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German party urges new election for Thailand


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A slap in the face for the Yellow Whistle Mob.

Isn't Hitler from Germany?

How dare these German suggest what Thai should or should not do.

No shame. Go look into your own history first.

Yeah Mr. Chotthee,

you should study a little bit history and geography, na?

If you locate Braunau into Germany - update your Google-Map!

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I really like the Kalama Sutra. I don´t know if it´s considered important in Thai Theravada Budhism but I think it´s a great reminder for everyone not to follow mindless any tradition and belief.

The ten examples, which Lord Buddha gave in the Kalama Sutta follow:

Do not accept and believe just because something has been passed along and retold through the years

Do not believe just because some practice has become traditional.

Do not accept and believe merely because of the reports and news spreading.

Do not accept and believe just because something is cited in a Pitaka - The word “Pitaka,” which is used for the Buddhist scriptures, means anything written or inscribed upon any suitable writing material.

Do not believe just because something fits with the reasoning of logic (takka). This is merely one branch of study used to try to figure out the truth. Takka, what we call “logics,” can go wrong if its data or its methods are incorrect.

Do not believe just because something is correct on the grounds of naya (deductive and inductive reasoning) alone. These days, naya is called “philosophy.” In Thailand, we translate the word “philosophy” as “prajña,”

Do not believe or accept just because something appeals to one’s common sense, which is merely snap judgments based on one’s tendencies of thought. We like using this approach so much that it becomes habitual.

Do not believe just because something stands up to or agrees with one’s preconceived opinions and theories - Personal views can be wrong, or our methods of experiment and verification might be incorrect, and then will not lead to the truth. Accepting what fits our theories may seem to be a scientific approach, but actually can never be so, since its proofs and experiments are inadequate.

Do not believe just because the speaker appears believable - Outside appearances and the actual knowledge inside a person can never be identical. We often find that speakers who appear credible on the outside say incorrect and foolish things. Nowadays, we must be wary of computers because the programmers who feed them data and manipulate them may feed in the wrong information or use them incorrectly. Do not worship computers so much, for doing so goes against this principle of the Kalama Sutta.

Do not believe just because the Samana or preacher, the speaker, is “our teacher” - The Buddha’s purpose regarding this important point is that no one should be the intellectual slave of someone else, not even of the Buddha himself.

@ Morch

I said that democratic concepts were included in the Buddhist teachings and applied by him in the management of the Sangha . Such concepts would have entered Thailand within the Buddhist teachings. The Thai people did not need the 'benefit's of the colonial experience to learn them

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Why don't the Germans let Ms Yingluck and all the members of her cabinet to govern Germany during few months? They would love it so much that they would never vote Angela again. They may even let Mr. Thaksin to live in Germany, as a senior adviser of the Bundesregierung.


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Another farang who don't understand Thai people. Thai people don't want or need any election. Election is a farang culture, not applicable or suitable for Thailand. Unlike farang, Thai people respect and listen to our elder.

I believe that the majority of Thai people do want an election.

I am worried because I am hearing less people talking about about working together to find a solution and more talking about getting rid of the other side.

The people of Thailand are becoming more "information Savvy",

They will not stand by and allow the old guard to get rid of another elected government.

The majority of Thai people ... Do Not Care..... Don't you get it Dr Bruce... Have you even been up-country here... Majority of these peoples cannot read or write, they don't know and don't care... Have you ever asked a Thai person to point out where Thailand is on a world map..? Or where Bangkok is on a Thailand map..... Why do Farang men live here..? its sure not because the women have brains..! and we sure do not want to make friends with Thai men.. unless you swing that way..!! w00t.gif

Imbecile... without a clue...

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I really like your idea. We change goverments. We take Yinluck as Bundeskanzlerin and you get Angela Merkel as PM.

I think Thailand would improve in many ways and I dream of Yinluck in a Bavarian dress (Dirndl) at the Oktoberfest.

MGP you are a genius. Do you think you can convince Suthep this is the most important reform Thailand needs.


Why don't the Germans let Ms Yingluck and all the members of her cabinet to govern Germany during few months? They would love it so much that they would never vote Angela again. They may even let Mr. Thaksin to live in Germany, as a senior adviser of the Bundesregierung.


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As to the OP, once again, outsiders are trying to impose their own idealogical society processes on something as complicated as Thai politics.

Absolutely no idea and hence should keep their traps shut on a situation they have little comprehension of.

"One man one vote." - Sure that means something in the West, but to many Thai's that idea is almost as foreign as a McDonald's cheeseburger.

