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Thai-born British citizen accused of lese majeste by her own parents


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Truly hilarious. But he's a luug kreung, so he gets a passport.

Is DJ Ken luuk krueng? I saw he went to uni in the UK and has a British passport, so it makes sense. Thought he may have got it through a British partner though because he doesn't really look luuk krueng to me. But whatever, that someone educated in the UK has these views makes it even worse. But Ken is actually at least half Thai. A farang by the name of "Jack Dekfarang Brown" recently released his own rant about "E Rose" (in Thai). It really is remarkable. Here's his page, the rant about Rose is from four or five days ago, on June 24th if you really want to hear it: https://www.facebook.com/dekfarang?fref=ts

It just gets crazier the longer it goes on. Who's going to involve themselves next? I also see the British Embassy in BKK has written to Rose or someone that wrote on her behalf and made it clear they will "not tolerate attempts to enforce Thai military decrees in the UK".

Anyway, Ken has apologized now and says he knows what he did was wrong, so I think Rose & her friends should leave him alone too now. Hopefully he's learned his lesson. I see Kae and Rose are still going back and fourth though lol. Kae has planned a protest against Rose and Rose says Kae is a prostitute. Hard to say which one is more of a froot loop tbh. Aum Neko's also been releasing some mental videos recently, but she's actually smart & at least has some interesting ideas to go along with the craziness factor. lol.

I heard someone say he was luck kreung. How do you know he has a passport. For him to get one through being married at his age, means someone wants to marry him.

Look at him. He's a doofus.

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Here's the letter I referred to:


That letter might be a hoax.

Don't know for sure, but I doubt it is. It's also consistent with remarks made by the UK Ambassador on Twitter.

I worked for the embassy loosely. They don't issue answers like that to random letter posted in.

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That letter might be a hoax.

Don't know for sure, but I doubt it is. It's also consistent with remarks made by the UK Ambassador on Twitter.

I worked for the embassy loosely. They don't issue answers like that to random letter posted in.

Yeah, don't know. It has been widely shared on Twitter and FB though. The ambassador is quite active on Twitter and I think he'd be aware of it. I'd have thought he would've been quick to say so if the email were not authentic.

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Truly hilarious. But he's a luug kreung, so he gets a passport.

Is DJ Ken luuk krueng? I saw he went to uni in the UK and has a British passport, so it makes sense. Thought he may have got it through a British partner though because he doesn't really look luuk krueng to me. But whatever, that someone educated in the UK has these views makes it even worse. But Ken is actually at least half Thai. A farang by the name of "Jack Dekfarang Brown" recently released his own rant about "E Rose" (in Thai). It really is remarkable. Here's his page, the rant about Rose is from four or five days ago, on June 24th if you really want to hear it: https://www.facebook.com/dekfarang?fref=ts

It just gets crazier the longer it goes on. Who's going to involve themselves next? I also see the British Embassy in BKK has written to Rose or someone that wrote on her behalf and made it clear they will "not tolerate attempts to enforce Thai military decrees in the UK".

Anyway, Ken has apologized now and says he knows what he did was wrong, so I think Rose & her friends should leave him alone too now. Hopefully he's learned his lesson. I see Kae and Rose are still going back and fourth though lol. Kae has planned a protest against Rose and Rose says Kae is a prostitute. Hard to say which one is more of a froot loop tbh. Aum Neko's also been releasing some mental videos recently, but she's actually smart & at least has some interesting ideas to go along with the craziness factor. lol.

I heard someone say he was luck kreung. How do you know he has a passport. For him to get one through being married at his age, means someone wants to marry him.

Look at him. He's a doofus.

He instagrammed a pic previously of himself at the airport with a British passport. The picture implied it was his, but I guess it could've been someone elses. However, I doubt he'd get a visa for the UK to do his job. And his FB showed he'd already graduated from university. So I'm guessing he'd either be a citizen or have permanent leave to remain. Even if he didn't though, those who say he'd be deported are wrong. That only applies for serious criminal cases, not this which is probably community service and a fine at most. Anyway, unlike Kae, he has actually apologized for what he did, so I think people should accept it, move on and let the law deal with his punishment. Hopefully it'll be a harsh lesson learned.

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Truly hilarious. But he's a luug kreung, so he gets a passport.

Is DJ Ken luuk krueng? I saw he went to uni in the UK and has a British passport, so it makes sense. Thought he may have got it through a British partner though because he doesn't really look luuk krueng to me. But whatever, that someone educated in the UK has these views makes it even worse. But Ken is actually at least half Thai. A farang by the name of "Jack Dekfarang Brown" recently released his own rant about "E Rose" (in Thai). It really is remarkable. Here's his page, the rant about Rose is from four or five days ago, on June 24th if you really want to hear it: https://www.facebook.com/dekfarang?fref=ts

It just gets crazier the longer it goes on. Who's going to involve themselves next? I also see the British Embassy in BKK has written to Rose or someone that wrote on her behalf and made it clear they will "not tolerate attempts to enforce Thai military decrees in the UK".

