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Thai election possible in late July, EC says


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Election possible in late July, EC says
The Nation

Pheu Thai wants poll to be held in June; EC to have talks with govt next week

BANGKOK: -- The Election Commission (EC) has set a date for a new poll in late July and guaranteed that the ballot would go smoothly, despite doubt on whether another ballot can be staged soon if rival parties fail to reach a compromise.

The EC had put measures in place to ensure that candidates to be MPs can register in every seat in a new poll, commissioner Somchai Srisutthiyakorn said yesterday.

The Constitutional Court ruled that the February 2 election was invalid because the election could not be held on the same day across the country. This occurred after anti-government protesters blocked candidate registration in many constituencies in the south.

The caretaker government led by Yingluck Shinawatra wanted to push ahead with a snap election while protesters led by veteran politician Suthep Thausuban wanted her to step down while a non-elected government undertakes reforms.

Suthep is mobilising supporters for rallies late this month, when he expects the Constitutional Court will disqualify Yingluck from office over an illegal transfer of a senior official, thus causing a 'political vacuum' that would open the way to an independent administration to undertake reforms.

But the pro-government United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD or red shirts) has said it will stage a mass rally the day before the Constitutional Court delivers its verdict on whether Yingluck will be told to stand down as prime minister over the transfer of Thawil Pliensri, the former National Security Council (NSC) chief.

Rivals urged to hold discussions

Despite that, Somchai said the EC was equipped with legal measures to prevent a repeat of the problems that rendered the February 2 poll unconstitutional.

However, he has urged the government and anti-government People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) to hold talks to resolve differences so a new poll does not face a repeat of protests and disruption by rival camps.

Somchai said the EC would next meet with the government on April 30 to discuss issuing a Royal decree for a new election and submitting it for Royal endorsement, a process that may take about 20 days. If this goes according to plan, the new election could be held on July 20, which was the earliest date possible, he said.

Election Commission chairman Supachai Somcharoen expressed confidence that there would be a way out to the differences between Pheu Thai Party, which wants the poll to be held on June 15, and the anti-government group, which wants national reforms implemented before a new election is held.

Supachai did not think that rival camps would plunge the country into civil strife.

Democrat Party deputy leader Ongard Klampaiboon said the threat of anti-government protests was a bad sign for the new election.

He suggested that the EC talk to PDRC chief Suthep into halting their plan to oppose a new election.

"If the EC fails to get all sectors to accept the new election, it is likely the new poll may be nullified again regardless of whether the Democrats take part or not,'' he said.

Pheu Thai spokesman Prompong Nopparit said the EC must tell the public why it wants to postpone the election till July if most parties want it held in June.

Prompong called on Somchai to review his role and step down for failing to carry out his duties as Election Commissioner in a neutral manner.

-- The Nation 2014-04-21

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They should have checked with Suthep first as he is going to be pissed.

When someone comes along and offers to unblock the sewer for you are grateful, but that does not necessary mean that you want him to join the family for dinner. smile.png

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so lets look at some basic facts

Yingluck wants it all her way

Suthep Wants it his way

so no matter which way you go it is biased to one party or another

So logic says we need a no political party to run the country (like a real caretaker would do)

make is so neither party has any more power than the other (called reform)

and then for the first time, a democratic election, to bring in a democratic Government

In a fair election (again something new to Thailand)

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The EC is making noises but I think they are expecting a judicial coup before July so they can avoid their duties.

do you know the rules of the ec doubt it so you havnt got a clue that whether they are avoiding their duties do you...course you dont..coffee1.gif

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The EC has now wasted ample time to set up simple election reforms, and has failed to do so, which tells me that they are not really interested in democratic 'free and fair' elections which is the reason the commission was set up in the first place... The elections are no more 'free and fair' than they were before they came into existence.


