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Ukraine crisis: Jews ordered to register in Donetsk


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It is fake and it has been proven. Please stop spreading lies Thai Visa.

Its not true that they have to register or be deported, says Weiss. NCSJ officials spoke directly to Jewish leadership in Donetsk, who said that Denis Pushilin, chairman of the pro-Russian Donetsk Peoples Government, denied creating the pamphlets, which carry his name.


Thaivisa loves sensationalism. What's new? Just like everyone else

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Perhaps a matter of semantics regarding how some communicate here, but the leaflets are not fake nor are the 100 people that were handed one. The issue is who printed and disseminated the leaflets.

As is usual with everything in Syria, Eastern Europe and this entire part of the world, no one is ever responsible. It is always the other guy and then we also have the West is always responsible for it contingency.

From Syrias's they dropped chemical weapons on themselves and barrell bombed/napalmed their own schools to make Assad look bad to Putin's we have no interest in annexing Crimea, there are no Russian troops in Crimea, those are our troops in Crimea, we had no plans to annex Crimea . . . . . . . . .

Does anyone really believe Putin or those under him would step up and for once say, yeah that was us and we did it?

The most entertaining part is that we have those on here that already know exactly who is and who is not responsible for the leaflets.

The leaflets were simply harassment and intimidation, a theme that pervades Eastern European culture be it government or organized crime.

You can call it fake from the stand point that Russian government is unlikely to actually require registration, but the harassment and intimidation value here is very real to those impacted and just another day at the office for this part of the world.

Edited by F430murci
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The US, Russia, Ukraine and the European Union have reached agreement on a series of immediate steps aimed at pulling eastern Ukraine back from the brink of war.

The deal, clinched after a dramatic extended meeting in Geneva, calls for the disarming of all illegal groups. In the next few days they would have to vacate all the government buildings and public spaces they have occupied over the course of the crisis.

In return, the protesters in eastern Ukraine would be offered amnesty for all but capital crimes and the government in Kiev would immediately start a process of public consultation aimed at devolving constitutional powers to the provinces.


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The US, Russia, Ukraine and the European Union have reached agreement on a series of immediate steps aimed at pulling eastern Ukraine back from the brink of war.

The deal, clinched after a dramatic extended meeting in Geneva, calls for the disarming of all illegal groups. In the next few days they would have to vacate all the government buildings and public spaces they have occupied over the course of the crisis.

In return, the protesters in eastern Ukraine would be offered amnesty for all but capital crimes and the government in Kiev would immediately start a process of public consultation aimed at devolving constitutional powers to the provinces.


Yes, but . . .


SLAVIANSK/DONETSK, Ukraine (Reuters) - Armed pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine said on Friday they were not bound by an international deal ordering them to disarm and would not move out of public buildings they have seized until the Kiev government stepped down.


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Who knows who's lying and who's telling the truth in that part of the world. Just another reason for Americans to stay out. Let the Euros deal with it, if they must.

Be clear Jews don't know either!!!!!!

Ukrainian Jews have indicated that they are unsure of the flyer’s provenance, telling The Jerusalem Post that it is impossible to determine its connection to the separatists


It might also be worth noting that the Israeli government itself has been very reluctant to criticize Russian actions in Crimea and Ukraine much to the displeasure of Obama. So those throwing dirt that this is a "Zionist" conspiracy might not know that the Zionist government of Israel wouldn't have much actual reason to do a PR stunt against Russia in this context.

Edited by Jingthing
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Like normaly I read some European newspapers today on the Internet. In not 1 paper was something mentioned about these leaflets. Also on the websites from the large tv station was nothing mentioned. The coverage of the situation about the ukrani is a verry big story in Europe, so it is strange that nobody write or talk about these leaflets.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You can talk about it here. Obviously, the editors of the media you mention didn't think it rated priority to publish. That's neither here nor there about the obvious fact that these leaflets do exist. Cheers.

The existence of the leaflets is not in contention , what's in dispute is their origination.

Perhaps all the major news outlets did not report on then , because they did not find the reports credible and did not want to be part of a disinformation campaign.