Anyway, Ken has apologized now and says he knows what he did was wrong, so I think Rose & her friends should leave him alone too now. Hopefully he's learned his lesson. I see Kae and Rose are still going back and fourth though lol. Kae has planned a protest against Rose and Rose says Kae is a prostitute. Hard to say which one is more of a froot loop tbh. Aum Neko's also been releasing some mental videos recently, but she's actually smart & at least has some interesting ideas to go along with the craziness factor. lol.

I heard someone say he was luck kreung. How do you know he has a passport. For him to get one through being married at his age, means someone wants to marry him.

Look at him. He's a doofus.

He instagrammed a pic previously of himself at the airport with a British passport. The picture implied it was his, but I guess it could've been someone elses. However, I doubt he'd get a visa for the UK to do his job. And his FB showed he'd already graduated from university. So I'm guessing he'd either be a citizen or have permanent leave to remain. Even if he didn't though, those who say he'd be deported are wrong. That only applies for serious criminal cases, not this which is probably community service and a fine at most. Anyway, unlike Kae, he has actually apologized for what he did, so I think people should accept it, move on and let the law deal with his punishment. Hopefully it'll be a harsh lesson learned.

Well he broke the law, so an apology is correct. If he has a passport, deported to where? He's home. I think he looks luug kreung.

Let's hope he learns a little about the British legal system now.

She has nothing to apologise for.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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He instagrammed a pic previously of himself at the airport with a British passport. The picture implied it was his, but I guess it could've been someone elses. However, I doubt he'd get a visa for the UK to do his job. And his FB showed he'd already graduated from university. So I'm guessing he'd either be a citizen or have permanent leave to remain. Even if he didn't though, those who say he'd be deported are wrong. That only applies for serious criminal cases, not this which is probably community service and a fine at most. Anyway, unlike Kae, he has actually apologized for what he did, so I think people should accept it, move on and let the law deal with his punishment. Hopefully it'll be a harsh lesson learned.

Well he broke the law, so an apology is correct. If he has a passport, deported to where? He's home. I think he looks luug kreung.

Let's hope he learns a little about the British legal system now.

She has nothing to apologise for.

I meant if he didn't have a passport. To me he's too "Thai" to be luuk krueng - but I'm basing that on nothing other than his video. But anyway, unless he does something else incredibly stupid, his 5 minutes of fame are now over. To be honest if DJ Ken did grow up in Thailand his behaviour has to be seen in that context. I'm more worried about Jack Dekfarang - who grew up in the UK - ranting against Rose... he's entirely English and grew up in the UK so there's no real excuse for profane and abusive ranting which verges on threatening. I'm assuming he did it to appeal to his Thai fans and probably doesn't really believe what he's saying, but it's still hard to fathom.

I think Kae does have something to apologize for. Going around to someone's house and taking a video of yourself saying you're going to slap that person... surely that's worthy of an apology at the very least? Not sure if police are taking any further action on that one as she didn't actually do anything. But even if they're not, if she was smart she'd apologize and forget about these "protests" she is organizing, because if she keeps on like this perhaps the police will consider it harassment. Or if she's not going to apologize, how about she just shuts up about Rose and moves on with her life? lol.

Edited by Emptyset
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He instagrammed a pic previously of himself at the airport with a British passport. The picture implied it was his, but I guess it could've been someone elses. However, I doubt he'd get a visa for the UK to do his job. And his FB showed he'd already graduated from university. So I'm guessing he'd either be a citizen or have permanent leave to remain. Even if he didn't though, those who say he'd be deported are wrong. That only applies for serious criminal cases, not this which is probably community service and a fine at most. Anyway, unlike Kae, he has actually apologized for what he did, so I think people should accept it, move on and let the law deal with his punishment. Hopefully it'll be a harsh lesson learned.

Well he broke the law, so an apology is correct. If he has a passport, deported to where? He's home. I think he looks luug kreung.

Let's hope he learns a little about the British legal system now.

She has nothing to apologise for.

I meant if he didn't have a passport. To me he's too "Thai" to be luuk krueng - but I'm basing that on nothing other than his video. But anyway, unless he does something else incredibly stupid, his 5 minutes of fame are now over. To be honest if DJ Ken did grow up in Thailand his behaviour has to be seen in that context. I'm more worried about Jack Dekfarang - who grew up in the UK - ranting against Rose... he's entirely English and grew up in the UK so there's no real excuse for profane and abusive ranting which verges on threatening. I'm assuming he did it to appeal to his Thai fans and probably doesn't really believe what he's saying, but it's still hard to fathom.

