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Thai-born British citizen accused of lese majeste by her own parents


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If found guilty for disrespect, I hope she go to jail to the limit of the punishment. 5 years for every disrespect. That will be good for her. Thailand do not have such disrespectful people. We all love the king more than our parents. Don't believe me, just ask anything Thai you know.

thanks for the comment judge farang..you and her dad drinking buddies ..thumbsup.gif

Think you may have missed something important here, I am of the impression that this was written by a Thai not a Farang.

just going by the piccy looked like a farang to me i digress if im wrong..sorry .wai2.gif

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Her parents are getting attacked from people in Thailand, due to her actions. basically the parents are protecting themselves. we dont know what threats they have had against them but im pretty sure its ugly. some of these people can get fanatical. sad all round

You are right. Possibly no threats of any kind.

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Throwing their own daughter under a bus to save face is the lowest form of selfishness.

I understand what you mean, and that was my first reaction too - but then realizing that she is in her thirties, and is a UK citizen living over there and obviously has severed ties with her parents (they have not been in contact for some time), it has obviously got to the point where the daughter is taking actions overseas that are endangering her parents lives and lifestyle here in Thailand; she has refused to stop, so they have to take action.

If they say nothing, then it may be seen that they are complicit in flouting the law, and there may be a danger of their being arrested as well.

If the daughter has no consideration for her elderly parents, and despite their plea to stop, she continues, in some ways I can see that there is virtually no alternative, short of leaving the country themselves - which is obviously not going to be desirable, and probably totally impractical even if it were possible.

I hate to say it, but I can't defend the daughters actions, and I do understand the parents position.

Could I do such a thing myself? No.

I agree with you.

If the londoner girl had consideration for her parents, she could have done like Chitpas, the Singha Heiress that is fighting with the PDRC. She changed her surname and she publicly declined the heritage in order to protect the reputation and the name of the family.

We can like or dislike her cause, but that decision was very kind from her.


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Ok let's sum this up and put it to bed. A Thai born lady in her thirties but now a resident of the UK, has been stirring she shxxt on Facebook regarding the Tahi Royal Family.

Parents still in Thailand are being targeted by those fellow Thais who are incensed at this ladies comments. So parents report their daughter to the police in an attempt to bring charges, which basically says that the parents have had enough of the reaction they are getting from their daughters actions.

All very clear, but why couldn't they instead make it very clear to the public, that they totally disagreed with their daughters comments, and they could not be held responsible for such comments.

Taking the actions they have, is akin to cracking a peanut with a sledge hammer. But there again they may not be the brightest adverts for Thai parents and could think of no other way of defusing their situation.

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She's a British citizen residing in London.

She can say what she wishes.

Not according to Thai law. In fact under Thai law, insulting any Royal globally can be punished.

I'd like to see them try to extradite her. This nonsense wouldn't even get a preliminary hearing in ANY UK legal institution.

Good luck with that pal....

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"According to Mr. Surapong, Ms. Chatvadee has not been in contact with her parents for some time."

I'm not surprised, if I had parents like them I wouldn't like ever to see them.

Guess she has settled into a free life and stopped sending money back.

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Freedom when it is against the Thai Monarchy. If it is against UK or USA than there isn't that much freedom....see the Snowden situation where they threatened the newspapers

Have a look at some of the stuff that gets said about the British Monarchy, British Politicians etc....would never be allowed here.

Literally true. Because the Thai law also covers other monarchies around the world.

You do understand that Thai law can only be enforced "in" Thailand, no one else in the rest of the world gives a monkeys what the law is here and it can't and won't be enforced anywhere else in the world, and contrary to popular Thai belief, they are not the center of the universe either.

And do understand that if you are in downtown Bangkok and draw a moustache on a portrait of Queen Elizabeth, supposedly, you are violating the Thai law and subject to arrest and fine. I think it's Section 133. For those of us living, here, there are certain landmines best avoided in encountering during everyday life. I have no intention of testing the law.

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Hung drawn and quartered that’s the only way to treat these people and the head and giblets hung on the gates leading into Bangkok as a warning to others, and as for the parents they should get same as they do in North Korea for a treacherous general the whole family wiped out brothers sisters aunts uncles, so lucky we live in a forward thinking country like Thailand and in the 21st century not the medieval 12th century and the Witch Finder General to avoid at all costs.

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Looked at her facebook page (easily found) shes an activist which can be understood in some circumstances, but I feel like many things in Thailand nothing will change in a hurry. The rich will always be there taking what ever advantage of the poor they can.Same the world over.

Any beach shots ?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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When children turn agenised their parents’, and parents’ turn agenised their children, is a sure sign that the end of times are near.

Indeed little red books and red bandanna's spring to mind.

The quote is from Revelations, the last chapter of the Christian Bible.

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If found guilty for disrespect, I hope she go to jail to the limit of the punishment. 5 years for every disrespect. That will be good for her. Thailand do not have such disrespectful people. We all love the king more than our parents. Don't believe me, just ask anything Thai you know.

Ha ha ha ha FUNNY but................you have NO choice!

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Oh my god. What an unholy mess that is. She will never come back to Thailand now.

These laws have to be changed.

I might "like" this, but theoretically that could make me liable for 15 years plus offences under the computer crimes laws. Might the justice system seem a bit wonky to outsiders? I can't comment on that, as that might be an offense too!