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I really doesn't matter which person printed the leaflets. What matters is, the Ukranians have an 80+ year history of anti-semetism. Not arguing the right or the wrong of the matter, just that it is real. It seems here that many are short on Ukrainian history and do not recall the "Holodomnor" or "Lazar Kagonovich" a Jewish commissar who for the then Soviet Union, perpetrated one of the world's darkest periods where in 1932-33 several million Ukrainians were starved and murdered. Like the Jewish holocaust, there are plenty of deniers to the magnitude of the Holodomor and how Kagonovich and his mostly Jewish Lackeys killed millions of Ukrainians is etched on the mind of every Ukranian.. Now, and for the first time since Kagonovich, Ukraine is ruled by several Jews and if anybody thinks this will fly they must also believe a Persian muslim could be successful as the president of Israel. This history is not a secret. If you really want to understand what is going on here, google the Holodomor and then Lazar Kagonovich. Kagonovich is to the Ukrainians what Adolf Eichmann was to the Jews.

If you understand the Holocomor, you understand why 760,000 Ukrainian military defected to the Germans in 1941. It was because the Germans were fighting their enemy. That is the how and why, the Ukrainians became Hitler's Concentration Camp guards and inflicted so much brutality on the Jews. The Ukrainians were in fact far more brutal toward the Jews than the Nazis. The Ukrainians became Hitler's willing executioners. Stop and think how 760,000 Ukrainians soldiers were one day standing ready to fight the approaching Nazis and the next day or two, the were loyal to Hitler and placed as guards in the camps. None of the other Soviet Prisoners of war were looked at the same way and in fact, most other Soviet Prisoners of war were executed or imprisoned. Not the Ukrainians, and this was clearly understood by the Nazis, it was not a surprise and the Nazis did not hesitate to use these Ukrainians. The guy the Jews called "Ivan the Terrible" was in fact a Ukrainian.

Do not think for a second that the Ukrainians are going to forget what they believe the Jews did to their parents and grand parents.

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Who ordered the Holodomnor? STALIN (who Putin has nauseatingly politically rehabilitated.) Oh. Not a Jew? So I guess not interesting or relevant. coffee1.gif Antisemitism in Ukraine is certainly MUCH OLDER than 80 years. Talk about getting your history straight.


You are correct that anti-semetism goes back a lot more than 80 years but it seems that many are not capable of going back farther than WW2. I guess you could go back to the time of Christ and beyond but going back to the Holodomor serves the purpose of this particular thread which is about the Jews of Ukraine and what is happening to them.

The argument that Stalin ordered it did not hold up for the defendents at Nurnburg who claimed that Hitler ordered the Holocaust so why would the same not apply to the Holodomor?

Edited by Pakboong
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Who ordered the Holodomnor? STALIN (who Putin has nauseatingly politically rehabilitated.) Oh. Not a Jew? So I guess not interesting or relevant. coffee1.gif Antisemitism in Ukraine is certainly MUCH OLDER than 80 years. Talk about getting your history straight.


You are correct that anti-semetism goes back a lot more than 80 years but it seems that many are not capable of going back farther than WW2. I guess you could go back to the time of Christ and beyond but going back to the Holodomor serves the purpose of this particular thread which is about the Jews of Ukraine and what is happening to them.

The argument that Stalin ordered it did not hold up for the defendents at Nurnburg who claimed that Hitler ordered the Holocaust so why would the same not apply to the Holodomor?

The Holodomor is indeed a salient historical issue for Ukrainians, usually connected with anti-Russian sentiment and antisemitism. The Jewish connection here (Kaganovich) is objectively bogus, being more a party member than anything else, but correct to say that such distinctions are often lost on the masses (and are easy to manipulate). Wouldn't say that the Holodomor itself is the root of Ukrainian antisemitism, but its memory (accurate as it may be) helps fuel the fires.

My impression is that in recent Ukrainian politics it got a lot of mileage steering up the nationalist elements, and used to bash the pro-Russian side, with the antisemitic thing being more of a (bonus?) side effect.

On the question of trials and responsibility - the 2010 verdict of the Ukrainian court found Stalin, Kaganovich and others as guilty. More a symbolic ruling as all were long gone.

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Like normaly I read some European newspapers today on the Internet. In not 1 paper was something mentioned about these leaflets. Also on the websites from the large tv station was nothing mentioned. The coverage of the situation about the ukrani is a verry big story in Europe, so it is strange that nobody write or talk about these leaflets.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You can talk about it here. Obviously, the editors of the media you mention didn't think it rated priority to publish. That's neither here nor there about the obvious fact that these leaflets do exist. Cheers.

