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Brisbane dad hired underage girl for son in Thailand


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Yes the courts were satisfied beyond all reasonable doubt that the prostitute was under 16.

Can you explain (or even suggest) to me how they could possibly even guess the age of the girl.

The event happened in 2012.

The charge was brought as a result of divorce in 2013.

The conviction happened in 2014.

Did the father photocopy the hookers ID card and keep it for later?

Did the boy keep in facebook contact with the girl?

Can't imagine an underage prostitute would work in the same place for 2 years.

Can't imagine many hookers able to be found 6 months later.

Can't imagine the Australian police force being able to track and identify a hooker of any age years after the event!

The "underage prostitute" line PROBABLY came out as a hersay (the mother). So the light sentence was only based on his underage son, it seems.

^ 'beyond all reasonable doubt'........care to elaborate on that chook ?

Pretty strong words...so must be evidence...and you being in the know...what is/was that concrete evidence ?

The standard that must be met by the prosecution's evidence in a criminal prosecution: that no other logical explanation can be derived from the facts except that the defendant committed the crime, thereby overcoming the presumption that a person is innocent until proven guilty.

If the jurors or judge have no doubt as to the defendant's guilt, or if their only doubts are unreasonable doubts, then the prosecutor has proven the defendant's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt and the defendant should be pronounced guilty.

Hope that explains it. That is the way it works in Australia and he was charged in Australia.

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Feel sorry for the kid. Idiot father and bitch mother. This kid will now carry this whole incident on his young shoulders and he'll probably feel responsible for the break up of his parents. I can imagine a scenario in which his mother doing the 'your father doesn't love or care for you' routine and son says 'at least dad lets me root hookers' in response.

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What is not at all clears, is how anyone in Austrailia knows the age of the girl in question?


Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Lets have a show of hands of those that remember the precise age of their first hooker?

Anyone?... No?


What do I win ?


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The standard that must be met by the prosecution's evidence in a criminal prosecution: that no other logical explanation can be derived from the facts except that the defendant committed the crime, thereby overcoming the presumption that a person is innocent until proven guilty.

If the jurors or judge have no doubt as to the defendant's guilt, or if their only doubts are unreasonable doubts, then the prosecutor has proven the defendant's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt and the defendant should be pronounced guilty.

Hope that explains it. That is the way it works in Australia and he was charged in Australia.

I'm thinking the police intimidated the guy into a confession, in which case no evidence required.

That's the way silly charges are usually brought. That's the way it works in the UK.

Guess his brief wasn't that good. (Or he was hiding something worse)

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Feel sorry for the kid. Idiot father and bitch mother. This kid will now carry this whole incident on his young shoulders and he'll probably feel responsible for the break up of his parents. I can imagine a scenario in which his mother doing the 'your father doesn't love or care for you' routine and son says 'at least dad lets me root hookers' in response.

mums on trial too now for divorcing an idiot of a husband? Certainly no justification for calling her a "b****".

oh, yep, let me guess. You got divorced too right?

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Ask the boy again in about 10 years. I've got my bet on he'll be telling the tale as a legend.

Or perhaps he'll be telling it to his psychiatrist. None of us know how mature the boy was and if he was 100% willing or not wanting to look like a big girl's blouse in front of his father and his mates. We'll never know that. I'm sure this kind of thing happens on an almost daily basis around the world, and in my opinion it's wrong.

At 13, he is still a child. Too many people here are assuming that this child was mentally developed enough to want to do this. Whatever the answer to that, his father encouraged him into having sex, and under this Australian law, which was made to catch pedophiles, he is guilty. I'm not suggesting his father is a pedophile in the way that we think of them, but by the strict letter of the law he is. Also, depending on the effect this has had on the boy, I would suggest that the sentence was rather lenient.

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Feel sorry for the kid. Idiot father and bitch mother. This kid will now carry this whole incident on his young shoulders and he'll probably feel responsible for the break up of his parents. I can imagine a scenario in which his mother doing the 'your father doesn't love or care for you' routine and son says 'at least dad lets me root hookers' in response.

mums on trial too now for divorcing an idiot of a husband? Certainly no justification for calling her a "b****".

oh, yep, let me guess. You got divorced too right?

You haven't been divorced yet. Let's hear your opinion after it happens.

There is absolutely no excuse for the womens behaviour in their attempt to grab as much as possible no matter how much damage they do to their children and former husband..