Long live the present system, no change required, perfect laws, in a perfect country. Chaiyo!

As for my well educated half-Thai kids, they will be outta here if I have anything to do with it!

I guess I'm not the only one not allowed to say anything....

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Literally true. Because the Thai law also covers other monarchies around the world.

Does it? Have you got a link to a source for that? The aspects I have read of the Constitution and Article 112 pertain to Thailand, and use 'the' - a definite article which can logically only pertain to the Thai Monarchy, and members of it.

Perhaps there's another aspect I am unaware of, it's been mentioned by you and another poster so I'm interested in seeing the specific law that includes other Royal Families.

Turns out you are correct:

"Section 133 Whoever, defaming, insulting or threatening the Sovereign, Queen, Consort, Heir-apparent or Head of Foreign State, shall be imprisoned as from one year to seven years or fined as from two thousand to fourteen thousand Baht, or both."

That's my new thing learnt today smile.png

Full Criminal Code of Thailand (up to 2003 anyway) is here - quite a read! - http://www.thailandlawonline.com/laws-in-thailand/thailand-criminal-law-text-translation

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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Literally true. Because the Thai law also covers other monarchies around the world.

You do understand that Thai law can only be enforced "in" Thailand, no one else in the rest of the world gives a monkeys what the law is here and it can't and won't be enforced anywhere else in the world, and contrary to popular Thai belief, they are not the center of the universe either.

And do understand that if you are in downtown Bangkok and draw a moustache on a portrait of Queen Elizabeth, supposedly, you are violating the Thai law and subject to arrest and fine. I think it's Section 133. For those of us living, here, there are certain landmines best avoided in encountering during everyday life. I have no intention of testing the law.

Ah, I understand what you mean now by "covers other monarchies" . . . yes . . . there are indeed a number of landmines . . . if you're in Thailand.

Interestingly, Section 118 protects the Thai flag from desecration, and Section 135 protects the flags of friendly foreign states . . . so whilst the US Supreme Court has permitted the burning of the American flag in the United States, doing the same here in Thailand could result in arrest lol

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Well her FB is in Thai, so I can't read it.

Not very bright of her to post any disrespect or strong dislike of the royal family on her FB.

Maybe she does not agree with it (monarchy), but why post about it?

I don't use FB, but if I did, I would not post negative comments about royals or movie stars or famous singers that I happen to dislike.

To me that (i.e. posting negative comments about a movie star etc you dislike) is like posting a picture of a street stall kaow pad meal....totally unnecessary.

I think the parents just saw no other option than to press these charges, from pressure and threats from other people that are angered by their daughter's comments.

I guess telling those other people that you condone nor agree with your daughter's comments is not enough.

Says something about those other people as well.

I could comment further on this topic but I will abstain.

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Looked at her facebook page (easily found) shes an activist which can be understood in some circumstances, but I feel like many things in Thailand nothing will change in a hurry. The rich will always be there taking what ever advantage of the poor they can.Same the world over.

Any beach shots ?

nope coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif

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Looked at her facebook page (easily found) shes an activist which can be understood in some circumstances, but I feel like many things in Thailand nothing will change in a hurry. The rich will always be there taking what ever advantage of the poor they can.Same the world over.

Any beach shots ?

nope coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif

Lots of food shots though and cute kitten pics . . .

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Looked at her facebook page (easily found) shes an activist which can be understood in some circumstances, but I feel like many things in Thailand nothing will change in a hurry. The rich will always be there taking what ever advantage of the poor they can.Same the world over.

Any beach shots ?

nope coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif

Lots of food shots though and cute kitten pics . . .

yeah your typical egomasturbating cry for attention "look-at-me" crap one can expect on farcebook.....

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Ok let's sum this up and put it to bed. A Thai born lady in her thirties but now a resident of the UK, has been stirring she shxxt on Facebook regarding the Tahi Royal Family.

Parents still in Thailand are being targeted by those fellow Thais who are incensed at this ladies comments. So parents report their daughter to the police in an attempt to bring charges, which basically says that the parents have had enough of the reaction they are getting from their daughters actions.

All very clear, but why couldn't they instead make it very clear to the public, that they totally disagreed with their daughters comments, and they could not be held responsible for such comments.

Taking the actions they have, is akin to cracking a peanut with a sledge hammer. But there again they may not be the brightest adverts for Thai parents and could think of no other way of defusing their situation.

I'm not 100% sure so I stand to be corrected, but I believe if you are a Thai citizen (in Thailand) and know for sure that someone is or has committed Le Majeste, then you have a responsibility to report them otherwise you are complicit.

That's what makes this law so frighteningly powerful.....how does one prove they did not say something derogatory?

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When her parents die, she won't be able to do anything about their funeral now, even if she wanted to. With her parents now trying to get her in prison for what may add up to multpile life sentences, I doubt now she even cares a toss about her parents. Perhaps if these parents had been more loving to their daughter, this would never have happened.

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She's a British citizen residing in London.

She can say what she wishes.

Not according to Thai law. In fact under Thai law, insulting any Royal globally can be punished.

But Thai in-justice has no jurisdiction outside Thailand, so i bet now she will multiply her attacks against Thai institutions.

Of course she has preclude the chance to go back to Thailand, even for a short visit,but I think she knows what she is doing.

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