The existence of the leaflets is not in contention , what's in dispute is their origination.

Perhaps all the major news outlets did not report on then , because they did not find the reports credible and did not want to be part of a disinformation campaign.










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Like normaly I read some European newspapers today on the Internet. In not 1 paper was something mentioned about these leaflets. Also on the websites from the large tv station was nothing mentioned. The coverage of the situation about the ukrani is a verry big story in Europe, so it is strange that nobody write or talk about these leaflets.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You can talk about it here. Obviously, the editors of the media you mention didn't think it rated priority to publish. That's neither here nor there about the obvious fact that these leaflets do exist. Cheers.

The existence of the leaflets is not in contention , what's in dispute is their origination.

Perhaps all the major news outlets did not report on then , because they did not find the reports credible and did not want to be part of a disinformation campaign.










All Western media is printing Russian side of the story, even Fox News . . .


'Complete lie': Pro-Russian official denies role in mysterious leaflets to Ukrainian Jews

Pushilin said his organization did not distribute the leaflets. To back up his case, he said the notices were too sloppy to have been sent out by him.

"Moreover, this provocation has been done unprofessionally -- first of all, it is signed as 'people's governor Denis Pushilin,' and I never referred to myself as such and nobody called me like that first," he told Fox News. "Secondly the stamp that is there, it is bigger in size meaning simply it has been done in a Photoshop. And third, if you read the text you will see that it's relatively badly written."

He said he has personally denied involvement in conversations with the Jewish community in both Kiev and Donetsk.


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The problem I have is with the word 'ordered' in the thread title. Some leaflets were handed out, but nobody was officially ordered to do anything. Snoops gets it right:

TRUE: A small group of people in the Ukrainian city of Donetsk passed out leaflets ordering local Jews to register with the government.

FALSE: The government of Ukraine has officially ordered Jews in that country to register.


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You can talk about it here. Obviously, the editors of the media you mention didn't think it rated priority to publish. That's neither here nor there about the obvious fact that these leaflets do exist. Cheers.

The existence of the leaflets is not in contention , what's in dispute is their origination.

Perhaps all the major news outlets did not report on then , because they did not find the reports credible and did not want to be part of a disinformation campaign.










All Western media is printing Russian side of the story, even Fox News . . .


'Complete lie': Pro-Russian official denies role in mysterious leaflets to Ukrainian Jews

Pushilin said his organization did not distribute the leaflets. To back up his case, he said the notices were too sloppy to have been sent out by him.

"Moreover, this provocation has been done unprofessionally -- first of all, it is signed as 'people's governor Denis Pushilin,' and I never referred to myself as such and nobody called me like that first," he told Fox News. "Secondly the stamp that is there, it is bigger in size meaning simply it has been done in a Photoshop. And third, if you read the text you will see that it's relatively badly written."

He said he has personally denied involvement in conversations with the Jewish community in both Kiev and Donetsk.


I wasn't commenting on the content, just pointing out it does appear on many media outlets.

Personally, wouldn't be hasty to point fingers, as hard to say - but sure that from the Jewish community point of view firing up the antisemitic sentiment isn't a good thing.

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This article relates to how Soviet and Stalinist history is meaningful to all sides in this conflict. From a Russian. The Putin version of this history is massively REVISIONIST.


The fury of our politicians’ and bureaucrats’ response to the mass destruction of Soviet idols in Ukraine is revealing. You might think, why pity symbols of the past? But Russian bureaucrats understand that their beloved Homo sovieticus crumbled along with Lenin. “They are destroying monuments to Lenin because he personifies Russia!” one politician exclaimed. Yes: Soviet Russia and the USSR, the ruthless empire, built by Stalin, that enslaved whole peoples, created a devastating famine in Ukraine, and carried out purges and mass repressions. The recent Ukrainian revolution was indeed directed against the heirs of that empire—Putin and Yanukovych. It is telling that pro-Russian demonstrations in Crimea and eastern parts of Ukraine invariably took place next to statues of Lenin.