You make a good point. The EC hasn't made public any reforms. Can they institute anything substantial that would affect things? Do they have plans and reforms that will be publicized when the polling date is selected. We have had a few hints and statements, however they seem to be more concerned with security and access - allowing candidates to register via Internet/mail. Allowing army posts to be used as polling stations. It would be good to see a discussion of obstacles to free and fair elections and the EC response, including a response that they cannot do anything about that issue because it is not in their power to do so.

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Unfortunately for Thailand the last thing the democrats want is an election,

They know there is no way they can win so hence we have the self proclaimed peoples medium holding the country to ransom propped up by a group of rich elitist people who's our way or the highway attitude will never win out in the end!

You are obviously unable to see the route ahead.

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Democrat Party deputy leader Ongard Klampaiboon said the threat of anti-government protests was a bad sign for the new election.

He suggested that the EC talk to PDRC chief Suthep into halting their plan to oppose a new election.

"If the EC fails to get all sectors to accept the new election, it is likely the new poll may be nullified again regardless of whether the Democrats take part or not,'' he said.

But he doesn't suggest that the EC should talk to the Democrats about NOT abrogating their responsibilities and boycotting it again?

The touchpaper was already tinder dry before the February election, The Democrats demurred and the touchpaper was lit. The Democrat boycott ENABLED the PDRC to crash the whole election party. Looks like Abhisit and Suthep are getting divorced (again).

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so lets look at some basic facts

Yingluck wants it all her way

Suthep Wants it his way

so no matter which way you go it is biased to one party or another

So logic says we need a no political party to run the country (like a real caretaker would do)

make is so neither party has any more power than the other (called reform)

and then for the first time, a democratic election, to bring in a democratic Government

In a fair election (again something new to Thailand)

Yawn, here we go again, that word reform!!!

What reform, and who in Thai society could carry it out??? Reform what? The political system? Yeah right because the dems/PTP want that!, the police? Yeah good luck trying that, the army? yeah you try first!!

Go on give us some details of the reform and who by?

I am not saying they are not much needed, but in Thai society it is simply impossible at this juncture to have much if any meaningful reform. To many financial implications for to many people on all political sides, the army, police, judiciary etc.

The main areas that need to be reformed are simply un-reform-able in Thailand.

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congratulations Suphet at least whatever you've stopped for time being return with amnesty of IMO the most dangerous man for Thai democracy and for country returning.

really well done putting a brake for time being on this vile totally corrupt regime and whatever happens even if they win again maybe they will be a bit more thoughtful before just blatantly doing whatever and robbing way in open blind the countries wealth

clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif to Suphet

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Pheu Thai hopes for an election, but why ? Well, Pheu Thai actually hopes for much, much more than just an election. They want the following -

- no reforms before the election

- a national election

- the participation of the Democratic party

- a presumed quorum and a presumed majority administration

- another Thaksin relative as prime minister

- everything exactly as it was before, with no reform, a renewed push for the amnesty bill, after the independent agencies have been " revamped ", and the threatened impeachment of six Constitutional Court judges by Pheu Thai is followed through, followed by new judges.

- after the passing of the amnesty bill, Thaksin returns.

This is the Pheu Thai wish list. And as we can see, it involves much, much more than just an election. But seriously, what are the chances of everything going Pheu Thai's way, and everyone participating with Pheu Thai's dream ? Let's just say - for the sake of argument - that an election is held without reforms, that the Democratic party decides to contest the election with nothing but a promise of reform, and that there is no blockage of the vote. Those are pretty substantial assumptions. Does anyone seriously think that there will not be a massive push to register a " no " vote in Bangkok and in the South ? It is impossible to imagine that that would not be the intent of the PDRC, whether the Democratic party is formally on board or not. Though it is equally hard to imagine a definitive split between the sentiments of the Democratic party and the PDRC. If there is, it hasn't been much in evidence. Such a vote would render local candidates un-electable. There is no way that a 95 % quorum could be achieved under any conceivable circumstances - or anywhere near it, for that matter.

