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Brisbane dad hired underage girl for son in Thailand


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You really seem to be justifying this guy. He was charged under a piece of legislation designed in Australia to stop Australians going to places like S/E Asia and in this case Thailand and procuring young children for the purpose of sex. The guy did this, he procured a female a minor to have sex with his son thus contributing to the child sex slavery industry which this very same piece of legislation was designed to help fight.

Had the son done it himself then maybe just maybe there would not be this problem. The offence is that dad bought a child to feed to his son.

Many are talking about Thai law and this has absolutely nothing to do with Thai law or the age for prostitution in Thailand or the age of consent in Thailand. It is 100% about Australian law and if an Australian procures a person under the age of 16 for sex either for yourself or another then you can and will be charged under Australian law. Regardless of what country you do it in.

You sound like a broken record.

Yes he does sound like a broken record - but it's a fact re the Australian law - and that you can't deny.

If its a fact...how old exactly was this girl ?

I wasn't going to bother replying but re-reading your post I decided is was such a stupid ill-informed response it needed an answer.

1. At no time did I ever discuss under aged girls.

2. I was replying to a statement made by chooka via Shurup re Australian law.

3. My reply was confirming the law as it currently stands in Australia regarding under-aged sex, kiddy fiddling etc.

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I don't know what rock you live under. but emotionally scarred/ physciatricly damaged! you sound emotionally immature or were raised in a convent you didn't answer any of the thoughts I put to you and seatbelts <deleted>..what is wrong with me..not a lot, I have teen sons and know what I am talking about. I haven't crossed any lines in my life ..but I have lived a little..maybe you should get out more!

So you would have no probs hiring an underage girl (or adult female prostitute) for your teenage sons then? If thats getting out more, then no, thanks. I consider living a little paragliding down cliff edges, not paying a hooker to have sex with a child.

once again you have taken things out of context. and I have never suggested that paying a hooker to have sex with a teenager was acceptable!

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Shouldn't the title be changed to:

'Drunken Brisbane dad hires prostitute for underage son, after bucks party.'

'Gets convicted in Australia for abetting underage sex on foreign land.'

Living on Samui, I have heard absolutely nothing about an underage girl,

knicked for prostitution with underage Brisbane lad. In light of that local knowledge,

it seems somewhat hyperbole from the female journalist assuming any age

for the prostitute other than 'young'. We don't know what talking transpired

between the enraged mom, and the son. But it seems logical the son said

what he believed and what he believed might calm enraged mother.

Then father trying to survive took a plea deal to say what ever

was asked of him and not do time in jail.

Clearly this is attest case for the law.

But just as clearly a he said / she said, and what the son said, family scuffle,

and as such the hyperbole is running freely from all sides. Mom wants to

screw dad any way she can, woman scorned and all that.

Lost in the scuffle and the test case is little or no verifiable info

on the prostitute, who could as easily been 20 years 9 months,

and technically illegal for prostitution, yet perfectly legal to have sex if she wants.

There really is far too little info for most of the conclusions made here,

other than prostitution is not good, and with under 21 thai girls infinitely worse.

Having sex with a prostitute under 21 is not an issue in itself, in Thai law. Under 18 is.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

^ yeah chooks gone quiet on that one

My apologies, which one was thatsmile.png.pagespeed.ce.CwSpBGGvqN.png unfortunately I had other this to do for a few hours so have been away.thumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif width=25 alt=thumbsup.gif>

Never mind, answered adequately..... no idea

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Still no evidence from Tezza other than a reference to what increasingly appears like an imaginary conversation with someone in Brisbane.

Perhaps he was talking to himself.

Yes Tezza, we still have the brains we were born with and we can still work out when people are telling porkies.


Provide information the contradicts the above…. that you did not write yourself.

If you bothered to get of you self esteem, and pull your head out of the sand, you would have looked and the evidence has now been given days ago

to return the favour as you know better than the Australia Police

TVF member are waiting for you to show proof that the girl was under legal age

do you have dream about under age sex in Thailand

you seem to want to keep this untruth going

You given no evidence Tezza, you simply quoted an imaginary confirmation that you had from Brisbane - You have not been able to produce any evidence of the confirmation - You made it up.


You either can't read or have started trolling, you have been given evidence multiple times.

I think you're trolling!

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Still no evidence from Tezza other than a reference to what increasingly appears like an imaginary conversation with someone in Brisbane.

Perhaps he was talking to himself.

Yes Tezza, we still have the brains we were born with and we can still work out when people are telling porkies.


Provide information the contradicts the above…. that you did not write yourself.

