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Don't leave me outside for the love of god.


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Thai people pig out like they are partaking in the final supper.

after forty odd people look at me repeating arroy every so often during dinner I'm am left outside with the men, we drink whiskey and play charades in an attempt to understand each other in between uncomfortable silences that decrease with every beer.

The woman begin there two day card game and the men sit boasting about how they are the dominant species, only stopping the chatter to wander inside to plead for their own hard earned money to top up their whiskey at ma and pa's store.

I often find myself returning to the woman, regardless of the communication skills, they are far more interesting, my thai has a long way to go however the men don't seem to be the deepest individuals when engaging in chit chat.

This is a very limited and only personal observation on a few experiences, but the men bore me to tears, the woman however are hilarious and far easier to talk to.

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OP, doesn't matter if you are in Thailand, in this situation, or anywhere else in the world.

If you don't speak the language you will always feel awkward.

Yes, feels better going to the women, pulling funny faces, and making them lough, but be aware that they are saying to the others, what a silly farang!

Associating with Thais when you can't understand them, or visa versa, it's a hopeless situation.

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OP, doesn't matter if you are in Thailand, in this situation, or anywhere else in the world.

If you don't speak the language you will always feel awkward.

Yes, feels better going to the women, pulling funny faces, and making them lough, but be aware that they are saying to the others, what a silly farang!

Associating with Thais when you can't understand them, or visa versa, it's a hopeless situation.

And when you can ?

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I get his point though. Thai women are more fun than the men at a party. The men sit about drinking and hardly speak at all - the women find something else to do (some gamble - some dance - some gossip and giggle - although the youngsters (both genders) text or facebook for hours on end). Even if you can speak Thai, it is not very interesting. A group of farangs will chart non stop and laugh/moan/banter, whatever - for hours whilst drinking - Thai men seem to sit mostly quietly getting slowly drunk - or arguing/fighting once drunk. I am sure this is fun for them - and fine - but is often boring for us westerners - perhaps its just a cultural thing. I often get bored at Thai only parties and either go sit and laugh with the women, or play with the kids.

//Edit: Just remembered whilst typing, about 20 years ago when I came to Thailand on a holiday with my Thai wife to be, before moving here. I went with her and her family to visit her grandmother in the countryside (Lampang - was the sticks then smile.png). I spoke practically no Thai back then, but was trying. My GFs uncle called me over one day as we walked past on a dirt path past some houses from the local mom+pop store. I joined a small male only party (plus my GF) - a group of rice farmers had caught a large snake in the paddy and had cooked it - they were having a communal stew party (being a veggie I got off with not eating any). A single cup of lao kow passed around the group. Fill it once and drain it at the end, everyone taking a sip (with a great game of get-the-farang-pissed). No one spoke hardly at all - all hand signals - I was 24 and the average age of the guys was 60+ - really enjoyed that evening, so funny and so much fun - with not a word. Very poor people - lots of sharing - and harmless fun (I sent the GF to the Mom+Pop for beer when the loa kow run out - no suggestion, just seemed the right thing to do).

Edited by wolf5370
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Sometimes you have to visit these people, it's not always optional.

To beetle juice, I love Thailand and don't sit on the PC all day as you assume, however i will come on here and share my experience so if it's not to your liking you can click past it, or perhaps you had nothing better to do.

The wife and I and our children have a great time when out and about, however when visiting their distant relatives once in a blue moon you cannot choose the associates as one suggested.

So to h90, would I visit them in my own country yes, you visit the awesome mother and of coarse have to wander around a few nearby streets visiting other more distant less appealing relatives, a card game always pops up.

In general I enjoy the visits in short bursts, two or three day, many many good points but that's another story.

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Same with farmers in the USA. Women stay inside and the men sit in their haunches outside and talk sh** or about crops and crop insurance or some other thing that has lost all of it's meaning in a modern world.

Yeah, I guess you'd be better off staying inside with the women.

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Same with farmers in the USA. Women stay inside and the men sit in their haunches outside and talk sh** or about crops and crop insurance or some other thing that has lost all of it's meaning in a modern world.

Finally some background info about you....

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Same with farmers in the USA. Women stay inside and the men sit in their haunches outside and talk sh** or about crops and crop insurance or some other thing that has lost all of it's meaning in a modern world.

Yeah, I guess you'd be better off staying inside with the women.

Yeah. I found the farm women quite a bit more interesting and capable of communicating beyond grunts and indistinguishable country dialects. The women had other jobs like school teachers, accountants and one wrote children's stories.

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I actually enjoy the part of the evening when the women go off. Means I can have a good gargle away from the wife's beady eye. I enjoy hearing nefarious and sometimes shocking tales from the boys too which allow me to live vicariously. I also have a cannon of jokes which don't lose anything in translation which always go down a treat.

I heartily actually agree with Beetlejuice here. It is amazing how so many blokes can't survive here for less than 3 minutes away from the wife's apron strings....

I was at a party recently where there were two other Westerners there. Both charming, pleasant and intelligent lads who seemed to have a smattering of understanding of what was going on.

When the women went off inside to wash up and natter they were nowhere to be seen and we were having decent conversations up to that point as we'd been lumped together.