This essentially means that dialogue and compromise are inevitable, whatever the outcome of the Constitutional Court's ruling. But make no mistake, the tipping point of this will be that ruling, and whether Thaksin, Phue Thai and the UDD accept it or not. One thing we can be absolutely sure of, the Democratic party will accept the ruling of the Constitutional Court - unreservedly and unequivocally. And their subsequent decisions will be aligned to the judgement of the court.

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Unfortunately for Thailand the last thing the democrats want is an election,

They know there is no way they can win so hence we have the self proclaimed peoples medium holding the country to ransom propped up by a group of rich elitist people who's our way or the highway attitude will never win out in the end!

You say this all the time but how do you KNOW if you all speaking the truth?

Do you have a direct connection to the top layer of the Democrat partyor are you spouting your usual rubbish once again?

I am sure that you can drag up many "quotes" syaing the Democrats won't go to the polls in the same way that I and many others can say they will.

Do you not understand that 20% of the people on this forum really don't care what you think.

Of the other 80% that read the fourm it is split about 50/50 of Red Shirt supporters and the other 50% are against them.

At the end of the day no matter how many billions of threads are written here the Thai people will take absolutely no notice of what anybody says and they will do whatever THEY want to do and ignore Thai Visa and all the farangs in the country.

Edited by billd766
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First off....

The PTP have no more say in when the election is held. They are just a political party with a bunch of their ministers in caretaker roles which is soon to be removed anyway.

The EC are the ones with the power to say when they are to be held and yet once again the PTP think they have the power to push them around.... Nothing has changed.

The Dems are totally right.

Whether they take part or not, this could end up a disaster much like the Feb 2nd election... In fact, a precedent has now been set, and it will be in fact easier for this election to become nullified.

The PDRC or whoever will not even have to block anything... They can simply urge a massive 'no vote' campaign in all the non PTP stronghold constituencies which is over 200 of the 500 seats. That will ensure the election can not be completed.

The EC has now wasted ample time to set up simple election reforms, and has failed to do so, which tells me that they are not really interested in democratic 'free and fair' elections which is the reason the commission was set up in the first place... The elections are no more 'free and fair' than they were before they came into existence.

So we can expect the Dems will not be running in these elections either, and why should they when they are blocked from campaigning where the bulk of the voters reside, and instead those people are intimidated to vote PTP.

Here goes another waste of 4 Bn.

I really hope they do get messed up.... That will take us way past September for another round of elections and by then the next rice crop will be in and all the rice farming families are going to see the real damage the PTP and Thaksin has made of their industry. They will realize what voting by greed has done to their livelihoods.

Democrat Party deputy leader Ongard Klampaiboon said the threat of anti-government protests was a bad sign for the new election.

Makes no difference if the Democrats participate or not. that statement shows that they disagree with Suthep on this issue. They are still a party with there own mind.

One couold safely say that if there is no reform and they take part they would be putting there stamp of approval on the present system. To not take part would be the strongest means of conveying the message to the public that they want no part of the corruption.

Has the PTP got the guts to make that statement with their actions not just their lying mouths. Will Thaksin allow them to do it?cheesy.gif

Why are the PTP so against the reform of elections before they are held?

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ot ioi

The EC is making noises but I think they are expecting a judicial coup before July so they can avoid their duties.


Can you explain what you mean by a "judicial coup" in this case?

There is no such thing as a "judicial coup" it is a term made up by people who know they are supporting illegal causes and are trying to resist the law. The law if broken can and hopefully will lead to impeachment.wai.gif

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Unfortunately for Thailand the last thing the democrats want is an election,

They know there is no way they can win so hence we have the self proclaimed peoples medium holding the country to ransom propped up by a group of rich elitist people who's our way or the highway attitude will never win out in the end!

You are completely misguided if you think next time round it will be a victory for WHO ????/ you have no idea what parties will be left to stand.

No people will be holding the country to ransom after the courts have banned most of your loved ones and bleach is poured over the remainder. I will say PTP and the Shins will not govern next time.

If I am wrong I will behead myself in August.cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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ot ioi

The EC is making noises but I think they are expecting a judicial coup before July so they can avoid their duties.