If you bothered to get of you self esteem, and pull your head out of the sand, you would have looked and the evidence has now been given days ago

to return the favour as you know better than the Australia Police

TVF member are waiting for you to show proof that the girl was under legal age

do you have dream about under age sex in Thailand

you seem to want to keep this untruth going

You given no evidence Tezza, you simply quoted an imaginary confirmation that you had from Brisbane - You have not been able to produce any evidence of the confirmation - You made it up.


You either can't read or have started trolling, you have been given evidence multiple times.

I think you're trolling!

Your answer says nothing, but I don't want to say your trolling. You pro pedo and rockspiders give no evidence. Why not question me as an Australian cop as to why I am in Thailand. smile.png

Edited by chooka
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The father was last seen behind bars, drinking morning coffee from his "Best Father in the World" mug.


purchased immediately after the incident by his son.

something is wrong with the whole story, every single aspect of it.

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I'll check on number 1 but I did look at them and saw no labour landslide predictions.

As for the underage child procured by the father for his underage son. Where did I say that never happened. The OP clearly states an underage prostitute was bought by the father.

and Yingluck said all issan people will be rich with in 2 years

Re underage girl, I am reffering to all those who keep stating she was because the OP said so

I am referrng to facts

the man was charged and convicted of aiding and abettng his son having sex while underage, a crime under Australia Law

there was never any claim put before the courts in Australia that the girl was under age

there was never any compliant from Thai police to say this had happened

why maybe they had no proof

or maybe there was no case for him to answer

but ever way this is why he got let of with a light sentence

but there are a large amount of TVF members who will swear that because the OP wrote it

It must be true

based on no facts at all

I have asked many times for someone to give me facts that will stand up in court that she was underage

the stage has gone silent

It is you who are talking about facts and producing none. Who cares what newspaper said what about whatever election? Is that the basis of you stating that the OP is wrong?

Produce your facts. Where did you get them?

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Did I read this wrong or was it his SON that was underage, NOT the prostitute (not that Thailand has any of those!). If so, how can the sex tourism law apply?

The offence occurred in Thailand and so the Commonwealth legislation made under its powers of Section 52 of The Australian constitution apply. Regardless of the age of the young lady, the father arranged for a child to engage in a sexual act in an overseas country - end of story - conviction in place.

In Australia (in every state I believe) the age of consent is 16 - note that its called the age of consent - menaing you cant have sex with parental consent under 16...but i think you still need to be at least 14 ??

Does anyone know the actual law (any AU state's law will suffice)?

Or is it only u16 combined with getting married?

Generally within Australia no one would take any legal action if two under age kids screw each other b/c BOTH partied and both parents woudl be equally to blame. The possible absurdity of this law is that:- if he had done this at home (okay not with a prostitute) then would any action have been taken?

* lets just speculate the prostitute was 13 - although she was likely 16 or 17.

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You given no evidence Tezza, you simply quoted an imaginary confirmation that you had from Brisbane - You have not been able to produce any evidence of the confirmation - You made it up.


You either can't read or have started trolling, you have been given evidence multiple times.

I think you're trolling!

Your answer says nothing, but I don't want to say your trolling. You pro pedo and rockspiders give no evidence. Why not question me as an Australian cop as to why I am in Thailand. smile.png

My reply was an answer to GH retarded question that he kept on asking ignoring the fact he was already given an answer multiple times.

As for you, I don't give a F why you're here. You misled the TVF with your underage girl cr@p, if you didn't notice, most of the battle evolved around this subject and not the fact that the boy was 13.

At the end, father didn't give him an erection and if boy didn't want he could have just sit it out in the room and leave without doing anything.

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You given no evidence Tezza, you simply quoted an imaginary confirmation that you had from Brisbane - You have not been able to produce any evidence of the confirmation - You made it up.


You either can't read or have started trolling, you have been given evidence multiple times.

I think you're trolling!

Your answer says nothing, but I don't want to say your trolling. You pro pedo and rockspiders give no evidence. Why not question me as an Australian cop as to why I am in Thailand. smile.png

My reply was an answer to GH retarded question that he kept on asking ignoring the fact he was already given an answer multiple times.

As for you, I don't give a F why you're here. You misled the TVF with your underage girl cr@p, if you didn't notice, most of the battle evolved around this subject and not the fact that the boy was 13.

At the end, father didn't give him an erection and if boy didn't want he could have just sit it out in the room and leave without doing anything.

Just how have I misled TVF with the underage crap. I had nothing to do with it, take it up with the informant, and the Australian Judicial system and I didn't write any of the numerous articles. If the Judicial system has got it wrong then file a complaint with them they charged him for procuring an underage girl.

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The OP (or the "read more link" specifically says UNDERAGE PROSTITUTE. Why can't you understand that???. Where are you getting your "facts"? It is increasingly sounding like you have a vested interest in this thing....is this why you are getting so upset?