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Feel sorry for the kid. Idiot father and bitch mother. This kid will now carry this whole incident on his young shoulders and he'll probably feel responsible for the break up of his parents. I can imagine a scenario in which his mother doing the 'your father doesn't love or care for you' routine and son says 'at least dad lets me root hookers' in response.

mums on trial too now for divorcing an idiot of a husband? Certainly no justification for calling her a "b****".

oh, yep, let me guess. You got divorced too right?

You haven't been divorced yet. Let's hear your opinion after it happens.

There is absolutely no excuse for the womens behaviour in their attempt to grab as much as possible no matter how much damage they do to their children and former husband..

like reporting child prostitution? Gimme a break.

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That's one cool dad

Who'll end up in the cooler!

"Yesterday his defence barrister said his client realised his behaviour was wrong and a psychologist treating him for depression had concluded there was no risk of reoffending.

The father was sentenced to 12 months in jail but released on a $2000, two-year good behaviour bond."

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You are Thai, I bow to your greater knowledge and experience with child prostitution.

Ah, so your ability to argue a point lost (not that you ever had one), you go onto say what you say. If you aren't banned, I'll make sure people remember what you say.

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You haven't been divorced yet. Let's hear your opinion after it happens.

There is absolutely no excuse for the womens behaviour in their attempt to grab as much as possible no matter how much damage they do to their children and former husband..

We seldom get to hear the other side of these bleating victim stories - Its a shame because like all stories there is another side.

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What is not at all clears, is how anyone in Austrailia knows the age of the girl in question?

Sure it's dodgy to take you kid to a hooker to get laid for the first time, and I can see the

mother getting bent out of shape about it. But there is nothing that says there was a legal

issue on Samui. Not that I ever heard about.

So this seems a he said she said, mother against father, and they just arbitrarily believed

the mothers accusation. That there are Thai girls of legal age, that look very underage

by western standards is a give for anyone with time here.

Not agreeing the dad should have done this, but how did they actually determine

this was a under age sex crime unless they used the boys age as the line of illegality?

Some thing just seems off with the whole thing.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Thai ID cards now have DOB in English.

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Underage having sex with underage - I don't see a problem here, other than some money passes hands.

Would the outcome have been different if father gave his son some cash and let him loose for a night?

I know if I was 13 again and had enough cash in my pocket, I'd do just that.

Father, in a position of authority over a child more or less forced his son to have sex.

You clearly have no ability however to see how that can possibly be wrong. I hope you don't have kids.

I'm sorry I failed to see where it says he forced anyone to do anything?

To tell his son he didn't want him to come back as a virgin, sounds like an offer not an order, to me anyways, your opinion may differ and I don't argue with it.

No I don't have kids (yet), but I'm working on it.

The girl who was sold for sex was underage. That was encouraging the abuse and exploitation of children for sex when the father bought this girl for his son. She may have been forced or was desperate for money or just exploited by those she loved and trusted. Whatever it was, it was wrong of the father to do what he did.

Unless the courts in Australia found the girl and confirmed her age, it is speculation.

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Unless the courts in Australia found the girl and confirmed her age, it is speculation.


Maybe, maybe not. The father still procured a prostitute for his 13 year old son. That is criminal in itself. The girl may also have been underage. Whatever the case it was appalling parenting at least. What damage it has caused his child's understanding of relationships, sex and exploitation can only be guessed at. But nothing good I should imagine.

Edited by Bluespunk
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Now starts a lifetime of chasing skirts. Man, the money and time i could have saved if i didn't get frisky at 13 myself. All that energy and effort to park the member in a warm moist place. If most people took that effort to playing a musical instrument, they would be prodigies indeed.

I was 12 and it was spring time, I was already wanking for more than a year over the pages with the Ladies underwear in my moms illustrated catalogue carefully avoiding any spots and marks, tellingly not geting aroused by the view of my developing older sister seeing her naked; so much about catholic high-pressure environment.

Then, there was that neighbour girl, straight straw blond loong hair, my age, dark blue eyes deep like a mountain lake, I adored her and once, while strolling through the forest, deep in thought (yes, our playground was a forest and some of the richer kids had a b&w tv at home...) we met and I spontaneously decided to seduce her. It was easier than I thought, she was more than eager to try this "new game" and I became increasingly afraid about my "success", so I called it a day and sent her on her way with a stammered, not now, not now...

In one word I was oversexed to the point I could not look at a woman without undressing her.

The following sommer holidays I had a job in the local flower shop, and there, the proprietress (end 30) had mercy with me (with the wisdom of hindsight, everyone around me must have sensed my desperate lecherousness I tried to cover so hardly).

So, I got deflowered at the florist's.

It was ridiculous enlightening and sobering at the same time, making my first sexual experience with a woman without "love" attached ( to be honest, one of my best experiences in live).

