them democratically should be easy

trying to overthrow them by force (as history tells us) will only lead to more instability and bloodshed

cutting off your head is not a sensible way to cure a headache

Well accepted by whom? The people that got the money?

Would you ever accept it if it happened in the UK?

Why it's OK here?

Again, please, don't think of the UK, yes, a government like this would be easily defeated Democratically.

This is Thailand, a 3rd world country, that it's people just started having some awareness of political and governing matters.

It will take a long time to come to todays UK standards.

And yes, I am against force being used but unfortunately political evolution sometimes demands sacrifices.

Anyway, let's try not to forget who started the aggression.

it's already been accepted by senior members of the party formerly known as the democrats that vote buying happens on both sides and does not have a major influence on the results of elections...

while everyone knows that corruption exists in thailand, that doesn't mean that a random guy (especially not someone with a past like suthep's) should be allowed to take control of the country by force

history tells us taking power is much easier than holding it... if suthep (or his less beastly compatriots) want to fix thailand's problems they need to reform themselves first such that they can take power AND then hold power

Please, try to forget about Sutherp or any Sutherp.

Just be happy, that this country started evolving politically, after all these years of ignorance and acceptance.

I know it is an inconvenience for us foreigners, but lets try to support them in their awakening time.

this is nothing new... it's been going on like this round and round for the last 2 decades... and will continue forever more until someone with some sense (and no personal ties to corruption) offers a different way

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.... 98 bottles of final battle on the wall, 98 bottles of final battle. Take one down. Pass it around... 97 bottles of final battle on the wall, 97 bottles of final battle. Take one down. Pass it around... 96 bottles of - -


62 bottles of - -


38 bottles of - -


EVERYBODY SING TOGETHER NOW -- 22 bottles of final battle on the wall, 22 bottles... <burp>

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Time to shut up and let the courts make what ever decisions they are going to make.

The caretaker government and their supporters are doing such a good job of shooting themselves in the foot- his noise is only distracting from that.

The court and the NACC have already made their decision. The decision was made weeks ago. Everybody knows.

Whatever the interim government is doing has nothing to do with the decision to remove Yingluck and the existing gtovernment. The decision was made weeks ago. This charade is just 2008 al over again. Everybody knows.

I don't know why they insist on dragging it out. It's like a TV game show where the announcer tries to increase the suspense by saying, "And the winner is... [long pause] and the winner is ...[another long pause] and the winner is... [and by this time I've turned to another channel]. Maybe they think this is going to persuade some people they are really struggling with profound questions of law and justice. Everybody knows.

The interesting question to me is which of the factions behind him thinks something has happened so that they will benefit from provoking bloodshed.

They need to get on with it. The elephant in the room will not wait forever.

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vote buying happens both ways but is now well accepted not to have much impact on results

i agree the current government is useless and defeating them democratically should be easy

trying to overthrow them by force (as history tells us) will only lead to more instability and bloodshed

cutting off your head is not a sensible way to cure a headache

Well accepted by whom? The people that got the money?

Would you ever accept it if it happened in the UK?

Why it's OK here?

Again, please, don't think of the UK, yes, a government like this would be easily defeated Democratically.

This is Thailand, a 3rd world country, that it's people just started having some awareness of political and governing matters.

It will take a long time to come to todays UK standards.

And yes, I am against force being used but unfortunately political evolution sometimes demands sacrifices.

Anyway, let's try not to forget who started the aggression.

Oh, dear, where to start? Brit1984

i agree the current government is useless and defeating them democratically should be easy

The problem here is that there is no democratic opposition to PTP. The other parties are mostly small groups set up to aggrandize their rich or influential founders. The Democrats have pretty good control of the voters in the South, but they are hated everywhere else. They offer no policies that appeal to the voters, and anyway they have shown themselves to be just as corrupt as PTP except they do not allow the benefits to trickle down to ordinary people as PTP does.

Costas2008. The Democrats know very well that vote buying, as most of us use the term, does not work very well. They learned in 2009 when they sent Newin Chidchop to buy votes for a by-election in Buri Ram and the people took his money and then voted for the other guy. People in the countryside are not dumb, as you believe. They learned a long time ago that they can take the money and then vote for their own best interest. The Democrats now use the term "vote buying" as "proposing policies that would benefit the nation and the people, and then following those policies after being elected."

You've never visited places like Buri Ram, Surin, Kamphaen Phet, Lop Buri, Chon Buri, Chiang Rai, Sisakhet, have you? Or maybe you've driven through and stopped for a meal. You've never known people who live there. Because it's no longer a 3rd world country. After 2000 things got better. Fast! There were abuses. Some of the money in the Village Funds was stolen, some was wasted, but most of it was paid back and recirculated and provided capital for a revolution of small business and improvement of agriculture. People are a lot better off and they know very well that the Democrats and the people behind the PDRC want to take all that away from them.Then you have the gall to say:

And yes, I am against force being used but unfortunately political evolution sometimes demands sacrifices.

Their sacrifices, not yours.

And finally "Remember who started the agression." Remember 2006?

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Maybe we can Undemocratically select a committee to select a committee to determine if we can select an unelected committee to select a committee that won't become a Dictatorship.

Or maybe Thailand can retain a Democracy and vote

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Well for one thing Thailand is not a democracy. In a democracy when 52% of the people say they don't want you do not become the leader.

Secondly what you choose to call democracy is a system of government that allows a dictator to rule as if he were an Emperor.


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Time to shut up and let the courts make what ever decisions they are going to make.