I think Kae does have something to apologize for. Going around to someone's house and taking a video of yourself saying you're going to slap that person... surely that's worthy of an apology at the very least? Not sure if police are taking any further action on that one as she didn't actually do anything. But even if they're not, if she was smart she'd apologize and forget about these "protests" she is organizing, because if she keeps on like this perhaps the police will consider it harassment. Or if she's not going to apologize, how about she just shuts up about Rose and moves on with her life? lol.

Oh you mean Kae. Yes she should apologise.

If he didn't have a passport, I guess he could have had a problem if the punishment had gone further than a warning. He's a complete idiot.

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i am not sure i like this...the whole thing turned to be a facebook dispute about who is more cool..between dj Ken(retired) Rose Kae and Jack

Who is more cool? Hmmm... think I'd have to vote for the "none of the above" option on this one.

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I think Kae does have something to apologize for. Going around to someone's house and taking a video of yourself saying you're going to slap that person... surely that's worthy of an apology at the very least? Not sure if police are taking any further action on that one as she didn't actually do anything. But even if they're not, if she was smart she'd apologize and forget about these "protests" she is organizing, because if she keeps on like this perhaps the police will consider it harassment. Or if she's not going to apologize, how about she just shuts up about Rose and moves on with her life? lol.

It would be up to the English male resident (single parent with two children) of that house to make a complaint.

Nothing to do with her, she didn't live there.

I believe the man has made a complaint.

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Here's the letter I referred to:


That letter might be a hoax.

Don't know for sure, but I doubt it is. It's also consistent with remarks made by the UK Ambassador on Twitter.

I worked for the embassy loosely. They don't issue answers like that to random letter posted in.

the times are changing and that random letter might be an important one to reply to. Surely, the embassy do reply to some random letters, that's their job to represent their country and to defend citisens faced with a threat made by illegal and oppressive government. Probably they had already enough of thai posturing and the case which simply can be dealt by the british law.

it's not a statement posted on the embassy website, but by now they would denounce it as a hox

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I very much doubt she gives a toss, she is a British Citizen, living in a country that allows freedom of speech. She's not likely to return here anytime soon.

Freedom when it is against the Thai Monarchy. If it is against UK or USA than there isn't that much freedom....see the Snowden situation where they threatened the newspapers

I think you are trying to compare apples to oranges. Snowden disclosed thousands of classified documents. Snowden should be held accountable for doing this. The Thais are trying to prevent a British citizen from exercising her freedom of speech, who lives in the UK. That should raise anyones eyebrows.

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It would be up to the English male resident (single parent with two children) of that house to make a complaint.

Nothing to do with her, she didn't live there.

I believe the man has made a complaint.

God knows what that poor guy was thinking laugh.png

Probably bathing the kids or some other mundane task when a Thai prostitute turns up at your door screaming she wants to slap you facepalm.gif

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for the reports,Miss Kae https://www.facebook.com/kae.kanyarat.3 posted :

"The recent social media comments made by Chatwadee Rose Amornpat

contravenes the UK 2003 Communications Act and has been reported to the UK Home Office Terrorist Squad"

then :

"I have enough with this idiot girl so I gonna ignore her just let her swearing and go crazy this matter it now being handled by the police !!!"

finally Kae will live a peaceful life with no harassment on facebook or anywhere else!!oh wait....

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yesterday,the Thai Police Major General calls for UK Citizen, Rose Amornpat, to be "tortured to death".


and one more intimidation to Rose by miss Wassana Anne Payling


the video has been removed by miss Wassana,i suppose

Edited by kaobang
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Repressive laws can be abused. Many possibilities here. parents and child don't like each other or the parents want to save face and distance themselves and protect themsevles from the daughter's actions so that the parents don't get in trouble in Thailand.

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in every democratic country a policeman like him would be fired

But Thailand isn`t a democratic country! Since the end of constitutional monarchy 80 years ago it been ruled by the military with the small semblance of democracy at times fooling no one.

Using extreme Nationalism to drum up support has been a feature of repressive regimes around the world for centuries. It helps deflect from the real issues at home and gives a feeling of "for the greater good." Mixing this Nationalism with Thaksin style populist policies seems to be the current plan for the junta.

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  • 9 months later...

Thais and foreigners alike discuss royal matters online all the time, some of which may constitute a breach of lese majeste.

User names will commonly be different from their passports. Given the huge volume of posts to sift through daily, have the

Thai authorities actually charged anyone in recent memory, based solely on Internet postings?