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Being drunk doesn't excuse him at all, but instead of putting him at the bottom of the barrel, I will simply hope for a long prison sentence and decades of misery. I hope he gets fired from his job, divorced, can't see his kid for decades, and stays in a BKK jail. Exploiting children is no joking matter.

They should punish the moms...dads...family members...and pimps...which recruit and market these young girls to the public...all too common in Thailand...

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sex with a girl under 21 is illegal only if she is getting paid for it

so with this fact she could have been 20 years old

we have no idea of the truth or any facts

Underage = 21 to have sex for money

The defensible part is the "underage girl".

Absolutely no evidence of her age at all, nor can I see any way of finding her age.

Seems unlikely she was under the age of 16 (Australian law).

But may have been she was under the age of 20 (Thai law for prostitution).

But I guess the story sounds worse if they say "underage girl".

Not that it affects this case, but the age of consent for prostitution in Thailand is 18 not 21.

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Oh my god you have all gone mad

There was no under age girl in this, she is a figment of all your wild minds ( except a few who still have working brains )

in posting 93 a correction was made on this web site from the report on Sky News Australia that threw this OP Posting out the window

In post 93 you yourself made the claim to have heard from Brisbane, I have asked you to provide the source for the claim you made at #93 in order that we can read for ourselves.

You have failed to provide any verifiable source - you expect us to take your word for your own claim as a fact.

Provide the verifiable source, a report from the court proceedings or news report please - A phone call or email from a mate back home does not cut-it.

So, again, in response to the claim you made at #93.

Please provide the source so that we can read for ourselves.

Edited by GuestHouse
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Oh my god you have all gone mad

There was no under age girl in this, she is a figment of all your wild minds ( except a few who still have working brains )

in posting 93 a correction was made on this web site from the report on Sky News Australia that threw this OP Posting out the window

I post 93 you yourself made the claim the have heard from Brisbane, I have asked you to provide the source for the claim you made at #93 in order that we can read for ourselves.

You have failed to provide any verifiable source - you expect us to take your word for your own claim as a fact.

Provide the verifiable source, a report from the court proceedings or news report please - A phone call or email from a mate back home does not cut-it.

So, again, in response to the claim you made at #93.

Please provide the source so that we can read for ourselves.

Even if said girl was not underage, the son is only 13 and therefore considered a child, quite rightly. The father, an adult, paid for a girl to have sex with his underage son; that in itself would be classed as a crime.

Tezza has obviously been hitting the Lao Khao hard over the Songkran, and not letting his wife edit his posts.

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That's one cool dad

Cool? What would a 13 year old girl know about sex? He should've hired someone with more experience to show the kid the ropes. Not that I'm condoning prostitution. I wish Thailand and it's mongers were free of it. How much more pleasant it would be smile.png

My ex-gf used to have sex with boys at age 13, she told me it was possible on week-ends for some reason.

She used to love getting naked with one or two boys, and work them dry. One day, she got caught by her mother though... Mother was not pleased.

Usually, the trauma resulting from these events is caused more by other people's reaction, than by the event itself.

People's reaction in those good christian countries are always more traumatizing to kids than it could ever be here in Thailand...

And why talk about prostitution, since here it is very different than in western countries.

A bit of money is always left on the night table, for just about any girl, after a casual night....

(edit typo)

Edited by Andre0720
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You do not live in the real world

Have you any idea the amount of peer pressure on a boy of 13 gets

Most time if he admits he is still a virgin at 13 his friends will laugh at him (even with the facts they are in the same situation)

The pressure on you teenagers to have sex when they become teenagers is massive

Time you lived in the real world and looked at the starts of how many Thai girls at this age get pregnant

I also am totally against prostitution of young girl with old men, but you are not living in the real world, and I hope you not have a boy in this age group, because you have no idea what it is like to live through the time your is experiencing body changes you not understand

Oh I shed a tear... I do not live in the real world....

Forgetting the fact, that I was a boy once. I happened to be 13 once. Went to an all boys school even. Plenty of pressure.Forget the fact that despite all the bragging, when it all came out, most kids I finished high school with were still virgins.

Dad would have done his son a favor in teaching how to deal and stand up to this crap. Not placate it and set him up for the incorrect expectation that women are there to be bought.

But that is where you and I differ.

Despite your protestations, you clearly have no problem with a dad procuring an underage girl - so long as the 'partner' is underage too. Forget the fact that she's probably there against her will.

And that is on top of everything else that is wrong with the story.

Anyone who thinks that there is anything defensible about this story, well is a sick, sick puppy.