We are not told but since the father pleaded guilty, we have to assume he confessed. I know it's speculation, but it's quite reasonable to imagine he didn't want a dirty old whore, he didn't want his son to be with someone much older, and deliberately sought a young girl. He may even have paid for a "virgin". It does happen you know.

It is easy to imagine he confessed to the hookers age when the wife went ballistic at him for exposing the son to the risk of AIDS. "No Dear, I made sure she was a virgin...she was only 15"

The thing we do know is he pleaded guilty.

I am now convienced their is a mass of hysteria in TVF

The courts convicted him for abetting his son having sex under the legal age of 16 Fact

and he was sentenced ar Par say

When is there a mass hysteria about the girl being under age in Thailand

I have not heard for one posting any evidence to prove this

and the procecuter in the courts did not do ever

It seems the members of this forum, have dream of underage sex with young thai girls, and this case has been a big fantasy in their minds

I will repeat 1 last time

Their was no underage girl in this case. was not and never was

wake up and let your fantasies exist in the real world

If you can prove their was an underage girl, please state the facts and there for the Australia governemt can charge the person in question again

If not SHUT UP

Or, as LaraC has implied, have you crossed certain lines and feel the need to defend your position?

How many times have you read in a Newspaper where the head line has nothing to do with the fact

Before the last election Australian newspapers said that labour would win by a land slide

Australian newspapers went bold front page there will be no Carbon Tax under Gillard if she is elected

If you are basing all the facts on a editorial, their is nothing much I can do for you

I base mine on the facts, for a report from an organisation that has a reputation on the facts, as the reporter was at the court on the day and did not print from heresay

Take some time and search this posting and you will see who the infor came from

If you not believe me, them you must believe the opposite that Australian courts are worthless, and sex with an underage girl is not considered serious

Which papers predicted a labour landslide?.
....the same one papers he is relying on for the additional proof he has been throwing around this thread.... ;) Edited by samran
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If you bothered to get of you self esteem, and pull your head out of the sand, you would have looked and the evidence has now been given days ago

to return the favour as you know better than the Australia Police

TVF member are waiting for you to show proof that the girl was under legal age

do you have dream about under age sex in Thailand

you seem to want to keep this untruth going

You given no evidence Tezza, you simply quoted an imaginary confirmation that you had from Brisbane - You have not been able to produce any evidence of the confirmation - You made it up.

You either can't read or have started trolling, you have been given evidence multiple times.
I think you're trolling!

Your answer says nothing, but I don't want to say your trolling. You pro pedo and rockspiders give no evidence. Why not question me as an Australian cop as to why I am in Thailand. smile.png

How is Mr Wise? wink.png Edited by SeaVisionBurma
trying to fix quotes
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I'm actually a parent. I parent in the real world too. Kids will do most things parents ask of them given the authority parents hold over them. What the dad did is simply an abuse of his authority and he deserves to be punished for it. I'm suprised he got off with a 12 month good behaviour bond. Procuring a child for sex is sick. Forcing your kid to be an accomplis to it is sicker.

Despite your protestations by trying to demean people by implying that they are in some sort of ivory tower - the father is an idiot. But then again, I don't view the world through bogan glasses, so you may chose to call me out of touch.

You do not live in the real world

Have you any idea the amount of peer pressure on a boy of 13 gets

Most time if he admits he is still a virgin at 13 his friends will laugh at him (even with the facts they are in the same situation)

The pressure on you teenagers to have sex when they become teenagers is massive

Time you lived in the real world and looked at the starts of how many Thai girls at this age get pregnant

I also am totally against prostitution of young girl with old men, but you are not living in the real world, and I hope you not have a boy in this age group, because you have no idea what it is like to live through the time your is experiencing body changes you not understand

I have a boy in this age group (almost 14) and he is not being pressured by anyone to have sex. As a matter of fact him and his friends think most girls in his school are too bossy to have anything to do with. I was the same at his age and was too busy doing guy stuff to want to deal with girls until I was 16. maybe he will change his mind tomorrow, next year, or when he is much older I don't know but I do know how he thinks now.

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Why are people defending this Guy? It is very clear what he did and pleaded guilty to, he hired a child to have set with his son. He no better than a pedo rockspider and I will never defend or support such low lifes

Another one. Where does it state that the prostitute was in fact a child, apart from the reporter who seems to be cracking up the report in order to make it more sensational. The judge and the

Police have never and I repeat never said the prostitute was under age, for the simple reason that they don't know, she could well have been 40yrs old, but that would't help to sell more newspapers.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Chooka posted the article, he didn't write it. I'm not sure why hes even bothering to feed the trolls of TV.

But he asserted the underage female participant and that the whole case was in regards to the underage girl, not the boy....yet nobody is able to give the actual age of the girl.

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