Edited by Trevor25222
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More likely she stopped sending money home some time ago and the parents are looking to get back at her

Probably a combination of the lack of money flow and the Thai parents are getting some backlash from people in Thailand. Just as in many dictatorial edicts where opinion is not allowed, people will "rally around the flag" as they say and all march in line. Les Majeste is taken very seriously in Thailand whether one agrees with it or not.

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More likely she stopped sending money home some time ago and the parents are looking to get back at her

Probably a combination of the lack of money flow and the Thai parents are getting some backlash from people in Thailand. Just as in many dictatorial edicts where opinion is not allowed, people will "rally around the flag" as they say and all march in line. Les Majeste is taken very seriously in Thailand whether one agrees with it or not.

I have seen some of Rose's postings, I have also watched the reaction of Thais who have seen her videos and it really does make every Thai I know irate. Rose lives in England but her postings are directed at Thailand. Personally I feel sorry for someone that feels the need to fit in elsewhere by devaluing their own roots -- and I do believe this is part of why she does it.

Before anyone view the parents too harshly -- realize the situation they are in. They have to deal with the backlash from the general public everyday of their lives.... which Rose seems to care little about. Also understand that as long as Rose is in England she will not have any problems herself, so I can understand her parents need to distance themselves from her. A similar reaction has to be dealt with by many people who have children that have have done something serious (terrorist attack or school massacre). [Note: I am not comparing the act of LM with these, but the reaction to the parents tend to be driven by extreme emotions - which are the same as those that would occur in Thailand for relatives of people like Rose]. Until you have had to deal with that type of vitriol for something that you are not responsible for, you really are not in a position to judge.

Edited by bkkcanuck8
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Personally I feel sorry for someone that feels the need to fit in elsewhere by devaluing their own roots

Not quite sure why this topic has been revived but anyway....

Being able to see through and rise above the brainwashing inflicted on Thais from an early age is something to be commended, not pitied.

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Personally I feel sorry for someone that feels the need to fit in elsewhere by devaluing their own roots

Not quite sure why this topic has been revived but anyway....

Being able to see through and rise above the brainwashing inflicted on Thais from an early age is something to be commended, not pitied.

There is a difference between independent thought and just outright disrespectful behaviour. I am often disappointed when I expect civilized behaviour from supposedly civilized behaviour. Raising a picture of ANYONE and placing their foot on the picture to show disrespect just because you can (let alone someone that many Thais revere) is not what I would call civilized behaviour.... I just find it boorish behaviour. You might consider it something to be commended, but I do not.

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Personally I feel sorry for someone that feels the need to fit in elsewhere by devaluing their own roots

Not quite sure why this topic has been revived but anyway....

Being able to see through and rise above the brainwashing inflicted on Thais from an early age is something to be commended, not pitied.

There is a difference between independent thought and just outright disrespectful behaviour. I am often disappointed when I expect civilized behaviour from supposedly civilized behaviour. Raising a picture of ANYONE and placing their foot on the picture to show disrespect just because you can (let alone someone that many Thais revere) is not what I would call civilized behaviour.... I just find it boorish behaviour. You might consider it something to be commended, but I do not.

Since I assume your Canadian, at a bar last year in Vancouver BC the clientele were happily playing darts on a dartboard with a picture of (your monarch as well last time I looked) head on it.

Cart 'em all off to the gallows I say.

Thank God I come from a Republic none of this nonsense to deal with....although a Lese Presidente law might be a way to get 90% of Fox News carted off to the nearest Supermax LOL

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Personally I feel sorry for someone that feels the need to fit in elsewhere by devaluing their own roots

Not quite sure why this topic has been revived but anyway....

Being able to see through and rise above the brainwashing inflicted on Thais from an early age is something to be commended, not pitied.

There is a difference between independent thought and just outright disrespectful behaviour. I am often disappointed when I expect civilized behaviour from supposedly civilized behaviour. Raising a picture of ANYONE and placing their foot on the picture to show disrespect just because you can (let alone someone that many Thais revere) is not what I would call civilized behaviour.... I just find it boorish behaviour. You might consider it something to be commended, but I do not.

Since I assume your Canadian, at a bar last year in Vancouver BC the clientele were happily playing darts on a dartboard with a picture of (your monarch as well last time I looked) head on it.

Cart 'em all off to the gallows I say.

Thank God I come from a Republic none of this nonsense to deal with....although a Lese Presidente law might be a way to get 90% of Fox News carted off to the nearest Supermax LOL

Yes, I am Canadian and surprisingly I am a republican.... but it does not mean I don't respect the queen and I still consider that type of behaviour to be rather low class and boorish. It reflects poorly on those that partake in such behaviour.

Thank god we don't have King Obama - you think your not a monarchy but most of the US press has forgotten that. At least our political leader has to face the opposition weekly to defend himself rather than having a press gallery pretend he is the second coming of Jesus.

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