Well that is the Thai line ... or the line of a party that cannot win an election and wants to overthrow the elected goverment and does not want outsideres to comment on it, but only blindly support them.

I am always impressed how they get the resident westerners, who know far less than the embassy people to buy into there drivel

biggrin.png Maybe they offer free Leo ??!

Edited by LomSak27
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Germans need to shut up and mind their own business.

They are. There is a sizeable german expat community in Thailand and Germany is one the EU's major investors in Thailand. Germany has funded multiple social services projects and in case you missed it, was quite generous with its assistance on the construction of the BTS. Germany has a vested interest in Thailand and Germany is a responsible member of the free world.

The german statement was in support of a fair election and you protest. Not everyone is willing to sit silently while basic freedoms are crushed. The germs an position is representative of much of the free world's sentiment in this matter.

Not to forget that the Germans know quite well how reforms where carried out by a populist !

They are still very decent to state they not choose side, while they are worried to see a makeover from their reformer as the peoples leader !

I have not understood a word you said. Please focus on a reform of your command of English.

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Germans need to shut up and mind their own business.


60 million dead 5 of my family and bombing my mother good enough for you,then the STASI abuses I don't think the Thais need any help from germans thank you.

Germans invading Afghanistan robbing the Greeks their border brothels their meddling in Ukraine.

Arbeit macht frei nie wieder

They should be thankful the Americans didn't nuke their heimat instead chose the defenceless Catholics of Nagasaki.

I think when Thais or anybody else needs advice from Germans they will ask,thank you.

Sonst noch?

Have you ever been in school?

Well said skinner.

As to RubbaJohnny: If any people have learned from their history (and the hard way!) it surely must be the Germans. Oh, and yes, your nickname speaks volumes about your mindset Seven years "Baumschule" at best, if you excuse my sarcasm.

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60 million dead 5 of my family and bombing my mother good enough for you,then the STASI abuses I don't think the Thais need any help from germans thank you.

Germans invading Afghanistan robbing the Greeks their border brothels their meddling in Ukraine.

Arbeit macht frei nie wieder

They should be thankful the Americans didn't nuke their heimat instead chose the defenceless Catholics of Nagasaki.

I think when Thais or anybody else needs advice from Germans they will ask,thank you.

Sonst noch?

Have you ever been in school?

Well said skinner.

As to RubbaJohnny: If any people have learned from their history (and the hard way!) it surely must be the Germans. Oh, and yes, your nickname speaks volumes about your mindset Seven years "Baumschule" at best, if you excuse my sarcasm.

Who is skinner? what did he say.

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The Thais are right! They need no advice or help from other countries because they are definitely the smartest and best know themselves. They need no farang, especially not here in Thailand so let's pack up, take our business with us and go to check us new places that we are more welcome and appreciated.

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Well this is a loser topic coming from Germany.

They had a lot of elections that resulted in millions of early deaths.

You would think with their experience they would have some words of caution for elections.

You, Sir, are a fool. What "a lot of elections" are you referring to? What "millions of deaths" do you mean in case you are referring to our history after 1945? Is it perhaps conceivable for you to make a distinction between a totalitarian regime (where we also have to look at the historical circumstances that led to it) and a post-war Germany that is very well aware of its past mistakes and where the Nazi period is covered extensively in class?

Germany has been a very well educated democracy for almost 70 years. Are you a drunkard? Or just plain ignorant?

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Well this is a loser topic coming from Germany.

They had a lot of elections that resulted in millions of early deaths.

You would think with their experience they would have some words of caution for elections.

You, Sir, are a fool. What "a lot of elections" are you referring to? What "millions of deaths" do you mean in case you are referring to our history after 1945? Is it perhaps conceivable for you to make a distinction between a totalitarian regime (where we also have to look at the historical circumstances that led to it) and a post-war Germany that is very well aware of its past mistakes and where the Nazi period is covered extensively in class?

Germany has been a very well educated democracy for almost 70 years. Are you a drunkard? Or just plain ignorant?

@@ misterwhisper - Just ignore him, may you are right and he is drunk. Tomorrow he doesn´t remember what he wrote. When I was thirteen years old my grandfather was teaching me, you can not discuss with stupid people. Here in Thailand you find a lot. In my mind 80% looser´s and brainless. A well educated person will never wrote such a rubbish like this. The complete post prove it.