The caretaker government and their supporters are doing such a good job of shooting themselves in the foot- his noise is only distracting from that.

The court and the NACC have already made their decision. The decision was made weeks ago. Everybody knows.

Whatever the interim government is doing has nothing to do with the decision to remove Yingluck and the existing gtovernment. The decision was made weeks ago. This charade is just 2008 al over again. Everybody knows.

I don't know why they insist on dragging it out. It's like a TV game show where the announcer tries to increase the suspense by saying, "And the winner is... [long pause] and the winner is ...[another long pause] and the winner is... [and by this time I've turned to another channel]. Maybe they think this is going to persuade some people they are really struggling with profound questions of law and justice. Everybody knows.

The interesting question to me is which of the factions behind him thinks something has happened so that they will benefit from provoking bloodshed.

They need to get on with it. The elephant in the room will not wait forever.

If the courts can made a conviction for a trivial cooking show, what chance has Yingluck got. This time things may not go that easy as in 2008. Glaring injustice twice will not be seen kindly by many including academics.

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The "final battle" or just another judicial coup? Why are they so frightened of elections?

Because they expect to lose - again.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The real question is why is the PTP so afraid of reform before the election.

You like most people who know nothing about what is going on think the anti government protestors don't want an election.

You are partially correct. They do not want an election that rubber stamps corruption.

They want an election for an honest government. To get this there are certain penalties to be imposed and certain laws to be clarified so when one law says this is illegal there is not another one saying it is legal. To get this there are changes that must be made.

Explain to me if you can. Why does the PTP not want this?

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How many ' final ' battles etc. have we had so far ?

this idiot has been calling for "final battles" for the past year! I believe this is the fourth "final battle" he is calling for! when is the Thai Gov't going to get a pair and take this fool off teh road? he already has had three arrest warrants against him yet struts around with his fat belly like a peacock!

Oh, for goodness sake. Are you new here? If the police try to arrest him the 2,000 PDRC "guards" (mostly soldiers and sailors out of uniform) will fight a huge gun battle, which will give the Army high command an excuse to conduct another coup, which right now they would prefer not to do. They want to conduct a quiet coup in the courts (see story in New York Times, 31 March, 2014). Don't you remember that in 2008 the Army essentially committed mutiny by refusing to assist the police in maintaining order, so the police botched the job? The Army is still mutinous. There is no way they will support the current government, and they are essentially protecting Suthep and the other PDRC "leaders" from arrest. Or at least that's what people believe, so the effect is the same.
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Well accepted by whom? The people that got the money?

Would you ever accept it if it happened in the UK?

Why it's OK here?

Again, please, don't think of the UK, yes, a government like this would be easily defeated Democratically.

This is Thailand, a 3rd world country, that it's people just started having some awareness of political and governing matters.

It will take a long time to come to todays UK standards.

And yes, I am against force being used but unfortunately political evolution sometimes demands sacrifices.

Anyway, let's try not to forget who started the aggression.

it's already been accepted by senior members of the party formerly known as the democrats that vote buying happens on both sides and does not have a major influence on the results of elections...

while everyone knows that corruption exists in thailand, that doesn't mean that a random guy (especially not someone with a past like suthep's) should be allowed to take control of the country by force

history tells us taking power is much easier than holding it... if suthep (or his less beastly compatriots) want to fix thailand's problems they need to reform themselves first such that they can take power AND then hold power

Please, try to forget about Sutherp or any Sutherp.

Just be happy, that this country started evolving politically, after all these years of ignorance and acceptance.

I know it is an inconvenience for us foreigners, but lets try to support them in their awakening time.

this is nothing new... it's been going on like this round and round for the last 2 decades... and will continue forever more until someone with some sense (and no personal ties to corruption) offers a different way

You couldn't be more wrong if you had help coming to your false conclusion.

This is the first time the common citizens who have always in the past just sat back and accepted what the government handed them has said no. We want an honest government.

Like so many Johnny Come Lately you assume it was a political issue started up by a political party or the Army. How wrong you are.

Until people understand that the debate will go on. The PTP will resist change and the anti government opposition which has been joined by the Democrats who still do not agree 100% with the anti government opposition in their method's have joined them and they did not jump right into it. They sat back and watched to see if it was just another passing fad. They saw the grass roots people were for real so they lent their support to it.

It doesn't take an idiot to see that if they had participated in the last election they would have been saying that every thing was OK. They took a stance and were big enough to stand behind it. Ask yourself would the PTP members be big enough to take a stance and back it up with out Thaksin's money or approval?

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How many ' final ' battles etc. have we had so far ?

this idiot has been calling for "final battles" for the past year! I believe this is the fourth "final battle" he is calling for! when is the Thai Gov't going to get a pair and take this fool off teh road? he already has had three arrest warrants against him yet struts around with his fat belly like a peacock!

Oh, for goodness sake. Are you new here? If the police try to arrest him the 2,000 PDRC "guards" (mostly soldiers and sailors out of uniform) will fight a huge gun battle, which will give the Army high command an excuse to conduct another coup, which right now they would prefer not to do. They want to conduct a quiet coup in the courts (see story in New York Times, 31 March, 2014). Don't you remember that in 2008 the Army essentially committed mutiny by refusing to assist the police in maintaining order, so the police botched the job? The Army is still mutinous. There is no way they will support the current government, and they are essentially protecting Suthep and the other PDRC "leaders" from arrest. Or at least that's what people believe, so the effect is the same.
Please show some proof about your statement that most of the PDRC guards are soldiers and sailors out of uniform?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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