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Thais ranked as fourth heaviest drinkers in the world


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Here in the village most of the guys have a drink every single day and most seem to consume a bottle of Lao Kao a day.

I was amazed at the alcohol consumption of the guys who built our house too. Most would have half a bottle of Lao a day.

Another builder who put wifeys Thai kitchen together pours down two bottles of Lao a day. Nice guy but must be doing himself irreparable damage.

I usually go out for a cycle ride every other day at about 6.30am and the local shop always has 3 or 4 guys outside starting early on the days bottle.

No idea how true 4th in the world of worlds drinkers is but I have never seen anything like the daily sustained drinking that goes on here.

Yeah, and many of the lads on here who are astounded probably don't even have many Thais friends are interact with Thais in a way that would expose them to how much Thais drink. How many of you guys drink at Thais' homes or establishments where mostly Thais only hang out?

Also, Thais don't seem to typically drink in more jovial, loud or even obnoxious ways. Even when drinking, they are more often quieter than your average Westerner might be. Not all the time, but more often than we Westerners drink like that. When I drink, I like to get a little loose and jovial, that's the whole point for me. So, the point is that you won't so often find drinking Thais as obnoxious as your typical Russian for example

Thais do def drink alot

Edited by PaullyW
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most of the Poo Chai's in my village in Isaan are most of the way through their 1st bottle of Lao Chow by 9 AM like everyone else in the villages up here. I hear that Isaan has the highest rate of Liver cancer in the world, & if that doesn't get em Cirrhosis surely will... I like a drink but not before lunch & then only beer, they all think that I'm a right woss when I don't join em, I'm offered Lao Chow from 6 30 Am onwards if I venture out of my door that early.. (Falang shakes his head, again)...

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Thailand would have likely been in first place if not for the efforts put forth in censuring (blurring)the consumption of alcohol and the smoking of cigarettes in movies and television programs shown here in Thailand. The profound and positive affect this effort has on lowing the consumption of alcohol should be practiced by more countries where the respective governments want to effectively reduce the consumption of alcohol. Not to mention the huge numbers of people who would stop smoking once they see these actions being blurred out in the media. So, next time you're out having a few, remember to have one for the "moralist" who are protecting your best interests in Thailand. I know I will.

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Isn't this just a recycled article from 2 months ago?



Just to add, there is one interesting comment on the original article regarding Euromonitor's use of "a shot" as a measure of alcohol consumption. Looks like "a shot" means "a glass" - so that a shot of vodka is "equivalent" to a glass of beer. Given the Thai penchant for having a spit of whiskey drowning in an ocean of soda water and ice, that would count as "one shot" yet has minimal alcohol. That's Euromoron's methodology! Sounds like would be more relevant to glass manufacturers than alcohol companies.

Sorry Thailand, nice try, but 77th you are! (and that includes a WHO estimate of homebrews, lao khao etc.)

Edited by focus27
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Koreans drink more than combined russians brits and americans? That's late aprill's fool joke

Yes hard to believe. Can anybody who knows that country well confirm they are such hard drinkers? If it would be true, it shouldn't be so difficult for North Korea to overrun them, presuming they don't drink that much.

Edited by keestha
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I"m not sure being ranked 4th in the world will be good enough for Thailand...some govt agency will probably develop a secret plan to move them up a notch or two within a couple of years with full backing of the Thai alcoholic beverage industry.

TAT is working on it as we speak. They will be promoting pisshead tours in their next campaign.

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And by the way..... there are only 44 countries in the world now?.... Russia is moving fast.

Yep! And I'm pretty sure that they haven't taken into account Vatican City! This state is internationally renowned for being full of heavy mass wine drinkers who can't help making up stories and telling fairy tales all day long because of this! Scary! wink.pngtongue.png

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This is misleading. While they may get in more dodgy liquor per capita, I bet no Asian country makes it up on any list where consumption of beer is concerned. Any pleb can knock back a shot of medicine (especially when accompanied by 10x as much soda), but it takes serious skill and stamina to do 12-15 pints of Guinness ;)

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Let's see now -- (1) THAI AVERAGE POPULATION IQ = bottom 2-3 countries in world (right down there iwth Nigeria) (2) PER CAPITA TRAFFIC DEATHS = Top 2-3 countries (right up there with 100 years behind middle eastern shit holes) and (3) ALCOHOL ABUSE = one of the top countries of the world. Such a wonderful place!