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I actually enjoy the part of the evening when the women go off. Means I can have a good gargle away from the wife's beady eye. I enjoy hearing nefarious and sometimes shocking tales from the boys too which allow me to live vicariously. I also have a cannon of jokes which don't lose anything in translation which always go down a treat.

I heartily actually agree with Beetlejuice here. It is amazing how so many blokes can't survive here for less than 3 minutes away from the wife's apron strings....

I was at a party recently where there were two other Westerners there. Both charming, pleasant and intelligent lads who seemed to have a smattering of understanding of what was going on.

When the women went off inside to wash up and natter they were nowhere to be seen and we were having decent conversations up to that point as we'd been lumped together.

That's right heavy drinker, only you understand Thailand, only you can survive without your wife, not us, only you as you seem so eager to brag about.

We are all in envy of your amazing ability to fit in, you amaze me, us however, we are completely in the dark.

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I actually enjoy the part of the evening when the women go off. Means I can have a good gargle away from the wife's beady eye. I enjoy hearing nefarious and sometimes shocking tales from the boys too which allow me to live vicariously. I also have a cannon of jokes which don't lose anything in translation which always go down a treat.

I heartily actually agree with Beetlejuice here. It is amazing how so many blokes can't survive here for less than 3 minutes away from the wife's apron strings....

I was at a party recently where there were two other Westerners there. Both charming, pleasant and intelligent lads who seemed to have a smattering of understanding of what was going on.

When the women went off inside to wash up and natter they were nowhere to be seen and we were having decent conversations up to that point as we'd been lumped together.

Who wants to live vicariously? I want to live for real.

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Interesting observations from the OP about the differences between the Thai sexes...............I long ago came to the conclusion that Thai males do, indeed, come from an entirely different planet to Thai females.

I've never before experienced, in any other country, such a marked difference between the two sexes in temperament, personality, (apparent) depth of character, social graces - you name it.

In any social situation my wife and I find ourselves in, I'll always join her in the "ladies group" for a far more enjoyable and fun time than the terminally boring macho posturing that Thai men only seem able to exhibit when they've had a few beers.

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Interesting observations from the OP about the differences between the Thai sexes...............I long ago came to the conclusion that Thai males do, indeed, come from an entirely different planet to Thai females.

I've never before experienced, in any other country, such a marked difference between the two sexes in temperament, personality, (apparent) depth of character, social graces - you name it.

In any social situation my wife and I find ourselves in, I'll always join her in the "ladies group" for a far more enjoyable and fun time than the terminally boring macho posturing that Thai men only seem able to exhibit when they've had a few beers.

Have you ever been to Australia?

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How stressful and miserable your lives must be in Thailand. Moan and complain about everything regarding the aspects of the Thai way of life, their behaviour and the environments around you.

On reading many of these threads, it seems lots of farangs are unable to find contentment here, they come across as being totally disillusioned and I have to wonder why are they here and why do they say in a country where it is obvious they are not happy in?

I have to tell you that the Thais are not going to adapt themselves to appease the farangs, it is up to the ex-pats to adapt to the ways of Thailand, and for those who cannot, than they have a big problem. Perhaps the best solutions for people like the OP is to make a computer their best friend? Go onto Skype and facebook and stay at home in isolation in their own world and environment where nothing annoys or irritates them and they can pick and choose their own imaginary friends.

There you go again...attacking the posters here...not only a Thai apologist...but an OP basher also...you must be so proud...

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I actually enjoy the part of the evening when the women go off. Means I can have a good gargle away from the wife's beady eye. I enjoy hearing nefarious and sometimes shocking tales from the boys too which allow me to live vicariously. I also have a cannon of jokes which don't lose anything in translation which always go down a treat.

I heartily actually agree with Beetlejuice here. It is amazing how so many blokes can't survive here for less than 3 minutes away from the wife's apron strings....

I was at a party recently where there were two other Westerners there. Both charming, pleasant and intelligent lads who seemed to have a smattering of understanding of what was going on.

When the women went off inside to wash up and natter they were nowhere to be seen and we were having decent conversations up to that point as we'd been lumped together.

That's right heavy drinker, only you understand Thailand, only you can survive without your wife, not us, only you as you seem so eager to brag about.

We are all in envy of your amazing ability to fit in, you amaze me, us however, we are completely in the dark.

You very much seem to be given you clearly spend every social occasion you attend in Thailand hiding behind your wife like a shy 5 year old child at a birthday party hides behind his mummy....

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Interesting observations from the OP about the differences between the Thai sexes...............I long ago came to the conclusion that Thai males do, indeed, come from an entirely different planet to Thai females.

I've never before experienced, in any other country, such a marked difference between the two sexes in temperament, personality, (apparent) depth of character, social graces - you name it.

In any social situation my wife and I find ourselves in, I'll always join her in the "ladies group" for a far more enjoyable and fun time than the terminally boring macho posturing that Thai men only seem able to exhibit when they've had a few beers.

Have you ever been to Australia?

Aaaaah............there you have me at a disadvantage..............or perhaps quite the opposite!

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