Ukraine has taught Russia a lesson in loving freedom and refusing to tolerate a base, thieving regime. Ukraine found the strength to break away from the post-Soviet iceberg and sail toward Europe. Maidan—Independence Square—showed the world what a people can accomplish when it so desires. But when I watched the reports from Kiev, I could not imagine anything similar in today’s Moscow. It is difficult to imagine Muscovites fighting the OMON special forces day and night on Red Square and facing snipers’ bullets with wooden shields. For that to happen, something must change not only in the surrounding environment, but in people’s heads. Will it?

Edited by Jingthing
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True or False? We are not sure. Possible? -- Yes! Plausible? -- Yes... And that's enough to bring back the sweet memories of burning flesh and 'pogroms'.

The epicentre of Europe was the centre of Holocaust. No country in that region was exempt.

Any Real News?

Maybe contingency plans for immediate response or evacuation? No, it's not too early to think about. Things like this can be only too late...

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This article relates to how Soviet and Stalinist history is meaningful to all sides in this conflict. From a Russian. The Putin version of this history is massively REVISIONIST.


The fury of our politicians’ and bureaucrats’ response to the mass destruction of Soviet idols in Ukraine is revealing. You might think, why pity symbols of the past? But Russian bureaucrats understand that their beloved Homo sovieticus crumbled along with Lenin. “They are destroying monuments to Lenin because he personifies Russia!” one politician exclaimed. Yes: Soviet Russia and the USSR, the ruthless empire, built by Stalin, that enslaved whole peoples, created a devastating famine in Ukraine, and carried out purges and mass repressions. The recent Ukrainian revolution was indeed directed against the heirs of that empire—Putin and Yanukovych. It is telling that pro-Russian demonstrations in Crimea and eastern parts of Ukraine invariably took place next to statues of Lenin.


Ukraine has taught Russia a lesson in loving freedom and refusing to tolerate a base, thieving regime. Ukraine found the strength to break away from the post-Soviet iceberg and sail toward Europe. Maidan—Independence Square—showed the world what a people can accomplish when it so desires. But when I watched the reports from Kiev, I could not imagine anything similar in today’s Moscow. It is difficult to imagine Muscovites fighting the OMON special forces day and night on Red Square and facing snipers’ bullets with wooden shields. For that to happen, something must change not only in the surrounding environment, but in people’s heads. Will it?

It will never happen! Sorry to rain on your idealism...

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I really doesn't matter which person printed the leaflets. What matters is, the Ukranians have an 80+ year history of anti-semetism. Not arguing the right or the wrong of the matter, just that it is real. It seems here that many are short on Ukrainian history and do not recall the "Holodomnor" or "Lazar Kagonovich" a Jewish commissar who for the then Soviet Union, perpetrated one of the world's darkest periods where in 1932-33 several million Ukrainians were starved and murdered. Like the Jewish holocaust, there are plenty of deniers to the magnitude of the Holodomor and how Kagonovich and his mostly Jewish Lackeys killed millions of Ukrainians is etched on the mind of every Ukranian.. Now, and for the first time since Kagonovich, Ukraine is ruled by several Jews and if anybody thinks this will fly they must also believe a Persian muslim could be successful as the president of Israel. This history is not a secret. If you really want to understand what is going on here, google the Holodomor and then Lazar Kagonovich. Kagonovich is to the Ukrainians what Adolf Eichmann was to the Jews.

If you understand the Holocomor, you understand why 760,000 Ukrainian military defected to the Germans in 1941. It was because the Germans were fighting their enemy. That is the how and why, the Ukrainians became Hitler's Concentration Camp guards and inflicted so much brutality on the Jews. The Ukrainians were in fact far more brutal toward the Jews than the Nazis. The Ukrainians became Hitler's willing executioners. Stop and think how 760,000 Ukrainians soldiers were one day standing ready to fight the approaching Nazis and the next day or two, the were loyal to Hitler and placed as guards in the camps. None of the other Soviet Prisoners of war were looked at the same way and in fact, most other Soviet Prisoners of war were executed or imprisoned. Not the Ukrainians, and this was clearly understood by the Nazis, it was not a surprise and the Nazis did not hesitate to use these Ukrainians. The guy the Jews called "Ivan the Terrible" was in fact a Ukrainian.

Do not think for a second that the Ukrainians are going to forget what they believe the Jews did to their parents and grand parents.

