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USA SSDI Obtaining Papers


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I need to get my latest Benefits Planning Query (BPQY) that states the dates of my last review and the next one. This form then goes to DepEd to discharge student loans. Cool!

Problem is, all info on SSA and SSDI sites, even the forums, say to the effect, "You must go to the office that gave you your benefits and make the request in person


WTFudge? Not only am I in Thailand where there is no SSA or SSDI representation, but I would have to go to Seattle if I lived in Florida? COME ON!!

Over the last 3 weeks, each Monday, I sent an email to SSA services Asia located in Manila asking for assistance. Any other time for any other request I get emailed back within 48 hours. Now? Nothing.

Any ideas here what to do? The official PDF from govt on how to obtain BPQY does not even offer an email or phone number, clearly stating go to the office that gave you the benefits.

(haha... comments about "you're screwed" need not be posted, but may be true :-D )


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You could contact American Citizens Services section of either the Embassy or the Chiang Mai consulate to ask them for assistance to get thru to Manila, also. Explain you're having difficulty in receiving an answer to your question from Manila. It's a perfectly reasonable question. You may wish to copy them with the emails you've sent to Manila and ask them to call Manila on your behalf if it's difficult for you to call Manila.

And yes, anyone on SSDI can live anywhere they want. What they give up, though, is access to medical benefits they would have received under the program if they had continued to live in the U.S.

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