Finally one post that says it as it is! It needed 64 posts with highly experienced but not-to-the-point TV members to read this only correct answer.

Bravo Samran, your post saved me writing about the same: NO underage prostitute in Thailand is doing it for fun, they are FORCED to work as a prostitute, and this a'hole of a father acted like a pimp, engaging two underage youngsters into paid sex. He knew it was wrong, "Don't tell your mother" is the confession of the jerk. He should have been punished way heavier, this is a laugh: 2000 $ and 2 years good behaviour!

According to what some people have said, in Thai law it is illigal for any girl under the age of 20 to be having paid sex, and she is therefore classed as an underaged prostitute. You then go on to say that no underage prostitute is doing it for fun and that they are in fact forced into prostitution. If this is what you are saying, then I think you must be living in cloud cookkoo land. There are Thousands of girls here in Thailand who have made the decision themselves to inter into this profession, do I think they have made the correct decision,"no" but it is THEIR decision.

Your post shows you have no clue about that part of Thailand. "Some people said", don't you know how dumb it is to go for that? Even if so you pick out what suits you. I have read underage prostitute is: under 18, under 20, under 21. Choose as you like. Ok I will tell you about the law.

Thai law has the age of consent at 15 years. That means a 15 year old youngster can have a relationship with an adult. Adult does not mean old fart, can also be a 21 year old.

Thai law has a Act for protection of women and children. That act states that a youngster that is working in the sex tourist industry, has to be minimum 18 years of age.

So, although I agree that there are 17 year olds working voluntarily, you must be aware that in Thailand the underage prostitution is a major business, that those girls are bought or scammed (promising a job as a waitress) and are forced into prostitution.

Although there is no mention of the girl's age (so no conclusion that she was not underage) the facts show in a certain direction.

The lovely father (that some people here even want to defend) went to a brothel. He might have asked for a suitable girl for his 13 year old son and the pimp could have thought: ok, take a young girl. Then the father inspected the room on some higher floor, to see if there were condoms (so not the boy's room or the father's room, but a totally different place), then paid the girl and let the son get f***ed whilst father was waiting downstairs.

The warning: "Don't tell your mum" proves that father knew it was wrong, or even illegal what he did.

End of the sick story.

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Oh my god you have all gone mad

There was no under age girl in this, she is a figment of all your wild minds ( except a few who still have working brains )

in posting 93 a correction was made on this web site from the report on Sky News Australia that threw this OP Posting out the window

Lets go again

The so called crime happened in 2012

The compaint was made by husbands wifes solicitor early this year

a full hearing was set for April 24th ( this month)

The defendant on solicitors advice decided to pleaded guilty for a lessor charge

The case went back to court early as the case was no longer contested

At no time during the court case was the girls age questioned or given, as the charge was on allowing and abetting an under age male to have sex, not haveing sex with an under age girl

As the case had very little to do with the act he was charged under, even the judge said this was a bizzare case, but as he pleaded guilty he got a good behaviour bond

All this about under age sex with a Thai girl, I can only imagine was to stir up the BxxS,,,, origional press editorial

Their are those here who could see this was impossible, as there is no way the girls age could be varified, so their was no case

The case was in Australia, so all this BS that Thai police had any thing to do with it is pure BS at best

He is on a $2000 dollar good behaviour bond, so if he breaks the bond he will have to pay the $2000, he did not and will not go to jail no matter how much you may want him to


If I said that the world is not round but flat, the reason we not fall off

there would be those who agree and those that are against

some people just do not know when they are being set up here on TVF

You really seem to be justifying this guy. He was charged under a piece of legislation designed in Australia to stop Australians going to places like S/E Asia and in this case Thailand and procuring young children for the purpose of sex. The guy did this, he procured a female a minor to have sex with his son thus contributing to the child sex slavery industry which this very same piece of legislation was designed to help fight.

Had the son done it himself then maybe just maybe there would not be this problem. The offence is that dad bought a child to feed to his son.

Many are talking about Thai law and this has absolutely nothing to do with Thai law or the age for prostitution in Thailand or the age of consent in Thailand. It is 100% about Australian law and if an Australian procures a person under the age of 16 for sex either for yourself or another then you can and will be charged under Australian law. Regardless of what country you do it in.

Edited by chooka
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What is not at all clears, is how anyone in Austrailia knows the age of the girl in question?


Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Lets have a show of hands of those that remember the precise age of their first hooker?

Anyone?... No?

she was 19 I was 18 I was a surf rat and the crew thought it time we had our first Cross experience..for thos from oz they will know what I mean.however my art teacher had a fine go when I was 13 and i still think back what a sort she was..Such is life

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