"Sanctions" sounds like a nice clean polite word, in today's world, but they are an old menace.


A significant contributing factor to the Soviet Union's economic problems, and hence the famine, was the "Gold Blockade".[52] The western countries refusal to accept gold as payment left the Soviet Union with little more than oil, timber and grain as trade "currency" from 1925. In April 1933, the UK proclaimed the Russian Goods (Import Prohibition) Act 1933[53] and banned the import of timber, petroleum, butter, wheat and barley. This left the Soviet Union with little other in the way of trade "currency" other than grain until it was revoked two months later in July. By then the damage was done. Stalin assumed that collectivization would lead to increased yields from farming.

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Who ordered the Holodomnor? STALIN (who Putin has nauseatingly politically rehabilitated.) Oh. Not a Jew? So I guess not interesting or relevant. coffee1.gif Antisemitism in Ukraine is certainly MUCH OLDER than 80 years. Talk about getting your history straight.


Go back further still


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It is fake and it has been proven. Please stop spreading lies Thai Visa.

“It’s not true that they have to register or be deported,” says Weiss. NCSJ officials spoke directly to Jewish leadership in Donetsk, who said that Denis Pushilin, chairman of the pro-Russian Donetsk People’s Government, denied creating the pamphlets, which carry his name.[/size]


Thai Visa does not spread lies, it reproduces news reports verbatim for discussion here on the forum.

If you have an issue with the content of the article please contact the original source shown at the foot of the post. Thank you

Be careful with that, unless you fancy ending up like Mr and Mrs Phuketwan

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An interesting take on a recent twist on Russian right wing propaganda -- linking the Ukraine independence movement not to fascism but to Jews and milking Russian anti-semitism. The plot thickens.

The Real Truth About Those Anti-Semitic Flyers in Donetsk Russia Has Its Fingerprints All Over Them

With all the focus on the Donetsk incident, the conversation has missed the forest while being distracted by a single tree. During the past month, since the annexation of Crimea, the Kremlin has shifted its rhetoric and tactics in playing the “Jewish card.” It has embraced the language of classical Russian nationalism, going back to tsarist times, and has engaged the dark forces of the Russian ultra-right. That includes using anti-Semitism as an ingredient in the anti-Ukrainian campaign.

In a nutshell: the Kremlin’s attempt, back in late February and March, to paint the new Ukrainian regime as Nazi and anti-Semitic has failed. It didn’t pick up much traction in world public opinion. So now the Kremlin is spreading the line that the Ukrainian leaders are Jews. Or at the very least, servants and lackeys of Jews. The intended audience is no longer international; it is domestic.


Despite the ambivalence now expressed about the flyers in Donetsk, one fact is unequivocal: It is no coincidence that virtually all of the known anti-Semitic incidents since the fall of the Yanukovych regime have taken place in the Eastern part of the country — Crimea, Odessa, Donetsk, Nikolayev. It is the region where Russia exerts the greatest influence and interference, and it is there where a group thought relegated to the dustbin of history is now active again, thanks to Russia: the Black Hundreds.

Read more: http://forward.com/articles/196864/the-real-truth-about-those-anti-semitic-flyers-in?p=all#ixzz2zqUgJpxN

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I suspect that this strategy is getting just the exact reactions it was intended to get when it became a matter of public awareness.

Funny thing is... only the loons and the hypocrites are getting all worked up over it.

When you look around the world at what similar groups of people are being subjected to (say, "Gaza" and then describe physiologically what a Semite is), then it becomes quite clear how this matter is overblown, out of proportion and utterly given way too much attention.

Even if it is true... nothing much will come of it. If it a lie, then it is simply a litmus test for loons and hypocrites to blow their horns and cry wolf and see how many people fall all over themselves to kiss ass.

Sounds more to me like, "You can dish it out, but you don't like it when it gets dished out to you"... even if it is or isn't true.

Take it down a notch people.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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Good chance it's fake propaganda.

If NOT, one can understand the "Russians" in Eastern Ukraine wanting to know who's who....,they are after all in a very serious position given the coup in Kiev and events since,

The form may merely be requesting proof of residence or some such, just as we in Thailand have to give it.

BTW is there any evidence this is being asked only of the Jews, and are they the only other distinct group than the Russians?

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