Can you explain what you mean by a "judicial coup" in this case?

There is no such thing as a "judicial coup" it is a term made up by people who know they are supporting illegal causes and are trying to resist the law. The law if broken can and hopefully will lead to impeachment.wai.gif

just to make it moere clear: the government / ptp side are facing being removed by the courts (if the courts do their duty) for having done unlawful action. But they want to delude about their being criminal and instead blame the courts for planning illegal actions. That's why this nonscence "i. c" has been invented by them. Just an evil PR trick

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First off....

The PTP have no more say in when the election is held. They are just a political party with a bunch of their ministers in caretaker roles which is soon to be removed anyway.

The EC are the ones with the power to say when they are to be held and yet once again the PTP think they have the power to push them around.... Nothing has changed.

The Dems are totally right.

Whether they take part or not, this could end up a disaster much like the Feb 2nd election... In fact, a precedent has now been set, and it will be in fact easier for this election to become nullified.

The PDRC or whoever will not even have to block anything... They can simply urge a massive 'no vote' campaign in all the non PTP stronghold constituencies which is over 200 of the 500 seats. That will ensure the election can not be completed.

The EC has now wasted ample time to set up simple election reforms, and has failed to do so, which tells me that they are not really interested in democratic 'free and fair' elections which is the reason the commission was set up in the first place... The elections are no more 'free and fair' than they were before they came into existence.

So we can expect the Dems will not be running in these elections either, and why should they when they are blocked from campaigning where the bulk of the voters reside, and instead those people are intimidated to vote PTP.

Here goes another waste of 4 Bn.

I really hope they do get messed up.... That will take us way past September for another round of elections and by then the next rice crop will be in and all the rice farming families are going to see the real damage the PTP and Thaksin has made of their industry. They will realize what voting by greed has done to their livelihoods.

A no vote doesn't help at all. The "no" votes are only a problem if there is just 1 single candidate. See Nakhon Si Thammart, where the PTP and a second PTP sponsored person tried to get elected.

PTP got 18 votes and got elected. The other go zero votes (didn't even vote for himself). Sure there were tons of "no votes" but who cares?

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I have no idea what some you guys are on about,

So if you are not for fair and free elections and it seems that way because every time I mention election you guys go off your rockers!

Sutep is the one who proclaimed himself the people medium wants to select who he wants to run the country etc etc.

It's not hard just set a date in July and get on with it.

Why are you so worried?If the dems win they win if the PTP win they win.!

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Unfortunately for Thailand the last thing the democrats want is an election,

They know there is no way they can win so hence we have the self proclaimed peoples medium holding the country to ransom propped up by a group of rich elitist people who's our way or the highway attitude will never win out in the end!

You are obviously unable to see the route ahead.

Can you? If so, please enlighten us.

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I have no idea what some you guys are on about,

So if you are not for fair and free elections and it seems that way because every time I mention election you guys go off your rockers!

Sutep is the one who proclaimed himself the people medium wants to select who he wants to run the country etc etc.

It's not hard just set a date in July and get on with it.

Why are you so worried?If the dems win they win if the PTP win they win.!

Wow, you are having a better day, choosing the middle ground now---that's a good sign.

I have said all along, have elections when they are totally controlled/monitored, NOT like Yinglucks FEB one. Late July would be brilliant, most of the deadwood out of the way--fresh faces to vote for, all the rif raf blown away --banned. (whoever).

I do think much of Sutheps words were not to be taken too seriously, he will NOT be in the next government, because posters like me would object as he promised not to be involved. His job was to bring to light only the corruption and rid Thailand of this family who illegally run the country from UAE.

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Unfortunately for Thailand the last thing the democrats want is an election,

They know there is no way they can win so hence we have the self proclaimed peoples medium holding the country to ransom propped up by a group of rich elitist people who's our way or the highway attitude will never win out in the end!

You are obviously unable to see the route ahead.

Can you? If so, please enlighten us.

#28 ???

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