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What does it take to make a person react to aggressive and rude behaviour


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Go ahead and ram them or pop them in the schnozz if it would make you feel better.

Thanks for a succinct, well balanced and thoughtful reply.

Now read the thread title again and this time answer the question asked!

Edited by n210mp
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"What does it take to make a person react to aggressive and rude behaviour" ... well, for me, it takes "aggressive and rude behaviour" ... something which, for me, is missing from your OP.

Sounds like a bit of argy bargy to me.

Oh ... you can speak Thai fluently? ... "Hearing Thai speak disrespectfully about me" .. so that would take some considerable time in the country ... and you are just now (or still) complaining ... facepalm.gif

'Thai population that it is OK to disrespect a Farang in these ways' ... sounds a bit of good ole' "White supremacist" to me.

May I ask, how long have you lived here?

Are you from the UK? (queuing mentality)

That will just about do it for my questions.


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Go ahead and ram them or pop them in the schnozz if it would make you feel better.

Thanks for a succinct, well balanced and thoughtful reply.

Now read the thread title again and this time answer the question asked!

Not a question without a question mark.

Btw, I understand the pushing in bit. KFC for sure especially when they open a new queue. Lifts drive me crazy. Doors open and it's on, people pushing in while others try and push their way out.

Just ignore and it makes it easier on yourself.

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Lifts drive me crazy. Doors open and it's on, people pushing in while others try and push their way out.

Just ignore and it makes it easier on yourself.

I know ignore, but it's a bit annoying when you have to back to the floor you just came down from, and again and again, because you can't exit the lift.

It's not the same as a free ride on the roller coaster.

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I have learnt a new technique for tailgaters while driving...if anyone interest to know this new and very successful technique, just ask.

Please tell me

ok ok....I turn my rear vision mirrors up now.

Much easier to drive now, 50% less idiots about.

Sooo YOU'RE the guy in the right lane! Ha ha, good one.

I'm really not one of these Zen guys in Thailand, but after years in the sandbox, meh, I just move over and let them pass. On the flip side, where I'm at, very often get behind Farmer John in his 1974 Mitsu pickup doing 40 with a 20 car line up behind him on a two lane country road. emo11.gif

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Haha this is the guy from the other thread that was crying because a kid pushed ahead. Well, the best solution is to just leave Thailand. You obviously can't handle it when the rules change in the country you're visiting. And you can't force your personal democracy on a country you don't belong. So go home where you feel just.

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Haha this is the guy from the other thread that was crying because a kid pushed ahead. Well, the best solution is to just leave Thailand. You obviously can't handle it when the rules change in the country you're visiting. And you can't force your personal democracy on a country you don't belong. So go home where you feel just.

Your Thai then..?

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You are at the wrong place - MOVE

At least he is in the right forum. There are 18 Thai negative topics out of 22 on the first page right now.

Without having checked if it is true, what is stopping you to.....

7 out of 22, i counted. Personal interpretation. Better than watching BBC news...or in your case...CNN or Fox.

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"Sometimes the consequences of a reaction are what are needed to further the education of this occasionally backward Country. "

And a rapid means of entering a Thai jail !

What a silly comment !

Another weak liver!

Didn't you read my OP where I distinctly said I didn't want Thai apologist answering my genuine post?

I have included a question mark for those unable to distinguish between rhetorical and direct questions,

For your information "the pool" ( what a name! Where do they get them from+++++Not a question, there is no question mark there!)

For your information There are myriad ways of entering a Thai jail and most of them apparently when innocent of any charges,

especially if the means to shall we say pay off the right people are there so dont lecture me about your lack of balls in a situation where as a Man you should not turn the other cheek or are you Christian?

The point that I am trying to get an answer to is what does it take for those who are content to let all kinds of abuses and offences against them actually say enough is enough bite the bullet and not necessarily in a manner that would get them into any jail!

I would like to hear something like;

"Sometimes a man just has to do the right thing and bugger the consequences"

I live in hope.

Edited by n210mp
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"What does it take to make a person react to aggressive and rude behaviour" ... well, for me, it takes "aggressive and rude behaviour" ... something which, for me, is missing from your OP.

Sounds like a bit of argy bargy to me.

Oh ... you can speak Thai fluently? ... "Hearing Thai speak disrespectfully about me" .. so that would take some considerable time in the country ... and you are just now (or still) complaining ... facepalm.gif

'Thai population that it is OK to disrespect a Farang in these ways' ... sounds a bit of good ole' "White supremacist" to me.

May I ask, how long have you lived here?

Are you from the UK? (queuing mentality)

That will just about do it for my questions.


In all fairness to your reply I claim the filth amendment and can say without shame or solace that the best form of attack or defence is to ask a question and a better form of attack is to ask more than one question.

In any event your questions are unrelated, irrelevant and the product of a bored and blase mindset.

Needless to say I respect and admire you and your post count but it does sort of confirm my thoughts that you would be better employed stimulating another poster to do intellectual battle with as I am just too old in the tooth and short of patience to join in your fun

Oh and "Cheers"

PS Its all said and one in the best possible taste!

Edited by n210mp
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If you dont like the situation or circumstance you find yourself in, remove yourself from it.

Dont go away mad, just go away, easy !

Now what in heavens name give you the idea that I dont like the situation I find myself in?

If of course and there is a possibility that you were not addressing my OP then I withdraw this post unequivocally!

I just need to understand a fundamental, thus my question in the OP?

Maybe you could give me a personal reply, no not a PM just the way that you personally feel in the way that you would react or indeed feel given the numerous circumstance I outlined in my OP ?

You do give me a clue in that your reply included "Just go away easy"

Maybe you could elaborate on what is easy or is "easy" a way of turning the other cheek or could it be that you would allow yourself to be "Bullied"

I realise that the word "Bullied" in this post may well inspire those who are in fact bullied in Thai society to now be stimulated in to write so much more nonsense about the need for a low profile and the avoidance of the spotlight, you know, to avoid the BIB or offending some one.

It occurs to me that those who advocate people like me not liking it here to go elsewhere are not the best advisers and possibly part of the root cause of Farangs getting the worst out of Thai mainstream society.

Maybe it is time for the Farang population to "Come out" and admit their manliness.

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