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These guys have a wonderful example of what can happen when you put all your faith in one man one vote and hope that law and order will somehow look after itself. The German general election of 1936 was ostensibly fully democratic respecting everyone's votes and produced a result that had a profound effect on the world.

Perhaps these Social Democrats should stick to battling the Greens.

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These guys have a wonderful example of what can happen when you put all your faith in one man one vote and hope that law and order will somehow look after itself. The German general election of 1936 was ostensibly fully democratic respecting everyone's votes and produced a result that had a profound effect on the world.

Perhaps these Social Democrats should stick to battling the Greens.

Another ignorant post from someone who clearly has never read any serious German history.Even a nodding acquaintance with the historical background would have informed him that the 1936 plebiscite was not "ostensibly fully democratic".But for these people it's simply not an option to take some time to educate themselves.They only regurgitate what feather brains on the internet state as a "known fact", namely the Nazis achieved power through one man one vote.

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No democracy is secure if it fears clothing labels so much that it resorts to banning them. No democracy is mature and stable if it engages in banning any political party for its beliefs and/or the government sends its own agents (not mere informants) into the party's leadership and directs them to take actions the government then considers illegal. In Germany, there is an "enforced consensus." Its government is still afraid its people will make the "wrong decision" and, therefore, prohibits them from doing so. The government does not trust its own electorate.

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Another farang who don't understand Thai people.Thai people don't want or need any election. Election is a farang culture, not applicable or suitable for Thailand.Unlike farang, Thai people respect and listen to our elder.

What a load of waffle, don't you want to see progression?

No, this particular poster most certainly doesn't want to see progression. In an earlier post, this particular poster intimated quite strongly that he/she would like all farang thrown out of Thailand and this country set back to when it was entirely Thai, stating something along the lines of 'We (PDRC) have plans for YOU, you'll see ...' Not being partisan, the red bunch are equally xenophobic and get all excited at the prospect of us all being given the bum's rush too. I'm starting to feel they can bloody well have it coffee1.gif

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These guys have a wonderful example of what can happen when you put all your faith in one man one vote and hope that law and order will somehow look after itself. The German general election of 1936 was ostensibly fully democratic respecting everyone's votes and produced a result that had a profound effect on the world.

Perhaps these Social Democrats should stick to battling the Greens.

Another ignorant post from someone who clearly has never read any serious German history.Even a nodding acquaintance with the historical background would have informed him that the 1936 plebiscite was not "ostensibly fully democratic".But for these people it's simply not an option to take some time to educate themselves.They only regurgitate what feather brains on the internet state as a "known fact", namely the Nazis achieved power through one man one vote.

I have read about that period of German history. You missed the sarcasm in the "ostensibly fully democratic". Thai elections are also "ostensibly democratic" but the reality is far from that. Look at the recent Senate elections where many Northern and Northeastern provinces had only red shirt sponsored candidates running as everyone else was intimidated or was no one else genuinely interested in running in those provinces? That is one man one vote in the National Socialist and Communist systems where all other parties are either prohibited or crushed. In fact other parties were banned after the 1936 German elections.

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These guys have a wonderful example of what can happen when you put all your faith in one man one vote and hope that law and order will somehow look after itself. The German general election of 1936 was ostensibly fully democratic respecting everyone's votes and produced a result that had a profound effect on the world.

Perhaps these Social Democrats should stick to battling the Greens.

Another ignorant post from someone who clearly has never read any serious German history.Even a nodding acquaintance with the historical background would have informed him that the 1936 plebiscite was not "ostensibly fully democratic".But for these people it's simply not an option to take some time to educate themselves.They only regurgitate what feather brains on the internet state as a "known fact", namely the Nazis achieved power through one man one vote.

I have read about that period of German history. You missed the sarcasm in the "ostensibly fully democratic". Thai elections are also "ostensibly democratic" but the reality is far from that. Look at the recent Senate elections where many Northern and Northeastern provinces had only red shirt sponsored candidates running as everyone else was intimidated or was no one else genuinely interested in running in those provinces? That is one man one vote in the National Socialist and Communist systems where all other parties are either prohibited or crushed. In fact other parties were banned after the 1936 German elections.

So you also believe elections in Thailand are undemocratic or are you are suggesting the current government is emulating the anti democratic measures of the Nazis? In the fruitcake world some inhabit anything goes I suppose and the facts are to be ignored or manipulated.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Surely, if there is one place on the planet that ought to understand the dangers of 'Electoral Dictatorship, Winner Takes All Politics, Popularism and Nationalism' it is Germany.

The past performance and current behaviour of Thaksin ought to ring a bell for them.