Edited by JackJD
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It may have something to do with a high % of farang expats, but Thais???

2 wine gums and a sniff of the barman's apron and they are 3 sheets to the wind.

Maybe the headline ought to read.....

Thai POLICE voted heaviest drinkers in the world. (of all police forces).

And by the way..... there are only 44 countries in the world now?.... Russia is moving fast.

Actually no... Isaan is by far the highest consumer of alcohol in Thailand. Not many Farangs there.

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huh!... most Thais I know don't drink any alcohol... sure there are always a few drunk motorbike taxi drivers hanging around the streets (i can only assume these were the only people surveyed)... but most Thais just go to work, come home, watch TV (with lots of eating in between) and then sleep... very few ever go drinking and the majority don't even have a beer or wine with their lunch/dinner... i admit i don't see many thais at breakfast time, maybe that's when they have their whisky

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pff... The Russians, the Finnish and the Norwegians definitely drink more than the Thais, and even more so here in Thailand. They do not just start drinking at an earlier age (about 13). but also consume way more alcohol each time they drink. I would also say the Brits outdrink Thais quite easily.

Some reasons why they drink more:

- Vorspiel, party, nachspiel.

- Sport.

- Drink a couple of bier after work, in the sun, etc...

- While Thais drink more each time they visit a restaurant, the farangs* visit restaurants more often.

- When Thais drink, they eat a lot, while the farangs* fill their stomachs with alcohol.

- More concerts, live bands, music events, festivals, holidays... (thais have way more festivals, but the festivals are often more with focus on shopping, food and concerts with little or no alcohol, though that's not always the case)

* (farang in this case I mean Russians, Finnish, Norwegians and Brits)

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Thais were found to be the fourth hardest drinkers at 4.5 shots per week, closely trailing behind South Korea, Russia, and the Philippines.

Russians don't drink more than Thais. 100% bullshit.

Because you have many Thai male friends and many Russian friends and know both worlds intimately?

So many experts here on international drinking. Go figure!

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I wouldnt put too much thought into anything Euromonitor produces to be fair, made up most of it.

In a proper table half of Eastern Europe would rank above Thailand.. I have spent some time working in Eastern Europe and although i haven't been in all countries the drinking habits from what i see are pretty normal with weekend evenings being the time when people seem to let their hair down.

don't really agree with you here, I have worked in Eastern Europe and from my experience their drinking habits mostly seem pretty normal, with weekend nights being the nights where people let their hair down and hit the shots.

Working with Koreans i have to say that it is much more "every night is drinking night". almost every meeting I have finished with Koreans ends in food and heavy drinking..

For Thailand I am sure I don't need to tell you,,

so i think there is probably a level of truth in what they say here.

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I would love to see how Euromonitor collect their data. Does the average 7-11 or Big C keep a record of how much is sold to Thais and how much goes to farangs ?

Could be that the total alcohol consumed in this country is helped by the occasional beer taken by the few farangs I have seen over here. although of course none of them ever drink to excess, Songkran or not.

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It may have something to do with a high % of farang expats, but Thais???

2 wine gums and a sniff of the barman's apron and they are 3 sheets to the wind.

Maybe the headline ought to read.....

Thai POLICE voted heaviest drinkers in the world. (of all police forces).

And by the way..... there are only 44 countries in the world now?.... Russia is moving fast.

Must not hang out in the isaan villages...those THAI folk drink so much Lao Khao daily they have a pretty high tolerance. First thing in the morning a shot or two and in the evening drink till the money is gone or the shop closes. And still able to stumble home....

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Those statistic values are worth nothing. All over Europe or the Americas men and women drink alcohol. I estimate, that in Thailand maybe only 50 per cent of the women drink alcohol. Not to mention all these serious amounts of jadong being produced and consumed in Thailand.

A serious statistic would take in account the percentage of women drinking and the amount of jadaong or Charlies moonshine is being consumed. Everything else is just bullshit from Texas.

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