No that's nonsense.But it's a view often seen on Internet forums from those with a weak grasp of German history, specifically those who seem to believe the Nazis grasped power through democratic means.An understanding of the period say through having read Ian Kershaw's excellent history would clarify the matter for them - but of course these people don't form opinion through serious reading, just idle web chatter with other lightweights.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Go on then - enlighten us as to what you learned from Mr. Kershaw's book and how the criminal Hiltler and the Nazis' power grab in 1930's Germany has parallels with the similar aspirations and attempts of the criminal Thaksin and his PTP/UDD/Red shirts.

The need to constantly reference articles, journals or books, on what is a reasonable social site such as this, could be driven by an insecurity fueled by lack of formal accredited education.

Go on, treat us, give us your precis of the book and how it compares with Thaksin's attempts at forming a family dictatorship.

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These guys have a wonderful example of what can happen when you put all your faith in one man one vote and hope that law and order will somehow look after itself. The German general election of 1936 was ostensibly fully democratic respecting everyone's votes and produced a result that had a profound effect on the world.

Perhaps these Social Democrats should stick to battling the Greens.

Another ignorant post from someone who clearly has never read any serious German history.Even a nodding acquaintance with the historical background would have informed him that the 1936 plebiscite was not "ostensibly fully democratic".But for these people it's simply not an option to take some time to educate themselves.They only regurgitate what feather brains on the internet state as a "known fact", namely the Nazis achieved power through one man one vote.

I have read about that period of German history. You missed the sarcasm in the "ostensibly fully democratic". Thai elections are also "ostensibly democratic" but the reality is far from that. Look at the recent Senate elections where many Northern and Northeastern provinces had only red shirt sponsored candidates running as everyone else was intimidated or was no one else genuinely interested in running in those provinces? That is one man one vote in the National Socialist and Communist systems where all other parties are either prohibited or crushed. In fact other parties were banned after the 1936 German elections.

So you also believe elections in Thailand are undemocratic or are you are suggesting the current government is emulating the anti democratic measures of the Nazis? In the fruitcake world some inhabit anything goes I suppose and the facts are to be ignored or manipulated.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Interesting how the intellectually challenged resort to calling anyone with a different view a 'fruitcake" or dismiss their views as ignorant.

Go on read Mr. Kershaw's book again, or even different authors and do some research.

Pray tell us, what is you qualifications in history. political science or any related academic field that gives you the impression you can so arrogantly and rudely dismiss the comments of others?

Enlighten us - tell us how you think Hilter came to power?

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These guys have a wonderful example of what can happen when you put all your faith in one man one vote and hope that law and order will somehow look after itself. The German general election of 1936 was ostensibly fully democratic respecting everyone's votes and produced a result that had a profound effect on the world.

Perhaps these Social Democrats should stick to battling the Greens.

Another ignorant post from someone who clearly has never read any serious German history.Even a nodding acquaintance with the historical background would have informed him that the 1936 plebiscite was not "ostensibly fully democratic".But for these people it's simply not an option to take some time to educate themselves.They only regurgitate what feather brains on the internet state as a "known fact", namely the Nazis achieved power through one man one vote.

I have read about that period of German history. You missed the sarcasm in the "ostensibly fully democratic". Thai elections are also "ostensibly democratic" but the reality is far from that. Look at the recent Senate elections where many Northern and Northeastern provinces had only red shirt sponsored candidates running as everyone else was intimidated or was no one else genuinely interested in running in those provinces? That is one man one vote in the National Socialist and Communist systems where all other parties are either prohibited or crushed. In fact other parties were banned after the 1936 German elections.

So you also believe elections in Thailand are undemocratic or are you are suggesting the current government is emulating the anti democratic measures of the Nazis? In the fruitcake world some inhabit anything goes I suppose and the facts are to be ignored or manipulated.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Interesting how the intellectually challenged resort to calling anyone with a different view a 'fruitcake" or dismiss their views as ignorant.

Go on read Mr. Kershaw's book again, or even different authors and do some research.

Pray tell us, what is you qualifications in history. political science or any related academic field that gives you the impression you can so arrogantly and rudely dismiss the comments of others?

Enlighten us - tell us how you think Hilter came to power?


I have been accused of many things but not yet " intellectually challenged".Sir Ian Kershaw is as respected an authority as any other on the Nazi rise to power.Suggest you familiarise yourself with the background before making more of an idiot of yourself.Sadly however the one thing these people will never do is buckle down to serious research.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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